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The lips should appear thinner and the gums much more sickly blue — He’s half-hatian, after all.
He knows better than to visit the homeland because he might get cholera so that the amerikun people would start to question the fibrous, greenish matter spewing from his ulcerated spokeshole in an seemingly ungraceful and uncontrollable fashion.
Tim seems to have suffered a lack of oxygen whilst in the birth canal.
I’m 64 years old. I started reading Mad when I was, what?, 12 years old? I was a poor reader, until then. Because of Mad, I not only had a reason to read (funny shit therein) but I also grew to understand satire, irony, and, in turn, cynical/critical thinking.
It has served me well.
ITM slaves. Remember: We are all in this together.
Look at the price now!
Wow! Satire. Wonder why they went after a rodeo clown for wearing an Obobbo mask.
Shouldn’t they have included the 535 members of Congress?
Yes, but where does the buck stop Cap’n?
There are three branches to the gubment. Stop sucking up to Boner and his angry mob.
Wasn’t it a Democrat president that said “The buck stops here”?
That was when they had Democrats that accepted the consequences of their actions.
Pres Obama said exactly that when Benghazi was attacked – which implies you’re selective in your attempt to distort the truth. That bible calls that an abomination and you’re doomed to a fiery lake for eternity. … But I digress .
Congress is responsible for passing laws that POTUS can and will use as needed in the executive office . The poster here is selective (see abomination above) in that it implies POTUS is solely responsible for the deterioration of civil liberties.
No he didn’t. He still denies that he issued a stand down order in Benghazi.
You stick with your line of bullshit, and I’ll just keep posting this.
Some tools are best left in the drawer — trying to repurpose the cheap, plastic, dirty ones will only leave the damaged thing a permanent boat anchor.
O’ the irony.
Keep that up, and you’ll be audited and sued by the government like Donald Trump. Obama visits lots of colleges in New York, meets with the State AG on Thursday, and Trump gets sued on Saturday.
Story of the day:
Maybe they should just turn the city into a giant national zoo!!
Making fun of Obama? Al, Jessie, Oprah and the NACCP will be outraged and call for the prosecution of MAD for Racism and violation of his civil rights.
Holder will agree.
They’re not making fun of him. MAD usually has silly cartoon likenesses. That might as well be a photo.
They’ve cowed MAD into not making fun of Obama.
HA!! ^^ Oh no he didn’t!?
Oh, don’t be silly. The administration might be evil, but they aren’t by any means stupid.
They will leave the calling for prosecution to the media whores.
Nah, Obama visited the New York AG on Thursday, and the AG announced a lawsuit against Trump on Saturday.
Only because genetically challenged O’ has a little tiny dick compared to that fuckwit, The Weave Didn’t Work, comb-over neocon spokeshole.
Is this a new conspiracy theory in the works? Is so, does this means there’s no more cheese down the Benghazi rat hole?
If there is such a thing as a Magazine Cover of the Year Award. Then MAD should get it, for this one. Possibly their best in years. But you know that none of the mainstream press or Tv news networks will touch it. They’re all just hoping it will quietly go away. So they can go back to the scripted news coverage, they been told not to stray from.
Maybe MAD should do a cover “covering” the Tv networks getting their marching orders from the White House, the Wall Street banks, or big multi-national corporations.