
Executive Producers: Sir Craig of Manamana
Associate Executive Producers: Henry Reese
Art By: Patrick Buijs

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  1. noname says:

    Even our money has eyes on it. There is now where to hide, no privacy anywhere!

    The government is even watching our asses now (I keep my wallet in my back pocket).

  2. Kent says:

    Been reading Glenn Greenwald for years, he’s one of the good guys. Haven’t read anything from him I’ve had any major problem with, he even supported Ron Paul. Who’s more likely the agent, Greenwald who works for Salon and who consistent writes against govt power or someone who’s family are full of spooks and has an Uncle Don who was CIA and an Ambassador?

  3. What? The moth is always drawn to the flame? says:

    No Agenda is a pod version of “Spies Like Us”, JCD is the Dan Aykroyd character.

  4. ECA says:

    You got the point of being a president/figure head..

    YOU DO what you are told..PERIOD.

    If you dont think you can be assassinated…THINK again.
    think your family cant disappear? we have a PLANE for that and a LARGE ocean near by..

  5. ECA says:

    you are correct about Java, JS, ADOBE..

    IF WINDOWS would SANDBOX them and run them on their OWN, RATHER then IN THE BROWSER.. I wouldnt mind as much.
    But remember that Browsers are running ‘how many’ Script languages? 7? more? and how many of those languages are secure?

    ALSO look up DOUBLECLICK. this is a test.
    FEW programs can find it. NOSCRIPT doesnt stop it EASILY.
    AV progs dont find it…Spybot finds and removes it..but it keeps coming back.


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