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Same price as the New York Times paid for the Worcester Telegram. So who got the better deal?
I don’t get it. Is there a joke beyond the cartoon approach I’m not getting? I think it comes close to calling that Rocket the BezosMobile and the reference to the Baseball Teams but I’m not aware of the Links to make that relevant.
Ok…. but I won’t watch the next one.
So Bezos is progressive, overall, in his politics…. this should be a slam dunk — right of the bat, you’ll see a WaPo news ticker on Amazon.
But what of his decidedly anti-union stance? What of the so-called tough working conditions at his distribution centers?
What if — gadzooks! — he makes changes to make the paper (gulp!) profitable????
Bezos‘s politics have fuck all to do with this.
He now has a news organization all his own.
Makes me think of W. R. Hearst, but without any pesky share-holders to placate.
He has gone into the media content creation business in one swell foop.
He can fill the advertising side of the editorial budget with targeted Amazon™ ads for every section of the news he cares to have them in.
The Washington Post is distributed internationally as well, but as he winds down the print position, he can insure that the on-line advertising portion doesn’t diminish. (It becomes embedded with the content.)
Just like Amazon™ started on the strength on shoveling authors desirable words, he can keep it running shoveling the very perishable words of the news room. (After all, nobody’s going to read yesterday’s news, but they will keep coming back to get today’s news.)
He doesn’t even need to worry about trying to engineer crises, (like W.R. Hearst‘s involvement in Spanish-American war,) or trying to control public opinion (in effect doing what Edward Bernays called “Engineering Consent“,) because he is deeply and fundamentally trying to be this century’s Sears-Roebuck, without having to own a single brick and mortar store.
By owning it all, Bezos has no problem with investors or a board of directors either.
A brilliant purchase by a brilliant CEO . He’s the next Steve Jobs and he will take WAPO to great heights.
Besos for Bezos. He’s the reason I own and gained handsomely with Amazon stock. I bought my dash cam last week from Amazon a few sexy underwear. They have everything .
Can’t wait to subscribe to WAPO now. However, I like USA Today. The more the merrier.
Bezo is a savy business man. I’m sure he’ll be successful with his new acquisition.
jp==just curious. Do you have any insight into Bezos that he is a savy business man or do you base that solely on the fact that he is rich and successful?
On subject, just watched an hour show “Democracy Now” did on Bezos and the connection Amazaon has with political deals with States to operate tax free without unions and other special deals.
I’d want to check this but I think I heard Dem Now say that either Amazon has not paid any taxes State or Federal for its years of existence and/or that it has never shown a profit. I don’t know how that can be true and Bezos worth 28 Billion or whatever?
But the show actually highlighted the relationship many of the big cyber businesses have with the Military and the data gathering business. coined a term I heard for the first time that I assume I’ll hear again: “The Military Data Complex.”
…… of course, the Singularity, would be Armed.
Skynet. How “do” we avoid it?
mbpodcast is on target.
Bezos bought the Washington Post because it will be his news flagship. He will pour money into the Post to make it soar.
Why? So he can eventually corner the market on big news by purchasing other outlets like the New York Times (barely surviving), the LA Times (deeply in trouble). Etc.
His warehousing and data systems are perfect for distributing these news outlets efficiently to a much broader market.
Watch him create over time a world class news organization, then go after AP and Reuters.
Bezos is a street corner grocer with a big cock, a really big cock, and a thick wallet, a really thick wallet.*
I expect him to leave the Post alone because he doesn’t know fuck all about running a news organization.
But he can put the ads for Amazon™ and its products throughout the news and increase Amazon™’s presence front and center in the public’s mind.
To keep people wanting to come back every damn day, to get/keep that kind of mind share, the news paper has to remain/b> a world-class news organization, otherwise is no more attractive than the circular from my local grocer.
He’s the next Sam Walton but without needing people to clutter up a suburban parking lot.
*) You don’t get to pile up enough dough to buy anything outright without help getting rid of everybody who’s out for some money.
That means paying off your local, municipal, states an federal congress critterz. They write exceptions to all kinds of rules and regulation, bills and writs, scraps and scriptures, so you can pretty much wave that big cock around without having to worry about the anti-sodomy laws.
You know, you really ought to use the module which would allow us to edit little mistakes, like the missing < in the above screed.
Yes, I agree. There is a potential enormous synergy between the Washington Post and Amazon. I imagine he will not run the Post but hire people who (hopefully) have a clue.
Then— put the entire paper online with lots of links, all going through Amazon. Imagine each article with a splash page hawking something related to the article which you can buy NOW!!
Why stop at the Post? There are plenty of high visibility newspapers in trouble.
I’d like to know why the Washington Post survived, while the Washington Star, failed? The Star was featured in the movie “Raise the Titanic”, and soon after failed. Pan Am was featured in the movie “2001: A Space Odyssey”, and eventually failed too. Coincidence. I’m hoping the movie “The Social Network” does the same for Facebook. 🙂
Under Bezos, the Washington Post can replace The New York Times as the national newspaper. The Times has been slipping, with lots of basic errors, to the point where Rupert Murdoch was able to get the Wall Street Journal in league with it. NYT will be sold again within a few years.