Emergency room health care is available for everyone. But beyond that, good luck, buddy.

A homeless man is accused of robbing a bank outside Portland, then waiting for police to arrest him.

The Oregonian reported 50-year-old Timothy Alsip walked in to a Bank of America near Clackamas with a note reading “This is a hold up. Give me a dollar.” Clackamas County Sheriff’s deputy Mark Nikolai said Alsip was waiting in the bank’s lobby when deputies arrived.

Authorities said Alsip was trying to get arrested because he needed medical attention.

  1. Mextli says:

    Soup kitchens are available for everyone. But beyond that, good luck, buddy.

    Homeless shelters are available for everyone. But beyond that, good luck, buddy.

    Minimum wage is available for everyone. But beyond that, good luck, buddy.

    The question is how far do we go? How many “social ills” need to be corrected with Federal dollars?

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      The whole point of socialized medicine/Universal Coverage/Single Payer etc is that EVERYONE does get coverage, for profit waste is squeezed out of the system, and the whol shebang costs significantly less raising the question:

      What is healthcare for?

      1. For the 1% to get rich off of, or
      2. For people to be as healthy as possible?

      USA has proven Option 1 cannot be afforded. Seems the greed of the RICH is boundless just as are the healthneeds of the population. As always…..

      Choices need to be made.

    • ECA says:

      Dear Mex.
      AT THIS time, can you think of how many people in the USA dont have jobs, in TOTAL.
      Consider that UNDER 100 million jobs are out there.
      Consider that over 60% of those jobs are UNDER $10-11 per hour. AND MOSt are hired as part timers..

      As a Part timer and employer pays nothing for medical..After 32 hours the employee becomes full time, After 3 months of working OVER 32 hours per week.

      At this time, 1 person PAYS to house/feed/… 3 people. 1 person works and takes care of others.(and people complain about Mexicans and 3 families in 1 house)(how else can you make ends meet and GET AHEAD?)

      do you want to do some math for a person making $12 per hour full time, and feeding a wife and 1 kid(at LEAST)
      $12 per hour full time is about $480 per week.
      About $1900 per month..- taxes $1300..
      HOUSE -$800( leaves $500)
      Food at about $300(leaves $200)
      BILLS about $300(leave about -$100)

      NO CABLE, NO NET, NO entertainment, NO FUEL for car, NO INSURANCE for car…

      then he will have to wait to end of year for a NICE Tax return. and hope he can Pay off his Credit cards with the rest of his BILLS.

  2. bobbo, when Society is Unjust, you will find the rigghteous man in jail says:

    I’ve been actively considering “going to jail” recently. I rent a bedroom to a lodger who refuses to leave. In Ca we have Penal Code 602.3 that says a bedroom lodger who refuses to leave after proper notice is given is a TRESPASSER and subject to arrest. My local cops won’t do it though requiring a standard landlord/tenant civil eviction process. I don’t mind the time and money of such procedure, what I do mind is that during the pendency of such action, my lodger can steal me blind and have her nefarious drug dealing friends come over to “take care of me” in retaliation for evicting her.

    Given the law is clear, I’m thinking the way to get a change to local enforcement of the law is to get arrested and let the system see what it is doing? My drawback–leaving the house free for my druggy lodger to do as she would. Too much rigermaroll to put all my valuables into storage before trying this prank.

    Usually–the problem is the law itself==allowing or outlawing some virtuous goal. Here, the law is just as it should be but the cops won’t enforce it under some misapplied notion of “Tenants Rights”==but this is my HOME where I should have more rights as opposed to a unit removed from my own living space–just as the law says.

    But Hey==what you gonna do? I do love the “One Dollar” move by this guy. Course–the “healthcare” in prison is very hit or miss depending on who is on staff and what the funding is. Most such units being not more than an ambulance station to get prisoners to the local ER. ie==NO healthcare for chronic conditions, just intervention at the last moment plus 3 seconds to avoid death. That is what the ER provides….. if you are lucky.

    • Tim says:

      Put your personal hygene products into a plastic ziplock.

      Get an ootheca, and let it hatch out. Get some pet maggots and let them roam at will. Get a guinne pig that likes to bite toes and wear some slippers. Get some fruit flies and let them breed to feed the newly hatched mantids. Eat beans, buy cheap beer, invite your ‘guest’ to have a sitdown on the part of the couch that is protected with newspaper and watch a bad movie — offer them some cheeze dip that is garnished with what looks like dancing rice (all the fly’s kids look like dancing rice; Not hatin’, just sayin’). When they leave, call MerryMaids.

      • bobbo, we think with words but rarely pick up the Dictionary says:

        Timmy—you haven’t been paying attention. Just add a dictionary next to the open case of warm beer and you have the status quo of my life for the past few years. The Lodger has no base line from which degradation can be formulated.

        Say…. speaking of worthless maggots==what was/is it about Raun Paul (either one?) that cured your apathy? You like complete political incompetence when tied to a fantasy philosophy that even with great imagination cannot be seen as actually working?

        The Libertarian “vision” of Rand Paul is complete fiction. Better to vote for any politician promising a BJ from a blow rabbit. ((Blow Rabbit–any hare that has had its front teeth ballpeened from its head like a gruesom episode on “Oz”)). At least the former “could” happen.

    • The Mick says:

      Free advice: Jewish Lightning…works every time.

    • NewformatSux says:

      You should provide amnesty, and let her stay. It is inappropriate for law enforcement to enforce the law and evict her. It is just discretionary law enforcement. I hope you are providing her health care.

      • Tim says:

        If by *providing her health care* you mean ‘throwing her the bone’ then I think the newness probably wore off and she’s just kind of nasty, smelly, officious and buerocratic lib-tard social worker material — hard to get around because she’s probably also grossly overweight.

        Ain’t karma a bitch??

    • NewformatSux says:

      >some misapplied notion of “Tenants Rights”==but this is my HOME where I should have more rights

      translation: I got mine and to hell with everyone else.

    • NewformatSux says:

      Your reference to drug dealing friends is unfair discrimination and can subject you to civil and criminal violations under the Fair Housing Act.

    • jpfitz says:

      No No No, getting arrested will only acerbate your problems. Sucks to be a landlord sometimes, we had a lunatic living downstairs and got them out eventually. Do the right thing and go to the courts to evict. Sorry your living with this problem.

  3. sargasso_c says:

    What a sad little country.

  4. Ah_Yea says:

    A good reminder of how to fix our healthcare system.

    Simple, effective. Don’t expect the obamabots to understand.

    • Hyph3n says:

      Roll it out, baby! The Repubs had how many years to fix the problems when they had control of the House, Senate and Presidency? If they think this is the fix, take the shoot instead of whining. But you and I know the public will eat you alive.

      When Bush tried to “fix” Social Security by suggesting that public retirement money be given to Wall Street… I can’t remember, how did that go?

  5. jpfitz says:

    Poor guy, I feel badly for him. He’s not alone though another poor soul tried the same tactic.


  6. msbpodcast says:

    I read the comments on the way down and none of them were about health-care and none of them were anything but self-serving harangues on only one side of a political debate.

    US citizens are the most ignorant, selfish people. They are also insufferable self-righteous pricks. (Now that the fascist republic no longer has any use for me, I no longer have any use for it either.)

    You all seem to feel that health care is fine as long as you don’t have to pay for it.

    Guess what you do, one way or another.

    When a paper cut terrifies you because of the risk of infection, you’ll know what the real price of your inaction was. (Modern medicine is less than 50 years old.)

    So adjust that blindfold, suck on that last Marlboro and get ready to drive off the curve, assholes.

    • Winston Smith says:

      Here’s the problem. For-Profit Healthcare is immoral. How much will you pay to get well? Answer: Anything, everything. And that is exactly what US Health Industrial Complex will charge you.

      Obamacare did nothing about “For-Profit Healthcare”. And now taxpayers will have to pay for 40 Million people who can’t pay for themselves because the US HC system is UNaffordable.

      • Mextli says:

        “For-Profit Healthcare is immoral.”

        Where does this crap come from? You are entitled to ONE thing in life; to live until you die.

        • Winston Smith says:

          Your Capitalist Lobotomy has worked perfectly. Now go chant “Greed is Good.”

    • jpfitz says:

      Where do you get the idea that no one here pays for health care? I hear your anger at the selfish but not all here are single minded.

  7. Hyph3n says:

    My retired father tells me stories of people who after being diagnosed with cancer commit suicide rather than leaving their families with an ungodly debt.

    For all these countries with “failed” public healthcare system, I’ve yet to meet one actual citizen who would trade their system for ours. Yes, the rich occasionally go elsewhere for their healthcare and yes there are occasionally waits… but look around. How is that different then this country right now?

  8. aaron says:

    سمَـَّوُوُحخ ̷̴̐خ ̷̴̐خ ̷̴̐خ امارتيخ ̷̴̐خ
    just needed to see if this works

  9. NewformatSux says:

    Doesn’t he realize that ObamaCare has passed and would solve all his problems?

  10. Winston Smith says:

    Sorry gotta go spend all the taxpayer’s money bombing Syria — To Keep You All Safe.

    No money for health care this decade. Try me again in 2020 (assuming the American Empire lasts that long).

  11. Viola Golden says:

    Preforeclosure properties are ideal because you can make more money with them versus homes that are already bank-owned.


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