Executive Producers: Barry Hanna, Steven Sevchuk,
Associate Executive Producers: The Icognegro, Philipne Vlasman-Vinke, Michael & Melody, Sir Oscar Nadal, Alphonse Enonomous, Robert Montoya, Michael Levin, Keith Brown, Baron Sir Dr. Sharkey
Art By: Joe The Dish Slave

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  1. My God, I’m now a Marxist!!

  2. deowll says:

    M17 Russian Chopper or British Military Intelligence. We are spending $550 million on M17 choppers for Afghanistan. American choppers cost to much and are to hard to maintain. I hate to agree but that is most likely correct.

  3. ivan says:

    Commie(ng) back with a vengeance!
    You can put that (art) in the bank. Or museum. Whatever.

  4. Hi,
    just wanted no agenda folks to know that there is a new dedicated no agenda social media platform (without all the spying, snooping and indefinite storage of all your sins)

    please feel free to test drive it here:

    Give data miners the finger and join the best online community in the universe!

  5. Kent says:

    Obama is the ideal American politician. All rhetoric and no substance.

  6. ECA says:

    lETS SEE…
    Whats next..
    Wouldnt it be NICE, if the gov. would reward people that HELP the gov. to fix things??

    Maybe we are doing it wrong?

    If you consider HELPING corps could get you a reward(maybe a job) Or MAYBE SHOT as the gov. tries to arrest you..

    WHO do you help? both sides are trying to shoot/jail/arrest us?

    the trade agreements, are pissing off Many countries.
    So, our Gov. and the CORPS are pissing off everyone.

    • Tim says:

      Backpacks, rocket fuel, pressure hookers, and blow. They are coming for you Mr. Graham — If I were that man then i’d spend less time trying to protect the useless eater homelanders and piss on myself some more to cover my scent. He already smells like a sweaty beard-pissed goat, anyways. Be afraid, citizens, Lindsay is in trouble.

  7. ECA says:

    LOVe the idea that they are paying BIllions to make use of Ipod and Android..

    HOW are these 2 devices going to do the JOB..
    TONS of crap other machines…that do the job, while these THINGS sit there and take notes..

  8. JimD says:

    The MP3 is 120 MBytes ! Should be a TORRENT FEED !!!

  9. The article is mostly about speed, not efficiency. If you care about speed only, then many will argue it’s a toss-up. If you care about efficiency over your typing lifetime, then I’d strongly suggest Dvorak has a big advantage.


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