One can only hope the Republican party is rejecting her brand of religious, anti-[fill in the blank], business before people, and so on kind of politics, and getting back to what it once was. Oh, and actually being willing to… you know, what’s the word that is so out of favor in Washington now… govern. Yeah, that’s it!

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the 2008 Republican nominee for vice president responded to a Fox News Channel viewer’s Twitter question Saturday about the possibility of her and conservative talker Mark Levin abandoning the Republican Party and creating something called the “Freedom Party.”

Palin suggested she is open to the idea and said that if the GOP continues to abandon its conservative principles, other would follow suit.

  1. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Whacked out “Freedom Party” heh? Is this the Third Party, not D or R, that so many retards on this forum have been advocating?

    BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA: as in===Why, yes… it is.

    I do hope you retards can finally “get it.” Sadly, you all are about as Nuts as Palin and her ILK. Sad how much currency a bad idea can maintain because it never has to come into contact with reality.

    Any such Third Party will split the FERP’s as it is half their membership. The fact that a Half Govener promoted from obscurity might lead a TP is nothing new, surprising, or terrible in contemplation. WHATS WORSE are the ILK in the FERP: Backman, Gomer, Kassik, That Idiot in Maine, –oh, ALL THE FERPS that ran last time? Ha, ha. Hard to find a sane person in the entire party==and those that are, are still corrupt.

    Crap!!! Time to form a Third Party: Hope and Change?

    Can I buy an Amen?

    • Msbpodcast says:

      I advocate No Parties and No Election.

      This stuff is <btoo important to leave to some millionaire 1%ers who only sees it as a chance to grab some dough on its way from our thousandaire real pockets to the billionaire oligarchs bank pockets.

      Elections should instead be selections where any citizen has the chance and the obligation to represent the citizenry for one and only one term. (That would turn K-Street into a strip mall of army surplus and dollar stores. [Once you take money out of the picture, we’d get back to proper governance pretty damn quick.])

  2. kiwini says:

    “Can I buy an Amen?”

    Sure you can, Buck-o… just ask the Party of Hate, aka the one that’s supposed to be “Democratic”. They’ll sell you anything you desire, as long as the public foots the bill.

    • bobbo, one true Liberal defeating FERP's with their own inability to respond says:

      Say kininny==you may be on to something. How long a list do you care to provide illuminating how Hateful the Democratic Party is?

      Dare to be Forthcoming.

      • Peace and Love says:

        The Ku Klux Klan, and the Dems defend their KKK members to this day.

        • Peace and Love says:

          Ever wonder why the Dems specifically used blacks in all high profile roles?
          Ever wonder why they line up children behind political speech makers?
          Ever wonder why a Party that demonizes free and open debate ALWAYS resorts to hate speech, personal attack, exaggeration and hyperbole, class division, fear based mythology, all wrapped in juvenile playground style rhetoric? (for examples refer to bobbo posts)

          • bobbo, the iconoclastic non-conflating non-dogmatic existential Idol defiling cynosure efiling cynosure says:

            Peace and Love says:
            6/29/2013 at 10:32 pm

            Ever wonder why the Dems specifically used blacks in all high profile roles? // Joe Biden and Hilliary are Black?

            Ever wonder why they line up children behind political speech makers? /// They are easier to outrun when the shooting starts?

            Ever wonder why a Party that demonizes free and open debate ALWAYS resorts to hate speech, personal attack, exaggeration and hyperbole, class division, fear based mythology, all wrapped in juvenile playground style rhetoric? /// A nice projectile 180. Pure partisan BS.

            (for examples refer to bobbo posts) /// Thank you. I agree your ILK thinks asking for specific examples that support a conclusion posted is pretty hateful==given as demonstrated even here and even with your post, none of you FERP’s are up to it.

            I’d have a good laugh if there weren’t so many of you.

  3. Mr Diesel says:

    First one I can think of is spreading food stamps and welfare to keep people from getting ahead to better themselves. Pretty hateful if you ask me.

    • bobbo, one true Liberal defeating FERP's with their own inability to respond says:

      The great majority of those on food stamps are……………
      kiddies. Now Mr D–sit down, remove the brown shirt and the storm boots and tell me why you want a horde of young kiddies taking away minimum wage jobs from hard working two job americans?

      That reminds me…. xy% of people on Food Stamps already have at least one job–you know==like privates in the Military. THOSE kinds of loafers.

      ….. Speaking of small minds and hatred……. but I dither.

  4. Ah_Yea says:

    Bozo the troll always says “throw them all out!” yet is trying his best to defend the very people he complains about.

    Not very honest, is he?

    • bobbo, the iconoclastic non-conflating non-dogmatic existential Idol defiling cynosure says:

      OH_Noooooo==do you actually think (sic!) that attacking a whacked out Third Party potential is “defending” the two turds left in the bowl?

      You haven’t posted anything intelligent in months now.

      What’s up Bucky?

  5. Winston Smith says:

    WTH?! So the Teatard Party isn’t whacko enuff for her? C’mon, let’s keep all the batsh1+ loonies in one place please.

    The Dem and Repub parties are for corrupt SOBs only.

    Let’s stay organized people.

  6. Mr Diesel says:

    What’s the difference between a Tea Party Rally and one with Occupy Democrats?

    Tea Party Rally:
    No rapes
    No screaming obscenities at people for no apparent reason
    No shitting out in the open
    No trashing other people’s property for fun
    No trash covering the place when gone

    Occupy Rally by Democrats you get all that and more.

    There is already a third party, Libertarian.

    • bobbo, the iconoclastic non-conflating non-dogmatic existential Idol defiling cynosure says:

      Mr D—such a FERP you are. Keep on posting your shot down crap hoping to catch some uninformed voter as you already snared OH_Nooooo and Pedro.

      To wit: The Occupy demonstrations were for weeks and months long and got infiltrated by FERP’s and other neerdowells.

      The Tea Party rallys were for half day coffee breaks.

      You really should consider yourself a lying sack of shit for continuing to post this garbage==or are you running for office?

      • Mr Diesel says:

        I figured that would get you but since I have been to both it is you who is lying since I’d bet your Internet connection that you have not been to one of them.

        Lazy worthless 60’s flower children rejects that don’t have a life or job can afford to sit for weeks and months on end crapping on other people’s property.
        THAT IS an Occupy Rally.

        • bobbo, the iconoclastic non-conflating non-dogmatic existential Idol defiling cynosure says:

          Is this an admission Mr D that you were the dirty scum raping and stealing at the Occupy events—or were you holding the Morans Sign at the TeaPuke Party?

          Can’t imagine any other role other than… what?

          I’d love to see/read you spend some time actually thinking about what these two social movements ((beyond one’s astroturfing and the others sabotage===coincidence???)). You might explain how currently the two movements are being represented as having a lot of overlap in stated goals and interests===you know, centered on changing the status quo? One with Hope, the other without….. but I dither.

  7. Stu Miller says:

    All of a sudden I got a Hankering for some moose meat, and a side of Freedom fries..Hate these cravings!!

    • Tim says:

      “I can see my house from here.” — Sarah Palin, looking back from her front porch

  8. JCD's Love Child says:

    Great, here come the party hacks. Our petty differences are why aliens won’t talk to us and humanity will never reach enlightenment.

    On party politics, I will say two things:

    For all the democrats: “FUCK YOU”
    For all the republicans: “FUCK YOU”

  9. Dallas says:

    She seems less angry in this picture. Perhaps less stress and proper diet.

  10. Captain Obvious says:

    They should call it the Batshit Party.

  11. Uncle Patso says:

    I’m all for it. We need more parties. Such a party would probably draw most of its members from the GOP, perhaps leaving it a little more sane, a little more willing to compromise to get things done. Maybe.

  12. ThxJava says:

    Been keeping an eye on the Freedom Party in Canada for some time now see:

  13. sargasso_c says:

    Career politicians fly an ethos as a flag of convenience.

  14. Anonymous Coward says:

    I found it very telling about how much of a threat the Left viewed Sara Palin to be to them as demonstrated by just how vicious and prolonged their attacks against her were.

    She was the only person in the 2008 campaign that was obviously not an animatronic robot. All the rest required a hospital exam to make that determination, and in Biden’s case, an update patch to his English language routines would have been in order…

    As for her sub par performance in debates and interviews, I simply attribute that to her coming into the campaign “cold” when everybody else had been running to be President for the previous 18-24 months. They had all been coached and drilled endlessly on what to spout, how to act, what to wear, what interests to have, etc.

    I give her full credit for actually following here faith in terms of deciding to have the retarded kid be born rather than aborted. That takes but guts and conviction of beliefs that I simply don’t see on the Left. Hell, it’s hard to find on the Right. Most all politicians are incapable of making a hard choice of any sort on anything.

    Where she gunned herself down as an elected official was when she quit the governorship of Alaska seemingly out of the blue. It’s hard to take somebody who abandons high office mid term seriously for further office when they quit for anything other than major health issues, scandals (she had none to speak of, despite the claims of the Left), or to leave for higher office. It tells the voter that the person is probably not up to the job and therefore not worth voting for – Ross Perot taught us that by example.

  15. NewformatSux says:

    Don’t forget how gay men obsess over the legitimacy of Palin’s birthing of her youngest child.

  16. jim g says:

    The Republican party is now dead. The Democrats have succeeded in killing that just like they have killed the Constitution, the Economy, the Right to Privacy, and your basic freedoms.
    Trains will be departing for the camps shortly. Right after the government disarms all of you poor schmucks.
    “I told you so”.
    God help us.

    • The Monster's Lawyer says:

      You give the Dems way too much credit. I do believe it was the ultra conservative movement that did the most damage to the GOP. The GOP will survive but not in it’s current configuration. It will take some time to re-establish it’s relevancy through enlightenment. The amount of time is solely dependent on the speed of that enlightenment.

      • SteveD13 says:

        Isn’t this how the Whig party met its end? Whigs opposed presidential power, believed congress should have more power than the executive branch. Believed in economic protectionism (conservatism?) The party disintegrated over a human rights issue. The expansion of slavery of slavery into the territories. Hardliners within the party would not compromise. Members within the party would not support incumbents if they did not follow party lines. The party disintegrated as members split off or left politics completely.

    • Dallas says:

      I’m think it was more like a self inflicted fatal wound!

  17. Jim says:

    looking at how the tea party has really skewed the GOP, I’m not surprised there is now talk of a split. I’m just wondering why we didn’t hear about this in January.

    This is setting up like the split in the Progressive-Conservatives in Canada. The more rural folks are pissed at the elites, but still have the left wing. Sounds a lot like the Reform Party from western Canada splitting from the Ontario and Maritime Conservatives to me, except without a Preston Manning-like figurehead leading the split. After the 2014 or 2016 election is when I could see the split occur.

  18. bobbo, the iconoclastic non-conflating non-dogmatic existential Idol defiling cynosure says:

    AC coming out of his shell just a bit, but sadly to the right in contradiction to his many insightful jabs says
    6/30/2013 at 8:12 pm

    I found it very telling about how much of a threat the Left viewed Sara Palin to be to them as demonstrated by just how vicious and prolonged their attacks against her were. /// Lots of the FERP’s viewed the Half Governor as a threat to Sane Qualified Government as well, especially as time went on and her lack of competency was revealed. Shouldn’t ANY UNQUALIFIED INCOMPETENT WANNABE be voted against as a threat to sweet reason? Even McCane KNOWS he made a stupid mistake. Just listen to him—-thats right, he doesn’t talk about her. Only a partisan hypocrite posts as if both sides aren’t viscious in their attacks on the other. Don’t be a hypocrite—it makes your pants look tight.

    She was the only person in the 2008 campaign that was obviously not an animatronic robot. /// Rhetorical BS.

    All the rest required a hospital exam to make that determination, and in Biden’s case, an update patch to his English language routines would have been in order… /// All the rest….. why… that includes McCane. Don’t forget your partisan stupidity.

    As for her sub par performance in debates and interviews, /// Ahhh…. theres the nub. You report this matter of factly…. and it was and is still the truth. The woman is an idiot. Why do you and your ILK support so many clearly uniformed idiots? What is THAT???? Religion??….. What????

    I simply attribute that to her coming into the campaign “cold” when everybody else had been running to be President for the previous 18-24 months. //// Yeah–because Small Town Mayor and a Half Governor didn’t motivate her to EVER READ A NEWSPAPER OR MAGAZINE. She struck out on soft ball pitches. Probably, the least qualified VP only a half step ahead of Stockdale.

    They had all been coached and drilled endlessly on what to spout, how to act, what to wear, what interests to have, etc. /// Yep—too stupid to be coached is what SHE IS.

    I give her full credit for actually following here faith in terms of deciding to have the retarded kid be born rather than aborted. /// I agree too. Loving mother of retarded kids is what she is good at.

    That takes but guts and conviction of beliefs that I simply don’t see on the Left. /// You don’t? Well…. just open your eyes and LOOK!

    Hell, it’s hard to find on the Right. Most all politicians are incapable of making a hard choice of any sort on anything. /// Why haven’t you acted on this realization? Instead, you make yourself partisan as opposed to balanced. Amusing. ….. why: “In this near balance of evil, stupidity, and lack of ability to make hard choices–I lie and posture myself for the FERP’s because………….why?”

    Where she gunned herself down as an elected official was when she quit the governorship of Alaska seemingly out of the blue. /// No–a last bid effort to avoid prosecution for abuse of office.

    It’s hard to take somebody who abandons high office mid term seriously for further office when they quit for anything other than major health issues, scandals (she had none to speak of, despite the claims of the Left) //// Ha, ha. So—tell us again the “mystery” of why she left?

    , or to leave for higher office. It tells the voter that the person is probably not up to the job and therefore not worth voting for –/// Stupid Shit. Why don’t you read and fully process and ACCEPT what you write yourself? Truly religious type stupidity on display.

    Ross Perot taught us that by example. /// Perot taught us a totally different example: under the stress of a long and pointed campaign, HIS coaching and puppet handlers couldn’t hide the fact that HE WAS CRAZY. Actually–the model he provides regarding Palin. She might not be nuts… firmly grounded in her own ego as she is.

    AC—-good to see you out of your shell. I see why you stayed in for so long.

    • Greg Allen says:

      what the /// hell?

      Who taught you to write like that?

    • Tim says:

      What is the acronym FERP? kibitz-bot hangs on “a penis fully covered in hair” which, I believe, is not what is meant here.

  19. sounder says:

    Rush Limbaugh is heading the republican party. All he wants is more drugs.

  20. Greg Allen says:

    Which earns her more money? Staying with the GOP? Or starting our own medicine show?

    That’s what she will chose.

  21. MikeN says:

    Sarah Palin is hated for being a villain and for exposing Obama in just 45 minutes in her convention speech what he ad built up over 18 months.

    “Being a mayor is like being a community organizer, only with responsibility.”

    • SteveD13 says:

      No, she is not hated for being the villain who exposed Obama. A lot of people from all parties don’t like Obama and have claims to that title.

      The Alaska Gubernatorial Resignee is hated because she appears to be a dim-witted, hate spouting, bible-thumping, talking-point regurgitating, give me the cash first, opportunist without an original thought in her own head who will turn on a dime and jump on any bandwagon that will earn her more of the media spotlight and a larger income.

      • MikeN says:

        No that’s not why she is hated. If so, the same people would be hating Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton too.

  22. CP says:

    Neither party even remembers what they once stood for and are only around to please lobbyists.
    Palin is one of the best examples of the sham. She doesn’t want the govt controlling the amount of soda people consume, yet she wants a ban on abortions. Anyone who takes this brainless moron seriously needs to examine the authenticity of their own beliefs. She can’t articulate a point, she can’t defend an argument, and couldn’t complete her job as an official.
    Conservatives should be ashamed to be associated with such an inconsistent, babbling, fool. If she were ugly, no one would pay any attention.

    • MikeN says:

      “If you can feel it coming out, give us a call, unlock your door, and sit on the toilet until we arrive”

  23. Dave M., Paramedic says:

    Uh, this is Dave with the Paramedics. We got to the home of the guy who owns this computer and found him dying on the floor from a massive heart attack. He managed to grunt out that he didn’t know how Dvorak smuggled that photo of one of his psychotic ex-wives out of the institution she’s in, but when you posted it on the internet, you not only killed him, but probably irreversibly traumatized thousands of children, too.

    I see cases like this every day. Stop posting photos of psychotic housewife meltdowns before you kill again!



    PS — Powering down now…..

  24. MikeN says:

    >Oh, and actually being willing to… you know, what’s the word that is so out of favor in Washington now… govern. Yeah, that’s it!

    Was it Sarah Palin or Senate Democrats who refused to produce a budget for 4 years?


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