
Do You Agree or Disagree with the Outcome of the Zimmerman Trial?

  • Agree
  • Disagree
  • I agree but only on the grounds that the Prosecution did not prove its case

Click HERE for poll results.

  1. Dallas says:

    It was a fair trial – except for that last minute manslaughter option allowed by the judge. The state should not have trumped up charges to murder and then unable to prove it.

    That gun hiding, bigot and coward white cracker is free to go about his business.

    • McCullough says:

      I doubt he is free to go about his business.

      • msbpodcast says:

        Why not!

        He just exercised a Floridian’s god given right to shoot a brown person.

        Why should somebody have to join the armed forces to have some fun?

        • McCullough says:

          Huh? Zimmerman is not a brown person?

          WTF are you talking about?

          • MikeN says:

            Haven’t you been listening to the liberal media. Once it was revealed that their preferred story line of ‘white man shoots unarmed black kid’ was bogus, they started calling Zimmerman a ‘white Hispanic’.

    • Nonsense says:

      Dear Uninformed Dallas:

      “Yet what has been widely underreported by the majority of American news organs is that Zimmerman is actually an Obama Democrat who has quite the history of working with and for fellow Americans of African heritage, as reported by The Telegraph (of London, England) on 15 July, 2013; both the Mercury News (of Silicon Valley, CA) and The National Review on July 14, 2013; and Breitbart.com on Feb. 6, 2013.”

      At times collectively and others singularly, The Telegraph, the Mercury News and The National Review have all cited past instances of Zimmerman’s liberal/Democrat street-cred that would cause any Hollywood starlet or six figure income resident of Manhattan’s tony Upper West Side hang their head in shame.”
      Researchable and legitimate source examples of Zimmerman’s past history of working with and for blacks include:

      “He and a black friend opened up an insurance office in a Florida…”
      “He’d engaged in notably un-racist behaviour such as taking a black girl to his high-school prom…”
      “Not only does he have black relatives, he has reportedly donated his time to tutor black children.”
      “He launched a campaign to help a homeless black man who was beaten up by a white kid.”

      How many black kids have YOU tutored sir?


      • Dallas says:

        Well sir, Zimmermans old MySpace page confirmed by his attorney shows him less than the stellar citizen you claim. All that is besides the point. He’s free, I agree with the verdict and he will live with the burden of knowing he *may* have shot an unarmed boy.
        In addition to having French kissed at least one black guy (I may have been drunk), I did volunteer in Kids In Distress- an organization that cares for abused children from evil straight parents. The majority were blank girls.
        So, you are forgiven for your gross error and mischaracterization of my good nature.

        So how many black chics did you kiss, you bigot!

        • Mextli says:

          I assume you understood the fact that these girls were blank as an invitation to make your mark upon them?

        • Nonsense says:

          Keep your forgiveness. His burden is now, and for the rest of his (and his family’s) life, looking over his shoulder wondering if he will be killed by an uninformed and inflamed black racist, bent on revenge.

          All I ask is that liberals, like your self, at least TRY to look at both sides of the story, before rushing to throw down the race card.

          BTW, I love the women, whether they be black, white, Hispanic, Oriental, or Asian. Makes no god damned difference to me.

          • MikeN says:

            Nah, black men can’t tell the Hispanics apart.

          • noname says:

            How ironic Nonsense, as you say, “looking over his shoulder wondering “; everyone can’t help, but wonder what Skittles eating Trayvon Martin must have had that very same thought on his the way merrily home (who is this cracker chasing me and why?)!

            How is Zimmerman provoking a fight, after the 911 operator told him to not to approach Trayvon, self-defense?

            It’s really not much different when white folks panic at a harmless black man who unwittingly walks down the street behind you!

            But of course that’s understandable and in Florida, Scaredy Pants only needs to stop, turns around and “stand his ground” then murders in “self-defense”!

            Best not walk near anyone in Florida, least you scare someone into your murder!

            But it’s way ok to chase down people, start a fight, start losing your fight and shoot in a Florida style “legal self-defense”.

            Can’t imagine what justice God has in mind for Zimmerman?

          • LibertyLover says:

            after the 911 operator told him to not to approach Trayvon

            Not according to the transcript.

            If fact, they told him to let them know if TM did anything else.

            “Just let me know if he does anything ok”

            According the what really happened, not what has been reported in the press, the dispatcher knew GZ was not in his truck, and not once, not once, made the suggestion he get back into it or stay there.

            Read the transcript before making wild-assed statements like that.

            That’s why this is such a clusterfuck on the news — nobody knows the truth.

          • New Format Sux says:

            Trayvon’s Skittles were to make some LEAN. He was on drugs at the time. That’s why it took him 40 minutes to cover the half mile from the 7/11.

          • New Format Sux says:

            Operator doesn’t tell him not to approach TrayVon, and it was TrayVon who approached Zimmerman.

        • MikeN says:

          He definitely wasn’t unarmed, as he was raining down punches with those arms. From his twitter feed, I’m gonna get that guy again, he didn’t bleed.

    • MikeN says:

      You left out the judge asking Zimmerman if he was going to testify. Trying to poison the jury with a negative impression.

      If it were a David Kelley show, that is a deliberate move by the judge so Zimmerman could win on appeal, like the guy who gave a woman 8 years in prison for protesting George Bush.

      Jury asking questions about manslaughter is right out of his shows. Judge calls in the lawyers”Jury is asking about manslaughter, which tells me they don’t want to convict for murder, but they don’t want to let him go either. So the question is, who’s going to blink first.” Then camera focus on the steely eyed gaze of one of the lawyers.

    • BigBoyBC says:

      “That gun hiding, bigot and coward white cracker is free to go about his business.”

      “gun hiding” : Zimmerman had a permit (documented)

      “bigot” : No evidence of bias or bigotry (FBI Reports)

      “white” : Hispanic (Half white, like Obama)

      “cracker” : Racist comment made by Martin (Friend’s testimony in court)

      • MikeN says:

        Also, that he was on the Neighborhood Watch rather than hiding in his house like Bobbo means that he is not a coward.

    • Somebody says:

      If there was such a thing as black-on-black violence, I’d go so far as to suggest that if you were in Zimmerman’s situation, you might have shot Trayvon just as he did.

  2. y0te says:

    As SayUncle said, “Two morons tried to out moron one another; one succeeded.”

  3. spsffan says:

    You know, when the original story about the Martin being shot came out, I was ready to send Zimmerman away for a long, long time.

    But, as more information came out, it seems that although Zimmerman acted like a complete idiot, it’s not quite murder, and with the information available and the laws in Florida, there was no way to get a conviction. (6 people on a jury? In a murder trial?)

    Now, I think there should be something to get Zimmerman on to put him away for a while, and I think he should serve some time. But there’s no point going for a murder conviction.

    Stupid prosecutors.

    • diffra says:

      Zimmerman is an idiot, but as far as I can tell he didn’t break the law. He followed a kid without any real cause. Idiot. He ignored 911 when they said not to follow the kid. Idiot. Kid sees he’s being followed and confronts him. Zimmerman’s first response isn’t “run.” Idiot. Ends up on the ground getting the shit beat out of him, manages to get a hold of his gun and fires — that’s self defense if Trayvon escalated this situation, which it appears he did. IIRC, he had no wounds other than the gunshot, whereas Zimmerman has various head wounds which corroborate his story. So, yeah. idiot, but not a criminal.

      • MikeN says:

        He had legitimate cause. This was somewhat of a high crime area, and the kid was on drugs. As Neighborhood Watch, he notified the police to check this guy out. The kid either went home to drop off his stash, or was talked out of going home because his girlfriend convinced him that Zimmerman was gay, so he wanted to beat up the gay guy following him.

      • LibertyLover says:

        He ignored 911 when they said not to follow the kid.

        They didn’t tell him that.

        They said, “Ok, we don’t need you to do that.”

        Did you even listen to the testimony or just the media reports?


        • MikeN says:

          Dispatchers are not police, and do not tell people what to do, so as to avoid liability.

          • jpfitz says:

            The dispatcher on the non emergency line told him to stay in vehicle and not to tail him. Just give us your location, which Zimmerman couldn’t, WHY?

          • LibertyLover says:

            The dispatcher on the non emergency line told him to stay in vehicle and not to tail him. Just give us your location, which Zimmerman couldn’t, WHY?

            Not according to the transcript.

            If fact, they told him to let them know if TM did anything else.

            “Just let me know if he does anything ok”

            According the what really happened, not what has been reported in the press, the dispatcher knew GZ was not in his truck, and not once, not once, made the suggestion he get back into it or stay there.

            Read the transcript before making wild-assed statements like that.

            That’s why this is such a clusterfuck on the news — nobody knows the truth.

      • bobbo, we think with words, but only remember images says:

        spiffy and diffra—good review, a polish of my own thoughts.

        Mickey—added hypotheticals making the equities clear.

        Pedro—actually, a funny.

        What a high water mark here on good ol’ DU.

    • The Monster's Lawyer says:

      I don’t know about the prosecutors but when his attorney opened with that knock-knock joke, i thought they were doing a pre-strike at the incompetent defense so when he was found guilty they could get a new trial right away. Guess it was a waste of a bad joke.

    • Thorn says:

      It wasn’t the prosecutors’ fault that they didn’t have a great case. They had enough of a case to justify taking it to trial and letting a jury decide. The justice system is not perfect and is purposely tilted in favor of the defense. The jury heard the evidence and returned their verdict. That should be the end to it.

      • MikeN says:

        >They had enough of a case to justify taking it to trial and letting a jury decide.

        No, they didn’t. Looking at the facts presented by the prosecutor shows that. I hope Alan Dershowitz gets her disbarred.

        • Mextli says:


          • bobbo, we think with words, but only remember images says:

            I agree. Our legal system is a shambles because the law is too variable–suffering from prosecutors and judges not willing to make the “tough” calls.

            Tough call: the law and beyond a reasonable doubt are CLEAR but the public/media/some asshole wants a trial…so off we go.

    • dusanmal says:

      Which law did Zimmerman break in his “acting stupid”? None. “Stupid” is just your point of view. He non-violently followed suspicious person and alerted people at 911. That is NOT stupid. That is legal and sane personal choice considering the time and place and previous history.
      Why put Zimmerman away if he didn’t violate ANY law? Because it is PC? One person and one person alone chose wrong and illegal violent action (based on pure physical evidence, not say-so): T.Martin. He suffered a proper consequence of that stupid choice. Only T.Martin in this case acted stupidly and illegally. FL law properly gives right to an individual to defend him/her-self to the death in such case. Lesson to be learned by thugs: do not attack people for whatever reason. (And, no following someone in public place is NOT an attack, beating him is).

      • spsffan says:

        Following someone around in public who is minding their own business is might not be illegal, but is creepy. Getting out of the car and confronting them (picking a fight) is assault.

        And, anywhere but Florida, shooting someone when you can simply run away is illegal.

        I’m not defending Martin, I’m just pointing out that from everything I’ve heard, Zimmerman started it, and had ample opportunity to quit the situation without killing anyone. Did he even draw the gun and give a “stop or I’ll shoot” order?

        • Gwad his own self says:

          Minding his own business? There had been burglaries in the neighborhood recently, and Martin had been suspended from school in the previous couple of weeks for being in possession of burglary tools. On his cell phone, there were photos of drugs and what appeared to be burglary loot (unless he was into wearing women’s jewelry, who knows?) Those photos, incidentally, were not turned over to the defense until a whistle-blower in the AG’s office notified them that the AG was withholding evidence. (AG’s excuse: “we hadn’t evaluated that evidence yet.”)

        • MikeN says:

          You heard wrong. Martin started it. Zimmerman had no chance to run away, as Martin was on top of him and beating him up.
          Zimmerman didn’t do the confronting, Martin did. Martin could have gone home. He had a head start on the pudgy Zimmerman, and would have made it probably before that guy even saw where he went, even though it was about 100 yards. Instead, he went back to fight him. This is something that has also been left out of the media. Martin was a fighter, who got into lots of fights at school, with once person on his Twitter feed even saying,’you’re always fightin.’

  4. dusanmal says:

    Fair result of the trial but I am betting on DOJ/Feds pulling out some nebulous weapons charge on Zimmerman just to satisfy the mob Progressive rule (fortunately for Zimmerman other options for Feds are next to nil).
    Two items sit in the foundations of this case:
    1) Right to self defense that have been attacked from all kinds of Progressives in all the media (even on Fox). We must fight for this right. Because what Progressives have strongly shown after the verdict is that they do not like an individual to be able to defend him/her-self to the bitter end. They’d rather have dead victim than anyone but Progressive approved police force fighting back. And that Progressive authorized police force must be able to react only when it is PC to react.
    2) Culture of violence in the Black community. Did T.Martin call for help at 911 when he felt uncomfortable from Zimmerman following him? No, he talked to his girlfriend. Did he knock on doors for help? Did he run away? Did he try to reason and talk with Zimmerman? No. He resorted to violence failing to understand that he might lose (physical evidence – no other harm on Martin body but fists sore of beating Zimmerman and the gun-shot vs. the real victim of violence in this case who had clear and visible injuries, giving him clear right to kill in self-defense). Someone following you is NOT a violence and law does not permit fighting back. Beating someone IS violence and the beaten person has every right to kill the assailant. Time for Black Leaders to teach MLK-like culture of non-violence in their community and stop celebrating violence. Martin death is direct result of culture of violence in the Black community. It is the reason why he choose to fight a person for following him to his dislike instead of attempting to resolve the issue in any other of many nonviolent ways possible.

    • MikeN says:

      Martin did run away, then he came back. He had plenty of time to get home. Instead, there was a fight 30 yards from Zimmerman’s truck, while the house was 100 yards away. I thought marijuana slows you down though? Since when does it enrage you for a fight?

      • Tim says:

        Emotionally, cannabis is neutral. However, it is a performance enhancing drug when endurance is required; It is a bronchial-dilator — running, swimming, that kind of thing. They gave a gold medal back to a snowboarder after disqualifying him for smoking pot. Team USA did not want cannabis to be known as ‘performance enhancing’ whether in chess or snow-boarding.


  5. MikeN says:

    TrayVon should have been in jail in Miami that day. Instead the Miami schools adopted a policy of not reporting crimes, to make their stats look good.

  6. super77 says:

    Wether you agree or not about the outcome, the worst part is the aftermath. Lowlife’s are using the verdict as an excuse to do harm to innocent people.

  7. Hmeyers says:

    What? No “I don’t give a shit option”?

    I have things to worry about in real life and don’t have time to bother with worrying about people that jackholes on TV say should be important to me.

    Except it isn’t important to me.

    Oakland or Samford, Fla. can go up in flames tomorrow and I might not ever find out because I don’t watch TV and don’t visit news sites either because the TV has become really worthless.

    Off to watch a movie — no commercials and it plays on my schedule plus I don’t have to listen to dumb people try to tell me what to think.

  8. Sum Ting Wong says:

    How many black kids are going to die in that great bastion of liberalism, Chicago?

  9. ECA says:


    Problem was that the trial was on WHAT happened…NOT what started it..and HOW they ended up in the fight.

    Zimmerman, had a few choices. the problem isnt that he was an idiot and DIDNT STAY IN THE CAR. it was that he approached the kid.

    • Jay says:

      Slate is arguing that if Zimmerman started the fight then Martin had to increase the violence to lethal level… having your head bashed into the ground is an act that will cause serious bodily harm which is enough in most states. Also the basic principal of the justice system is that the burden is on the state to prove the crime…

    • Mr Diesel says:

      He didn’t have to stay in the car. It was his neighborhood and he can follow anyone he likes.

      Trayvon goes and buys watermelon drink (not tea) and Skittles to make him LEAN to relax back in his crib and now he is dead and all the bleeding hearts want to cry over it.

      I feel bad for his family but the kid started it.

  10. MikeN says:

    You left out the option, no, but only because they haven’t disbarred the prosecutor.

  11. Nonsense says:

    Now that the rioting and violence have begun, incidents against whitey are on the increase. When no “whitey” or “cracker” was even involved.

    Those of you “white guilt” liberals who don’t have to live in areas where “whitey” is the minority, will never understand the tensions in our neighborhoods you create with this racist bullshit. Like Dallas above, the average television viewing idiot has no idea that Zimmerman was not motivated by racism. I expect much more from our leaders other than fueling racial diversion.

    The race baiters from Obama, Holder, the blithering idiot “Mushmouth” Sharpton, and Jackson, are therefore in my opinion guilty of the crime of inciting violence. They should be held accountable for any and all violence perpetrated through their actions.

    And Piers Morgan as well as the prosecuting attorneys in this case should be ashamed of themselves for taking advantage of the illiterate star witness Jeantel. It was very uncomfortable to watch this abominable product of the education system.

  12. sargasso_c says:

    If it will please everyone let’s electrocute the handgun.

  13. Mextli says:

    If anyone had listened to Ms. Rachel Jeantel the truth of the case would have been obvious. I believe she will be on the 2016 Democrat ticket vs. Hillary.

  14. orchidcup says:

    Because I was not on the jury and did not hear the facts and evidence presented during the trial I am not in a position to have an opinion.

    I understand there are plenty of people not present at the trial who have an opinion, but then opinions are like *ssholes.

  15. bobbo, we think with words, but only remember images says:

    Easier to paraphrase than find what I posted before on this trial AND on every trial ever heard/reported/commented on:


    A perfect ambiguity upon which we can all project our values, fears, bias, and interest—just as all too many do.

    My liberal brethren in the Lame Stream Media are really letting me down===CONFLATING the status of race relations/history in the GOUSA with a SPECIFIC CASE. A total lack of intellectual honesty.

    Right Wing—same BS. Just no “exception” about it.

    Yes, my friends–do your self a favor: pick facts and/or make up facts within this scenario that takes you to the various verdicts to your satisfaction. NOTE your opinion is now FACT BASED. Now all you have to do is argue about what facts actually occured—a dithering exercise for sure. If you can’t do this, you are a stooge. You know what a stooge is right?

    We have 3 on constant display–Alfie, Mickey, Douche Anal, and Dismal. Whats that you say?—there are four stooges listed?…… My talking points say there are three, so thats what I’m going with. 3 are smart enough not to mention Rush’s name. Maybe thats the difference?

    Silly Hoomans.

    • bobbo, we think with words, but only remember images says:

      Perfect was an overstatement. Sounds better than saying “Appropriately ambiguous.” Way to hone it on the irrelevant. How appropriately ignorant you are.

  16. bobbo, we think with words, but only remember images says:

    What is making this case of note is the racial elements. From the “Cage Match” website that no one can join because Dvorak has not assigned a moderator to click on a drop down menu item.

    Just for Grins:

    “I’ll PUSH IT FURTHER, with a most provocative pose: I think it has been proven that the WHITE race is intellectually/IQ wise more advanced than the BLACK race. That is a scientifically measurable difference between the races. If you don’t accept that FACT OF SCIENCE, then you are dealing in bias and prejudice.

    Now–puzzle this: so what?

    And thats the beauty of being fact oriented…….. there are always more facts to consider.

    All the same issues with Jews and Orientals being smarter than whites…….I just like thinking I’m not a racist.

    Ha, ha.”

    Yes….. facts. Damn….FACTS. What facts do you use, abuse, ignore? Hmmmmm? Opinions can be right or wrong based on the facts considered in their formation….. but what about adding more or different facts??? What happens then?

    Reality: its almost….. what you make it to be.

    Damn existential universe. Why can’t it just be one thing and all I have to do is discover it?

    Yea, verily!

  17. Anonymous Coward says:

    George Zimmerman must be the loneliest person on the planet, given that he’s the sole member of the racial group “white hispanic” which I’ve never heard of before Trayvon was shot.

    Makes me wonder when we’ll hear the term “white african” to describe people of half african and half caucasion ancestry, like Obama.

    • bobbo, we think with words, but only remember images says:

      The distinction has a long history with different terminology. “Castillian Hispanic” or “from Spain” is a common modifier you have seen before to denote these Hispanics look more white than the darker mixes.

      Mexican TV. Who knew how Swedish so many Hispanics look?

      It may be a mixing pot, but I am a lump.

    • New Format Sux says:

      There have been people who got in trouble for claiming to be African American while being a white from South Africa. During one Winter Olympics, the media reported,”He is the first African America, from any country,…”

  18. O.J. Simpson says:



    Did you really think the press was going to report all the facts – even if they knew them? (You’re a moron if you did.)

  19. Ah_Yea says:

    Zimmerman is the opening salvo on the total War on Race.

    Martin was a thug. Martin was a killer.

    If Martin was white, nobody would have cared.
    If Martin was Hispanic, nobody would have cared.
    If Martin was Asian, nobody would have cared.
    If Zimmerman was black, nobody would have cared.

    If Zimmerman was killed, nobody would have cared.

    Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, Obama, Holder, MSNBC, CNN, etc. all stoking racial tensions? Why??

    If you kill a black, even for good reason, expect to be lynched.

    If a black kills you, expect no justice.

    Blacks comprise 12.6% of the US population.

    Obama is the best gun salesman in America. Ever.

    50 years of civil rights and what do we have to show for it?
    Martin, Jeantel, Sharpton, Jackson, NAACP, Obama, Holder, vile racist all.

    Is this what King wanted or envisioned?

    Guess how this all ends.

    • bobbo, we think with words, but only remember images says:

      Best example of Race Baiting I have seen for quite a long time.

      Why are you so racist Oh No? STOKING THE FIRES yourself?

      Yes–it is all too easy to grow up with racial misperceptions and bias in America. That is a stripe apart from actively STOKING THE FIRES.

      People in error identify Zimmerman as racially profiling Martin. People intentionally STOKING THE FIRES call those same people participants in a War on Race.

      Why you so Racist?

      • deowll says:

        Actually the FBI is on record saying that Zimmerman didn’t racially profile Martin which is the only thing keeping Holder from going after him. The FBI agreed that Zimmerman thought somebody walking around in the dark in the rain examining other peoples homes was most likely a criminal.

        Martin, according to his web site and the contents of his cell phone, was a very dubious person. I have no reason to think he had killed anyone but the contents of his phone are purported to include pictures of underage girls and him with a handgun.

        As to the PC media’s reaction to black on black and black on everybody else violence. The record speaks for itself. I believe some communities are going pure Hispanic in CA due to Hispanic on black violence.

        Reality is that many of the blue states largest cities have large neighborhoods in which people aren’t safe and law and order are a joke. Obama and Holder wanted their own internal army in DHS and now that they have it they bloody well ought to use it declare marshal law in Chicago and similar bleep holes. Oh yeah, Oakland keeps making the news but that just might be OWS mob.

  20. bobbo, we think with words, but only remember images says:

    Can’t parse it as the Bull Shit clogs up the gears, but Oh_No in a paroxysm of misplaced projection says:
    7/17/2013 at 1:03 am

    Zimmerman is the opening salvo on the total War on Race. /// Define Total? ((as in lasting for more than 1 week?))

    Martin was a thug. /// Thats my best guess too.

    Martin was a killer. /// Evidence for this?

    If Martin was white, nobody would have cared.
    If Martin was Hispanic, nobody would have cared.
    If Martin was Asian, nobody would have cared.
    If Zimmerman was black, nobody would have cared.

    If Zimmerman was killed, nobody would have cared. /// All your Ifs are rhetorical BS. Most RACISTS have a crystal ball just as you are using. This case has highlight that other victim of Florida Law that woman who fired a warning shot at her ex hubby and now is serving 20 years. Black on Black non injurious offense–serving more time than killers of people. I think people do care. I think you need a different descriptor?

    Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, Obama, Holder, MSNBC, CNN, etc. all stoking racial tensions? Why?? /// They are all Pimps and Whores—aka Political Hacks. The Right Wing is for the SUPER RICH—the Left Wing is for the Poor and Downtrodden. Why? Its called a political base. Simple really.

    If you kill a black, even for good reason, expect to be lynched. /// Name one such lynching since Time began.

    If a black kills you, expect no justice. /// How come blacks are disproportionately in Prison? Can you do simple Math????

    Blacks comprise 12.6% of the US population. /// A fact??? Sadly isolated from the entirety of the rest of the post. Like too many Blacks: an orphan.

    Obama is the best gun salesman in America. Ever. /// Nice bit of projection there. Blame Obama. Just plain Evil or Retarded. fERp. Well done.

    50 years of civil rights and what do we have to show for it? /// A Strong FERP in opposition.

    Martin, Jeantel, Sharpton, Jackson, NAACP, Obama, Holder, vile racist all. /// Vile is to overstate the nub of a concern you should rather focus on.

    Oh_No==why do you slide into such over the top Racism so Easily? Why you so Racist????

    Poor boy done jumped off the pier….. and is headed for the water at gravity’s pull.


    Is this what King wanted or envisioned?

    Guess how this all ends.

    • bobbo, we think with words, but only remember images says:

      Is this what King wanted or envisioned? /// No. He was a great man wasn’t he? Great men come from such troubled times. Where is the next in Line? Not troubled enough I fear.

      Guess how this all ends. /// Bi partisan bickering amounting to the status quo continuing?

      Whats your guess?

      • deowll says:

        Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson may have marched with MLK but they absolutely don’t support his I’ve got a dream speech and so far as I tell neither does the Democrat party. King was very clear. He wanted a nation in which all people are judged on the bases of their character rather than anything else and that is not where these people are going.

        • bobbo, we think with words, but only remember images says:

          The change is slow in coming isn’t it?

          Race relations are better in the USA but Blacks are still suffering the effects of slavery, the break down of the family, the predations of our capitalistic overlords.

          I agree that certain liberal programs meant to help oft times do more harm than good. The pendulum swings too far and must come back. So–Aid to Families with Dependent Children broke up the Black Family. Sadly–a harsh dose of Darwinian Capitalism will do even more harm in the opposite avarice bringing down the white middle class along with the intentional targets.

          Sucks to be on the bottom of the 1% pie doesn’t it? Ha, ha….. I know….. YOU think you are part of the Rich. Probably don’t even “get it” when I type “SUPER RICH” sticking your face right in it. Smells like petunias!

          Silly Hoomans.

    • New Format Sux says:

      >Martin was a killer. /// Evidence for this?

      He told Zimmerman, you’re gonna die.
      Now, this perhaps should be qualified as he is an attempted killer of people he thinks might be gay and stalking him. For others, he is merely a beat them till they bleed kind of guy.

    • New Format Sux says:

      >How come blacks are disproportionately in Prison? Can you do simple Math????

      No justice is wrong, but they are not disproportionately in prison given the amount of crime committed. 85% of interracial crime is committed by blacks.

  21. Sir Munch Nuts says:

    Curious as to why Zimmerman’s background ( looks Latino? has a German or Jewish last name?) was never an issue.

    Not that it matters.

    Poll: surely the outcome would be different if it were not anonymous. Just like Prop 8 results.

    • deowll says:

      If it wasn’t an issue why did the DNC media make a big point about Zimmerman being White when he self identifies as Latino? They continue to call him a White Hispanic. This is like calling Obama a White African American. There has also been black on Hispanic violence with the blacks claiming they beat the guy because Zimmerman was Hispanic.

  22. LibertyLover says:

    Because there seems to be much confusion as what was really said on the phone between the 911 operator and Zimmerman, I thought I would do a public service and inform everybody.

    Before making wild-assed statements as to what you think really happened, read this first.


    Dispatcher: Sanford Police Department. …

    Zimmerman: Hey we’ve had some break-ins in my neighborhood, and there’s a real suspicious guy, uh, [near] Retreat View Circle, um, the best address I can give you is 111 Retreat View Circle. This guy looks like he’s up to no good, or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.

    Dispatcher: OK, and this guy is he white, black, or Hispanic?

    Zimmerman: He looks black.

    Dispatcher: Did you see what he was wearing?

    Zimmerman: Yeah. A dark hoodie, like a grey hoodie, and either jeans or sweatpants and white tennis shoes. He’s [unintelligible], he was just staring…

    Dispatcher: OK, he’s just walking around the area…

    Zimmerman: …looking at all the houses.

    Dispatcher: OK…

    Zimmerman: Now he’s just staring at me.

    Dispatcher: OK—you said it’s 1111 Retreat View? Or 111?

    Zimmerman: That’s the clubhouse…

    Dispatcher: That’s the clubhouse, do you know what the—he’s near the clubhouse right now?

    Zimmerman: Yeah, now he’s coming towards me.

    Dispatcher: OK.

    Zimmerman: He’s got his hand in his waistband. And he’s a black male.

    Dispatcher: How old would you say he looks?

    Zimmerman: He’s got button on his shirt, late teens.

    Dispatcher: Late teens ok.

    Zimmerman: Somethings wrong with him. Yup, he’s coming to check me out, he’s got something in his hands, I don’t know what his deal is.

    Dispatcher: Just let me know if he does anything ok

    They asked George to let them know if Martin did anything. Does this sound like the dispatcher was telling George to disengage?

    Zimmerman: How long until you get an officer over here?

    Dispatcher: Yeah we’ve got someone on the way, just let me know if this guy does anything else.

    And again . . .

    Zimmerman: Okay. These assholes they always get away. When you come to the clubhouse you come straight in and make a left. Actually you would go past the clubhouse.

    Dispatcher: So it’s on the lefthand side from the clubhouse?

    Zimmerman: No you go in straight through the entrance and then you make a left…uh you go straight in, don’t turn, and make a left. Shit he’s running.

    Dispatcher: He’s running? Which way is he running?

    Zimmerman: Down towards the other entrance to the neighborhood.

    Dispatcher: Which entrance is that that he’s heading towards?

    Zimmerman: The back entrance…fucking [unintelligible]

    Dispatcher: Are you following him?

    Zimmerman: Yeah

    Dispatcher: Ok, we don’t need you to do that.

    They didn’t tell him to stay in his vehicle. They already knew he was out and about. They didn’t tell him to get into his vehicle. They just said they didn’t need him to follow.

    Zimmerman: Ok

    Dispatcher: Alright sir what is your name?

    Zimmerman: George…He ran.

    At this point, George stops following him. If you listen to the audio tape, you can clearly hear that. The next few sentences reinforce that.

    Dispatcher: Alright George what’s your last name?

    Zimmerman: Zimmerman

    Dispatcher: And George what’s the phone number you’re calling from?

    Zimmerman: [redacted]

    Dispatcher: Alright George we do have them on the way, do you want to meet with the officer when they get out there?

    Zimmerman: Alright, yes.

    Dispatcher: Alright, where you going to meet with them at?

    Zimmerman: If they come in through the gate, tell them to go straight past the club house, and uh, straight past the club house and make a left, and then they go past the mailboxes, that’s my truck…[unintelligible]

    Zimmerman implied he would meet the cops at his truck . . . he was heading back to his truck and not chasing after Martin.

    Dispatcher: What address are you parked in front of?

    Zimmerman: I don’t know, it’s a cut through so I don’t know the address.

    Dispatcher: Okay do you live in the area?

    Zimmerman: Yeah, I…[unintelligible]

    Dispatcher: What’s your apartment number?

    Zimmerman: It’s a home it’s 1950, oh crap I don’t want to give it all out, I don’t know where this kid is.

    Dispatcher: Okay do you want to just meet with them right near the mailboxes then?

    Zimmerman: Yeah that’s fine.

    Dispatcher: Alright George, I’ll let them know to meet you around there okay?

    Zimmerman: Actually could you have them call me and I’ll tell them where I’m at?

    Dispatcher: Okay, yeah that’s no problem.

    Zimmerman: Should I give you my number or you got it?

    Dispatcher: Yeah I got it [redacted]

    Zimmerman: Yeah you got it.

    Dispatcher: Okay no problem, I’ll let them know to call you when you’re in the area.

    Zimmerman: Thanks.

    Dispatcher: You’re welcome.

    At this point, we don’t know if George continued following Martin or not. The last few sentences, where George changes his mind and asks the cops to call him to find out where he is at, seems to imply he plans to continue following.

    911 does not recommend against it.

    • bobbo, we think with words, but only remember images says:

      Good posting. From the edited bits I heard on tv, the exchange was more negative re Zimmermans actions.

      Like I said: pick your facts. Makes all the difference in the world ….. unless you have an axe to grind.

      • deowll says:

        The edited bits you heard on TV is why the network is being sued.

        • bobbo, we think with words, but only remember images says:

          I would even call that a bit of vile editing. People should get fired for inciting the public. Too much pressure from Fox News to pimp their audience is not a valid excuse.

          Silly Lame Stream Media.

          • MikeN says:

            > Too much pressure from Fox News to pimp their audience is not a valid excuse.

            Then why are you making it?

    • Hyph3n says:

      So let’s recap… the kid saw Zimmerman and ran. Zimmer didn’t know where he was at the end of the call. So it’s a pretty good bet he had to do some searching to find the kid. Not to mention, Zimmerman probably thinks he has a gun (“hand in his waistband.”) What did he think was going to happen?

      I don’t think Zimmerman was ever guilty of 2nd degree murder, but I’m confused why the prosecution didn’t push for manslaughter. I expect teenage kids to act stupid. I hope adult men carrying a gun and going for a criminal justice degree to act a bit more responsible.

      • bobbo, we think with words, but only remember images says:

        You “push” for manslaughter unavoidably when you overcharge with Murder 2.

        Both fail equally when the claim of Self Defense is not overcome by the Prosecutor.

        BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT. A very high standard–one that should not be met when there are no witnesses and no circumstantial evidence.

        The case should never have been brought in the first case. When “reasonable people can differ on what happened”===THAT is an appropriate civil case, NOT criminal.

        • New Format Sux says:

          There were witnesses. They supported Zimmerman, a fact the prosecutor left out of their charging affidavit. But it was the reason the police didn’t even bother to make an arrest, coupled with the fact that they bluffed Zimmerman that they had the whole thing on video, and he was relieved to hear it.

      • LibertyLover says:

        I expect teenage kids to act stupid.

        If he had killed Zimmerman, would you say the same thing?

        • Hyph3n says:

          Interesting question. If the kid had a gun and shot Zimmerman saying that he was being followed, was attacked and feared for his life, would you say the same thing? The Stand-Your-Ground law should cover that.

          Had the kid shot Z or beaten him to death, I would still say that teenagers do stupid things.

          • New Format Sux says:

            He’d have a legit shot under stand-your-ground. His prior history would do him in I think, but perhaps they wouldn’t prosecute.

          • LibertyLover says:

            Considering that TM had lost GZ, and then went back to find him, that would indeed be murder, whether he used a gun or not.

            If GZ had accosted TM, threatened physical harm or physically harmed him, then it would not be murder.

            You seem to think that TM should get a free pass for resorting to violence because he didn’t like what someone was doing.

            The aggressor here was TM, not GZ.

          • Hyph3n says:

            Martin was shot and killed. He didn’t get a free pass.

          • LibertyLover says:

            You’re giving him one from a moral context by saying it wasn’t his fault he got plugged.

          • Hyph3n says:

            Show me where I said it wasn’t his fault. But that doesn’t make Zimmerman a saint. He killed an unarmed kid. Taking him at his word, Z, a cop wannabe, put himself in a position to get ambushed and his weapon compromised.

            So yeah, Martin should had kept running to his house. But in my opinion, Zimmerman should had stayed in his damn truck. Martin payed the ultimate price for his stupidity. Zimmerman will probably get his own show on Fox.

          • LibertyLover says:

            Show me where I said it wasn’t his fault.

            My bad. I misunderstood you.

            We’re on the same page.

      • New Format Sux says:

        The kid found him and started beating him up. Zimmerman didn’t pull a gun on him when he first saw the kid. He said,’What do you mean, I don’t have a problem with you.’

    • New Format Sux says:

      If you can get one with the timing and look at the map, it’s even more blatant. TrayVon Martin is less than 400 feet away from his aunt’s house, going at a right angle to Zimmerman’s view so George can’t see him. Zimmerman describes him as running. The call ends 2 minutes later. TrayVon could have covered that ground in under 20 seconds. Probably would have taken Big Fat George that long just to get to where TrayVon was standing. It was TrayVon that did the confronting.
      Also, from the audio you can hear Zimmerman stop following.

    • New Format Sux says:

      I agree with your analysis, but in Zimmerman’s statement to the police, he says the dispatcher told him not to follow. Indeed, this is the one part of the story where the investigators do not believe him that he did not follow. An address was clearly visible, yet he says he was looking for an address.

  23. bobbo, we think with words, but only remember images says:

    TEA Dud as silly in cultural analysis as he is on religion says:
    7/17/2013 at 4:26 am

    His elegant point was NOT racist, /// I said and it is RACE BAITING. Pitting one group against another for no reason other than to see the fight.

    to mislabel it such is against the 1st Amendment in spirit. //// Spirit? Figure you’d go all metaphysical and not make any sense as a result. The First Amendment is about saying anything you want to–spirit has nothing to do with it.

    Rather than reasoned discourse, you smeared him…poisoned the well. /// After getting over your inability to parse the language between being a racist and race baiting, you “sense” I disagree. Such is poisoning the well in your fevered imagination. You make a dogma of everything you regurgitate.

    And what made your reply even worse, it couldn’t be more wrong. /// How am I wrong? Be specific.

    His list is exactly right. /// I heard Sharpton injecting race into the discussion. Saw the others on the tube but didn’t pay attention to what they were saying. Hard to believe everyone on that list including corporate entities are vile racists. You have to do more than be stupid and playing with prejudice to be vile… don’t ya think? For instance–I think OH_No is being Vile, but YOU are just being stupid. There is a distinction.

    More blacks died in Chicago this year than the KKK ever killed last century…and no one cares. /// A factoid in support of what point? Connect your dots==then how do you determine that “no one” cares? Rhetorical BS.

    Just like he said. /// OH_No is losing his grip on reality. A slow downward curve. I hope someone looks in on him soon. You Alfie appear too isolated and self involved to be of any issue to anyone else. Me?—Hah, ha. I like beer. I’m only a threat to those who think, and those who think enjoy doing so.

    Yea, verily!

  24. bobbo, we think with words, but only remember images says:

    According to Oh_No:

    Obama is stoking racial tensions, and

    Obama is a vile racist.

    Doesn’t sound like the milktoast Obama I have seen compromise his integrity away for the last 5 years. So, what did he say?

    “”The death of Trayvon Martin was a tragedy. Not just for his family, or for any one community, but for America. I know this case has elicited strong passions. And in the wake of the verdict, I know those passions may be running even higher. But we are a nation of laws, and a jury has spoken. I now ask every American to respect the call for calm reflection from two parents who lost their young son. And as we do, we should ask ourselves if we’re doing all we can to widen the circle of compassion and understanding in our own communities. We should ask ourselves if we’re doing all we can to stem the tide of gun violence that claims too many lives across this country on a daily basis. We should ask ourselves, as individuals and as a society, how we can prevent future tragedies like this. As citizens, that’s a job for all of us. That’s the way to honor Trayvon Martin.”

    Hmmm…. a call for calm reflection, to widen the circle of compassion, to stem the tide of gun violence, how can we prevent killings in the future.

    Oh_No and TEA-Dud. Please define “Vile” for us would you? You two may just be suffering from word confusion.

    Vile: Extremely unpleasant.
    Morally bad; wicked:

    You may have this confused with a totally unrelated word: Reflection: what you see in the mirror.


    • New Format Sux says:

      Obama and Holder and Sharpton caused this prosecution to happen and stoked the racial flames to help his reelection. Mission accomplished, Obama can call for calm now. He pivots to use it as a weapon in his current agenda which is not reelection, but gun control. I have called for a calming of the violence, now you are a racist if you don’t do your part and pass my gun control agenda.

  25. bobbo, we think with words, but only remember images says:

    Here’s the kind of Helter Skelter OH_No and TEA-Dud are encouraging==knowingly or otherwise.

    Haven’t seen this reported on the News. How small a group of misfits acting like OH_No and TEA-Dud should there be before it gets reported as an actual uprising of “the people”, as opposed to an excuse used by a small group of organized thugs?

    Hard to call.


  26. bobbo, we think with words, but only remember images says:

    New Format Sux says:
    7/17/2013 at 7:48 am

    >Martin was a killer. /// Evidence for this?

    He told Zimmerman, you’re gonna die. .///////// Yeah THAT is very powerful evidence. First and Only place I’ve heard that is on this forum. Its believable, maybe a bit more agressive than I have simply assumed from the start? Wonder why its not covered on the news? Still–I think you actually have to “kill” to be a killer. No salivating before the event.
    Now, this perhaps should be qualified as he is an attempted killer of people he thinks might be gay and stalking him. For others, he is merely a beat them till they bleed kind of guy. //// Now THATS the kind of word discipline that we should all use exclusively…. not as a followup to negate what we first said.


    >How come blacks are disproportionately in Prison? Can you do simple Math????

    No justice is wrong, but they are not disproportionately in prison given the amount of crime committed. //// Well, the common example is that Blacks and Whites both use Maurijuana at the same rate but Blacks are in jail 400% more. Thats just one category of crime but that is still the trend. Murder statistics are much the same.

    85% of interracial crime is committed by blacks. /// Hmmmm…whats the math on that? If Blacks were 12% of the population and did crime on a totally random basis, then88% would be interacial? And yet I’ve heard that the majority of Black crime is on Black victims? Hmmm…. makes me think that general claims are pretty much BS.

    You aren’t a BS’er are you NFS? You are certainly right about the NFS, so you start off with High Credibility.

    Always a challenge isn’t it?

      • bobbo, we think with words, but only remember images says:

        Yeah—thanks for the link. I’ll give it a further read.

        Until then–the math I provided show that Blacks tend to avoid confrontations with Whites. Only by 2% but thems the numbers.

        You aren’t “confused” by 85% being a large number are you? What do you think 85% means in any sense of that word?

        What do you think it should be? What does should be even mean?

        Can you tell shit from shinola?

    • New Format Sux says:


      A contrary view, though I don’t think it says nearly as much as the author thinks. Basically endorses my point of blacks are more criminal.

      • bobbo, we think with words, but only remember images says:

        Unless I missed it, your link does not suggest that blacks are more criminal.

        The facts as I think apply are that Blacks get arrested more and go to jail more.

        Is that what you mean by more criminal?

        Who is more criminal?===100 Blacks stealing $43 each or ONE Wall Street Dude stealing $350 Million?

        Race relations. Most opinions/positions say a whole lot more about the speaker than about the subject matter.

        Know what I mean?

        • New Format Sux says:

          They are based on victim reports. So not the arrests made.

          • bobbo, we think with words, but only remember images says:

            Victim reports don’t make anyone a criminal.

            I’ll put you down for shinola.

          • bobbo, we think with words, but only remember images says:

            I said that too fast….. thinking of something else.

            Shit…. it is.

          • New Format Sux says:

            You make no sense. A victim is a victim of a crime, and they report the race of the person who committed the crime. This would be something that is known whether they catch the person or not.

          • bobbo, we think with words, but only remember images says:

            I think you see the issue?

            Its the difference between being the accused and a criminal. But even if we ignore that distinction, again….AGAIN==YOUR MATH DOESN’T WORK.

            Buy a dictionary and use it.

          • New Format Sux says:

            You miss the point. There is no accused in the victim report, as there is no name. Generally if you are beaten and someone takes your wallet, you can’t name the person who did it.

          • bobbo, we think with words, but only remember images says:

            NFS—rereading==yes, I think you are right. It even makes sense in a way: why would anyone rob a black person? Other than tennis shoes, what do they have???

            While the motivating factor is poverty stealing from perceived “have mores” I wonder how many of the robbers had bigger than normal ear lobes?

    • Guyver says:

      Still–I think you actually have to “kill” to be a killer.

      Assuming Zimmerman’s version is truthful, I’m not going to wait until I’m about to die to consider alternatives.

      The mere threat and actions of a person overtly consistent with the way Zimmerman describes is the only litmus test I need to defend myself with lethal force.

      No justice is wrong, but they are not disproportionately in prison given the amount of crime committed.

      I recall hearing / reading that 40% of all black males in America are either on probation, parole, or prison / jail. If true, then I would qualify that as disproportionate if any other ethnic demographic doesn’t have a similar proportion.

      It’s been brought up that blacks are “unfairly” targeted more often for arrests concerning criminal activity than other racial demographics which some will argue explains why blacks are disproportionately in prison. No mention is ever made if those same individuals were deserving of being arrested for their criminal activity.

      Hmmmm…whats the math on that? If Blacks were 12% of the population and did crime on a totally random basis, then88% would be interacial? And yet I’ve heard that the majority of Black crime is on Black victims? Hmmm…. makes me think that general claims are pretty much BS.

      It means a smaller racial demographic of the entire population is committing the lion’s share of interracial crimes. The RATIO of violent criminals in the smaller demographic is DISPROPORTIONATELY higher than in other racial demographics. The why’s are an entirely different matter.

      It’s been said the majority of violent crimes committed against black men in America is by other black men. There is no contradiction as you seem to be implying.

      • bobbo, we think with words, but only remember images says:

        Oh McGuyver.

        Buy a dictionary and use it.

        • New Format Sux says:

          >Buy a dictionary and use it.

          We went thru that last week with you claiming people didn’t understand basic vocabulary, and you were wrong the whole time.

      • bobbo, we think with words, but only remember images says:

        Actually, re reading my post/math…. I think I got it wrong.

        HEY!!!! Thats what happens when you try to post early in the morning without a beer.

        So…. lets go REAL SLOW:

        McGuyver–if Blacks and Whites both smoke MJ at the same percentage but 4 times as many black get arrested and put in prison for it then….. who is more criminal? Criminal vs violate the law.

        See any difference between the two?

        The historical legacy of Slavery. What??? Its just like dumping CO2 in the atmosphere ====IN THAT it should make no difference at all????

        Ha, ha—good boy.

        • Guyver says:

          if Blacks and Whites both smoke MJ at the same percentage but 4 times as many black get arrested and put in prison for it then….. who is more criminal? Criminal vs violate the law.

          Drink more beer and read more slowly. I already addressed this with my comments of blacks being “unfairly” targeted.

          That said your argument is based on a premise that the crime rates are the same… as though poverty, education, employment rates are also the same. Absurd.

          The historical legacy of Slavery. What???

          No one brought up slavery, but then again your threshold for what qualifies as racism is substantially low given that any politician (i.e. Tancredo) who suggests making English the official language of the USA is automatically a racist in your eyes.

          Regardless I suppose the legacy of slavery is some of the following:

          Preferential treatment for employment by way of a quota system vs. a meritocracy.

          Concluding racism exists if a disproportionate number of a specific demographic is under or over represented in population figures (i.e. employment, home ownership, education, etc.)

          Making laws to avoid fixing the root cause but to make liberals feel good about over / under representation of minorities (i.e. Equal Opportunity Laws, Community Re-investment Act, Low requirements to maintain college scholarships).

          Making employment interview tests a rare occurrence since this is believed to foster racism. Never mind that testing applicants is a way for an employer to know how knowledgeable / experienced an applicant truly is. Hiring based off of candidate’s college diplomas are the new “test” so employers can prove they are equal opportunity employers.

          Socially acceptable to make fun of physical attributes such as baldness, lack of endowment, weak physique, obesity (although changing), etc. But making fun of other physical attributes (i.e. skin color) is taboo.

          Its just like dumping CO2 in the atmosphere ====IN THAT it should make no difference at all????

          No one has scientifically proven a causal link with man-made CO2 for any differences in climate or that CO2 is the root cause of the “problem” you whine about.

          If there is any difference of the alleged significance to man’s CO2 contribution, perhaps this may be useful to you (although it may have not been discussed much by the IPCC): http://tinyurl.com/p58yetu

          • bobbo, we think with words, but only remember images says:

            Total piece of CRAP McGuyer.

            Of course there are positive/beneficial aspects to the overall disaster that is shaping up. Its like saying there was finally no waiting in the Ballroom as the Titanic sank.


          • Guyver says:

            Of course there are positive/beneficial aspects to the overall disaster that is shaping up.

            Could be worse. You could have a huge following of sheeple who believe everything that a group of people who hold scientific degrees trying to promote a theory that the sky is falling in the absence of science. At the end of the day they can’t or won’t make any predictions other than 100 years from now we are all screwed…. but you and I will be dead, so does it matter that their claims / livelihood can’t be validated? You say nay.

            Its like saying there was finally no waiting in the Ballroom as the Titanic sank.

            And this is relevant to the theory that man-made CO2 is the root cause of your alleged disaster because?

            Sith mind trick of a straw man? 🙂

            You rhetorically asked me if dumping all that CO2 into our atmosphere would have no effect at all. I simply provided you an article that addressed your whining. There’s no need to crap all over yourself.

            You man-made global warming alarmists are no different than the Nostradamus alarmists. If either of your sources were accurate, surely you can provide a translation of a prediction / data BEFORE an event happens…. but nooooooooooooo, you guys have to get all uppity when someone gets skeptical on you. 😀

      • New Format Sux says:

        O’Mara countered by saying that Martin not only attended fights, but that he also recorded them on video, including “one where two buddies of his are beating up a homeless guy.” The video recorded a crime. The State of Florida had this video in possession for months and took no follow-up action. As O’Mara made clear at the most recent hearing, the State concealed critical evidence all along.

    • New Format Sux says:

      >He told Zimmerman, you’re gonna die. .///////// Yeah THAT is very powerful evidence. First and Only place I’ve heard that is on this forum. ..Wonder why its not covered on the news?

      Yes indeed. Perhaps you should reconsider where you get your sources, as to how you did not realize this claim.

      From Zimmerman’s statement to the police:

      “As I headed back to my vehicle the suspect emerged from the darkness and said, ‘You got a problem?” When Zimmerman answered “No,” the suspect said, “You do now.”

      As I looked and tried to find my phone to dial 911 the suspect punched me in the face. I fell backwards onto my back. The suspect got on top of me. I yelled “Help” several times. The suspect told me, “Shut the f*** up.” As I tried to sit upright, the suspect grabbed my head and slammed it into the concrete sidewalk several times. I continued to yell “Help.” Each time I attempted to sit up, the suspect slammed my head into the sidewalk. My head felt like it was going to explode. I tried to slide out from under the suspect and continue to yell “Help.”

      Heard in the background of the 911 call from Witness #11 was a man desperately yelling “help” over and over again for about forty-two seconds. The call started at 7:16:11, about two and a half minutes after Zimmerman ended his call with SPD.

      As I slid the suspect covered my mouth and nose and stopped my breathing. At this point I felt the suspect reach for my now exposed firearm and say, “Your (sic) gonna die tonight Mother F***er.” I unholstered my firearm in fear for my life as he had assured me he was going to kill me and I fired one shot into his torso. The suspect sat back allowing me to sit up and said “You got me.”

  27. New Format Sux says:

    For people who think it’s a he-said, he-said, and one of the hes is dead, that is not in line with the facts of the case.
    The media is perpetuating a set of facts that are not true. Started with audio tape ‘He looks like he’s up to no good, he looks black.’ where they edited out the dispatcher asking him what race is the guy. Ever since then, the media has been on the same narrative of let’s make Zimmerman the guilty man. Now they report it as the prosecutor just couldn’t get past reasonable doubt. With cheating prosecutors and a judge stacked against them not letting them present facts, the defense just had the jury left. Clever of the defense lawyer to say they would prove Zimmerman was innocent, when they did nothing of the sort, but it gave the jury the backbone to acquit.

    Now, the facts as they are known, lead one to a conclusion of innocence. We have a witness, the only one who actually got a good look at things, backing up Zimmerman’s statement, and we know he did so within minutes of the incident, and that Zimmerman had no knowledge of this guy’s statement when he was making his own statement to police. We know the experienced police investigators, one of whom actually had reason to get Zimmerman(Zimmerman made a complaint against him previously), decided there was no basis for arrest. He bluffed Zimmerman and said that he had the whole thing on video, they are developing it now. Zimmerman was relieved.
    We have 7/11 videotape, that shows TrayVon arriving, buying his Skittles, and the clerk refusing to let him buy something behind the counter. Then TrayVon leaves, but we don’t see him heading back yet on the video. Instead, some other guys enter the store, buy something behind the counter, with possibly the same bills TrayVon was holding out, then they leave, then we see TrayVon heading back two minutes or so later. We know the incident happened about forty minutes after TrayVon left a 7/11 half a mile away. We know he was suspended from school for drug use and theft, and that both crimes were covered up under a policy of making the school’s crime numbers look good by not reporting things. We know TrayVon’s Twitter feed includes discussion of fighting, how to mix your own drugs, people telling him he’s always fighting, and pictures of TrayVon with a gun.

    Then we have reasonable inferences. How likely is it that Zimmerman decided he was going to kill a kid? Maybe, you say. OK, now how likely is it that he would decide to do this, while knowing that the police are on the way because Zimmerman called them? We know that TrayVon was in pretty good shape, while Zimmerman is a fat guy. We know the distances at the complex, which suggest that TrayVon could have gotten home if he wanted to. We know that some of the witness statements were based on news reports which at the time were presenting pictures of a younger TrayVon, and the witness described seeing or hearing a kid’s voice. We can guess that they were lying based on the news reports.

    • bobbo, we think with words, but only remember images says:

      Whats your point?

    • Guyver says:

      The media is perpetuating a set of facts that are not true. Started with audio tape ‘He looks like he’s up to no good, he looks black.’ where they edited out the dispatcher asking him what race is the guy.

      Zimmerman is rightfully suing for defamation of character. NBC arguably may have been the catalyst for this whole thing much to Obama’s joy given his Summer of scandals.

      My guess is NBC will settle out of court and may / may not admit to any wrong doing.

  28. New Format Sux says:

    Witness #5, Mary Cutcher, the most visible and outspoken of all the eyewitnesses.

    In the six-week long hysteria between Martin’s shooting and Zimmerman’s arrest, Cutcher was everywhere. It was she who floated the theme that the police were ignoring those eyewitnesses whose testimony challenged Zimmerman’s innocence.

    Although Cutcher admittedly did not see the struggle that led up to the shooting, in her many national TV interviews she, like at least two other eyewitnesses, fully bought into the Trayvon-as-child message that the family’s advisers had crafted from day one.

    “It sounded young. It didn’t sound like a grown man is my point,” Cutcher told NBC’s Lester Holt of the screaming she heard that night. “It sounded to me like someone was in distress and it wasn’t like a crying, sobbing boo-hoo, it was a definite whine.”

    Lost in what Weigel described as Cutcher’s “media tour” was the recognition of what Cutcher originally told the 9-1-1 operator on the night of the shooting, namely that there was “a black guy standing up over [the shooting victim].”

    If the media took Cutcher seriously, the State could not afford to. Prosecutors don’t even have to acknowledge her absence, and the defense is not allowed to.

    • bobbo, we think with words, but only remember images says:

      Again….. what is your point?

      That is after all your challenge, having read and considered the subject as much as you have. You know–synthesis/conclusions???

      …….But I’m guessing I agree. I know the certain DISGUST I felt when first hearing the meme that Trayvon was a “child.”

      Just like the drivel that Pro Life advocates spew forth==manipulate/violate the clear meaning of words to put an agreeable spin on things. Bad thing to do if you want any credibility at all.

      Ass Hats All.

      • Tim says:

        Tucks Medicated Ass Hats — Now with softer, gentler, more pliable embedded rfid.

  29. New Format Sux says:

    MARTIN: Cause man dat nigga snitched on me

    FRIEND: Bae y you always fightinqq man, you got suspended?

    MARTIN: Naw we thumped afta skool in a duckd off spot

    FRIEND: Ohh, Well Damee

    MARTIN: I lost da 1st round 🙁 but won da 2nd nd 3rd . . . .

    FRIEND: Ohhh So It Wass 3 Rounds? Damn well at least yu wonn lol but yuu needa stop fighting bae Forreal

    MARTIN: Nay im not done with fool….. he gone hav 2 see me again

    FRIEND: Nooo… Stop, yuu waint gonn bee satisified till yuh suspended again, huh?

    MARTIN: Naw but he aint breed nuff 4 me, only his nose

  30. bobbo, we think with words, but only remember images says:

    New Format Sux says:
    7/17/2013 at 8:23 am

    Stand Your Ground had nothing to do with anything. Perhaps you should learn what that law actually is and when it applies before you spout the left-wing sites view that these laws must go and this case proves it. //// Hmmm… from obviously incorrect to general accusation, to totally made up assumptions. Ha, ha.

    Stand your ground defense was not pursued at trial as a bifurcated proceeding but That is only part of the story.

    Other part: The NEW stand your ground law in Florida (and elsewhere in the 35 or is it 15 States that adopted similar laws in the past 4-5 years) CHANGED THE JURY INSTRUCTIONS that left them little choice but to acquit Zimmerman.

    Must suck to be right in conclusion but wrong in everything that leads to it???? bwhahahahaha.

    I crack myself up.

    • New Format Sux says:

      Wow, who knew that they didn’t have proof beyond a reasonable doubt until Florida passed stand your ground laws.

      • Guyver says:

        You mean you’re not guilty until proven innocent? 🙁

      • bobbo, we think with words, but only remember images says:

        The standard of proof is only one of 50-100 jury instructions that were given.

        Before and other than Stand Your Ground jurisdictions, you have a DUTY to retreat and to avoid deadly force if it is possible to do.

        HUGH DIFFERENCE. The very difference between guilt and innocense. Between creating a situation and avoiding one.

        Must SUCK to be able to think of only one jury instruction when there are 100’s to choose from.

        How come you so limited?

        • New Format Sux says:

          >DUTY to retreat and to avoid deadly force if it is possible to do.

          Since for Zimmerman it was impossible to do so, this becomes irrelevant. As I said before. Your bordering on conFusion again.

          • bobbo, we think with words, but only remember images says:

            Sorry NFS–but another jury instruction OUTSIDE of Stand Your Ground Jurisdictions is the duty not to create what becomes the need for self defense==IE–Zimmerman would have been required to stay in his car OR if leaving the car to leave the gun there.

            Once again–why you so limited?

          • New Format Sux says:

            Again you are imagining things. Sure you are not supposed to provoke the guy you kill, creating the self-defense situation. Perhaps that’s why the cops stopped the guy with a Jewish flag bumper sticker in Dearborn?
            Sounds like you are more and more endorsing John Derbyshire’s The Talk. Don’t go anywhere where there’s lots of black people.

        • Guyver says:

          How come you so limited?

          If the glove doesn’t fit, you must acquit.


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