
Executive Producer: James Richard
Associate Executive Producers: Sir Kent ORourke, Dame Joan d’Audiffret, Sir Larry Lee
Art By: Thoren

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  1. Maytag says:

    Tits in a wringer, or it didn’t happen.

  2. ivan says:

    John knows best. Hummers – It’s science.

  3. Uncle Patso says:

    If a gong falls in a forest and no one hears, does it dong?

  4. ECA says:

    something, I dont think many people get a hint about..
    IT takes very little data to get ALL YOUR INFO..

    You give ?? info to 1 company..
    You give ?? to another company..
    You give ?? to another company..
    Gather it all together…and you have it all..

    If a company, has 3-4-6-10 sites and they are asking for info.. The MAIN company can gather it and MAKE 1 data dump on you.
    Think about sites like
    NOW think about a game site that you ADD MONEY to..
    With 2 sites, NOT RELATED…you have a good share of your data.

    NOW, think about SITES giving warnings, that they were BROKEN INTO.. that is like a THIEF, that was spotted..You can SEE what has happened.
    WHAT if the thief, wasnt SEEN.
    WHAT IF the thief was a RELATIVE??? and had the KEY. as in a SYSOP or ADMIN on a site.

    NOW the thought of the NSA gathering(as they say) JUST THE PHONE NUMBERS..
    This is the idea of 7 steps of separation.. that ANYONE can be linked to ANYONE within 7 steps.
    then add that its estimated that OVER 50% of the USA has dropped LANDLINES(basic telephone) and gone to cellphones.
    the Government wants GPS in ALL CELLPHONES.(and it wont be turned off, if you CLICK IT OFF)..
    A HOME BASED PHONE, cant track you.

    so lets take all those cellphone numbers. and Keep a log of WHO they call. And IF 1 phone connects with a BAD GUY(terrorist)m we pick up ALL those in his log.
    NOW the fun part…BURNER as you go phones. You can BUY at almost any store..use it for a month, and get rid of it..AND you dont need a NAME/ADDRESS/ANYTHING to get a new one.
    Yes, they may have a number…ANd those OLD PHONES(generally) dont have you cant EASILY track them, except with cell towers. And you dont have a NAME/address to go with the number..

    So WHATS wrong with this?
    You MIGHT catch a terrorist and capture his cellphone, and THEN get his log? BUT the others have already changed phones?? and there are no NAMES and numbers for those either..

    then the idea that they WONT use it unless there is a court order? THEY ARE using it. and the data WONT be released?? You find your home has been Broken into..and they TRACk GPS signatures around your home? WOW…neat trick. And the FIRSt persons to get to USE IT??

    • Tim says:

      Yes, but those ‘burners’ are tagged to you through the facial recognition and voice print data. Yes, I said ‘voice print’. I first noticed this when stopping by every day to buy beer at a certain gas station. Even though I’m old, the lady would demand of me to state my age. I just made stuff up every time but, one day, I handed her my driver’s license and the response was “No, I need you to tell me…”

      Another incident was when trying to buy ‘dip’ on a major off-ramp once and because her reader could not read my licence (unfortunate microwave incident) she refused to sell it to me.

      • ECA says:

        Cheap phones dont have this ability.
        and if you are Implying that the NSA is sampling AUDIO, then that goes against what they are saying.
        If you are saying that STORES take ID/Voice/Pictures….NOT in my area they dont.

        • Tim says:

          That is exactly what I’m saying. Go into one of those stores pretending to be a deaf-mute no matter how much id, cash, credit, or nice smiles you give them and tell me you were able to get a phone?

  5. ECA says:

    BESt point to cause havoc…at an airport..

    FRONT DOOR/MAIN GATE during holiday rush..

    run a CAR thru the front door area, into the crowd and BLOW everything up..

    Blowing car up in parking area?? would only cause a SLOW DOWN as emergency vehicles TRIEd to get in/out to put out the fire(s)..SMARt airports have valet parking, so they can MOVE your car ALONG way away..NOT at the front door.

    • Tim says:

      Just blow up inside one of the scanners — heavy tops, glass sides — megakill non-collateral damage.

  6. Concerning Trayvon and Lean says:

    I was listening to the show, and was intrigued by the lean reference. Having a person close to me who began using lean, I too thought it was based on Sprite and Jolly Ranchers. I got this from research on the web. Interestingly enough, I never saw the person with Sprite or Jolly Ranchers. I have seen them with Az Watermelon and Skittles. After researching a bit, it seems that there are other recipes … one of which is Az Watermelon and Skittles. More research is needed so I can provide specific citations, but I would not discount the idea so easily.

  7. ECA says:

    why are we worried about PEOPLE DIEING??
    SAVE NOT a good idea..
    It used to be that the odds of getting past 40 years old were Under 50%.. NOW the survival rate is over 80% to reach 60+

    LET IDIOTS BE IDIOTS.. let them Thin the herd..


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