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Not allowed to talk about it with his lawyer.
Secret Laws.
Even worse, secret and aggressive interpretations of those laws, with no meaningful or transparent judicial oversight to indicate that the secret interpretations are consistent with what the lawmakers intended when they passed the laws.
You summed it up well — Wow.
>consistent with what the lawmakers intended when they passed the laws.
Obama has declared that he will decide what the law is, picking and choosing the parts he likes. Make everything illegal, then only prosecute those who won’t do as you want.
Perfect example of Progressive fascist economy. BigGovernment, using its power, regulations, legal system and enforcement to bully businesses into either doing as told that serves BigGovernment ideological purpose or closing down. This is just another projection of it.
The only solution – stop being bamboozled by Progressive Orwellian speech and vote them (both on the Left and Right) out while you can. (I came from the place where voting them out was not an option anymore, easier for me to spot them and easier for me to know what’s next… at best you have Detroit to show some consequences).
It’s not just the progressives. It’s a deadly embrace. How many liberals or conservatives want to be painted as soft on terrorism? That’s the big stick being used here.
That’s why you got whack jobs on both sides of the aisle voting in favor of continued NSA funding.
1st) The only thing that has me pissed off about the NSA is that it should be named International Data Agency and the information it collects on everybody should be available to everybody and all of it should be out on the internet.
Information is neutral.
Right now the information needed to lift us out of this recession and get us started on the road to prosperity by spawning a million different start-ups is being locked up by our stupid and short sighted gummint, all in the service of perpetuating the same crap that got us a 9/11 in the first place, internecine rivalry where information is seen as valuable only when its kept secret.
We now have secret courts upholding secret laws, with secretive government agencies directing secret services to enforce them against secret enemies and hold them in secret prisons.
That’s no way to run a government. That’s a paranoid vision of the future that only a psychopath could countenance.
2nd) The word progressive doesn’t mean whatever the fuck you think it does. Use a fucking dictionary, learn what the fucking word means. It makes you sound like you’re fucking mental midget.
You just described how General Patton probably would have fought this so called war — “Don’t be the poor dumb son of a bitch who dies for your country. Get the other poor dumb son of a bitch to die for his country.”
Of course, in today’s war Patton would obviously have been fighting for the Al Qaeda!
Still think we’re winning this war? Remember! The goal of terrorism is to TERRORIZE! And given how our moronic power hungry Congress has reacted since 9/11, I’d say the terrorists are winning! Just look what THEY got us to do to our own CONSTITUTION!!!
“There’s a reason you separate military and the police. One fights the enemies of the state, the other serves and protects the people. When the military becomes both, then the enemies of the state tend to become the people.” – Commander William Adama
For those of you who aren’t sci-fi geeks, that’s a quote from a character from the Battlestar Galactic reboot the SyFy Channel did.
Sung to the tune from the musical “Annie”:
“We’d like to thank you J’edgar Hoover…”
Oh, lots of other culprits too, but I’d say that J’edgar was the granddaddy of them all.
I DO wish that folks around these parts would stop acting like this kind of stuff is anything new or that it originated with Obama or even W. Bush. You might as well blame George Orwell.
J. Edgar Hoover is a perfect example of how granting power to a bureaucracy never stays with the guy in charge of that bureaucracy.
Ronald Reagan said it best when he said, “Government is not a solution to our problem, government IS the problem.” And one needs not look much farther than J. Edgar Hoover’s Fools Boobs and Idiots (FBI) to see it.
Now, that’s NOT to say that the FBI is without merit. They are after all, probably the first Federal government entity to catalog and keep information on a select class of criminals as well as make some real contributions with regard to investigating and subsequently solving crimes.
But like any government entity, the FBI always wants more money and more power and will usually use the same old excuses to get it. Excuses like national security being at risk and how invading hordes of evil doers are ready to destroy us if we don’t submit to their expertise and knowledge to prevent it.
And so now we have even more FBI-like entities. Government bodies like the NSA and Office of Homeland Security are just two examples of how far we will let things go.
Poor old Ronnie. He never really understood how well a good P.R. campaign will work to get the masses of voters to believe otherwise. Never mind any facts. After all, belief and good salesmanship are all that are necessary to “guide” a bunch of mindless sheep.
…And if that doesn’t work then nothing beats a good hard clubbing of the senses!
I’m wondering if ever served some document by the NSA or FBI that a course of action would be not to accept it or open it or some version of that in order to be able to plead ignorance.
I’d post it on reddit and facefuck to get a consensus as to what to do with it.
FB is controlled by ‘the man’, so it would be pulled in an instant. Reddit may be different, but in the end, it seems that Reddit would have to acquiesce.
But I think taking some version of your idea and posting it near simultaneously in so many forums that the toothpaste is out of the tube may be the way.
And then hide.
plusminus wants to plead ignorance, but I’ve heard it on a hundred courtroom dramas: “Ignorance of the law is no excuse.” There’s even a pithy Latin version for lawyers to mispronounce.
When the Patriot Act authorized the collection of library records, libraries quit collecting the info. _That_ is the way to plead ignorance!
In this case, ignorance is the problem. If the law is secret, they’ve got you by the short and curlies whenever they want.
This is getting out of hand.
I’m wondering if a p2p encrypted email system would be feasible.
You log into the system and it randomly picks someone’s client to send the email out from.
There wouldn’t be a centralized location for the feds to get their hands on.
Is there anything like that now?
A lot of different people have been working on peer-to-peer types of messaging service (email, messages, whatever) for a while.
The big challenge is the discovery service for finding the party that you want to send the message to. For example, their IP address can change so you need to find them fresh each time. That’s weak from two points of view:
1. If I can find you then so can anyone else
2. I also know your location
So, in a sense, it’s actually more revealing than a centralized mail server.
location, location, location…
I wonder if ICANN has a block reserved for Saturn one might spoof??
The answer is a distributed email server . . . all the peers hold parts of the server.
The drawback is you need to ensure everyone’s peer remains online so you could get your email whenever you wanted it.
Actually . . . that’s not a drawback. That’s a show stopper.
It is interesting, though, that the feds would try to get the businesses to give them access. It tells me the encryption works, they don’t have some magic key that lets them in.
As long as you have an IP address that your service provider assigns you (which can eventually be resolved down to a physical MAC address of the terminal you use) you are track-able!
Believe me. If JCD ever really wanted to know any of our true identities he could probably do it with little more than a court order to each of our ISP providers – assuming they don’t just cough it up to begin with. And also assuming those who visit here aren’t doing it from an anonymous public network like at coffee shop or public library or somewhere.
So if you want to spoof your MAC address you can easily do it. Check out using a virtual OS and a bridged adapter for just one alternative.
But to spoof your IP address would require you to travel somewhere more public or enlist an accomplice like a VPN provider located on Pluto or somewhere that the authorities wouldn’t be able to get to. About the only other alternative would be to do it over some sort of cooperative network like TOR (The Onion Router project) which was started by the U.S. Navy.
But that’s all well and good as far as misdirecting your traffic is concerned. Because what we all should be doing is”encrypting” everything we send so that any snooping underwear sniffers can’t see what we’re actually sending. And that’s something you usually do on your own computer before it ever hits any sort of network. Therefore, try checking out something like Trucrypt which is a free program for file encryption, enabling the the “HTTPS Everywhere” browser extension from, and then using encryption keys with your email client (which I would hope is NOT Microsoft Outlook). Hak5 did a great video about email encryption in episode 1410 that actually makes it all seem pretty simple. (I would also suggest watching the beginning of Hak5 episode 1413 too – Love ya Daren & couldn’t agree more).
Ignorance of the law is an oxymoron.
You must be ignorant of what you cannot know.
I do not know what I do not know.
But I know that I do not know.
Catch 22 maybe?
These secret laws suck. They are our laws, so why don’t we know of them? We gotta do something about this, but what, we didn’t vote those wise guys into those offices.
You’re absolutely right. It’s not just rotten in the core, it’s rotten on the outside.
Ignorance of the law is an oxymoron.
Law has as its root the Latin term legere which means to choose. Laws are how we choose to live together.
You’re absolutely right because if I didn’t know about something, how could I possibly have chosen for or against it.
These secret laws suck. They are our laws, so why don’t we know of them?
In many respects, we are no longer a country governed by law. We have become a country caged by our laws.
There are 10,000+ laws in the multiple volumes of law books. These laws are inconsistent and contradictory. Jurisprudence is based on a long history of people trying to apply their prejudices.
Having a good lawyer means having some shill with a better memory than the opposition.
We gotta do something about this, but what, we didn’t vote those wise guys into those offices.
The only answer is to burn the books and start afresh with a very few laws and some judges who only ask qui bono? and is this fair?
The alternative is the old tried and true method of revolution, and nobody wants to go through yet another violent and bloody purge of the 1%ers … (Its off with their heads yet again. :-))
Cage of freedom
That’s our prison
Where the jailer and captive combined
Cage of freedom
Cast in power
All the trappings of our own design
Blind ambition
Steals our reason
We’re soon behind those invisible bars
On the inside
Looking outside
To make it safer we double the guard
Cage of freedom
There’s no escaping
We fabricated a world of our own…
Cage of freedom, growing smaller
‘Til every wall now touches the skin
Cage of freedom, filled with treason
Changing sides as the losses begin
Our suspicion tries escaping
But they step up the security
There’s no exit–there’s no entrance
Remember how we swallowed the key?
Cage of freedom, that’s our prison
We fabricated this world on our own…
Big brother
Is there a bigger one watching you
Or is there one smaller
Who I should be watching too
Infinite circles of
Snakes eating their own tails
For every one chasing
Another is on the trail
Is that a friend
Can you tell, is he on your side?
‘Cause I spy with my little eye
Yet another spy… — Jon Anderson, Cage of Freedom
oopsy. miss-attributed lyrics.
Cage of Freedom — Pete Bellotte
Giorgio Morodores’ musical score for Fritz Lang’s Metropolis.
Yet, in reality guys, what do we actually know? This guy had a service that he decided to close rather than risk…what? Jail, possibly, but for what?
We assume that this is the result of some secrete legislation, however there’s an ongoing criminal investigation on Snowden and there’s a good possibility that this email service passed on messages that might be now classified as criminal in nature. So, it’s also possible that he’s barred from discussing that or that his service might have been opened to investigation for enabling illegal activities.
And, since THAT is already public, gotta wonder how long his site would have been in business with Big Bro banging at the door and demanding access. Might be a good business decision to fall on your sword honourably today so you can regroup and relaunch from another location with a loyal following.
Believe me, I’m not in favor of any Court or laws being “secret” or “hidden”. I despise that Americans have been incarcerated without due process (even going back to WWII) and that we have had drones killing our citizens (although they probably deserved it). As we do to the least of us, so will it happen to the rest of us.
All this aside, we are only hearing one side of this issue. This guy has a Congressman and Senator who should be involved or at least comment on this issue. Has he approached them? Have the press attempted to talk to anyone in the government about it? Let’s hear more from others (or at least get a “no comment”).
The Gummint is saying nothing because they chose to make it secret. (Maybe they were really ashamed of what they were doing.)
They are now are being foist on their own petard at least until the gummint starts to operate its own death squads on its own citizenry*. (At that point, its time for another bloody revolution.)
The alternative is to offer the 1%ers blanket amnesty for all actions pertaining to the drafting, passage and admistration of the enforcement of the secret rules (I can’t call them laws since they go against the very precepts of a system of laws.)
Its what Cambodia has decided de facto to do concerning the Pol Pot regime.
*) At that point, we have to ask of the 1%es the following question: “What makes you any different from some insanely violent drug cartel south of our rather porous border?
We know how to program a VCR.
This is reasonable, since if he transmitted classified information, then copies of it would be on the email servers.
Now when are they going to shut down the security systems Snowden used?
This s much reminds me of the dissident interviews in the Soviet Union, especially with Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Also Andrei Sakharov and Yelena Bonner after they were exiled to Gorky.
You can talk but you can’t talk. If you talk outside the script the Gulag awaits you.
And this is the United States of America? The beacon of freedom?
It is appalling!
America, America
Land of the brave
and home of the free
now shut the f*ck up and
Things have changed a bit since 1776 I take it?
To borrow an old advertising slogan, this is not your forefathers’ Oldsmobile.
(this comment contains an “old fart” alert for anyone remembering)
Amerika, Amerika
Land of the fee
and home of the slave
There. Fixed it for ya.
If you criticize the president, you are the problem. This guy should be banned for life from his profession, just like the rodeo clown in St Louis.
But, people can still put the mask on and shove a deer antler up their ass in whatever time they’ve got to spare — {YouRube, or it is debunkable that it did not happen}. Clowns are scary freedom-chastising scary bueauocratic bastards, anyways… Impale yourself for FREEDOM!!!
Suddenly, my butt hurts. Trust me.
No internet business should be based in America.