
Executive Producers: Black Baron of Silicon Valley, Edward Jacobs, Andrew Largeman
Associate Executive Producers: Sir Sizzalot, Chris Taylor, Peter McConnell, Ed LeBouthillier, Ben C.
Art By: MartinJJ

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  1. deowll says:

    The liberal media is to be commended. They have set back race relations in this nation at least two or three generations and the race baiters are going for the money and the votes. Do they care about the staggering break down in law and order mass murder going on in Chicago and other major cities? Not a bit. They don’t care about black on black and won’t admit that black on white violence even exists.

    Let’s see if Adam or John notice that the law against the US gov. feeding the American people propaganda has expired. With this admin how can you tell the difference?

    We don’t need a media shield law because it is in the Constitution however this admin thinks that is toilet paper. The retarded shield law is a we can spy on you with impunity slaves!

    My niece and her family live on mac and cheese. They aren’t broke. They like the stuff.

    • orchidcup says:

      Ramen Noodles with Mac ‘N Cheese is my favorite for gettin’ by.

      Ramen Noodles come in several flavors: Shrimp, Chicken, Pork, and Beef.

      Outstanding slave cuisine.

  2. ivan says:

    When Adam started to read about Shield Law it was like another circle of hell opened up. Media death panels!? I think it is really downhill from here. Fast.

  3. Kent says:

    Here in Canada, robocalls are used all the time by political campaigns. If they know you’re voting for the other party, they call telling you that the polling station has changed to one in another town so you’ll miss voting.

  4. mojo says:

    “Excuse me, Senator, but which part of “Congress shall make NO LAW” was fuckin’ unclear?

    • msbpodcast says:

      You probably know more about the actual text of the constitution that most (if not all,) congress 1%ers.

    • Glenn E. says:

      They just won’t call it a “law”. They’ll tack it onto some bill, and call it a “rider”. Or use some other kind of dodge, for getting away with doing something unconstitutional.

  5. msbpodcast says:

    Boston Brakes?

    Aren’t those the ones you stomp on with cement shoes, Pedal to the pavement style?…

    • Glenn E. says:

      I think it’s a word play on “Boston Bakes”. As in “beans”.

  6. ECA says:

    oil pipelines?

    Trucking…Takes lots of trucks.
    Train…?? cost? routes?? Could be sent to many locations and routes.
    Pipeline?? Cost of LEASING LAND RIGHTS..ask Alaska about this. it pays the taxes..
    When do we start the march to get our constitution back??

    when do we start TESTING OUR representatives??


  7. Glenn E. says:

    Damn bombers. Because of their weapon of choice. I can’t unload my old pressure cooker pot, at the local thrift store. Without getting the stink eye, from the owners, for endangering the public. What’s next? Bombs made from old steam irons, or high speed blender motors, or rotary dial telephones? I’ve got those too.

    • Tim says:

      Why would you even consider relenquishing something that one can’t walk to the store and replace anymore?? Is the seal bad, or something? With a working pressure cooker, one may count each fish as three fishes — fish, eyeballs, and assholes. It’s the only way to cook a carp. It could prove useful, in a pinch.


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