Here’s the video – read the story here.

compare what I have to say to what this guy has to say about immoral government spying.


  1. thatsmychin says:

    Saw a story on the front page of Reddit…….a Marc Perkel was ejected from the Pelosi event for heckling. I thought….wait a minute….I’ve heard of that liberal Kool-Aid dispenser! This. Story. Does. Not. Compute.

  2. msbpodcast says:

    Of course the 1%er dumb-o-crap political animals are against this and pushing back. They’re scared shitless…

    The NSA, CIA, FBI and even some state and municipal cop agencies and subcontractors are flying drones in domestic air spaces. (I’m sticking to trains. I’d hate to have an aerial collision with some inattentive desk jockey’s flying invasion of privacy. [Might be the reason for adopting high-speed trains. The sky’s about to get too crowded…])

    You can’t call, skype or email anyone because at some point, in the past or in the future, they might be suspect, which would draw you in.

    Talk about having a chilling effect on any and all forms communication. (Except for numbers stations.)

    The 1%er repubes would be up in arms but they believe that they’re immune from this. (They’re so out of touch, which is exactly what the NSA is tracking. 🙂 )

    Look for show trials of some high-ranking critterz to begin before O’Mama’s term is over using evidence provided by the NSA.

    But its the ultimate democratic institution, well except for the secret laws, secret police, secret courts, secret trials, secret jails and the secret burial grounds.

    It only means the 1%ers are being tattled on by the same spying machines as the 99%ers.

    Nobody is above the law (those we know of anyway,) because nobody is below the radar.

  3. Dallas says:

    That’s what I love about Democrats. They can disagree amongst themselves on issues, push back on democratic leaders and still get together on the issues they agree with.

    Compare to Teapubicans.

    Exhibit A: Chris Christie

  4. McCullough says:

    You should have chucked a shoe at the old bag.

    Nice work.

  5. Winston Smith says:

    Holy crap, Marc Perkel is a Kossack? What the heck are you doing hanging out here with all these Libertarian whackos? 😉

    I read and comment at Daily Kos almost daily. It is striking that about half the Kossacks are screaming “WTF Obama” (since his first month in office). The other half are extreme Dem party loyalists who think their Lord and Savior Obama can do no wrong. Makes for some good foo fights.

    PS: I’m in the WTF Obama camp.

  6. The Pirate says:

    Marc Perkel – Ordinary American doing the right thing. I would have expected nothing less. Kudos.

    Term limits might be an appropriate response to those 10, 20, 30 year congress folks who have shredded the constitution the past 10, 20, 30 years.

    • So What? says:

      Contrary to popular belief it is just as easy to shred the constitution in one or two terms as it is in five or six. See any state with term limits to see just how much more dysfunctional a government can become.

      • Lummox says:

        Yes! You can shred faster it when you have a MAJORITY!

        • So What? says:

          See the term limited Missouri republican controlled house and senate for example number one.

  7. Greg Allen says:

    I’m a fan of Obama but I’m against this NSA data collection on us all. The “security industial complex” has a life of its own, beyond Bush, Obama and whoever is president next.

    What’s going on, today, is bad enough.

    But, of course, this is just the beginning, unless we check it now.

    Storage is only going to get more massive. Comptuers are only going to get more powerful. All exponentially.

    If we don’t put some parameters on it, now, this is going to get more and more intrusive.

    • dusanmal says:

      “I’m a fan of Obama but I’m against this NSA data collection on us all” – typical Progressive schizophrenia, which describes M.Perkel action too. Equivalent of “oh, do I love Earth’s oceans and seas,… but I hate getting wet…”.
      Obama is the most extreme example of Progressive BigGovernment agenda in US history. With it comes Obamacare, redistribution, regulatory overdrive, … massive spying on general public. Inevitable. Un-separable. That is the part of big, powerful, empowered Government which can order and control citizenry. You can’t (sanely) demand Big, powerful, empowered Government and than make exceptions for your particular list of freedoms from it. You CAN start from list of particular freedoms and limit Government in size and power from touching them.
      You like Obama, Bush or any other Progressive – bend over to their expected and logical use of NSA.

      • Greg Allen says:

        The “liberals are for big government” is faith-based conservative poltical rhetoric.

        In the real world, YOUR GUYS, Reagan and Bush, massively expanded the government.

        YOUR GUYS just added 30 billion to the immigration bill it to massively increase government presence along the border.

        Talk about political schizophrenia!

    • Lummox says:

      You may want to watch the following video (fast forward to about 4:30 if you can’t stand the build up):

      That was nearly THREE YEARS ago. And yet, it’s more true now then ever. But hey! That’s just what two kooky Libertarian/Constitutionalists have to say (since I agree with him 100%).

      • Greg Allen says:

        I clicked on the link and was going to watch it — but the title was too stupid.

        My first clue should have been your conflating Liberatarians with Constitutionalists. The two are not even close.

      • McCullough says:

        It’s worth a watch, the points are all valid.

  8. Mextli says:

    Looks like you made Fox News too Marc.

  9. deowll says:

    There many ways to view the world. I’m going to look at two.

    1. I’m the kind of person that divides things into right/wrong and good/bad with anything that doesn’t work getting kicked into the bad category fairly quickly. I tend to be very pragmatic though I’m certainly not claiming that everything that works is good. I suppose a lot of people would not consider me to be a good team player because I don’t care what side you claim to be own if I see you doing what I judge to be evil. Some of the people that post here may also fall into this group and have a moral compass that points in other directions than mine does.

    2. Most people seem to be joiners with more or less blind group loyalty. They’re the same people that soundly condemned Bush for doing things they now say is justified. The only thing that changed was who was president. Some would call them hypocrites but that isn’t really true because they don’t care what the facts are. They will support their party in a war against child abuse and support the killing of late term aborted babies born alive and never even notice a conflict because what happens to the kids doesn’t matter to them. They simply want their party to win and be in power. Such people aren’t hypocrites in my view because they don’t actually have a moral compass. They have group or individual loyalty and simply support or oppose various ethical and moral principles that happen to be useful in advancing the groups claims to power.

    • Greg Allen says:

      >>2. Most people seem to be joiners with more or less blind group loyalty. They’re the same people that soundly condemned Bush for doing things they now say is justified.

      When Bush was doing (illegal!) warrantless wiretapping, I don’t remember any internal debate among conservatives or the GOP. They were unqestioningly, four-square behind Bush.

      You can’t say that about us liberals! Some of the loudest voices against Obama and the NSA comes from the left. Including, me.

      • The Mick says:

        “When Bush was doing (illegal!) warrantless wiretapping, I don’t remember any internal debate among conservatives or the GOP. They were unqestioningly, four-square behind Bush. ”

        You remember it your way, what I remember is the attacks on people who were speaking out, whether conservative, liberal or independent…. shouted down with those same loud voices as loonbats and conspiracy theorists.

        You were one of them.

      • deowll says:

        I shredded shrubs butt. I my view he wasn’t and isn’t a conservative. He was neither reasonable nor prudent when it came to spending. He supported actions that in my view violated both the word and intent of the constitution and most of the most despicable things he did were soundly condemned by Obama and other progressives and then continued under this administration. The fact that you are even trying to use the arguments you are using to justify the actions taken put you clearly in group 2. Otherwise if it is wrong you just condemn it without any regard for who does it.

  10. kiwini says:

    “How the worm has turned, the land of the cowering and watched (the USA), is being put in its place by Russia….Who could have predicted that?”

    Obama. His choice, his goal in office, and it’ll be his downfall.

    • Dallas says:

      Shame on you for praising a communist , totalitarian country of aiding a wanted fugitive with American national security secrets.

      You must be a Teapub to reach those low depths

  11. anonymous covard says:

    Congratulations, you made the front page of

  12. NewFormatSux says:

    Democrats in Congress knew about the programs Snowden revealed. Why are they only complaining now? Or did none of these complainers belong to the group that was in the loop?

  13. NewFormatSux says:

    Meanwhile Facebook is spying on you. They collect shadow profiles of all members that have info you did not provide to them. It is unclear from the article whether they are collecting the data from other users’ address books, and matching them to you, or are doing data collection from other sources.

    I suspect it is the latter, since they are also doing profiles of people who are not members. I am receiving many Join Facebook requests involving either e-mails sent or being in the address book of others. Note the other person is not named in the e-mail, but rather corecipients of the same email.

  14. Gwad his own self says:

    Bravo Zulu, Perky.

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