1. Mr Diesel says:

    Actually I do watch it hoping that someone will come back from our future Liber8 us from the current batch of lying politicians, tell me a few few future stock tips so I can make a fortune in a few days and then kick back on my boat for the rest of my life.

    • msbpodcast says:

      … so I can make a fortune in a few days …

      Like the oligarchy would ever let that happen.

      But perhaps they might.

      They don’t care as long as you’re a member of the billionaires club.

      Its the 1%ers you have to watch out for…

      • Confusious Say says:

        Sounds more to me like the age old philosophy that if you can’t beat them to then join them. And if you think about it (which in essence is part of the problem and not so much a knock against you personally), it’s more like a struggle against stupid & lazy versus smart and industrious.

        Therefore, it isn’t so much a struggle between the rich 1%ers versus poor, or anything like that. We just tend to focus on the rich because they have so much power (and rightfully so). But the problem with the rich these days is that the one person who earned all the money is probably now dead. Yet, those are the people we should admire – not their silver spoon kin!

        Face it. We’re all born stupid and lazy. Only some of us will DO something about it. And the rest will probably get a little jealous.

        So ya! “If you can’t beat em then join em.” The only question each of us has to answer is which “them” do you want to join.

  2. HUGSaLOT says:

    Hello Mr Kellog.

  3. unemployed dutch graduate says:

    What is a reality show doing on the syfy channel?

  4. msbpodcast says:

    WTF is this doing in this BS blog. Is truth actually getting on here?

    Must be a mistake, right?

  5. TooManyPuppies says:

    Canadian show. One I actually like. SyFy begged to syndicate it after it’s already aired because they’re too broke spending money on wrestling and low rent cheese like Chupacabra vs. the Alamo starring Ponch and Tits from Stargate Universe.

    • with guns in their hands says:

      If only they could add a hokey reality show about ghosts, or something. Then they might have a decent line-up considering it’s NBC.

  6. Mr Diesel says:

    Asshat alert

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    Don’t worry! If the show is any good it will be co-opted by the very people it pretends to rally against.

  8. Glenn E. says:

    Some message. It’s only saying what most people already know, if they want to know anything other than what the Kardashians are up to. What the trailer doesn’t say (and I suspect the series doesn’t either). Is what effective steps to take to “liberate”. Because anything other than flipping a lever on voting day, would be considered an act of terrorism. And the Syfy channel isn’t going to open up that can of worms. And BTW, all your right to vote has done so far, is elect a bunch of rubber stamping party animals, who allowed all this crap to happen.


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