Apple Co-founder Steve Wozniak is interviewed at an airport in Mexico about Prism. Compares it to a Communist State.


  1. noname says:

    Amen, bro, Amen.

    America is becoming that which it once hated!

    Capitalism hated communism and sought American public support in defeating it (to protect and justify itself). To win American public support, capitalism allowed a growing middle class to prosper; promoted jobs for life and promoted pensions and education was affordable. With support of the middle class, Americans saw communism as repressive, inhuman, deceitful and ungodly!

    Now with communism over, Capitalism has shortened the average employment duration; promoted massive wealth transfer with business world get rich quick schemes (buyouts, IPOs, conglomerates, acquisitions, mergers, and the stock market), that don’t build wealth and instead extract it; created a pathological obsession of spying on the population “to gather market data”; …

    To TOP it off, OBAMA lies (A HARVARD TRAINED Constitutional lawyer mind you) and says it’s TRANSPARENT!

    • dusanmal says:

      “…promoted jobs for life…” – in Capitalism there is NO guarantee of “job for life” by definition. You can’t have free market AND guarantee of a job. Most Communist countries have had “guaranteed jobs for life” in their Constitutions! (And guaranteed housing and healthcare and so on and so forth – but with guarantee comes control and no competition. Winners are cronies, they get good jobs, not the best minds; winners are corrupt, they get prompt healthcare [the rest may make dental appointment in 18 months]….)
      Yes Communism is repressive. Now we have President who in self-written book GLORIFIES Communist teacher of his youth as his main influence. And we have repressive, inhumane, ungodly results.
      Now from a person who even in Communism got proper education on what defines Capitalism (just, same as now, here – teachers scoffed on that definition as “terrible society”): free people in free market where evolutionary progress of the society comes from fair competition in which success wins and mediocrity loses. There must be losers for Capitalistic society to advance. You eliminate losers – you get collapsing mediocrity. And “fair competition” does not mean equal results for all. It means unrestricted free market forces and if that means “massive wealth transfer” – so be it.

  2. flatwombat says:

    Steve pretty much nailed it. We were taught that we were a Country of free people who obeyed laws and treated even the lowest criminals with human decency and certain rights. All BS now, of course.

    Whether it’s Bush or Obama, there’s no difference in the abuses. Bin Laden gave the Boys In Power the means to trash the Constitution and they’ve had a field day ever since.

    • dusanmal says:

      Oh, but WHO voted them in and WHY?
      USA doesn’t have experience with totalitarian Government in recent times. Hence people were bought to vote for this or that based on promises of Utopia that for anyone half-thinking was impossible. Yet, sheep voted. Including sheep Woz. And he still doesn’t get it. Freedom is not possible if we give Government more rights, power and tasks. You want universal healthcare (Communism had it!) or other “provided” stuff – bend over for NSA, IRS and whoever is “dear leader”. One goes with the other.
      And it is not Ben Laden. What Ben Laden has to do with Obamacare, IRS getting your health coverage and central government storing your health data? Nothing. And that’s the first thing current Progressive in Power did.
      Capitalism in order to work needs true freedom, not public-private-partnership. It needs weak limited government to work. I’d bet that Woz have not once in his life voted for less Government. Now he complains. You can’t have freedom and Government doing social(ism) services.

    • Dallas says:

      That’s because voters (like you) want it both ways. You want total freedom and want total privacy. See things in black and white only afflicts many conservatives and contributes to their frustration and anger in the real world.

      The fly in the ointment of expecting total freedom is that America’s enemies DO NOT want you to have total freedom.

      For example, Al Qaeda does NOT want American anything does culture to perpetuate here or over there. It is an offense to their religion. Similarly, the Christian Taliban does NOT want you to do naughty things in your bedroom unless it’s to make a fetus.

      So, in order to keep as much freedom as possible, you need to give up some privacy in order to get them bad guys.

      In conclusion, the question to ask is WHERE is the right balance of freedom vs privacy tradeoff, not IF there is a tradeoff.

      In other words, what “shade of gray” is the best solution for the current times. It’s a good discussion to have ALL THE TIME in government.

      Ask me how I feel about the freedom of Gun Ownership and Privacy!

      • Tim says:

        How do you feel about the freedom of Gun Ownership {capitals?? hmmm. telling.} and Privacy??

        Is it the same as that which you penned on the bathroom stall right under the diagram depicting how a wide stance can lead to a good time while keeping people safe?

      • The Mick says:

        “For example, Al Qaeda does NOT want American anything does culture to perpetuate here or over there”

        Who gives a FUCK what Al Queda wants? And since you brought up the Boogeyman, why is your president now supporting them in Syria. Ya see, if it isn’t one boogeyman, it will be another. And that’s why you will remain a sheep.

        I don’t care about the Gov’t protecting us from every threat out there, its impossible and we don’t need to give up any privacy. If a few people get killed in the process…well that’s just tough.

        That’s the price of freedom.

      • msbpodcast says:

        You want total freedom and want total privacy

        I don’t want any privacy, but in return I don’t want the small minded zealots out there to judge me.

    • msbpodcast says:

      Whether it’s Bush or Obama, there’s no difference in the abuses.

      That’s why I don’t believe in parties.

      Bin Laden gave the Boys In Power the means to trash the Constitution and they’ve had a field day ever since.

      That’s why I don’t vote. It just encourages the bastards.

  3. And it droned me to my soul
    (In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence)
    Droned me just like Jelly Roll
    (whether sought or unsought)
    And it droned me
    (by the military-industrial complex.)
    And it droned me to my soul
    (the potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists)
    Droned me just like goin’ home
    (and will persist.)
    And it droned me
    (We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes.)

  4. Ya Ya says:

    Sounds good but seems a bit hypocritical given the source.

    HEY WOZ! TRY READING YOUR OWN EULAS!!! And then tell me where I can “BUY” a copy of OSX without all the crappy hardware.


    This guy should run for President. He says one thing but somehow can’t (won’t) pay attention to what he (or his dead master) DOES!

    … Not that Microsoft’s Steve Ballmer is any better — quite the contrary if we’re talking intelligence! (Although I would like to know what all these guys are named Steve.)

    • msbpodcast says:

      And then tell me where I can “BUY” a copy of OSX without all the crappy hardware

      You sound like an ignorant fishwife.

      Next, you’re going to tell Lamborghini that you want their engine to put in your Lada.

      And Lamborghini will tell you to fuck yourself and have you escorted out of the building by some armed guards.

  5. sargasso_c says:

    The digital utopia has flaws, after all?

  6. Glenn E. says:

    As Steve, I also remember how the Russians were shown to be evil for constantly parading their military might before their citizens, in news reel footage. But decades later, the Discovery channels are pretty much doing the very same things with US military might. Showing off all the taxpayer paid war toys, it can get access to. The footage probably coming directly to the broadcaster, from the Pentagon. Should the media and the military be so buddy buddy? While the NSA tells us we can’t be trusted to talk to each other in private, about our non-military lives?!

  7. Dallas says:

    This guy has smoked too much pot


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