Skype, the Internet-based calling service, began its own secret program, Project Chess, to explore the legal and technical issues in making Skype calls readily available to intelligence agencies and law enforcement officials, according to people briefed on the program who asked not to be named to avoid trouble with the intelligence agencies.
Project Chess, which has never been previously disclosed, was small, limited to fewer than a dozen people inside Skype, and was developed as the company had sometimes contentious talks with the government over legal issues, said one of the people briefed on the project. The project began about five years ago, before most of the company was sold by its parent, eBay, to outside investors in 2009. Microsoft acquired Skype in an $8.5 billion deal that was completed in October 2011.
This is an outrage
Because my conversations include delicious and confidential Margarita and Pulled Pork recipes.
I knew it wasn’t because you actually thought it wasn’t happening already anyway.
I’m sure it’s either happening or the NSA is working on methods for computers to parse thru voice chatter for patterns that allude to terrorism.
I’m certain my conversations score low on the loon-o-meter algorithm.
Did you see that your comrade, Snowden, is on a spy tour in Moscow and then on to Cuba? How do you feel about that? (reply in a happy face to thwart the NSA watching you)
Skype is still no GOOGLE!
Don’t get me wrong. They’re all evil peeping bastards bent on only one goal – MONEY! Money at any cost. Not just Skype and Google but Facebook, Twitter, etc. — all of them.
And in case you never heard it: “Money is the root of all Evil” …which anyone over the age of 10 also knows is power! (Now you know why Washington is in such desperate need of it.)
What’s that again Bobo? Rich=corrupt? Are you really so surprised when you also realize that rich is also often evil? (I’m not at all religious so if you can come up with a better word than evil then please suggest it.)
What I want to know is how anyone can be so stupid as to trust these money grubbing bastards. Did you happen to miss the fact that Skype is now owned by “M$”?! (At least it’s no Apple.) And how many times does Facebook/Twitter have to kick you in the nuts by abusing your info before you quit? And do we really want to get into the whole banking system and their abuses when there are better CREDIT UNIONS?!
Seems to me we need to look at ourselves a little before we start complaining about what we allow!
I’m not at all religious so if you can come up with a better word than evil then please suggest it.
It mixes the Medici’s need to dominate with the filthy lucre that they used (along with assassins) to do it with.
Saying that “money is the root of all evil” is as inaccurate as saying that “love is the root of all evil.” The saying is “the love of money is the root of all evil.”
Rich or poor, its nice to have money.
Skype is Microsoft. The same people that make Office, Windows, the X-Box, etc.
I’m pretty sure that once all the info comes out exposing these companies we will see that it is just silicon valley suckling at the government’s teat.
And the info will come out.
It always does.
Despite the dallas types who obfuscate real issues with immature ramblings usually heard in the halls of middle school.
I pulled Skype off of all my computers when they were bought by Microsoft.
Not such a dumb move o my part after was it? 🙂
>>>I pulled Skype off of all my computers when they were bought by Microsoft.
Not such a dumb move o my part after was it? <<
but are you using an open source os?? are you using encrypted communications?
but are you using an open source os?? are you using encrypted communications?
That would be telling…
I’m pretty sure that a casual automated scan of what is being transmitted by machine would detect encryption and that all encrypted files are automatically being warehoused.
With the multiplicity of laws now on the books if they need somebody with a key to cough if up they can most likely get you for something even if it’s nothing more than breaking a terms of service on a web site such as this. That is now a felony so you cough it up or go to prison.
Of course the NSA would most likely deny that but then we have video of high ranking NSA officials telling blatant lies.
Don’t do anything on the ‘Net you couldn’t tell your Mom about !!!