Fourteen-year-old Tremaine McMillian didn’t threaten police. He didn’t attack them. He wasn’t armed. All the black teenager did was appear threatening by shooting Miami-Dade police officers a few “dehumanizing stares,” and that was apparently enough for the officers to decide to slam him against the ground and put him in a chokehold.
Give “Dehumanizing Stares” to Cop, Get Chokehold
By Uncle Dave Thursday May 30, 2013
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The lady suffers Graves Disease, a thyroid ailment. Which has nothing to do with the topic so there.
Maybe she was just really scared about having her photo taken.
Oh, for crying out loud. Are you really that literal Mr. _c? It’s about the stare.
No appreciation for sarcasm/humor/….. dare I say….. dithering??
Mrs. Marty Feldman — “What stare?”
Seems about right. A low IQ gullible creep believes a BS story (complete with video that proves NOTHING and a puppy ffs) then posts it as leftist race baiting on a conspiracy site complete with a photo mocking and exploiting a debilitating illness.
Business as usual in The People’s Democratic Party State Of America.
That’s no disease. That’s Christopher Lloyd’s mother.
The kid’s story sounds bogus, using a puppy in an attempt to get sympathy.
Where is the video prior to the restraint and handcuffing? Let us see what really prompted this.
Read the story:
“McMillian was rough-housing with another teenager on the sand.”
And watch the video starting at 0:54.
“Police confronted McMillan when they saw him slam another teen on the sand”.
Then he says that he was carrying a puppy and milk bottle?
I would think it would have been difficult for him to rough-house and slam another teen to the sand if he was supposedly “carrying a puppy”.
I guess he quickly grabbed the puppy when he saw the cops rolling in so that he had an alibi… “fighting? who me?”
He refused repeated attempts by the officers to talk to him, he walked away from the officers ignoring them, failed to cooperate, and resisted arrest.
If he is wanting respect from the cops, maybe he should show some respect back.
Typical behavior of the smart-phone generation.
Of course, if he was a white guy carrying a gun instead of a puppy, he’d be the hero of the tea party movement and righteously defending his 2nd Amendment rights.
You are the one who brought race and guns into this. :-p
I was only mentioning the kid’s disrespect for law officers. I don’t care whether he was black, white, purple or blue, or what he was carrying. If he is being a dick he deserves what he gets.
If he was a white guy, it wouldn’t have made the news.
“American citizens are presumed to have their weapons illegally unless otherwise demonstrated”
So what?
Read the 4th post at the link you gave.
Also, in Canada (where I am) you have to carry your PAL (Possession and Acquisition License) with you if you are transporting a firearm.
And show it to any officer who asks.
If you don’t have it on you then be prepared for a possibly nasty take-down and some jail time.
In my over 50 years on this planet I have always been very cooperative and cordial with every officer I have encountered. And they have always treated me the exact same way back.
To me it looks like the family are the ones who are pushing this to the news media, because they want us to believe that their innocent little boy who was only cuddling his puppy was attacked and beaten down by the fuzz.
Practising my dehumanising stare in the mirror.
Could be early onset Graves Disease?
Just another case of SWB
Probably another LEO on steroids losing it. His is just a kid at fourteen.
Sounds like the story that TrayVon Martin, also in Florida, was killed for carrying Skittles. That story was bogus, and I’ll assume this is too.
@MikeN You;re very quick to dismiss s news story, a bona fide news story about police abuse of power; You’re likely one who believes every thing law enforcement authorities does is correct and justified.
You call the murder of Trayvon Martin bogus. The wannabe copper who fatally wounded the unarmed teen goes to trial early in June 2013 for second degree murder.
The parents of the young child in the latest story of young black males as prey are demanding an investigation. They may have to go to the federal authorities, do as the parents of Trayvon Martin did, to press for the equal justice promised to all Americans.
Looks like you are indulging in the same behavior.
I didn’t know it was established that Trayvon Martin had been “murdered”. Then I find out young black males are “prey”. Naturally his parents may have to seek succor in the paternal arms of the federal government.
Nextlie–with all we don’t know, what do you “bet” happened? I bet Trayvon was murdered simply because he was confronted by a guy with a gun and wound up dead. The details otherwise don’t really interest me. The law takes a different view…. and rides an ass.
Blacks as prey. Recall the LAPD using silhouettes of running black men for target practice? Then did it AGAIN! …… because you know they are the criminal element.
There is absolute certainty, then proof beyond a reasonable doubt,…. then common sense.
Let’s see, NBC edited their tapes to make it look Trayvon was being profiled, then Trayvon tries to beat the brown off Zimmerman (and there is clear evidence showing that he did) and the MSM shows pics of Trayvon as a kid instead of the asshat he grew up to become. He was killed because to tried to kill someone else.
This kid mouthed off to a cop and got his attitude adjusted.
Mr D–I recall thinking those same things when the case first arose……. what to think?
I can go with either scenario very comfortably. I have no doubt at all that if “I” had a gun (most unlikely) and saw a suspicious guy, I’d have been home in front of the tv with a beer in 5 minutes or less.
Goes back to what I said–regardless of what other facts are present, or how the scenario developed, Zimmerman the vigilante “caused” this killing to take place. In fact and poetically, if not legally.
Just another example of how an asshole with a gun is still an asshole. Just like I am without one.
Yea, verily.
He wasn’t confronted, he did the confronting. He had a 40 second head start over a guy who was heavier than him and somehow couldn’t get to his place 20 seconds away? His own Twitter feed shows he is a regular fighter who likes to MMA style fights. Most likely he dropped off the joint he was smoking, then came back to beat up Zimmerman.
Mickey–care to address my point or do you just want to dogpile on the point Mr D made?
What do I bet happened?
TrayVon went to a store, bought some Skittles and Arizona Iced Tea to make his own drug concoction, tried to buy a joint, but was rejected as underage, leaves the store, some other people come in to buy his stuff for him, he smokes the stuff outside the store, then heads back. Zimmerman sees him, correctly profiles him as being on drugs, calls the cops, they tell him he doesn’t need to follow him, so he heads back to his truck and stays away. TrayVon heads home, drops off his stash, and comes back and confronts Zimmerman.”You got a problem with me? Z-No. You do now!”,and starts beating him up. After some time screaming for help, Zimmerman manages to get his gun out and shoot the kid. The self-proclaimed ‘No Limit Nigga’ found his limit.
I “bet” they both could not back up their mouth.
I wouldn’t bother. MikeN is the local apologist for the police state and is a huge fan of Eric Holder.
How am I an apologist for the police state? It is the police state which has caused Zimmerman’s problems. Not the police, but the prosecutor state. The police actually recommended no charges, and the DA agreed, based on their extensive questioning which included a lie detector. Only then a special prosecutor appointed separate from the DA was brought in to file charges. I would support Eric Holder if he would get the charges dropped, but instead he commissioned a federal investigation threatening to act if Florida did not.
Zimmerman was himself heavily involved in getting a cop fired for beating up a black homeless guy outside a bar. TrayVon Martin’s attorney was the attorney for the homeless guy in that case.
“You eye-ballin’ me, boy?”
Don’t Tase Me, Bro!
Barney F. ~“Nip it, nip it in the bud!”
You can never say “nip it” enough!
Uncle Don was always trying to nip me in the butt.
Knowing nothing, I’ll still “bet” the kid gave the cops some lip and/or attitude. Something best to learn early not to do. As gandolf points out above, the kid actually got off light.
Recognize what you are dealing with and stifle yourself. I always do and I haven’t gotten a baton sandwich yet.
Yea, verily.
I too hate threatening stares and Michele Bachman should have been wrestled to the ground.
Your opinion or desire?
A little of both.
Assume you’re a cop and that face came to you at the airport and asked you to “watch this luggage while I go pee”.
I think you might at least considere knocking her down.
MikeN says:
5/31/2013 at 7:19 am
What do I bet happened?
TrayVon went to a store, bought some Skittles and Arizona Iced Tea to make his own drug concoction, tried to buy a joint, but was rejected as underage, leaves the store, some other people come in to buy his stuff for him, he smokes the stuff outside the store, then heads back. Zimmerman sees him, correctly profiles him as being on drugs, calls the cops, they tell him he doesn’t need to follow him, so he heads back to his truck and stays away. TrayVon heads home, drops off his stash, and comes back and confronts Zimmerman.”You got a problem with me? Z-No. You do now!”,and starts beating him up. After some time screaming for help, Zimmerman manages to get his gun out and shoot the kid. The self-proclaimed ‘No Limit Nigga’ found his limit. //// Thank you MikeN for backing up what you posted. So few do that here (most) or worse post drivel (Pedro). Your scenario if true would negate the poetic/common sense causation I posed. Course to get there you have to conjure actions that everyone agrees didn’t happen. Zimmerman followed Trayvon as he left the store, Trayvon nevr got home. No drug involvement either although its role is pure to besmirch the victim.
I think my analysis stands…but I thank you for your effort.
You haven’t given your scenario, but based on the few details you list:
Zimmerman followed Trayvon as he left the store, Trayvon nevr got home. No drug involvement either although its role is pure to besmirch the victim.
I’m certain my scenario is much closer to the truth.
I think you may be the first person in the world to say Zimmerman followed TrayVon from the store.
Really? I thought thats what the audio tape of Zimmerman to the dispatcher says?
An idiot with a gun kills someone. If Zimmerman didn’t have the gun, he wouldn’t have killed anyone that night.
Like I said: at home in front of tv.
Which one of “our boys” were out “looking for trouble?” The kid buying skittles, or the guy with a gun playing Dirty Harry?
Seems obvious to me. Again…. the law notwithstanding.
Of note: I have said I can accept either scenario with different outcomes resulting.
Can/do you?
Agreed bobbo, at one point I was a twenty something signed up for auxiliary police. Of course armed only with a flashlight. Boring driving around and hesitant to harass kids hanging out on school property. No harm no foul. The patrol was always in two’s meaning you had a partner. So boring we quit after a few weeks.
Consider carrying a concealed hand gun on voluntary “patrol” alone. Alone being the biggest reason for what transpired.
So the kid smokes a joint then picks a fight.
Looks like it. His twitter feed is filled with people saying you always fighting.
He was just guilty of being black in the presence of authority.
Think of it as an involuntary “Policemen’s Benevolent Association” contribution.
If he had a card from them, he wouldn’t have been beat on.
Norton, Norton, I ben watching you.. -Eddy Murphy