Is this the start of this generation’s Woodward and Bernstein-type
reporting on White House misconduct? Or is the White House simply trying to keep us safe from evildoers who happen to be in the media?

When the Justice Department began investigating possible leaks of classified information about North Korea in 2009, investigators did more than obtain telephone records of a working journalist suspected of receiving the secret material.

They used security badge access records to track the reporter’s comings and goings from the State Department, according to a newly obtained court affidavit. They traced the timing of his calls with a State Department security adviser suspected of sharing the classified report. They obtained a search warrant for the reporter’s personal e-mails.

  1. MikeN says:

    It’s Fox News. They’re on the enemies list. So it doesn’t matter.

    • kiwini says:

      “When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.” – Socrates

    • dusanmal says:

      Part of the answer… Left Media was all happy when these tactics were used against Fox. However, BigLeft was forgetting that BigGovernment doesn’t stop at any point. It was inevitable that their own will get gored sooner or later. Only now they scream bloody murder.

      Back to the question asked: No. BigGovernment is not protecting us this way. Constitutional ways to do surveillance exist. They are just not so easy for law enforcement. They’d need to actually do some real work. And explain themselves fully when applying surveillance. This is inevitable Governmental overreach arising wherever, whenever Government becomes master, nanny,… whenever collective mob rule takes hold. Only way out – small, weak, subordinate Government where it is OK to call black or white or whatever office holder “my servant” and where that office holder fears ordinary people because he/she does not have ANY power to wield.
      Maybe we should start from small things first: let’s change proper addressing of the public servants: no more “Mr President” or “Madam Senator”,… How about “Our Servant” for each and every one of them.

      • bobbo, Jr Agent Extrodinare fighting Conflation and Lies with Every post says:

        Silly as shit idea that hanging a label/salutation would change anything.

        Our “system” gives but one solution: the ballot box.

        ….and thats why there is so much dust and BS in the air. Keeps the voter confused.

        So obvious.

        Just look.

        • Reply says:

          Do you even see your own bullshit there, BoBo Jr Agent Extrodinare fighting Conflation and Lies with Every post ?

          Your very first sentence said, Silly as shit idea that hanging a label/salutation would change anything.

          And yet, you give yourself these completely insane titles whenever you post a reply – on a blog that’s not really all that popular – AS IF THAT’S GOING TO CHANGE ANYTHING!

          • bobbo, finding meaning in the most minimal of actions says:

            I do assume it might nudge a person from time to time in my direction as expressed.

            In the meantime, it amuses me and is worthwhile for that alone.

  2. Winston Smith says:

    “In a time of universal deceit – telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” – George Orwell

  3. bobbo, I want to like people but they are so stupid says:

    Is this the start of this generation’s Woodward and Bernstein-type
    reporting on White House misconduct? Or is the White House simply trying to keep us safe from evildoers who happen to be in the media? //// Or is the issue beyond legitimate comment in an internet forum as it is replete with Pro’s and Con’s being in the middle of two manufactured extremes?

    No.. seriously…..what is the correct spelling of the word “lie” as if this issue is “lie – ing” between two extremes? Talk about stupid, I never have been able to figure that out.

    Hey==from what I’ve read/seen on tv==our overlords did not follow the letter or the spirit of the law. And being overlords, and Obama always looking forward and not backward which is how laws get enforced…. looks like the dickheads will bet away with this erosion of our rights and the sanctity of our 4th Estate.

    The other f*ckheads===those in the Main Stream Media=== should scream bloody hell over this, but their voice is coarse and raw having been expended on Bengazzy, Obamacare, and so forth. Heh, heh==yes, cutting their own throats by tiring the sheep out on false trails. Not a chess player in the group.

    Yea, verily.

    • Reply says:

      LIE: 1 – To lay down. 2 – To knowingly tell or convey a false fact.

      And I did it without the aid of a dictionary too! But then, I DO know what stupid is as well…

      STUPID: (see BoBo)

      “Talk about stupid, I never have been able to figure that out.” That’s probably because you won’t shut the hell up long enough to LEARN anything!

      • bobbo, finding meaning in the most minimal of actions says:

        So…I looked it up. For some reason, I had the idea that the present particle of lie was different depending on whether it applied to the 1-telling of untruths, or 2-putting something in place.

        I was wrong about that. It is “lying” for both instances. Laying being completely different.

        So, I could have written “Or is the issue beyond legitimate comment in an internet forum as it is replete with Pro’s and Con’s LYING in the middle of two manufactured extremes?” /// Still strikes me as a bit weird looking. I am smarter than a fifth grader—but I have lost a lot too.

        • MikeN says:

          While you’re there, look up the world gullible. You’ll be surprised to know it’s not in the dictionary, just a made up word.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and Jr Nobel Prize Winner in Economics fan boi says:

            Looks like any other word to me. I recall wifey and I playing scrabble and she used the word gulled to great advantage. Her command of the language is quite remarkable.

            I really don’t like the word “lying” as it has two different meanings the context of which often does not resolve the ambiguity. It should be avoided as clarity of thought is paramount.

  4. Mr Diesel says:

    I’m sure the media is tired now with such a target rich environment as this scum-sucking vermin administration.

    Obomba is a lying fucking bastard who voted for killing babies and then started bombing them. We knew how bad he was before and still the “no” information, “thrill up my leg” voters put him in office, twice.

    • McCullough says:

      It’s the “twice” part that bothers the most. Yeah, I know Romney was a turd on a half-shell.

      Think 3rd party, or continue down this hell hole.

      • Mr Diesel says:

        Maybe the French had it right back in the day.

        • Reply says:


          I don’t think so!

        • msbpodcast says:

          Voltaire* would be proud of you.

          O’mama obviously never read French.

          *) It was actually Evelyn Beatrice Hall who wrote the words “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it,” and attributed it to Voltaire.

      • bobbo, Jr Agent Extrodinare fighting Conflation and Lies with Every post says:

        Obama was the right choice each time. elections don’t take place in a vacuum, as do your silly recommendations for some unknown third party. WHICH third party?? There are usually 4-5 of them.

        Better the evil you know…….

        • Reply says:


          You can figure out how to count if you just watched your favorite public money suck hole – PBS! And despite even THEIR INABILITY TO COUNT, PBS does at least have a few good programs like Sesame Street!!!

          • bobbo, finding meaning in the most minimal of actions says:

            Ha, ha. For a wordsmith you appear noncognizant of the ordinal vs nominal use of numbers.

            Glad to lay your lie to rest….
            …..but I dither.

          • bobbo, finding meaning in the most minimal of actions says:

            I do hope, if not assume, that is clever word play? I thought it, then forgot it. Ideas can be a jumble that way.

    • Mextli says:

      And yet we still have this.

      CNN’s Candy Crowley said on “State of the Union” Sunday that 53 percent of Americans approve of the job Obama is doing, according to a new CNN/ORC poll.

      • bobbo, Jr Agent Extrodinare fighting Conflation and Lies with Every post says:

        Thats what happens when bullys, retards, buffoons, and liars attack someone unfairly.

        Obama did not “do” this and attacks against him “should” increase his popularity.

        Stupid Pukes should stop exposing their cancerous offensive idealogy and stick with the more damning simple truth: Obama is the Pres and he should root out the over reaching f*cktards and partisans in his own group. Sadly, he won’t do that…. he’s just a politician looking to set up 2016.

        Like him or not, he doesn’t kill babies. If you want to force him to enforce the First Amendment, stop over reacting like Drama Queens and making BS up. You might even apply that to your own leadership, third party candidate, god and gods your worship, and all other manner of hypocritical non-think you engage in.

        I know…. fat chance.

        • Reply says:

          Last time I looked, the PRESIDENT was “Commander and Chief” of the Armed Forces! So if the armed forces are killing babies then there’s a problem that even Harry Truman admitted was ultimately THE PRESIDENTS’ FAULT! — “The buck stops here!”

          I’m NOT saying our armed forces are WILLINGLY killing babies or targeting them or anything like that. In fact, the vast majority of the military are good honest trustworthy and mostly LOYAL Americans. Even the military itself seems hell bent on NOT killing ANYONE! But there ARE a few military members who DO kill babies sometimes with impunity! Sometimes they do it even after they are removed from the battle field too. And the PRESIDENT is ultimately responsible for NOT prosecuting them when it happens.

          But then, the President is ALSO the head of the executive branch which is in charge of ENFORCING THE LAW!!! So would you care to take a look at our inordinately high prison population or the parole system or any of that mess?

      • msbpodcast says:

        53 percent of Americans

        They must mean a selection of

    • Libby says:

      The Justice Department began investigating possible leaks of classified information about North Korea in 2009… The difference to the manipulated, is that the President is a democrat and a Negro, eh? Patriotic my arse… Dems are the only Patriots.. Remember when republicans used to care about national security? And now you’re defending the leaking of classified information for political purposes.

      You’re just a typical low iq con supporting treason while you attack the government for keeping its classified info, classified.

      • bobbo, Jr Agent Extrodinare fighting Conflation and Lies with Every post says:

        Reading your post as closely as I can, you take opposing conflicting positions. Lack of precision?

        ….but I post because it is becoming my understanding that the Republican Party has simply become the Anti-Democrattic Party and they are out not to provide a governing philosophy to be one of the choices to balance the High Taxing Social Programs of the Left. No… they are purely out to grab and hold power to serve their SUPER RICH overlords.

        They simply mindlessly hate any Democrat. Today its Obama…. the skin being obvious even to their White Trash base so no need to draw a big arrow to it. They Hate the Clintons, Kerry, Algore, Carter, Kennedy and so on down the line, but including Pukes who are willing to compromise as well.

        Truly a party for no purpose but power. That is understandable. What is not understandable is the idiot sheep that provide them with a base.

        FREEEEEEEEEDOM hating Born Agains?—yes, sizeable group. Gun crazy nutballs? Again, yes, sizeable group. Anti-Science Luddites. ditto.

        HEY!!!===put all the crazies together and you got nearly 40 % of the USA. Good enough to gerrymander a fraud on the people.

        Silly Hoomans.

        • Reply says:

          Let’s examine a core belief you seem to have. You said:

          ….but I post because it is becoming my understanding that the Republican Party has simply become the Anti-Democrattic Party and they are out not to provide a governing philosophy to be one of the choices to balance the High Taxing Social Programs of the Left. No… they are purely out to grab and hold power to serve their SUPER RICH overlords.

          You should look at your own party a little more often because it’s exactly the REVERSE! It’s the DEMOCRAT party that is always “anti Republican” and out to serve the ultra rich. Just look who they are TAKING MONEY FROM!!! Try looking at the TAXES if you said something stupid like “campaign contributions.” But even where campaign money is concerned, Obama out spent Romney in a land side and yet, barely kept hold of his job!

          Most Republicans will point out EXAMPLES of the Democrats, their values, and HISTORY!!! Things you accuse the Republicans for failing at. If anything, the Republicans are horrible at countering the lying (as in false truth) left’s sound bytes that idiots like you are all too willing to BELIEVE!!! (And you have the nerve to call yourself an “anti-theist”. HA!!!)

          But then you seem to think that Republicans are somehow exclusively “out to grab and hold power to serve their SUPER RICH overlords. Ya, like the American People who ELECT them! You fail to admit that it’s the very job of EVERY POLITICIAN – Republican AND Democrat alike – to perpetually get re-elected! So it ISN’T just the Republican’s, it’s BOTH!!!

          And when I see the “two party system” it’s really a decision between the lesser of two evils. And if you LOOK (and shut up long enough) you just might see that it’s the Democrat party which is MORE EVIL!

          Fortunately though, there is gaining support of a “third choice”. I just don’t see it as having much of a chance until more people wake up and realize just how far the governments dick is up their own asses! The very same dick you seem all to willing to put down your MOUTH!

      • MikeN says:

        Nice name, but this story was well known and the reporters held it for a week at the request of the government. The Obama Administration was planning to announce the Yemen op the next day, and the AP just wanted the scoop. Not a major leak, or even a minor one.

        Now, when is Obama going to investigate the leaking of Stuxnet?

        • CrankyGeeksFan says:

          Rod J. Rosenstein, the U. S, Attorney for Maryland, has led the investigation since January.

  5. bobbo, Jr Agent Extrodinare fighting Conflation and Lies with Every post says:

    Mr Diesel in his conflated and very inmoderate ways says:
    5/20/2013 at 11:06 am

    I’m sure the media is tired now with such a target rich environment as this scum-sucking vermin administration. /// Faux is up in arms about this but they pretty much shot their wad earlier in the week. MSNBC is making excuses. Pretty clear divide. The ONLY thing a reasonable non-partisan rational person can do is watch both and try to find the truth? Or wait 3 years for the book to come out.

    Obomba is a lying fucking bastard who voted for killing babies /// yes–one of those constitutional rights identified in a 9-0 case of the Supreme Court. Ain’t other people disagreeing with you in a free society a bitch?

    and then started bombing them. /// Why would Obama bomb aborted babies? that doesn’t make any sense at all.

    We knew how bad he was before and still the “no” information, “thrill up my leg” voters put him in office, twice. /// Ha, ha. And you know why: Hilary is a poser that cannot win nomination whenever a better poser points out her posing while she is posing, ducking bullets, lauding her own lack of substantive ACTION… and so forth AND==there hasn’t been a Puke that can appeal to the general public outside of the Deep South in 20 years.

    Ahhh…the worm turns. Ever so slowly, but still it turns.

    But since you have mentioned it about 5-6 times now Mr D==> why do you want to force women and families to have kiddies they don’t want? Seems really excessively self centered on your part. If YOU want to have a brain damaged child that takes all your time, money, and attention away from your other kiddies YOU ARE FREE TO DO SO! Stop forcing your stupid onto other people.

    FREEEEEEEEEEEEEDOM===>other people doing what you don’t like.

    You have to be a hypocritical fascist to deny other people FREEEEEEEEEEEEDOM.

    Why you bother people?

    • Rob says:

      These babies, the ones Obomba aborted and then bombed, shouldn’t they be allowed the FREEEEEEEEDOM to live?

      • bobbo, Jr Agent Extrodinare fighting Conflation and Lies with Every post says:

        In a perfect world, every egg and sperm would be born into a perfect world with appropriate healthcare, food, clothing, shelter, education, freedom of self expression and actualization and so forth.

        Then the soul destroying evil would be not enough eggs! All those trillions of sperm just dying because no egg is present to merge with.

        We need a program of maximum egg production!

        The “morality” of what you suggest is that there is one and one only answer that fits all 7 Billion examples here on earth: zero tolerance for anything except your position?

        NO! As I already emphasized, but will restate for you now: the morality is not WHAT decision you would make but rather WHO makes the decision. The Sup Ct has said that in the First Trimester==that decision is the Mothers. Its the mother that has to bring the growth to term, to raise it thereafter most often. NO ONE ELSE is willing to do that, or are you really advocating for the factory farming of unwanted kiddies???

        Do you???

        No–you have only the dogma of BS ideas that make no sense on any close examination.

        FREEEEEEEEDOM===>leave other people the fuck alone. Note–Sup Ct also ruled 9-0 that the product of conception is not a people.

        Yeah, it sucks having to put up with people who haven’t drunk the same kool aid as you have. But that is the nature of FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOM.

        Everyone hates it.

        Silly Hoomans.

    • Mextli says:

      This should be right up your ally bobbo. Legal murder IMHO.

      The Groningen Protocol — Euthanasia in Severely Ill Newborns
      Eduard Verhagen, M.D., J.D., and Pieter J.J. Sauer, M.D., Ph.D.


      After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?
      Alberto Giubilini1,
      Francesca Minerva2

      • bobbo, Jr Agent Extrodinare fighting Conflation and Lies with Every post says:

        I am a maximum capitalist…so Yes, I support euthanasia, genetic engineering, eugenics… the whole ball of wax.

        But unlike the usually religious dogma based stupidity, if not just stupidity itself, I grant others the FREEEEEEEEEEEEDOM to decide democratically, through their faulty institutions by way of Republican Representation, that the group may disagree and make laws that are not my own personal preference.


        When abortion was illegal and people in the womb were being killed with coat hangers along with the mothers, I disagreed. But I waited for the worm to turn.

        The EARTH already has too many people. Silly to think too much of any policy that spits out even more.

        You may disagree. Thats FREEEEEDOM. Unlike my stand on kiddies being their parents property, the FREEEEEEEEEEDOM of Mothers to control their own child bearing is the MAJORITY VIEW.

        Being in the minority for most major issues, I know, I deeply and personally know, how much this suck for you.

        Ha, ha. Suck it Up Morons. MOST people disagree with you. Its more than the Law, its only common sense==>and Constitutional Rights.

        But keep fighting….. the worm can twitch as well as turn.

    • Mr Diesel says:

      Sometimes it is difficult to find any sense in your posts but let me make this clear (hmm, sounds like the Messiah). I never said he killed babies, I said he voted for it. Once in a while you have your head planted firmly where the sun doesn’t shine because I never said abortion did I? Let me answer it for you, no, I did not. I am talking about him voting to let newborns die.

      Since you missed any nuance I was talking about the children he seems to like to pull the trigger on with his fleet of drones.

      Since you brought up abortion and damaged babies I wonder how many are born without problems and then killed on the table. Gee, I think the Baby Doc in Philly is going to prison for life for doing just that. That is not abortion and there is no way in hell that you could be cold and heartless enough to take a healthy living baby on a table and snip his spine.

      By the way, I’m Pro Choice but I’d prefer the choice wasn’t to kill the child while he is learning to walk.

  6. bobbo, Jr Agent Extrodinare fighting Conflation and Lies with Every post says:

    Mextli–I gave both your links a too quick read for as stated, I already take a maximal position and these are both moderate.

    They both say essentially the same thing, the first being more acceptable headline wise.

    Mextli–what is the social/moral good in having extremely ill babies live for six months in extreme pain with no hope of being cured? Legal Murder as you oxymoronically opine, or Legal Inhuman Torture as I would counter?

    Why do you hate babies so?

  7. LibertyLover says:

    If there is any doubt the Obamessiah is in deep shit over this, just listen to that leftist, Piers Morgan.

    Even his is saying that maybe the NRA was right not to trust the government.

    This makes me even more afraid than I was before.

    • bobbo, Jr Agent Extrodinare fighting Conflation and Lies with Every post says:

      What are you afraid of Loser?

      Just total lack of relevancy…. or what?

      • LibertyLover says:

        Booger, just dry up, would you, please?

        You’re contributing nothing. Nothing.

        • bobbo, Jr Agent Extrodinare fighting Conflation and Lies with Every post says:

          “This makes me even more afraid than I was before.” /// What are you afraid of Loser?

          • LibertyLover says:

            Instead of hinting . . . perhaps I should just say it . . . again . . . out right.


          • bobbo, Jr Agent Extrodinare fighting Conflation and Lies with Every post says:

            1. What are you afraid of Loser?

            2. Why should I leave Loser?

            3. Got Milk?

            4. Why you so stupid?

            ….. and so on with every post. It would be amusing if Loser didn’t vote.

          • LibertyLover says:

            Booger the Troll, how does it feel to know you read my posts but I don’t read yours?

            Thanks for the worship!

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas, or not says:

            Ha Ha. With a better history, I’d give you credit for the nonsense response word play of which I approve…. but your history indicates more of just plain Pedrodeficient in your use of language.

            You may have been brought up that way as when your mother saw no irony in calling you a son of a bitch.

            Words and Ideas. They have meaning for some, and none for others.

            Life is like that.

            Pedro and Loser
            Two of a type, unknowing
            And oblivious.

          • LibertyLover says:

            Look! Booger the Troll is again bowing to his God, The LibertyLover!

            I think I’ve been going about this all wrong. Instead of trying to run him off, perhaps I should just bask in the glory he sends my way.

            Just know, I am a Jealous God, and I will not take it kindly should you Troll anybody else. You’re My troll, and don’t you forget it!

            Keep the worship coming, minion.

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas, or not says:

            You have made it about as odious a project as possible.

            If I was afraid of something, I think I would want to name it. Much like calling out a troll?

            Failing that, I think you actually mean some other notion than “fear” but your vocabulary and attention span limit more than a gesticulation.

            Did anyone tell you how immature references to boogers are, or did you finger that out when removed from your ears?

            What are you afraid of Loser?

        • LibertyLover says:

          YES, MORE WORSHIP!

          I shall nap now. All this basking is wearing me out!

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas, or not says:

            Maybe you will dream about what you are afraid of?

            Come back and bask some more?

            Poor LIEberTARDian. No ideas, no dreams. Just basking in the glow of his imagined self worth.

            Ha, ha.

  8. Michael says:

    Wow, interesting. if you skip the posts by the idiot also known as bobbo, you can actually gain some perspective from this blog. And have enough free time left over for a beer or two.

    Can I get an idiot filter?

    • bobbo, Jr Agent Extrodinare fighting Conflation and Lies with Every post says:

      ….. and we will just wait for any substantive analysis from you…. or not, as in: not wait.

      It ain’t coming. Sometimes, the worm just shits and vomits.

    • LibertyLover says:

      I used to have one for him (and a couple of others), but this new layout screwed with it and I was too lazy to modify it.

      I may have to pull it back out . . .

      • bobbo, Jr Agent Extrodinare fighting Conflation and Lies with Every post says:

        Its called: the Marketplace of Ideas. Find an idea you don’t like: combat it with better ideas. Not the conclusionary little girl crap you and your ilk pump out.

        Idiot filter as your trump analytical effort is a good example. Whatsamatteryou? Wet fingers in your ears doesn’t work any more?

        Stupid.====>Make an ARGUMENT!

        Even do-ill and douche-anal do that then have the dignity not to even try to defend their week old talking points. It is crap. Just not as foul as your own. Step up to better crap.

        Its a process.

    • Reply says:

      Can I get an idiot filter?


  9. bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas, or not says:

    Meanwhile, in the Real World, all channels stuck on Tornado coverage.

    How does this happen? Every Tornado story is exactly the same. Over and Over…. always the same.

    Like Nascar.

    • Mr Diesel says:

      It wouldn’t be if you were in it. I don’t like redneck racing though. Indy and F1 has a much higher class of fans. Go to a race and you can tell which ones are which.

  10. Steve Watrous says:

    John C.,

    I think it’s time to close this blog

  11. Reply says:


    A fool chatters while the wise man LISTENS!

    Problem is, there are too many DAMNED FOOLS!

  12. bobbo, finding meaning in the most minimal of actions says:

    Mr Diesel making distinctions without a difference says:
    5/20/2013 at 3:00 pm

    Sometimes it is difficult to find any sense in your posts but let me make this clear (hmm, sounds like the Messiah). I never said he killed babies, I said he voted for it. /// So whats your point? He voted for the pro-abortion provision and more fetuses were killed as a result. If he had vetoed the bill, less fetuses would have been killed. So…what is your point?

    Once in a while you have your head planted firmly where the sun doesn’t shine because I never said abortion did I? /// What was your unreferenced to be assumed antecedent then?

    Let me answer it for you, no, I did not. I am talking about him voting to let newborns die. /// Oh…”ok.” “Letting” newborns die by starvation or dehydration over 2-3 days rather than killing them directly? Seems worse than abortion to me. Was that your point???–Obama is worse than an abortionist?? Remember–that is the effect of his approval==>NOT that he ever saw a new born one way or the other.

    Since you missed any nuance I was talking about the children he seems to like to pull the trigger on with his fleet of drones. /// Yes, of course. Just fun word play on my part. Did you smile at all at the incongruence, or was your frown frozen in place.

    Since you brought up abortion and damaged babies I wonder how many are born without problems and then killed on the table. /// I assume about as close to zero as one might imagine. What you describe is illegal murder, not abortion.

    Gee, I think the Baby Doc in Philly is going to prison for life for doing just that. /// Exactly so–just as he should. He’s giving abortion a bad name!!!

    That is not abortion and there is no way in hell that you could be cold and heartless enough to take a healthy living baby on a table and snip his spine. /// I’m not trained to do that. Drop bombs and kill several hundred?==>just line up the cross hairs….// So, to be more informative==I honor and respect ADULTS more than the unborn, more than the just born. “If” one were required to make such a choice. I think the morality is clear. This baby worship in the USA strikes me as misplaced and odd. Add in the non-support of mothers and kiddies and you have an additional load of hypocrisy that is hard to swallow.

    By the way, I’m Pro Choice but I’d prefer the choice wasn’t to kill the child while he is learning to walk. // Then why such animosity towards ObamaGod? You should make your rhetoric match your secreted values more closely.

  13. Mr Diesel says:

    Bobbo thus spoke

    Me-Since you brought up abortion and damaged babies I wonder how many are born without problems and then killed on the table.
    Bobbo-I assume about as close to zero as one might imagine. What you describe is illegal murder, not abortion.

    And that is what that scum sucking vermin voted for, murder. He voted to let born-live children die. Had the doctor manage to kill them in the womb it would have been a late term abortion. Had the child been learning to walk Obomba would have been okay with it.

    Yeah illegal since there is no such thing as legal murder.

    • bobbo, finding meaning in the most minimal of actions says:

      Mr D–got a link? Hard to imagine the Pres would sign a bill authorizing what was treated as murder to thereafter be treated as an “abortion” of any kind. Too big a stretch.

      Sounds like a “Big Lie” to me.
      but lets google and find out?

      The right wing would never lie about Obama just to keep the party faithful frothing at the gum line would they?

      Lets go>>>>>>>>>>>>>>5″24PM

  14. bobbo, finding meaning in the most minimal of actions says:

    Ha, ha. The link says “Yes” and then explains he voted “present” and that voting present means “no.”

    Lets look some more for what SENATOR Obama did or didn’t do or was present while others did “it.”

    • bobbo, finding meaning in the most minimal of actions says:

      To be clear–Obama was voting on a late term abortion BAN. Such abortions are only “legal” when the life of the mother is at risk. Yes, I can imagine people aborting perfectly healthy fetuses. JUST AS I CAN IMAGINE–activists on the other side forcing tragically ill babies to be born while putting the mothers at risk.

      Choose your evil.

  15. bobbo, finding meaning in the most minimal of actions says:

    OBAMA: “I am pro-choice.”

    REPORTER: “In all situations including the late term thing?”

    OBAMA: “I am pro-choice. I believe that women make responsible choices and they know better than anybody the tragedy of a difficult pregnancy and I don’t think that it’s the government’s role to meddle in that choice.”

    In another interview, Obama said: “I voted no on the late-term abortion ban, not because I don’t recognize that these are painful issues but because I trust women to make these decisions.”

    /////////// What a BASTARD!!!! Allowing women to decide for themselves! We need the heavy hand of government to save all the aborted babies. Screw private parental/doctor decisions that lie at the core of what it is to be a family.

    Say Mr D—what do you think being pro-choice means?

  16. Mr Diesel says:

    I guess in your world it would be something like this: Ma’am, I must inform you that your baby wasn’t aborted but actually has been born alive. But today is your lucky day, because Obomba is Pro-Choice clear up to puberty I can just cut this little spinal cord here or maybe you would prefer I just shove forceps up into it’s little brain? Your choice, clock’s ticking….

    If I make a mistake I’ll admit it, you can be sure of that.

    • bobbo, finding meaning in the most minimal of actions says:

      Mr D—THE LAW does not allow the taking of a late term/born alive fetus just as the conviction off that recent abortionist shows. Most states ban late abortions except to save the life of the mother. Why do you continue to morph this issue into the taking of live babies?

      To be fair–we would have to read/understand what that Illinois Late Term Abortion Ban was meant to do in that we all agree that late term abortions “for convenience” are not allowed.

      So–yes, I do assume that Illinois law was putting restrictions on a womans right to choose. Call me silly, but I don’t trust legislatures putting further restrictions on what the Sup Ct has already clearly ruled.

      Now–I “personally” would be so called Cold Hearted for as I say, I think it goes to the values of the family in question and like Obama, I think the values and discretion of the family should take precendent over what religious based interests would impose otherwise all while refusing to pay and support the results of said interference. But you want to put the State inbetween a woman giving birth and her doctor.

      Fine. Just don’t think of yourself as supporting free-choice. Free choice admits that “mistakes” and even criminal enterprise will occur. What you refuse to admit is an equal an opposite error forcing women to have kiddies while putting their lives at risk.

      The hand of god does not part the skies to make us all aware of the right decision. Its all a process of man==on either side of the issues.

  17. Mr Diesel says:

    Did Obama vote to legalize late term abortions in Illinois and if the baby lived through the abortion then Obama said the baby should be killed?

    SB 230 Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act. Senate approved bill 44-7, with five senators voting present, including Obama.

    “Present,” technically means “No.” Senators will typically vote “Present” so that it won’t be used against them in future elections.
    SB 562 Parental Notice of Abortion Act. Bill passed Senate 39-7, with 11 present votes, including Obama.
    SB 1093 Law to protect Liveborn children. Bill passed 34-6, with 12 present, including Obama.
    SB 1094 Bill to protect children born as result of induced labor abortion. Bill passed 33-6, with 13 present, including Obama.
    SB 1095 Bill defining “born alive” defines “born-alive infant” to include infant “born alive at any stage of development.” Bill passed 34-5, with nine present, including Obama.

    • Mr Diesel says:

      What that means is that every time he had a chance to let babies live he voted present (no) in order to make sure they were killed in some fashion or another.

      • bobbo, finding meaning in the most minimal of actions says:

        No–thats NOT what it means. It means that whatever the law was prior to the submission of the Anti-Late Term Abortion Ban remained the law. I assume that did not allow the killing of late term fetuses at the whim of the mother. THAT IS EXACTLY WHY that doctor just got convicted of murder.

        You have bought the right wing BS hook line and sinker.

        Now–we can argue back and forth about what OTHER people mean to do or go with a more generic discussion?

        I favor family privacy without the intruding hand of government. Probably just as the law is now without all these covert plans to interfere with the privacy rights involved masquerading as preventing late term abortions.

        Whats the reality? Whats the kool aide?

        • Mr Diesel says:

          You assume wrong because it did allow for the killing of late term fetuses.

          Have another glass.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and Jr Nobel Prize Winner in Economics fan boi says:

            Mr D–I don’t think you understand the dynamic of what is in play here.

            Illinois current law forbids late term abortions except when the life and health of the mother is at risk. Even then–a second physician must be in agreement and attendance at the abortion.

            SO–the proposed BAN on late term abortions was to make such abortions even more difficult to get===IE put the mothers life and health at risk.

            Obama properly voted against any further restrictions from what the law already was.

            Obama DID NOT vote for a law that made killing late term fetuses ok INSTEAD he kept the law as it was BANNING late term abortions UNLESS the mothers health was t risk.

            I hope you can come to see the difference here. You’ve been lied to Mr D and you willingly pass the lie along. The LIE is pretty obvious on its face and indeed does not withstand scrutiny. Your political analysis should go a bit deeper.


  18. MikeN says:

    Under W, reporters went to jail for refusing to answer questions about who leaked to them.

    Under O, reporters are considered criminal for reporting secret news not liked by the administration.

    Not just reporters but any speech not approved is cause for this administration. Videomaker, scapegoated for Benghazi, in jail. Tea Party groups, get audited.

  19. msbpodcast says:

    I am enjoying, in my own wry way, watching the ‘States go to Hell in a handbasket.

    I’m no longer participating in the economy and have lived a full life already so I no longer care. Unlike the people who were sold this bill of goods and are trying to keep their heads above water as they circle round the drain.

    This puts me in a unique position to enjoy the transition of power to our Chinese overlords.

    With any luck, I won’t outlive the American experiment in democracy by too long.

  20. MikeN says:

    The Obama Cabinet officially held a ceremony for the burial of the traditional meaning of the first amendment.


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