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Hilarious, mcafee knows antivirus!
Maybe this will help?
so he was not jailed for that murder after all??
oddly he pronounces his name Mac-Afee.. while it is spelled McAfee….
i solved my issues with antivirus long ago..
i dumped windows and installed linux..
With all those skanks he’s going to need an antivirus.
Wonder when that Norton fellow will release his video?
I like the backup…..a lot.
Nice hat too.
Funny video, but boy did it put a dent in my data usage number.
Mine too. But with a 1.8Gig pipe it was a small one.
With a Verizon mobile 4G cap it really stings.
Ha, ha. This is what happens to any hooman with enough money to live in isolation. fun to think about….. what we would all come to do…… not ever on day one….. but eventually.
“The Lottery Changed My Life” is a fun show but its just chapter one of a three act play. Not enough shown of the transition to Sodom, and the end in Hades. 95% of winners take the lump sum and are broke in 5 years.
Yea, verily.
What I forgot to add is that McAfee is “admirable” in that he is not broke by now. I wonder if his payout was spread out or if he put some away?
……..course, living on an island all by yourself and a bunch of cocaine hookers really should cost more than a few million.
I think I’d do that too…… wait a few years….. see what I wanted to do next. Ecstasy?
I seem to recall way back in the day when he was still running things and everyone was still using DOS. It was crappy then and has only grown more crappy over the years. And just like all the other dot-com bubble heads, he sold out for millions of dollars, put a lot of people out of work (most of whom went on to make more crappy software somewhere else), and then retired at a relatively young age. So why is he only now belittling it? Could it be that he’s bored?!
Bobo maybe on to something: rich is corrupt — and stupid! And it seems to be “hooman” nature too, or at least the nature of anyone who likes math (like geeks, bankers, etc.).
About the only thing I can say for John McAfee is that at least he seems to be little more honest when he rubs our collective faces in his business. After all, we (consumers) bought his crappy software who helped get him there. Which brings up another question where I have to wonder how many people bought that crappy software and never really understood WHY they bought it or even HOW to keep it updated. Just following the herd, I suspect.
So does anyone else think they might want to reconsider their next Apple/Microsoft/(brand-x) software purchase? I don’t know about you, but I’m a little tired of lining the pockets of people like this guy. It’s even more upsetting when there are really no choices and people like Bill (G), Steve (B), Steve (J) and Steve (W).
… And don’t even think about pointing out Linux either since it’s pretty clear that Linux will NEVER be ready for the masses – not even Ubuntu. If you want to use Linux (and I highly recommend that you do) you will NOT enjoy it unless you’re into tinkering and fiddle fucking with crap — and math (which most coders are)!
I think Ubuntu is good for either very low or very high computer users.
I switched my wife over to Ubuntu about ten years ago and she still thinks she’s using Windows!
She uses OpenOffice and Firefox. That’s it.
I’m a middle-user and Ubuntu drove me crazy for years if I had to compile a program and fix all the missing dependencies.
But, that’ s so much better now.
sudo fuckit -all
we just do it live
is he hanging out in portland these days?
i thought he was in jail following the party
in belize. but according to the credits, the
“technical talent” is from “club exotica”.
You mean that strip joint on Lombard?
I also thought he was wanted for murder.
Is that really him? I did a Google image search and it does look like him.
I use McAfee for many years, and it saved my butt a couple of times, but the slowness is what caused me to drop it.
Now I use Panda on my couple of Windows computers. I have no idea if it actually works.
For my main computer, I use Linux. I suppose people will start writing viruses for Linux but, so far, nothing….
Lord those are some skanky women.
It’s nice to see somebody enjoying their retirement. ?8^)
What good is money if you can’t enjoy spending it?
Personally, were I an internet gazillionaire, I’d be doing some seriously twisted shit, baby.
Dude! whatitbe with the bath salts? puff puff pass.