Obamacare enforcer opts out…Har.
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If you have coverage, you’re all set. What are you trying to complain about ?
Then why is he trying to get exempted?
Maybe he isn’t as “set” as you and he have been led to believe . . .
Looks like someone finally READ THE BILL!
Problem is, it’s now a LAW!
I’m not sure why. Are you suggesting that the Obamacare terms are not a good fit for everyone?
I believe it’s right for the vast majority which is why I think it’s a great compromise and why I just love Pres Obama.
Did you get your healthcare provider refund check yet for not using enough of the premiums for actually paying for healthcare? ? I did.
It wasn’t alot (~$60) but enough to buy a couple of meals at my favorite restaurant.
Nah, I didn’t get the check. I’m saving a lot more from ObamaCare, as I don’t buy health insurance.
What a cabal of raving loons. Except as usual for Dallas. Lets see….Rollcall:
Pedro–doing all he can to attract Dallas as usual
Timmy–too far tangential to have any impact as usual
Loser–has it backwards as usual
A/C–making conservative commentary without any engagement thereafter as usual
Yes, its another sunny day here at DU.
The IRS UNION MEMBERS have a better deal than the
American citizen.
The fog of war is being seriously pumped right now. Supporters claiming that premium under BamaGod Care are being cut by 40-60% while the lying FERP’s claim premiums are doubling. I guess we will have to wait a few more months to see if the FERP’s are lying as usual and the Dumbo are exaggerating as usual.
Problem for the Nay Sayers: THEY HAVE NO ALTERNATIVE. Healthcare in USA is twice the cost of anywhere else on Earth with No 23 for results. The cost of second rate sickness coverage is bankrupting the USA and CHANGES HAVE TO BE MADE. ObamaCare is not the answer. Its just the hammer that broke the eggs. The omlete is still to be made.
Onward commrades. Decent healthcare for all won’t hurt.
The IRS UNION MEMBERS have a SIMILAR deal as 80% of pre-Obamacare covered Americans. Obamacare hurts most previously covered people, according to Obamadata used for pushing Obamacare at the time: it is about 80% of the population.
Obamacare ruins that in two ways:
1) Everyone covered now must pitch-in subsidies for non-covered, even non-covered who do not buy any healthcare product (as insurance companies now must prepare for them to drop in on a first serious illness).
2) Everyone covered can’t keep their existing plans but must get coverages that they do not want or need because of minimal requirement made by Obamacare. Typically more expensive, not because of what you receive on things you want but because of things you do not need/want.
(Not to mention consequence of a large proportion of those 80% who will LOSE their coverage completely because of Obamamandates).
Everyone who have had coverage in the past will pay more for less. Again, that is 80% of the population by Obama’s own data.
Duce!===thank you for one of your few rational posts. We agree. ….. Well….
I see 40MM without healthcare coverage at all reported all the time. Thats 13% of 320MM. Hmmm…nicely consistent with your 80% coverage figure. Well Done. HEY!!!—there are a lot of people in the USA===Ha, ha. I laugh at myself.
OK Duce–spin me this: USA pays twice as much for “healthcare” and gets no 23 on the list results. Healthcare still as it has for years inflating at twice the average rate meaning our current system is ALREADY unaffordable==even for those who have it now, if you aren’t in a gubment union.
Would YOU DUCE repeal Obamacare for the Status Quo Anti or would you keep some of the changes already made. Would you make other changes? What specifically.====Remember WE CAN’T AFFORD our current system.
COWARD===>Stay anonymous, but feel invited to share your thoughts. (Fat Chance!).
Much of the ‘health care’ could be handled by individuals if not for prohibition and misinformation concerning natural, non-patentable, herbal cures.
For instance, I’m currently using passionflower to supplant both cannabis and benzodiazines; Unfortunately for me, sewer lines must me laid and all my self-made becalment buried.
If you are just waving salt petre over a glass of water then you are, was, will be thinking it wrongly. Potassium nitrate, mined from petrified bat-shit, is to be used for explosives. By the way, what is a solipsism? I just like the sound of it.
Not a yawp, but in the same ball field.
Not to get too nit picky, but do you have any links??
(Not to mention consequence of a large proportion of those 80% who will LOSE their coverage completely because of Obamamandates). /// Define “large proportion.” Seems dogmatic to insist a program that requires coverage will result in less coverage? You do know there are very few employers near the 50 threshhold where going part time makes any sense at all?
Everyone who have had coverage in the past will pay more for less. /// FERP’s say that, Main Stream Media is reporting 40-60 % reductions in California and some other place. I’m sure they dishonestly cherry pick their data points too. Why am I the only honest kibitzer in America?
Again, that is 80% of the population by Obama’s own data. /// I’m sure you have a link with Obama and 80% somewhere in it. Got a link??
Still don’t get it. But hey you used the term FTE so you must be right! Let’s just call TrayVon a fearless thug enforcer,
or is it fag thought eradicator?
Hey Mickey===still feeling the burn eh? Yea, the fte thing. I came across a few more articles and you might be right==that the Obamacare provision is so badly written that could be the result. Only VERY FEW employers so affected though.
In the American System where healthcare is provided as an employee benefit==I think EVERY employer should be required to provide healthcare. Stop with the non sense that “small” means 50 employees for gawd sakes.
One of my businesses had up to 12 employees. I provided insurance to all after probation period of 30 days.
Issue of “living wage” is still avoided.
I mean–just how much of a tyrant should employers be allowed to be given the alternative is A LEVEL PLAYING FIELD. Isn’t that what competition is all about???==>the same rules for everyone and then lets play?
The hypocrisy is that if Government proposes and passes a law, then all branches of Government must be made to live with it. They are our representatives, from the top to the bottom and must abide by the same restrictions that we have. Pity that we don’t have a democracy, it might have made a better form of government.
For all your statements, we can simply evaluate who said what at the time, and how its working out to have an idea who to believe.
Is ObamaCare reducing the deficit as was claimed?
Is it reducing health care spending?
Is it reducing premiums?
Can you keep your health care coverage?
Are jobs being lost because of the law?
Are doctors leaving their practice early, or not taking new patients?
just like in the old days of the politburo. one good vodka for us, one cheap vodka for everyone else.
I never realized until I made some beer and wine myself that the hard liquors are mostly alcohol and water. That is exactly what vodka is BY definition. All the other hard liquors are mostly that. Very trace amounts of unfiltered contaminates (in the case of Vodka==which can be made from ANY substance that has or converts to sugar==ie anything!) making the “taste” of the various selections. I’m busy now making all kinds of fake liquor. working on gin. Have to be careful–not all juniper bushes are the same.
A lot of the new Obamacare laws are actually pretty good! Things like preexisting conditions NOT being excluded from coverage are definitely good. Go figure! A “repuke” like me saying something like that. But then, if you recall, a lot of “repukes” (like me) were wanting changes like that for YEARS!
The only problem with Obamacare is that MANDATORY PAY thing. It’s the one issue that has a lot of repukes nearly up in arms. Because just like Social Security (which I seem to recall was also lobbied against by the repukes), Obamacare will become another TAX and become just as susceptible to more government WASTE! We only need to look at Social Security for any crystal ball to see it! (They – the left – just don’t call either one a tax, probably because it might expose them for the hypocrites we all know them to be.)
And never mind the Constitution which prohibits compulsory purchasing of PRIVATE products either. Products like insurance! We all know that any sort of Constitutionality didn’t exactly stop Bush. So why do you leftists want to turn a blind eye to it now that it’s Obama’s turn? I mean, do I even have to point out any of the other scandals involving Obama such as the IRS audit scandal or Libya or …?!
… And whoever thinks that the previous system was bankrupting the American taxpayers simply has his head up his ass!
Health insurance before all this Obama meddling was ENTIRELY PRIVATELY FUNDED!!! NO ONE was compelled (forced) to buy coverage. Any actual coverage was NOT subsidized by the government! That is, unless coverage was OPTIONALLY asked for or provided through some OTHER public program (such as Social Security).
And sure! The government was deeply involved in health care and programs like Medicaid long before all this Obamacare crap too. Medicaid which continues to be a huge drain of public money – most of it going to the billing thieves!!! (Still think all these changes are such a good thing?)
But the morons probably still want to argue. They will probably even bring up other programs like Medicare. But that’s because the average leftist moron often doesn’t know the difference between what a government ASSISTANCE program is and what COMMUNISM is (as if there really were much of a difference other than that “FORCE you to do it” thing).
The facts speak for themselves. No health insurance company accepted any bail out money and the government never compelled anyone to pay for coverage. It’s as simple as that!
But then, the health care system was (is) broken. And health care before Obama may soon be a great example of what happens when too much government regulation is imposed and when greedy companies – as well as the government – gets involved. So maybe now you can see WHY Obamacare was born. Just don’t try and bullshit yourself into thinking that it had ANY sort of humanitarian reasons. We all know the real reason is entirely over MONEY — that infamous substance that all of us “repuke” CITIZENS still have too much of.
Everywhere the rule for preexisting conditions was passed it raised premiums, and tended to produce a death spiral and eventual repeal of the rule.
Yeah–true or not, you are talking USA where decent civilized healthcare for all is DEFEATED by the RICH because they think healthcare is a right granted only by money.
Now in Europe and elsewhere, everyone is covered with pre and post existing conditions all at half the price.
You can’t be more F*cked up than recommending the USA Medical Sham===now can you Mikey?
… And whoever thinks that the previous system was bankrupting the American taxpayers simply has his head up his ass! /// What percentage of GDP should be spent on healthcare in your opinion? How fast compared to the average inflation rate should that sector of the economy be permitted to grow, and if at more than the same rate of inflation, how many years of such destructive growth be suffered before action is taken to correct it?
The facts speak for themselves. No health insurance company accepted any bail out money and the government never compelled anyone to pay for coverage. It’s as simple as that! /// Its indirect, but we all pay for highly expensive and wasteful sick care expenses through the emergency rooms of America. Its mandated. Same argument really for MediCare and Medicaid. Depends on how you want to define compelled and what target group you are thinking of.
As our healthcare system is broken as you say–what is any better ((affordable)) coverage scheme? Even Obama did not want Obamacare. He just caved so fast that Universal Coverage/payer was hard to spot. fyi==that would be mandatory too, just as any system to actually work must be. aka==healthcare is not a natural subject for the free market to utilized…without blood in the street. Course, mix FERP gun policy in with Free Market, in with Healthcare==and thats just what you would get.
Americans spend way, way too much on health care. For example, Alfie’s meds bankrupted Detroit.
Well done. Ha, ha.
Relax, FEMA has enough bullets for the lot of you.
Are you sure about that? After all, they have got to pump the first three hundred or so into a dog or a boat upon every raid.
I am already “opted out” because I get my health insurance through my employer. They same if you get it through Medicare. Or the VA.
For most Americans, Obamacare is already in place. I, personally, love that I don’t have a lifetime cap any ore.
That loudest anti-“Obamacare” voices are the dumbest among us.
> I came across a few more articles and you might be right==that the Obamacare provision is so badly written that could be the result. Only VERY FEW employers so affected though.
Might be right. No wonder Pedro calls you wishy washy. Perhaps you should apply that skepticism to people who tell you what you want to believe.
And it’s not very few employers, which is defined as 2.
So how about we cap the total amount of subsidies under ObamaCare to the amount they said it would cost when it was passed? That way if they are right, then they should be happy, and it ensures the deficit doesn’t get further out of control if they are wrong. That’s a reasonable compromise, right?
NewformatSux who must be high on that new energy drink Purple Dank coming out of the hood says:
8/4/2013 at 1:49 pm
> I came across a few more articles and you might be right==that the Obamacare provision is so badly written that could be the result. Only VERY FEW employers so affected though.
Might be right. No wonder Pedro calls you wishy washy. /// Hard to tell just what Pedro means when he posts. He is about as accurate in his use of words as you are.
Perhaps you should apply that skepticism to people who tell you what you want to believe. /// Ha, ha. THIS very example demonstrates such skepticism. Can’t you read any better than Pedro?
And it’s not very few employers, which is defined as 2. /// No dumbo. Only you and Pedro might define it that way. No one that can read a dictionary.
As my college prof used to say: “Give them books, and they eat the covers.”
Silly Hoomans. Only one idiot per donkey.