Here’s the story.

  1. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    Ohhhhhh……. Uncle Dave. Dash Cam???? So000000 2010.

    Google Glass.

    • Uncle Dave says:

      Google Glass? How 2013.

      Bionic eyes that wirelessly connect to my phone. Eventually, replaced by the kind of eye device that Kiera on Continuum has.

      Of course, then the NSA will hack into it to watch everything I see.

      • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:


        We think alike (Sorry Unk)===just can’t afford the tech!!

        I would LOVE to review my most recent interview with the Po Po from my Google Glass/Retinal Recorder. When should I have pushed harder? When to back off?

        But HEY!!!!!–I wasn’t arrested. Alls well that ends well.

  2. sargasso_c says:

    Queue the banjoes.

    • Jim says:

      no, more like cue waylon jennings after coming out of the commercial. *blowing the car horn that plays dixie*

  3. deowll says:

    Lot’s of good stuff on film now. Good post.

  4. Tim says:

    At least, that’s a quarter acre less soybeans the slaves won’t get cancer over.

  5. UncDon says:

    “… happens in from of me”

    Front, not from.

    • Tim says:

      No worries, mate. I can turn my whole body inside out with the guts on the perhipery and the entire universe within — It’s pretty gross so I’ll refrain from doing that until I’m totally dejected.

  6. Rick says:

    You need the original video with the audio… cause it was a “holly shit” moment.

  7. Dallas says:

    Just got me a DVR-207. Didn’t realize they were that cheap.

    Now I’ll be able to record all the christian taliban protesters during the upcoming gay parade in dallas (September) and then watch with my friends afterwards over margaritas and appetizers.

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      Another example of flames coming from.


    • jpfitz says:

      Gay parade in Dallas. Why do you need a dash cam? Are you on a float? Or using as a helmet cam. What’s wrong with a handheld video cam.

      • Dallas says:

        Actually, i forgot I had a flipvideo (discontinued) so good point. Still, for $70, the dashcam is a good thing to have when driving around.

        In addition to accidents, drink drivers, etc.. my husband and I often do a neighborhood watch and will go after people and cars that look suspicious. This is a great way to get that accomplished without thinking about it.

    • Greg Allen says:

      Cheap. No kidding!
      Amazon is selling them for less than $25 — like a $180 discount.

      When I see that, I assume they are crap but the reviews are actually OK.

      Even at that price, I still can’t imagine myself recording everything for the once-every-decade that I see something cool.

      And, you just can know — the memory chip will be full that one time I see a moose fall from a blimp (or whatever).

  8. Greg Allen says:

    Don’t you also need a rear-window cam as well?

    Or maybe one of those 360° cams, like Google.

    All the more data for the NSA to watch you with!

    If every car had one of those Google cams, they could stitch together all the videos and track the six guys left without cell phones.

  9. The little lady died of inner accidents, this includes a torn liver, when fighting to stay alive for more than twelve hours


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