Read who Bill Whittle is HERE.

Oh, yeah. Zimmerman was stopped today for speeding in Texas. With a GUN!!! Oh, my.

  1. noname says:

    Uncle Dave, how dare you, the audacity, what chutzpa to question the veracity, integrity, honesty of George Zimmerman! George was a diligent neighborhood watch volunteer determined to “serve & protect” his beat!

    George wasn’t paid, he wasn’t seeking a promotion or elevated position, he only want to protect innocent people! George is a very caring and giving person!

    George only acted in self-defense after Martin attacked him!

    Just because someone is stalking YOU some rainy night after returning from a convenience store where you bought candy and a soft drink; doesn’t mean you have the right to defend yourself or stand YOUR ground! YOU didn’t have to walk “innocently” through George Zimmerman neighborhood! YOU got what you had coming, death by George! Deal with it!

    viva la neighborhood watch volunteer, viva la stand your ground, viva la …

    • ± says:

      I’m not a Zimmerman supporter, but it’s still clear one of the reasons this country is screwed is because there are many who think (after a manner of speaking) the same way that you have shown to.

      • noname says:

        I am so glad you have thoroughly understood my post and agreed. Next!

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Yeah, I gotta agree. P/M==whenever a post includes the term “chutzpa” it is clearly a humorous post. I believe chutzpa is Swedish for “When you have the time, pass the meatball.”

  2. jpfitz says:

    The video was hilarious. Try to stop playing with your gun, said the trooper. Holy cow Shit, stopped as a non resident with a loaded handgun. In ny u go directly to Gail.

    • jpfitz says:

      Yea I wish gail…I meant jail of course.

      noname, you need to turn the sarcasm switch on for some.

      • bobbo, who thinks nothing is wrong with child porn===other than any encouragement to take the original pictures…. and even then, it depends says:

        Oh!!!—we gonna correct obvious typo’s?????

        Well then, I meant Jewish, Hour, and Matzo ball. Damn auto correct just ain’t no good.

        • jpfitz says:

          Yea yea, yea I have an ocd issue with these dam auto corrections of my atrousious spelling. Now if there was a grammar fixer upperer, that I could live with. Just kidding. I should have left the misspelled comment alone.

          • bobbo, the iconoclastic non-conflating non-dogmatic existential Idol defiling cynosure says:

            There ya go. Not to be too didactic about it. Don’t want noname on my ass.

    • moss says:

      Texas law allows a loaded handgun in a motor vehicle if you say you’re traveling – at a minimum – from one county to another.

      Yes, it goes back to horses. What did you expect from Texas?

  3. MikeN says:

    You know, if some of these blogs had actually run with this stuff before the trial, it might have made a difference. The prosecution should never have happened. Instead we have Obama putting out a hit on Zimmerman.

    • jpfitz says:

      Now that Obomba know the make and model vehicle of the child killer, Obomba will drone his ass. Bye bye Georgie pie.

      • MikeN says:

        No, he merely will say it is tragic while one of his supporters does the deed that he is encouraging by saying that this could have been me 25 years ago. If someone kills the President, you avenge it.

        • jpfitz says:

          What you said was kinda what I meant, just different words but still a hunted Georgie.

          How bout a reality program, “George of the revenge jungle”.

  4. Pmitchell says:

    Obama does not Zimmmerman dead, That man has single handedly distracted the entire ignorant country(albeit with help from the MSM ) from the half dozen or so huge scandles going on in Washington. have you heard anything about the IRS, Benghazi or the gun running nope the whole ignorant populace is distracted by snake oil show that means absolutely nothing.

    Learn that when our press is saying look over here, something really bad is going on over there and they dont want any one to see the truth

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      None of those scandals are “big” even if totally true as desired by the FERP’s.

      Silly Hooman.

      • jpfitz says:

        Its all the FERP’s are spouting bout on that you know “news” network. They get themselves all up in a dither, day…after day…after day.

        • bobbo, who thinks nothing is wrong with child porn===other than any encouragement to take the original pictures…. and even then, it depends says:

          For True. It is down right creepy to me the mass idiocy that is taking place in the FERP right now. If I saw a whole political party acting the way they are, I would call shenanigans for poor writing. People/party’s/positions must be believable.

          ….. but there it is.

          Crazy town.

          • jpfitz says:

            Looks like I was completely wrong about the FERP’s concentrating on Benghazi.

            It now appears the news or narrative of today is that there were 30 or so CIA agents on the ground available.

            The operatives were told by the White House to keep quiet or your family will be in danger. Those involved were also given many polygrams to check for holes. Looks bad, keep your eyes open for the next distraction.

          • bobbo, the iconoclastic non-conflating non-dogmatic existential Idol defiling cynosure says:

            Regardless of what may have variously happened, Bengazi if a FERP program of disinfomation, BS, and a powerplay to divert the attention to their do nothing, right wing, Jihad, Support the RCIH class warfare program.

            You can tell because they smile when commenting on the issue.

            Who would do that except a FERP?

  5. Dave J. says:

    This is overselling the punk/gangsta angle of Martin. I don’t care what he was going to use his purchases for. Maybe only that he had some history of violence, but that is it.

    And who was the witness who saw TM using MMA moves on GZ? Journalism would require calling out important details like that. If he was even going MMA, GZ would have had more than a bloody nose.

    (And that is the root of this whole thing … the scuffle.)

    And Whittle who is all high and mighty about Journalism then goes into a rant toward the end that shows his true opinion and bias. The whole MLK thing is just stupid.

    • MikeN says:

      “You’re a thug.”

      TrayVon-“Nah, I’m a gangsta.”

    • MikeN says:

      > he had some history of violence,

      Yea, just some. Video on his phone of a friend beating up a homeless guy. Of course the defense was not allowed to introduce that evidence, or that Zimmerman had gone after the cops for protecting one of their relatives who had beaten up a homeless guy.

      He is the White Hispanic.

      • Hyph3n says:

        Two can play this game. Zimmerman had a restraining order against him at one time, was arrested for “resisting arrest with violence” and was caught lying about his financial situation in jail causing him to get his bond revoked.

  6. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Isn’t it obvious ((where is our good Captain?)) that its the Laws Fault?

    Idiot Zimmerman wanted to play Super Hero and got out of his car to follow Martin. Idiot Martin wanted to practice beating up people who got too close to him. After Zimmerman got confronted himself and could not back out of it to the safety of his car, he then had to shoot Martin in self defense.

    Isn’t that Obvious???

    And were it not for the Stand your Ground law/concealed carry, Zimmernan would not have left his car… he would have waited 5 more minutes for the Police.

    Two idiots. Idiot Law. Idiot Gun Laws. Idiot Floriduh.

    Expect a whole bunch more of this as the law and guns just drives idiots to their respective camps and chest stumping. Avoid the crossfire if you can.

    Silly Hoomans.

    • MikeN says:

      No, the dispatcher asked him which way is TrayVon going, so he got out to follow. He stopped when they said we don’t need you to do that.

      Nice / to hide the fact that Stand Your Ground is irrelevant.

      • bobbo, the iconoclastic non-conflating non-dogmatic existential Idol defiling cynosure says:

        Stand your ground changed the Jury instructions. You know—that thing the jury couldn’t get around.

        • MikeN says:

          Again irrelevant, no matter how much ThinkProgress and others try to sell it.
          While it mentions Stand Your Ground and no duty to retreat, Zimmerman was in no position to do such things. The jury hinged on whether Zimmerman started it or was attacked.

    • Guyver says:

      Idiot Zimmerman wanted to play Super Hero and got out of his car to follow Martin. Idiot Martin wanted to practice beating up people who got too close to him. After Zimmerman got confronted himself and could not back out of it to the safety of his car, he then had to shoot Martin in self defense.

      So are you suggesting there aren’t enough cops to go around and that Obama should actually follow through with his Civilian National Security Force promise?

      Or are you suggesting that a neighborhood watch in a neighborhood with high crime problems should be illegal?

      Or should it simply be illegal to defend oneself?

  7. John Andrews says:

    Dave, I see it exactly as Whittle describes it. Have you read his tweets? I have.

    • jpfitz says:

      JA google lean or purple drank to check Whittle’s truthiness. He’s pulling your chain. Maybe your just a simple explanation type of guy who believes what the mild mannered white talking head tells you. I gotta bridge for ya.

      • MikeN says:

        TrayVon’s twitter feed has the description of how he makes his own stuff. Meanwhile, almost everything the media told us was false.

        • jpfitz says:

          Before I click on your link where did these supposed txts come from? The NSA? Or someone with a prejudice?

          Why does it matter if the KID wanted to abuse drugs, I don’t care what he was going to ingest.

          All that mattered is that he ingested a 9mm hollow point. Georgie training for 18 months and couldn’t stand up to a 17 year old. What a wuss.

  8. jpfitz says:

    Georgie better swap for a different vehicle, cause he’s been made by all those angry people on the net.

  9. Mr Diesel - Bobbo, who thinks there is nothing wrong with child porn. says:

    I like how all the idiots think the Zimmerman case had anything to do with stand your ground, it didn’t. I like how the idiots also think that at anytime the dispatcher “told” George Zimmerman NOT to follow him, she didn’t.

    Furthermore, anything a dispatcher tells you does not have the force of law.

    • MikeN says:

      Zimmerman thought the dispatcher told him not to follow, and took that to be instructions from the police.

  10. TimbotCBIv2 says:

    I like toenails.

  11. Guyver says:

    So Trayvon had stolen stuff in the past, he had been drinking Lean and was likely to make more, and if I recall correctly he was going through backyards of the homes in Zimmerman’s often-burglarized neighborhood when things got out of hand.

    Sounds suspicious enough to me. The minute it took the cops to reach the crime scene could have been enough time for Trayvon to knock out Zimmerman and/or possibly kill him (intentional or not).

    Zimmerman seemed to do what was reasonable and his actions only illustrate that the cops can’t get there in time (most of the time).

    • Mr Diesel - Bobbo, who thinks there is nothing wrong with child porn. says:

      When seconds count the po po are only minutes away.

      • bobbo, the iconoclastic non-conflating non-dogmatic existential Idol defiling cynosure says:

        Mr Diesel – Bobbo, who thinks there is nothing wrong with child porn. says:
        8/1/2013 at 12:00 pm

        When seconds count the po po are only minutes away. /// Does depend on when you start the clock. There were hours to spend as Trayvon left the store and Zimmerman sat in his car. All that was needed was a call to the Police and wait.

        When “seconds count” you done screwed up way before that—in a great many cases.

        It is always a mix, pros and cons, a tradeoff. Public Safety for individual safety. So—do the studies, run the math, add up the statistics.

        Stupid People, gun advocates, and FERPS are bad at math.

        Tend to fixate on half truths too. Know what I mean?

        • Guyver says:

          When “seconds count” you done screwed up way before that—in a great many cases.

          Hindsight is 20/20 when you want to try to find how someone woulda, coulda, shoulda done something else.

          So—do the studies, run the math, add up the statistics.

          You’ve already done that in another thread a little while ago. You cited that 30,000 people die in this country from a firearm. I suppose 30,000 was meant to somehow underscore how big of a problem this is. Context matters, right?

          30,000 comes to 0.009567% of people living in this country (not counting illegal aliens) based on Googling the U.S. population.

          Another way of expressing that is 9.6 people die from a firearm for every 100,000 people (whether suicide, accidental shooting, homicide, self-defense, or stopping criminal activity) .

          Stupid People, gun advocates, and FERPS are bad at math.

          Tend to fixate on half truths too. Know what I mean?

          Ironic that you would say that. 😀

    • MikeN says:

      We don’t know what he had been drinking, but he had been smoking a joint, something else the jury was not allowed to hear.

      • TimbotCBIv2 says:

        ‘had been smoking a joint’

        Dafuq? Stance counter-rotating gargoyles on dirt double plus ungiven rights finger fuck the herb?? Racist.

        • jpfitz says:

          I be wit you, michelle thinks ganga gives you super human powers of evil ninjas. Peace.

      • Guyver says:

        We don’t know what he had been drinking, but he had been smoking a joint, something else the jury was not allowed to hear.

        I was referring to what he had done in the past based on the coroner’s report of his liver damage… not the night of the accident.

        I did a bad job of combining past and present within a run on sentence.

  12. bobbo, the iconoclastic non-conflating non-dogmatic existential Idol defiling cynosure says:

    McGuyver being his usual unneccessarily dense says:
    8/1/2013 at 9:07 am

    Idiot Zimmerman wanted to play Super Hero and got out of his car to follow Martin. Idiot Martin wanted to practice beating up people who got too close to him. After Zimmerman got confronted himself and could not back out of it to the safety of his car, he then had to shoot Martin in self defense.

    So are you suggesting there aren’t enough cops to go around /// I’m sure it varies by place and time. Not an issue here.

    and that Obama should actually follow through with his Civilian National Security Force promise? /// Obama???? I don’t even know “specifically” what you are raving about, but I do assume its a lie.

    Or are you suggesting that a neighborhood watch in a neighborhood with high crime problems should be illegal? /// They are a great response and should be encouraged–as a real counter force/neighborhood/citizen activism===not an excuse to role play fantasies.

    Or should it simply be illegal to defend oneself? /// It should always be legal with “no restriction” on the Castle Doctrine. Outside the home—no Defend your Ground extended to allow placing yourself in the very danger you there after have to defend yourself from.

    I know this will make it difficult: but even WITH all my criticisms, I think from the best view of the evidence Zimmerman was LEGALLY correct to do as he did.

    You can’t make being stupid against the law. In fact, FERP and most religions wouldn’t exist without that sad fact.

    Stupid Hoomans.

    • TimbotCBIv2 says:

      “I don’t even know “specifically” what you are raving about…”

      He is raving about this:

      • bobbo, the iconoclastic non-conflating non-dogmatic existential Idol defiling cynosure says:

        Thanks Timmy. I saw that a while back. Dismissed it as nonsense. Still do.

        • TimbobCBIv2 says:

          Of course, it is nonsense — That is why it is also policy now.

          • bobbo, the iconoclastic non-conflating non-dogmatic existential Idol defiling cynosure says:

            OK–I thought BamaGod was calling for a “new” civilian source in addition to DHS???

            “We need a…..” means we don’t have it already?

            Even if a new triplications of resources ineffectively thrown at an issue would “work”—the FERP’s would never pass it, and if passed, would not fund it.

            All we need is a fiddle player.

    • Guyver says:

      I’m sure it varies by place and time. Not an issue here.

      So you say.

      Obama???? I don’t even know “specifically” what you are raving about, but I do assume its a lie.

      They are a great response and should be encouraged–as a real counter force/neighborhood/citizen activism===not an excuse to role play fantasies.

      And who decides that in the heat of the moment when it comes from getting a great response to being a role play fantasy? Sounds like you’re armchair quarterbacking.

      Outside the home—no Defend your Ground extended to allow placing yourself in the very danger you there after have to defend yourself from.

      Defend your ground was never the issue. Did the prosecution bring it up?

      What exactly did Zimmerman do to place himself in the very danger? Sounds like he was keeping an eye on Trayvon as one would encourage for those participating in a neighborhood watch. But somehow Trayvon didn’t like it and now it gets turned into role playing? Ha!

      • MikeN says:

        No no, neighborhood watch is OK. Just don’t be watching any place there might be trouble.

        • Guyver says:

          Just don’t be watching any place there might be trouble.

          Probably Bobbo’s idea of a neighborhood watch. 😀

  13. bobbo, the iconoclastic non-conflating non-dogmatic existential Idol defiling cynosure says:

    McGuyver spinning and twisting so obviously as if to scream to the world he is a nattering naybob of negativity says:
    8/1/2013 at 3:36 pm

    When “seconds count” you done screwed up way before that—in a great many cases.

    Hindsight is 20/20 when you want to try to find how someone woulda, coulda, shoulda done something else. /// Actually, if you think at all, foresight is available to you as well. Obviously, neither Trayvon ((could have gone home)), Zimmerman ((could have waited for the cops))l, or yourself ((could learn shilling for whoever pays the most makes you look stupid when posting)) have picked up that appreciation of life.

    So—do the studies, run the math, add up the statistics.

    You’ve already done that in another thread a little while ago. You cited that 30,000 people die in this country from a firearm. I suppose 30,000 was meant to somehow underscore how big of a problem this is. Context matters, right? /// Context is always very important, and very often the only thing that matters. You demonstrate quite ineffectively how trying to shift context will fool the foolish.


    30,000 comes to 0.009567% of people living in this country (not counting illegal aliens) based on Googling the U.S. population. /// Completely meaningless, although one pityful rational for it is clear. No, McGuyver–the context for 30K deaths per year is IN COMPARISON TO OTHER WESTERN NATIONAL WITH GUN CONTROL LAWS–and 1/20th the homicide by gun death rates. You know this, but post as you do in a bottom feeding effort to catch the FERP’s regularly posting/reading here.

    What a Douche.

    • Guyver says:

      foresight is available to you as well.

      And what did the police do with the foresight of knowing that burglaries were high in this neighborhood?

      Context is always very important, and very often the only thing that matters. You demonstrate quite ineffectively how trying to shift context will fool the foolish.

      Said the intellectually dishonest liberal.

      No, McGuyver–the context for 30K deaths per year is IN COMPARISON TO OTHER WESTERN NATIONAL WITH GUN CONTROL LAWS–and 1/20th the homicide by gun death rates.

      0.009567% of the U.S. population. Really?!?

      All you had to say was the sky is falling. You make a mountain out of a mole hill. And when it’s pointed out to you, your ego kicks in you resort to grade school antics.

      But somehow the gravity of the situation is only grave when compared to other countries?!?! You’re a victim of government-run education aren’t you? 😀

  14. bobbo, the iconoclastic non-conflating non-dogmatic existential Idol defiling cynosure says:

    McGuyver still digging his stupid hole as deep and as fast as he can says:
    8/1/2013 at 3:47 pm

    I’m sure it varies by place and time. Not an issue here.

    So you say. /// Yes–he called the cops and they were immediately dispatched arriving … what… about 2 minutes after the shooting went down. What is your analysis otherwise or is your response complete and utter BS?


    Obama???? I don’t even know “specifically” what you are raving about, but I do assume its a lie. //// Already covered above WITH sufficient time for you to read, consider, contemplate, weigh, contrast, etc. Or–…………not. You might even be version 3.0 of some spam bot???


    They are a great response and should be encouraged–as a real counter force/neighborhood/citizen activism===not an excuse to role play fantasies.

    And who decides that in the heat of the moment when it comes from getting a great response to being a role play fantasy? Sounds like you’re armchair quarterbacking. //// I don’t even know what you are trying to say. Of course we are all armchair quarterbacking—just like I am when playing doctor advising you to pull your head out of your ass before you asphyxiate. Not that death from co2 build up in your lungs would be a bad thing… for as you post (sic)….co2 is Plant Food. Thats good when you got vegetables for brains! ((Ha, ha…..I can see I’m enjoying this too much…….TURN away from the Dark Force!!!))

    Outside the home—no Defend your Ground extended to allow placing yourself in the very danger you there after have to defend yourself from.

    Defend your ground was never the issue. Did the prosecution bring it up? /// Again with not reading the thread eh Spambot?
    I lower myself to respond to you, but I won’t spoon feed you. As stated, I’m not your keeper.


    What exactly did Zimmerman do to place himself in the very danger? /// He left his car.

    Sounds like he was keeping an eye on Trayvon as one would encourage for those participating in a neighborhood watch. /// Yes, AND THEN HE LEFT HIS CAR.

    But somehow Trayvon didn’t like it and now it gets turned into role playing? Ha! /// Yes. What do you think Zimmermans psychological motivation was? He had already called the cops and was told not to go after Martin. Any explanation at all… or pure trolling negativity?


    I thought as much. Interesting you do parse your responses but you still don’t directly engage or hardly ever answer any questions. That is interesting….. to me. So much psychosis, so little time.

    • MikeN says:

      He was told not to go after Martin, and then didn’t go after Martin. He left his car when asked where was Martin going. He did wait for the police, they just weren’t fast enough.

      Lesson as always, speak softly and carry a gun.

      • Guyver says:

        Lesson as always, speak softly and carry a gun.

        With a capacity with more than 10 bullets if legally allowed. I shudder to think my hand gun is considered an “assault” weapon because it holds 15 bullets.

    • Guyver says:

      Yes–he called the cops and they were immediately dispatched arriving … what… about 2 minutes after the shooting went down. What is your analysis otherwise or is your response complete and utter BS?


      When seconds count, the cops got there in a couple of minutes. All the more reason why law-abiding citizens should be allowed to defend themselves when they believe their life is threatened.

      Of course we are all armchair quarterbacking

      Although you promote the idea of a neighborhood watch, you don’t expect there to be any sort of conflict? There are consequences to participating in a neighborhood watch ESPECIALLY in a neighborhood with high crime.

      co2 is Plant Food.

      Glad to see you learned something from government-run education.

      As stated, I’m not your keeper.

      Whew! That’s a relief. 😀


      In his own neighborhood?!?!?!? What the heck was he doing? Keeping a watch on the suspicious activity? I didn’t see that one coming.

      It’s not like he was asked to provide more information on Martin while the cops were coming…. right?

      Yes. What do you think Zimmermans psychological motivation was?

      It doesn’t matter. Will you be able to prove it one way or the other? But then again, you claimed Tancredo was racist for suggesting English should be the official language of the United States. What was his psychological motivation that you seemed to rush to judgment on (as you do in most cases)?

      Interesting you do parse your responses but you still don’t directly engage or hardly ever answer any questions.

      I believe I’ve answered all your questions, unless you’re still trying to figure out if I’m a spam bot. Or is that a test to see if I’ll bother to answer a rhetorical question? 😀

  15. bobbo, we are social creatures yet solitary at the same time says:

    Spambot 203==What is it you don’t understand about Neighborhood WATCH. Its not Neighborhood Track and Follow. Its not Neighborhood Follow and Confront.

    Its Neighborhood WATCH. You watch and when you see something suspicious–you call the Police.

    Idiots with Guns who want to go Segal on the badguys is a main reason why Neighborhood Watch groups fall apart. Ours fell apart because everyone was too busy to pull their shift…but everyone got the local 911 number (sarc/off)

    and just rereading for the heck of it===((This is me “mad)) Where the Frick do you get my English Only position? I have only ever posted that English Only should be the rule for Every Government ((Yes–Mexico too….it would help them immensely)). Common culture requires common language. I would not have rules against locals speaking and signage as they wish. I do assume this is an innocent mistake, confusing me with someone else. But still….. It would be like me calling you a well known AGW’er. The only difference being my crediting you with more intelligence than you have, while you do the opposite. Very consistent there.

    In the heading of your response….please include the following: X7y2-3.

    • Guyver X7y2-3 says:

      Its not Neighborhood Follow and Confront.

      Don’t be naive.

      Do you know if Zimmerman confronted Trayvon? Or is that just another theory you choose to believe in? Are you suggesting that “best evidence” shows that it’s somehow not possible for Trayvon to confront Zimmerman? 😀

      In either case, you can’t control how a potential perpetrator may choose to behave. Sometimes the confrontation may come to you. We’ll never know in this case.

      Its Neighborhood WATCH. You watch and when you see something suspicious–you call the Police.

      Yup that’s what he did. The dispatcher also asked him to provide more details as time went on which would mean he’d have to keep following.

      Ours fell apart because everyone was too busy to pull their shift…but everyone got the local 911 number </blockquote.

      And when seconds count, I would hope the cops get there in time. Otherwise, I guess you can fantasize about your Segal moment and your woulda, coulda, shoulda moment.

      ((This is me “mad)) Where the Frick do you get my English Only position?

      The same rectal databank I use to recollect your Canadian Beauty Queen born a man fantasies, your 30k deaths from firearm figures, etc. That’s where. 😉

      There was either a thread on the topic of Tancredo at either a Tea Party event, debate, or some other such thing or a someone posted a Youtube link to his discussing how English should be the official language of the United States and that everyone should learn to speak English in this country.

      I can’t tell you the topic of the thread. My rectal databank does have its limits. I tend to recollect the in a nutshell moments, or some specific details that may stand out. If it was posted by someone, it may have been off topic.

      Regardless, your conclusion was that Tancredo was a racist. I disagreed based on no evidence in the video that I could see.

      Common culture requires common language. I would not have rules against locals speaking and signage as they wish.

      I don’t disagree with the comment you’re making now so long as English is the official language of the United States and that no one in this country is required to know any other language to visit or do business in any other part of this country. Maybe someone was impersonating you? Or perhaps I’m confusing you with someone like Phydeau or Fusion? But I doubt it. 🙂

      I do assume this is an innocent mistake, confusing me with someone else.

      You guys do whine alike. 😀

    • Guyver X7y2-3 says:

      Its not Neighborhood Follow and Confront.

      Don’t be naive.

      Do you know if Zimmerman confronted Trayvon? Or is that just another theory you choose to believe in? Are you suggesting that “best evidence” shows that it’s somehow not possible for Trayvon to confront Zimmerman? 😀

      In either case, you can’t control how a potential perpetrator may choose to behave. Sometimes the confrontation may come to you. We’ll never know in this case.

      Its Neighborhood WATCH. You watch and when you see something suspicious–you call the Police.

      Yup that’s what he did. The dispatcher also asked him to provide more details as time went on which would mean he’d have to keep following.

      Ours fell apart because everyone was too busy to pull their shift…but everyone got the local 911 number


      And when seconds count, I would hope the cops get there in time. Otherwise, I guess you can fantasize about your Segal moment and your woulda, coulda, shoulda moment.

      ((This is me “mad)) Where the Frick do you get my English Only position?

      The same rectal databank I use to recollect your Canadian Beauty Queen born a man fantasies, your 30k deaths from firearm figures, etc. That’s where. 😉

      There was either a thread on the topic of Tancredo at either a Tea Party event, debate, or some other such thing or a someone posted a Youtube link to his discussing how English should be the official language of the United States and that everyone should learn to speak English in this country.

      I can’t tell you the topic of the thread. My rectal databank does have its limits. I tend to recollect the in a nutshell moments, or some specific details that may stand out. If it was posted by someone, it may have been off topic.

      Regardless, your conclusion was that Tancredo was a racist. I disagreed based on no evidence in the video that I could see.

      Common culture requires common language. I would not have rules against locals speaking and signage as they wish.

      I don’t disagree with the comment you’re making now so long as English is the official language of the United States and that no one in this country is required to know any other language to visit or do business in any other part of this country. Maybe someone was impersonating you? Or perhaps I’m confusing you with someone like Phydeau or Fusion? But I doubt it. 🙂

      I do assume this is an innocent mistake, confusing me with someone else.

      You guys do whine alike. 😀

      • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

        You guys do whine alike. 😀 /// That is a funny.

        Brothers Keeper is about MY responsibility TO YOU. Not control over you. As too often, your understanding of common terms is backasswards.

  16. MikeN says:

    >As stated, I’m not your keeper.

    Not a relief. Both he and Obama are using it wrong.


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