I mean, if it took an audit to discover this, I could be long gone before they catch on. Hmmmm….

The IRS sent more than $46 million in tax refunds to 23,994 “unauthorized” alien workers who all listed the same address in Atlanta, Ga., in 2011, according to an audit report by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA).

However, the Atlanta address that received millions of dollars in refunds was not the only address apparently housing thousands of “unauthorized” aliens. In fact, it wasn’t even the only address in Atlanta that was claiming such a situation.

The TIGTA audit report, published last year at the request of members of Congress, revealed 10 addresses in the U.S. that were issued anywhere from 1,846 to 23,994 tax refunds each. Four of those 10 addresses were located in Atlanta.

  1. ECA says:

    1. AND what WHITE USA native show’d them HOW to do this..
    2. DID any of them GET the money..I dont think 100 families are living there..
    3. Suspicious?? YEP..BLAME the mexican During a debate..YES. they will never look for the WHITE GUY BEHIND IT. NOR will they look at the Tax preparer.

    About 10 years ago.. a Guy in NY, was getting 4 social sec payments, living in a $2500 per month Loft, and was working a $40k per year job..

    So tell me that the RECENTLY imported mexican has the knowledge to do this SCAM..
    On another string..
    Ya know..the IRS has a MAJOR problem in finding ALL the corp money that isnt taxed.
    Over 400billion spent for advertising to YOU AND ME..
    Another 80billion per year in the last 10…Just disappears..from the top companies..

    Iv always wondered about he guy who robs a Plaid Pantry for $20-200 and gets 20 years…Over the guy that STEALS a unions retirement funds of MILLIONS, and gets away AND IF CAUGHT, gets 5-10 years and KEEPS THE MONEY..

    • flatwombat says:

      Why WHITE guy? No possibility of another color? And, apparently you think Mexicans lack brains enough to handle this? Nice racist/nationalistic comments there.

      What IS amazing is that the IRS never put flags in the program to alert for multiple filings at one address.

      And I’m particularly ticked at this group since I’m now stuck filling out a 19-page application and pay $400 to the IRS to renew a tax-exempt status for a local group who’s accountant couldn’t correctly file a one-box annual e-form.

      Then again, looks like they need our $400.00 to balance the books, huh?

      • Guyver says:

        Why WHITE guy? No possibility of another color? And, apparently you think Mexicans lack brains enough to handle this? Nice racist/nationalistic comments there.

        Racism is tolerated by liberals so long as it’s liberal racism.

    • Guyver says:

      1. AND what WHITE USA native show’d them HOW to do this..
      2. DID any of them GET the money..I dont think 100 families are living there..
      3. Suspicious?? YEP..BLAME the mexican During a debate..YES. they will never look for the WHITE GUY BEHIND IT. NOR will they look at the Tax preparer.

      About 10 years ago.. a Guy in NY, was getting 4 social sec payments, living in a $2500 per month Loft, and was working a $40k per year job..

      So tell me that the RECENTLY imported mexican has the knowledge to do this SCAM..

      On another string..
      Ya know..the IRS has a MAJOR problem in finding ALL the corp money that isnt taxed.

      Go to a Fair Tax system. You won’t have to obsesses about skin color of the person nor whether they are a corporation. Problem solved.

      • What? The moth is always drawn to the flame? says:

        You might as well say, “Tax the poor at 100% and the rich, ‘(blow) Job Creators’, at 0%.” And let the poor eat the government cheese in return.

        You’re too lazy to figure out what the “Fair Tax” scam is all about. You’re such a douche.

    • Tim says:

      iNTercoursE the PENGuine, peoPle. I KNOW how the smart meter CAN cause problems with the keyboard like that; But FUCK me RUNNING — wrap it up in TINFOIL. It might sound a little crunchy and feel funny and the CAT will not want to jump on it anymore. Just DO IT!

  2. ECA says:

    it costs $40,000 per year to keep a person in prison..
    A person on Social sec, MOST get <$10,000 per year.

    • Grumpy Gramps says:

      That’s why my backup retirement plan will be to go shoot some cop in the foot. Hopefully, a real mean bully cop. Or better yet, a banker!

      And with the way Social Security and Wall Street seem to be so detirmined to screw me out of all my retirement money, this backup plan is looking more and more like a real possability.

      I’ll also admit that most state run institutions aren’t exactly the lap of luxury. But then so are most of your retirement places.

      • msbpodcast says:

        Or better yet, a banker!

        I wouldn’t shoot one. (waste of a perfectly good bullet.)

        But is you’re gonna take out a whole bankers’ convention in ‘Vegas or sumthin’, I’d chip in for your transportation.

        • Grumpy Gramps says:

          No. No. No. You misunderstand! I mean commit a relatively harmless crime that is sure to get some jail time. And if you use a gun then it’s almost a guarantee that you will get locked up. NOT a crime of outright insanity like going postal on a convention of thieves.

          Despite what you may know about someone, killing that person without due process or a damn good reason (cause they’re trying to kill you or something) is still murder. I’m talking about a relatively harmless shot to the foot of some mean cop so he can’t walk his beat or a shot to the hand of some thieving banker. Nothing fatal!

          Point is, going to jail/prison in America may be more appealing than going homeless or getting committed to a nursing home — which are probably the only choices many of us will have once Wall Street and the government takes all our money. So if you non-fatally shoot one of their pawns then you still win! (Assuming you don’t care much for comfort in your old age and can deal with the whole prisoner thing and all.)

  3. moss says:

    The IG’s report has rolled out arrests and convictions across the country. Convictions have already happened in my neck of the prairie.

  4. ECA says:


    Im not sure about this..not the main part.

    But, the nuke plants in the USA that DIED?
    were not federally built.(I dont think)
    I think they were all built by private concerns, and BUILT WRONG, and I dont even think they were UPDATED..over the time of use..
    WHICH is what screw’d them in the USA.

    Citizens always read the news as..ITS LOCAL..

    • Grumpy Gramps says:

      You’re right. The “nuke plants” were built by private interests. But they are controlled by some very heavy handed authorities or at least people with badges. But just like any other private company the only real concern of the power companies have is to make money – that’s why nearly all of them are traded on someone’s stock exchange too.

      It’s a good bet that your local power company is a private company. And although a few are actually government run, they are all likely controlled by either a quasi-governmental authority or an outright governmental authority like your local Public Utilities Commission (PUC) and/or the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).

      But what you may be thinking is that when those “authorities” are so inter-connected with the private business that they tend to not do their job. Just look at the business sector and what the Security and Exchanges Commission (SEC) has allowed if you want a good example. Care to tell me what Wall Street executives have even been indited (charged with a crime) for that whole 2008 fiasco that made us all “bail them out”? Answer: none!

  5. ECA says:

    dear dave..
    Want a classic??
    2 thoughts..
    1. I know a guy..
    2. wonder around some of the OLD small town junk yard..Cars dumps.. PICK A BODY.. Then get it to a mechanic friend(I know a guy) and have him fix/update it…what ever it needs or you want..

  6. Dallas says:

    … IF (same address count) > X THEN #triggeraudit

    And we’re concerned the government is reading your gossip.

    • Guyver says:

      … IF (same address count) > X THEN #triggeraudit

      And we’re concerned the government is reading your gossip.

      All something to be concerned about.

      One is a revoking of every citizen’s bill of rights via excessive tax dollar expenses.

      The latter is an excessive blunder of refunding tax dollars to the wrong people.

      Both evident of an inefficient and large government not doing its job and targeting the wrong people.

  7. mojo says:

    Eight thousand-odd checks to the same address, and it didn’t set off alarms?


    • Grumpy Gramps says:

      No, very likely! Care to review that whole SEC Wall Street thing again? Care to know how a low-level uneducated jerk like Edward Snowden got into the NSA? Care to look at George W. Bush’s election?! Point is, the government is not only greedy it’s also STUPID!

      I can very easily see how some know-nothing IRS types would authorize thousands of checks to be sent to one address or even one person. As long as any audit triggers don’t go off it’s pretty much business as usual. In fact, the IRS still issues thousands of checks to prisoners (often the same guy, even), mental inmates, and members of Congress – also located at one address.

      It also seems most people mistakenly think that there would be some sort of obvious safeguard against this sort of thing too. But that’s not very reasonable once you realize that the one entity which issues these checks is the Treasury Department. And it’s not very hard to scam the Treasury Department either. After all, the (privately run) Federal Reserve has been doing it for a little more than a century!

  8. Uncle Patso says:

    What the heck are “unauthorized” alien workers?

    Before coming to too many conclusions based on reading this story, consider the source.

    – – – – – –
    TheBlaze, formerly GBTV, is a conservative libertarian news, information, and entertainment television network (and affiliated properties) founded by talk radio personality Glenn Beck.
    – – – – – –

  9. X says:

    It is simple.

    It was the work of Nigerian 419 scammers.

    Not just your average “immigrant”.

    I work with various Federal agencies who deal with these criminals.

    Do not think for a second the Feds are not aware of who is behind this.

    They are.

    • Grumpy Gramps says:

      I could care less what the government knows – it’s what they DO that I care about.

      So if you know of someone breaking the law then why haven’t you arrested that person/group? Waiting for bigger fish (while the small ones multiply)? Or what?!

      • X says:

        Ask the FBI…they were the ones investigating the case. And they operate on their own timetable.

        You do not have to believe it. Sheep do not want to believe stuff like this, anyway.

        But you are free to think what you want.

        It takes time to build a case. Especially involving scams as complex as this one.

  10. ECA says:

    those who dont know..
    the system they are installing has taken 5 years, and will take another 5 to complete..
    3 years ago(?) the IRS finally got an update to their computers..GONE are the 386’s..

    BUT I cant find info on the computers..

    I believe that there are enough people here that we could of done the job in less time, and PROBABLY BETTER..
    1. DATA BASE design..
    2. programmable search..

    I think this could of been done ALOT SOONER..
    the major task is the INPUT of data..
    then comes the bookkeeping part and sorting out WHAT goes where..
    then programming it all so it SETS in the proper locations..

    What are the odds, it still cant find all the money from the corps.
    AS to illegals..

    I propose you FINE/Castrate those that HIRE THEM…at LESS THEN LEGAL wages..
    WHICH should be fairly easy..UNLESS they WRITE DOWN that they PAID $XX amount for it..but the illegal only got $X amount.

    MEAN thing to employee.

    HIRE him at $20 per hour..
    Explain his his deductions at 1/2 that..Pay him $10 per hour..
    deductions that SHOULD be paid..state/fed/fica/…/…

    Then declare on taxes you paid him $20 as a contract person..EMPLOYEE is responsible for his OWN Taxes..
    AS an employee,
    you declare 1 dependent.
    At home you have 5+ dependents..
    BIG CHECK end of year..better then a SAVINGS ACCOUNT..

    Lets figure out HOW a person is illegal.
    You have to have WHAT, to get a job?
    Social sec number…(how do you get legal one?)
    If its a legal one, and NOT yours, it should goto the LEGAL PERSON..
    Social sec, should KNOW if there are 2-3-4 of the SAME number out there…so should the IRS..
    CAR? registration takes what??
    NEED to show a HOME RESIDENCE for most of this..BILLS and address.

    So how do you get ALL this ID, and none of it legal. Some place in there you need a Birth cert.(NOW adding it to Driver license)

    Someone is Making the ID, and such for most of this..and making TONS of money..
    but FILING a tax return? I dont think its the illegals..

    Illegals dont want attention. getting the car is easy…there are people that sell them once per year and the cars are returned, USED..to be sold again next year.

    But, they DONT want attention..thats why IF’ they get into a wreak…THEY RUN..MOSt dont bring family..some do.

    Hmm, how do I know this stuff…I live in the country..near farms..

  11. bobbo, in Half Crouch says:

    One more time: every dollar spent on IRS Tax Enforcement/Anti-Fraud returns 5-10 $ recovered. The studies do vary, but all of them are positive. Catching criminals pays for itself.

    So what do the FERP’s and their running dogs do? Thats right==complain of “Big Government” and cut the enforcement budget/personnel/training/assignments.

    THEN===they argu for a FLAT TAX, as if that isn’t more retarded BS with the same stink.

    The BS never stops.

    • Guyver says:

      So what do the FERP’s and their running dogs do? Thats right==complain of “Big Government” and cut the enforcement budget/personnel/training/assignments.

      Could be worse. You could have liberals praising the idiocy of Big Government and how it pays for itself.

      THEN===they argu for a FLAT TAX, as if that isn’t more retarded BS with the same stink.

      Whining about flat tax is nothing more than p3nis envy. Flat tax makes every citizen pay their proportional fair share of big government. Truly retarded in the eyes of liberals who want to redistribute wealth.

      IMHO we’re better off with a Fair Tax instead of a flat tax. It’s consumption-based rather than income-based. Everyone (including illegals) would pay into it simply from buying something.

      You’d shrink the size of government, make government more fiscally responsible, and people can vote with their wallets. What’s not to like (unless you want to grow the size of government with stupid agencies and programs)?

      The BS never stops.



      Hope and Change. 😀

      • What? The moth is always drawn to the flame? says:

        Guyver, if you spent five fracking minutes thinking about the Flat/Fair Tax, you would realize it is a scam intended to make the poor (which includes the middle class btw) penniless and the rich richer.

        But no, you just repeat the talking points with your diarrhea hole.

        • What? The moth is always drawn to the flame? says:

          Obviously Bobbo has spent more time understanding the “Fair/Flat Tax” than Guyver has.

          Therefore, it is obvious to the plebeian, that Bobbo is smarter than Guyver.

          • bobbo, in Half Crouch says:

            Eh What?==Thank you, but you left out “better read” as well. The MacDuff sounds strong, but only on first read and in isolation. The man has no follow thru. Its talking points all the way down in turtle speak.

            No recognition of flat contradictions either. That always amazes me about FERP’s and their talking points ditto heads.

            Its down right EGREGIOUS I tells ya.

            I post that money spent on fraud detection/enforcement returns x5-x10 the amount spent and MacDuff counters with the bald bumpersticker that “You could have liberals praising the idiocy of Big Government and how it pays for itself.”

            The VERY BS I post to highlight.

            Is there a single country in the world…. ever…. that has used a flat or fair tax? Only as one component of an overall program of taxation as in a VAT or other scheme. The problem of course is one of “fairness” of course. These oxymoronic taxs are not flat and not fair. THEY ARE REGRESSIVE===all leading to a landed aristocracy and entrenched class distinctions based on inherited money.

            Just as we see today. Its only Retards like the MacDuff that imagine themselves part of the elite necessitating the fantasy that they must stop the poor from gaining any unfair advantage.

            Hmmm….. I seem to have lept?

            ……..but I dither.

  12. MikeN says:

    Why is this fraud? What we have is lots of people, presumably illegal immigrants, who don’t have access a bank account, they all get their money through a friend’s bank account, and put his address as their own address.

  13. Uncle Patso says:

    Okay, I can see maybe a few going to a friend with a bank account or a check cashing business or a Mailboxes, Etc. or U.P.S. Store, but it seems more likely that these are going to organizations involved in human trafficking, taking over from the coyotes that got them over the border, controlling them once they get into the country, possibly even taking a part of any paychecks they get and, if so, these tax refunds as well.

    It’s also possible that a lot of these are syndicates filing thousands of false tax returns.

    Either way I hope justice is swift.


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