Watch out, once the NSA gets ahold of this, that bird in your backyard may be watching you.

  1. BigBoyBC says:

    You know, there have been three large crows flying over the neighbors house for several days, I wonder if the DEA might have some sort-of surveillance crow?

  2. deowll says:

    That works more like a bat than a bird wing and a rather crude one at that.

  3. The Pirate says:

    … and my trained Peregrine will be watching the backyard.

  4. noname says:


  5. UncDon says:

    Hawks are just ancient astronauts robo-birds done with biology.


  6. Hoochie MA MA says:

    >>> Watch out, once the NSA gets ahold of this, that bird in your backyard may be watching you.<<<

    why those little peckers!

  7. Sam says:

    Did you catch the part about 3-D printing? This technology really steps up the game for experimentation and rapid prototyping. Glad to see we’re moving beyond just printing models of the starship Enterprise and chess sets (aka”Hello World” stuff).

    Now, if we can only make very light-weight, high-capacity power storage devices.

  8. Uncle Patso says:

    Swoop, dive, flip — I can do all of those with my 50-cent balsa wood glider.

  9. crimsonfenix says:

    Cubex 3D Printer – $2,600
    Wings and electronics – $500
    Getting attacked by a hawk – priceless


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