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Phot from the the EAA Airventure fly-in airshow in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Taken by Elliot Block. God knows that when you think of an obvious terrorist target you think of Oshkosh. Scare the public!!

  1. JDS says:


    • ± says:

      They’re already on the way to the Vierte Reich there since of all the censorship re Hitler or “hate speach” related laws.

      We’re not far behind.

  2. Uncle Patso says:

    In Oshkosh, you’re much more likely to see one or a few miscreants trying to break into a car — same as NY, LA, San Fran, Rome, Paris London, etc., etc., etc.

  3. super77 says:

    Big ad campaign, big media buy, big waste of our tax dollars. After 9/11, everyone knows to rat out suspicious activity, especially around planes…duh!

  4. Chris says:

    Here in Atlanta, GA, our terrible transit system MARTA has it’s own “See Something, Say Something” app for Android and iOS:

  5. spsffan says:

    And if you do see something, and you do say something, be prepared to spend the rest of your life at the Moscow airport.

  6. sargasso_c says:

    I am guessing here, that the bus moves.

  7. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    “God knows that when you think of an obvious terrorist target you think of Oshkosh.” /// Maybe its just me, but when I have found myself mindlessly thinking about terrorist targets, I always think the greatest body count…not the greatest “political statement” although I have to admit the 911 Attack has made us react by wasting a ton of money and cut on ourselves with razors. Sad we let the terrorists win this way.

    —-some ideas==deleted. Who knows who reads these forums? ((Yes, I know–HSA and NSA for sure.))

    Then I thought much the same thing flying over Mecca. Its just sitting there. Most people just trying to get on with their lives.

  8. Mr Diesel - Bobbo who thinks nothing is wrong with child porn says:

    Now you filter your writing. That’s rich.

    bobbo – “—-some ideas==deleted. Who knows who reads these forums?”

    • bobbo, who thinks nothing is wrong with child porn===other than any encouragement to take the original pictures…. and even then, it depends says:

      I know…. free speech is being chilled. I only like my beer that way.

  9. Hairy German says:

    They had that same banner on the Light Rail (train) here in Denver.

  10. jpfitz says:

    How many Blacks in Oshkosh, not many I’ll bet. Mostly Germans I think. Why a Black woman on the phone, is she calling her pimp? Maybe her John didn’t cough up her dough. Oh wait, is this supposed to be about terrorism? WTF Blacks DO NOT CALL THE PO PO.

  11. UncDon says:

    If you see big Russian planes landing in Oshkosh, say “Wow!”

  12. Captain Beyond, famously dancing madly backwards says:

    Yes, I could just see a terrorist at this event jumping into a restored Grumann F8F Bearcat and trying to get it started, let alone getting it off the ground.

  13. Adam says:

    The same art has been used for years:

    This photo was taken at a gas station in the Richmond, VA area.

  14. astro911 says:

    If you look closely, you can see it’s trademarked. I think by New York City if I recall correctly.


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