Really? Bush already was warned over and over about 9/11 and he just let it happen.


  1. JS says:

    Huh? pedro’s not in here yet claiming 9/11 was Obama’s fault?

    Dude – you’ve shattered my image of you. 😛

  2. Somebody says:

    Not true.

    The FBI was warned repeatedly repeatedly about foreigners who wanted to learn to fly commercial class jets but had no interest in learning about landing.

    Only conspiracy theorists know why they never responded to those reports.

    • Captain Beyond, famously dancing madly backwards says:

      Wrong. You can’t learn to fly a commercial jet without learning to land!

  3. Guyver says:

    Could be worse.

    You could have had the Sudanese offer OBL’s head on a silver platter and the president decides not to pursue the matter even after OBL had tried bombing the WTC.

  4. Somebody says:

    Next they’ll tell us they could have prevented the JFK assassination.

    • B. Dog says:

      Somebody said it right. There weren’t 3 bullets or 3 planes, only the number 33.

  5. kerpow says:

    It still gets me every time I see her how much Condi looks like Alfred E. Neuman.

  6. ECA says:

    Lets see..

    War in Afghanistan, Between RUSSIA and Afghanistan..1980’s

    US makes promises and supplies Afghanistan, and TRAINS may of the fighters,,1980’s

    Russia leaves, Wall in germany FALLS, East/west united..
    Afghanistan asks the USA to fulfill promises in 1990…who was president? LOOK IT UP.
    USA president declines promises of rebuilding Afghanistan.

    During the 1990’s the twin towers are SAID to be hit 2 times..mostly in the Parking basement.. There is Lots of terrorism around the middle east and africa SAID to be bin laden..

    Presidents are updated on all of it..

    2001..WHO didnt know WHAT??

    • msbpodcast says:

      Afghanistan has been a grave yard for invaders since Gengis Khan.

      We’ll be back there in 50 years time with big-ass graders, earth moving machines, tunneling machines, excavators, train tracks, trains, and we may fuck with the terrorists by digging our way in from the coast to the mountain ranges leaving nothing for them to attack except a heavily defended automated sea port.

      The only way to deal with the thiev, uh, populace is to bribe them and let them think they’re actually getting something.

      They’re so brain dead and easily manipulated that as long as they feel in control of their own little patch of mountain side, they’ll accept your paltry bribes and “protect” you from their neighbors in return.

      In return, American companies will be able to mine all the ore they want, rape the mineral wealth with nary a complaint, no reviews by pesky environmentalists, no government interference (no effective government in the first place,) all done by the few Americans operating the mining and transport vehicles, a few Afghanis themselves and loads of foreign workers providing coolie labor.

      • MWD78 says:

        as long as you ignore the fact that China has stepped in in both Trashcanistan and Iraq to grab up the oil and mineral rights before we knew what was going on, and i doubt they’d just lets us screw up a good thing they’ve got going. If we went to war for oil, why is China the one profiting from it once Halliburton leaves?

  7. Dave Phillips says:

    Sounds to me like Monday morning quarterbacking. The team lost and nobody wants to admit to it. They were all incompetent in their assessment of what was predicted by the data.

  8. Anonymous Coward says:

    Very, very unlikely.

    Pre-9/11, the CIA was still largely geared towards the cold war (may have been shifting focus to china) and the FBI was geared towards organized crime as well as anti-government types on remote ranches like Waco and Ruby Ridge.

    On top of that, communications walls between the FBI and CIA erected by Democrats in previous years prevented crucial info being exchanged as well as cooperation between them. On top of that, inter-agency rivalry (read “turf fights”) between the FBI and CIA further hampered any possible anti-terrorism efforts.

    The current massive vacuuming of info based on the *presumption of guilty until proven innocent* still would not have prevented the 9/11 attack. Nobody in charged cared about islamic terrorism inside the US at the time.

    • Tim says:

      They apparently pretended to care so much about a non-issue that Dick Cheney slipped under the radar and blew those buildings to dust.

  9. dusanmal says:

    One very important thing: surveillance may have helped (and may help now)… but NOT idiotic and unconstitutional “spy on everyone” nonsense. Government, particularly current PC Progressive, Islam-apologizing one won’t do profiling and targeting. Partly because they are ideological, partly because they are lazy (takes some more work to target), partly because sweeping collection gives them power they want.

  10. Tim says:

    Gather ’round childrens; Lindsey, Peter, Boner — I’m reading My Pet Goatse.

  11. MikeN says:

    Bush knew about 9/11 and let it happen?

    You’re reaching Eiditor levels there. Last time Eiditor posted proof of this, it turned out the actual documents contained memos detailing how Bill Clinton was not doing everything he could to get Bin Laden, passing on several missions to capture or kill him.

    • MWD78 says:

      according to the 9/11 Commission Report, Clinton on 3 separate occasions ordered cruise missile strikes based on credible intel of OBL’s location and all 3 times he was countermanded (yes, the then Commander in Chief’s orders were countermanded) by subordinates that weren’t going to waste an expensive cruise missile to blow up a jeep and a few tents.

      given the ties between the Bush family and the Bin Ladens and looking at just who Clinton’s presidency was bookended by, you really have to wonder.

  12. MikeN says:

    FBI Director is right about one thing. Patriot Act allowed for more information sharing between government agencies, which Janet Reno had disallowed. At least one member of Congress suggested that the program Able Danger had knowledge of some of the hijackers’ existence in the country.

  13. flatwombat says:

    Interesting times to be alive. All “conflicts” since WWWII (note that we’ve dodged the requirements of War by the naming) have been for Politics and financial gain. We freely interfere with or invade sovereign nations to impose our standards on their citizens. We have secret courts, hold citizens and internationals without due process and our Government kills US citizens without attempting to arrest them. Government agencies secretly monitor our phones and emails, compile information on US citizens solely to protect them from “terrorists” a term that is so loosely defined that it can be applied to anyone who has unsavory opinions.

    We wave the flag, march in parades and proclaim that we love freedom, but we’ve allowed it to be stripped from us by the politicians who represent Big Business far more than the constituents.

    Interesting times indeed.

  14. MartinJJ says:

    Have you all already forgotton the FBI was forced to delete about 2 1/2 Terrabyte of data in project Able Danger?

  15. deowll says:

    In order to do what was suggested the government would have needed the right information. Then someone would have had to identify the information and act on it.

    In both the Fort Hood shooting case and the Boston bombing we know they had a lot of information but they didn’t put jack together before the event went down.

    The reason why seems to be that for some reason they aren’t willing to act on Islamist data and in fact have stopped keeping tabs on Mosques even when it is known they are preaching Jihad. They just aren’t putting the picture together beforehand.

    They aren’t finding domestic killer loons in advance either even when they have websites and have been posting some pretty crazy stuff on line that Prism should have picked up.

    I suspect they do know all about and are keeping close tabs on vets, Tea Party types, Jewish state advocates and similar dangerous types whose track records for violence is pretty near absolute zero.

  16. Pauldy says:

    Interesting hit piece, and utterly useless for anything but political rhetoric. What did he know and when did he know it!!!! I’m not afraid to say if someone had told me what they were going to do I would have said yea right go back to your mud hut and let me know when your done with the opium cause you’re talking crazy right now. But apparently we have neutered our citizenry to the point they will just lay back and take it in the ass while some nut job takes over the plane. I can’t imagine that happening again today without significant resistance from the passengers, but before this everyone was of the just don’t cause trouble and they will let us go mentality, it’s amazing how easily people forget and how easy it is to use propaganda like this to sway opinions of the weak minded individuals that prefer their common sense fed to them.


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