I guess the good news is that they don’t hate us for our freedom anymore.
Austrian plane search for leaker Snowden enrages Bolivia
I guess the good news is that they don’t hate us for our freedom anymore.
Austrian plane search for leaker Snowden enrages Bolivia
Bad Behavior has blocked 9186 access attempts in the last 7 days.
Go to sleep Marc everyone else has, about 7 years ago.
Speak for yourself! Nighty night!
Obama is more of a threat to humanity, justice and democracy then Snowden will ever be!
Just in terms of innocent people murdered (droned)…
Is this why people elected Obama, NO!
HEY!!!! You’re supposed to link to articles that flesh these headlines out. While heavily multi-tasking ((code for using more than just my right hand)) I’ve heard that Obama did it, then I heard that a few European states simply denied a aircraft they thought Snowden was in passage thru their air space. So, was this guy on THAT airplane or were there more than one flight involved?
I’m not going to go google it.
You Eds are getting AS lazy as us……. not a good thing.
HINT: I’ll check back in a few for the missing link.
People have been hunting the ‘missing link’ for years.
Sorry, couldn’t help myself.
There is no ‘missing link.’
A mysterious magical being created humans from the dust of the earth and breathed life into our nostrils.
Don’t you read the writings of ancient nomadic tribesmen?
The cosmology of the universe is spelled out in plain English.
Well, sort of.
I couldn’t help myself. Sorry.
I -DO- help myself.
Well Done.
Always best to see the humor in things.
Don’t worry about people elsewhere hating you. The 96% of the planet that is not the USA mostly either does not give a s**t about the people in the US (the same as your government) or considers them as fellow human beings (which is not done by very many governments about their subjects).
Now there are plenty people that are not too fond of your government but I get the idea that that is a pretty popular attitude in your general population.
Welcome to Imperial Rome. Consider how many commenters sound just like plebeian citizens.
Sorry for suggesting an historical analogy that may require reading.
I am thinking how useful it would be to start a WH petition to impeach Obama!
They don’t hate us for our freedom anymore?
What freedom?
The plane incident was the latest twist in a saga which has raised a furor in the United States and abroad over the balance between privacy rights and national security.
There is that damn meme again, “the balance between privacy rights and national security.”
That concept does not appear anywhere in the Constitution.
You mean like warrants letting cops into your house?
Or perhaps soldiers can be quartered in your house in wartime?
Cool. I think we shall just call everything “war”.
“I’m afraid we’re gonna have to come in and share the company of your daughter in her bed this morning, ma’am — There is a war against that heavier than usual dew…”
Latest from Reuters:
Here is a link to an AP story on this
Nowhere does either story explain how refusing overflight requests or even searching the plane when on the ground in Austria is “Kidnapping”. Nor does either offer the slightest evidence that any of this was done at the direction of the US administration.
It wasn’t done because O’Mama requested it.
It was done because the NSA’s wiretaps have revealed some facts that the French gummint would rather keep quiet, so they caved.
It just shows just how powerful your agency really is when you can coerce a third party, France, into some pretty, uh, drastic and extremely undiplomatic action detaining the president of a foreign country, Bolivia, boarding his plane and searching it for someone who isn’t there. (And what would they have done if he was there? Shot the all and called it a faulty landing?)
Obama bombed Libya at France’s request. They owe him.
“It just shows just how powerful your agency really is when you can coerce a third party, France, into some pretty, uh, drastic and extremely undiplomatic action detaining the president of a foreign country, Bolivia, boarding his plane and searching it for someone who isn’t there”
The plane did not land in France.
The plane was not searched by the French.
France did not detain the Bolivian leader.
All the French MAY have done is deny the Bolivian plane overflight rights, and that is only on the word of the Bolivians. According to the French , they gave permission for the overflight Tuesday and again on Wednesday. Same deal with Spain saying that gave permission for overflight and refueling stop in the Canary Islands for Tuesday and again on Wednesday.
The only thing that the Bolivians and other countries seem to agree on is that the plane landed in Austria, spent the nite there and flew out again on Wednesday. The Austrians say the Bolivian President agreed to a voluntary inspection of the plane before it departed just before noon Wednesday.
Nor does either offer the slightest evidence that any of this was done at the direction of the US administration.
Nor was there the slightest evidence that Prism was a reality either . . . until there was.
I guess we need whistleblowers to tell us the truth from now on. Our gubmint sure ain’t gonna tell us.
PRISM is not a reality.
Go back to sleep.
All is well.
Your government loves you and protects you.
So we should simply believe the statements of Bolivian diplomatic spokespeople and disregard the statements of every other countries spokespersons because of…. Why?
While we are at it, I guess we should believe every statement from from North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, Yemen, Syria, Israel, Egypt, etc and not even bother to ask for any type of evidence, proof, or confirmation. They have certainly never lied (dripping sarcasm).
Nobody lies. They speak their own special truth.
Honesty is very subjective.
Considering the purpose of the search . . . you doubt where it originated from?
Well there went any good will left after Obama trod on the same US constitution that Bush-Cheney wiped their asses with.
“Lets spy on everybody, and keep it a secret.”
Everybody would have been much happier with it if it hadn’t been for that last keep it a secret part.
NSA must stand for Nut-job Secretive Assholes.
“I guess the good news is that they don’t hate us for our freedom anymore.”
Note to Eiditor, that’s how you do commentary!
Here is a photo of Americans protesting the collection of personal data by the NSA:
Americans protesting government snooping
Ooops! I goofed.
That is a photo of Egyptian protests.
My bad.
Carry on.
Here is a photo of Americans protesting the collection of personal data by the NSA:
Americans protesting government snooping
Its actually “good” to live in a country where politics does not bring the people out into the streets. Its called “stability” and general acceptance. “Should” more Americans be out in the streets?===only an idiot would say yes.
THE ACTIVITY should take place in the privacy of the polling booth. As in:
Streets are for people going someplace.
Notice to 2 bit countries : Don’t fuck with Obama ! That goes to the President of Venezuela where I bet he will be granted asylum.
Snowden should have accepted the deal from his comrade, Putin. Now he’s pretty much fucked.
Palantir called, They said your personna management software is no longer genuine. You will no longer recieve patch-tuesday critical updates to the shillification routine. Please delete the package from your system.
If you feel you have recieved this message in error, you will still need to renew you liscence. Just use the same account and RMA# we gave you to ransom back your penis.
I think you’re on meth or you clicked the wrong window to reply to a screwed up order. Keep your blogging off the work PC or your high school boss is gonna find out.
Yea, we were learning how to use a soldering iron today to make wedding rings out of pennies and wire; I pointed out that it’s not copper inside, but zinc. And that zinc makes redy-made bullets with the low heat of a stove. I’m a terrorist. It is just what I do.
The problem with *meth*, these days, is trying to teach all the so-called ‘cooks’ how to make lye out of salt water… They can not understand the relevance of a ‘salt-bridge’ so what they end up with is lots of chlorox.
It’s also not ideal for making soap out of lye and fat to fuck up so badly.
God Damn, Dallas; You are not really very good at this, are you? My kibitz-bot is better at it.
If I might borrow a redicuously stupid sign-off from bobbo,
yea, verily.
HA!!!! I say HA!!!!!
ALL my sobriquets and bon mots are of infinite meaning and beauty placed before you in my private reverie for their own intrinsic beauty. No better polish than their utility in usage.
…. but I dither.
The modern French spelling is sobriquet. The first form suggests derivation from sot, foolish, and the second form, briquet, is a French adaptation of Italian brichetto, diminutive of bricco, ass, knave, possibly connected with briccone, rogue, which is supposed to be a derivative of Ger. brechen, to break; but Skeat considers this spelling to be an example of false etymology.
As you are not going with #1 and self-deprication is not self-evident with analysis of your previous posts … carry on!
Oh yea; Happy Fourth!!
“WOW! Obama just kidnapped the President of Bolivia!!!”
The people of Bolivia would be better off if they didn’t pay the ransom.
In other news, black hair coloring sales are way down in Bolivia.