I think it’s time for Biden to go..it’s obvious that he’s not a team player.
Biden Says President Does Not Have “Constitutional Authority” To Take US to War…
By McCullough Tuesday August 27, 2013
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Total fail. Biden said it would be wrong to do so against a country of 70 million people. Syria has 23 million people.
He was talking about Iran.
In general, he is totally right. USA brought too much suffer and pain to other countries playing toy soldiers.
Exactly. Biden said it would be unconstitutional to attack a country of 70 million. Syria doesn’t have 70 million, so Biden’s statement doesn’t apply. For that matter, Iran’s population is now closer to 80 million, so even attacking Iran is OK. However, it is not OK to attack Democratic Republic of Congo, Thailand, or France.
AT least I got the joke.
Same shit, different day.
I really don’t think that’s the real Joe Biden.
Isn’t it pointless to impeach Obama as the process takes longer than he has to finish out the term?
That good book: the Dictionary.
Define “Unless:” A rhetorical device connecting one sane rational universe to its opposite thru the words of meaningless politicians deeply engaged in the Theater of the Absurd.
Just listen.
Bonus–USA has not been at War since the Close of WW2. Everything else a police action. Only Congress can take us to War. The Pres can do everything else.
Just Look.
Yea, verily.
meaningless words, deeply engaged in the theater of the absurd, opposite of sane and rational.
Just listen, just look.
And what exactly do you call bombing and employing military forces against another sovereign state?
Can’t you read? Or is it your attention span???
Or just highly multi-tasked like myself?
I SAID: all other actions are “Police Actions.” You know: like Korea.
But it is all definitional. Police Action could easily be a type of war with Congress remaining the only entity that can “Formally” declare “WAR!” Kinda like bankruptcy in my mind. People can perform acts of bankruptcy, but they aren’t bankrupt until declared such by the Court.
Too bad being a drunken bastard doesn’t work the same way? ((I’m drinking as fast as I can!))
He was very specific in this clip. He said it would unconstitutional to take us to war against a nation of 70 million people. That’s a very specific number. What if it’s 69 million people? What if it’s 71 million? If it’s not a country of precisely 70 million people, his diatribe here is totally negated.
You sure you’re not practicing law somewhere? That sounds totally stupid! Do you actually think that ANY Washington Wuss is going to get his/her numbers correct? Let alone, BIDEN?!
Rolls eyes
We are NOT the worlds policemen. We really don’t need another war. It’s a civil war, stay out of it. We are going to be killing Russians and Iranians, we really don’t need to do that.
These people are parading nuns in the street and killing Christians. Pox on both their houses.
Agreed! We don’t need to go to war. But watch how we technically won’t do that either. And yet, we’re still going to get to shoot at people or at least bomb them.
Seems the religious idiots will have their Armageddon, like it or not.
Can I paint their yohoos gold?
McCullough, don’t forget the video of Obama declaring that it is unconstitutional to go to war without permission from Congress.
The surprising thing in this video is that Biden is claiming to have taught constitutional law. I haven’t heard that before.
True problem with the present Administration opinion is that while they do believe that they do not have right to get us into a war, UN and NATO are the ones that do, not Congress, not American people,… UN and NATO.
And one more thing,… US media is accomplice with the present Administration “reluctant” attempt to go to war. Absolutely not a single one reported that:
“Carla del Ponte, a member of the U.N. Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria, told Swiss TV that rebels seeking to oust Syrian strongman Bashar al-Assad had used the nerve agent.”
Except feeble struggle of two retired high ranking military guests on O’Reilly to say so while being shushed by the Almighty O’Reilly.
To add their collaboration for above mentioned evidence: who was more likely to benefit from releasing gas? Assad is (sadly) winning and having upper hand in this conflict. He could silently sit on it, knowing thereat of the forces he can’t fight if he uses chemical weapons. It is known that rebels have seized significant amounts of these poisons. And, from other “muslim” confrontations in recent years:
-Bosnian market bombing in Sarajevo that turned West into meddling – UN report (I guess same as this del Ponte report) exist that incontrovertible evidence points to Sarajevo Muslims have fired on their own people.
-Kosovo crisis – one of starting “massacres” happened while rebels intentionally lined up their own women and children in front and opened fire with Kalashnikovs at the police from behind them. With inevitable results.
-Just couple weeks ago – Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt did very similar item as on Kosovo: women and children were brought to “barricades” , followed by live fire at the Army from behind them…. With inevitable consequences.
Islamic extremist have long track of willingness to sacrifice their own vulnerable in order to spin the West and milk their military support in exchange. That is important issue.
Fact that both sides in Syria are our enemies is the important issue.
What Biden thinks and says is irrelevant in more ways than one.
{fake sobbing} “They took the batteries out of the I-phones and left them to discharge in the kitchen drawer…”
It was pretty horrible.
As much as Obama sucks, the Republicans are worse. Batshit crazy. They have no solutions, no ideas. All they have is lower-brain function: if Obama’s for it, they’re against it. Which, in this case, might actually help if they can stop Obama from bombing Syria. :/
Spelunkers: B.O.L.O. when you’re slithering and trolling around in your favorite parts of the bowels o’ the earth then take note of strong airflow that does not reverse itself throughout the season and, no matter how hard one tries with dyes, smokebombs, and railroad flares, the elusive entrance to the surface just will not reveal itself. Yep, guess what you just found?? Pay especially close attention to those holes around rivers and military bases.
Does anyone know what time Obama is approving a military strike tomorrow? I’d like to watch it live on TV if I could. Thanks in advance.
Ohhh k. That’ll be a pretty gross thing to watch. I don’t know the exact timing but just as soon as My Obama gets the go-ahead from Salmonella it’s a full-on wall to wall blowout. The generals will lay fliers all over the landscape first to minimize the blowback and collateral splashing — Those twin cheeks combatants are still going to need a bath and some new porcelain ifrastructure, though.
In the words of the ever circuitous bobbo:
“Yea Verily”
…In the Assholes’ red smear
The bombs bursting in hair
Gave proof through the night
That White Flagg was still there…
It’s not war. It’s rearranging the landscape. Big difference.
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What, Shatner-shaped nanobots??
Shattner yes, doing it with common people?
That was so Takei.
Priceline Negotiator {deceased}
Caution, people!! You might want to check Yelp.com first because those asshats dropped a BLU-96 on my neighbor’s septic tank and then tried to blame it on the cat.
Who are you going to believe, some decietful cat or hardworking Americans?
These guys are much more reputable — They just ooze personal relationship, top quality, and affordable service.
I’m thinking Daisy Cutter ordinance .
The brutal gassing if innocent people must bd addressed. I totally support leveling every military installation in that sewer of a country and beg for forgiveness later
Though I’m quite sure My Obama’s pretty checked out { wide}, A 15,000 lb. Commando Vault stowed up his ass may breach and fail to deploy in a timely fashion.
John Kerry has declared there are WMD in Syria. So stop complaining.
Teatards like you are desperate to compare apples and oranges in this situation. You will only convince the same hairbrain 27% of the sheeple.