1. bobbo, Jr Culture critic with Darwin and Freud opining as if it didn't matter says:

    Second Biggest Arguement wifey and I ever had: “If you swerve the car and wreck it and yourself to avoid hitting a squirrel or dog in the road…I’m going to be really pissed! DRIVE STRAIGHT and let the dumb animal live or die by its own wits.”

    Wifey said she would swerve into a fully loaded concrete truck in order to save the life of such innocent animals.

    …… and she loves me half as much.

    What more could I hope for?

    • GregAllen says:

      Was the Biggest Argument over you calling her “wifey”?

      • bobbo, Jr Culture critic with Darwin and Freud opining as if it didn't matter says:

        Hey Greg–clever guess. No, when wifey is present, I call her by name. She is irritated by my nicknaming though. I call our dogs “dog” the cat “cat” the chinchilla “rat” and so forth. I recognize BushtheRetard does the same thing…. might even be for the same reason? You could make another guess there, or know?

        • MikeN says:

          Hehe, reading Decision Points, I see that Bush had the same explanation for Scooter Libby’s non-pardon as Bobbo. Great minds think alike, or is it takes one to know one.

      • Captain Obvious says:

        He only calls her wifey when he wants to be spanked.

    • Hmeyers says:

      My brother has the equivalent of human “telescopic vision” (15/20? 10/20? or is that 20/15 or 20/10?) and can spot toads and frogs on the road in the rain.

      One time a couple of years ago out in the country, he pointed them out so I didn’t run over them.

      I avoided them, but it left me wondering how many I’ve run over simply for not being able to see them.

      A duck plus some is more important than a speeding ticket.

      But airplanes must kill countless birds, and I’d go with the airplanes on that one. What about the ex-Space Shuttle launches or rockets (I guess we are doing that again)?

      Where do you draw the line?

      • bobbo, Jr Culture critic with Darwin and Freud opining as if it didn't matter says:

        I have the same fantastic eye sight. Still don’t wear classes, but my arms aren’t long enough to read small print.

        I let the Gods decide: I drive straight and true and let the animals follow Darwins good rules.

        Old joke about how squirrels and dumb and crows are smart because the squirrels get hit more by cars. Point was made that squirrels are just as smart as birds, just less decisive, they won’t commit to one course of action.

        And thats why road kill is heavy on squirrel meat.

    • Stupid policeman!!
      That speeding driver could cause problems ahead on the road. And this smarta** played a green peace activist!

  2. GregAllen says:

    I LOVE that video.

    It shows that this cop has a good sense of perspective and decent humanity.

    52 in a 35 deserves a ticket but there are other considerations. Ducklings are one of them.

    • kiwini says:

      Yuppers… and the Orygun Gendarmerie was just obeying existing law.

      There are a LOT of “Duck Crossing” signs hereabouts, and whacking a waddling quacker near one will usually result in a flurry of phone calls to nail the miscreant.

      • GregAllen says:

        I happen to know that stretch of road and I don’t think there are any duck crossing signs.

        But it is illegal to run over ducks even without the signs?

  3. noname says:

    Portland police are big on speed traps and tickets and they are very aggressive against the public!

    As the title noted, this is interpreted. Things being interpreted, inaction on a 52mph speeder vs. the 35mph speed limit sign.

    There are real doubts this cop did not respond to a car 17 mph over the speed limit. Police cam video typically automatically embed the car speed text in the video to serve as evidence and not manually added with video editing software, which would be bogus in court!

    This is more likely just another hacked feel good video uploaded to YoubiTube for public comment.

  4. Elmer Fudd says:

    Pure P.R.!

    You just know that if it was in a ghetto part of town that no one would be stopping.

    I’m also convinced no one would have have stopped if it was just another individual duck too. But throw the baby ducklings into the equation and it’s as good as a political scandal if that cop didn’t at least slow down or swerve. DUH!

    Think you know what P.E.T.A stands for? Try this on for size:

    (E)nforcement (causing)

  5. deowll says:

    You might enjoy this one: https://youtube.com/watch?v=NFjFptZ1wGI

  6. Donald says:

    Cop ran them off in the bushes to keep them from running a fowl. A ducky move on his part. Some call him a quack, but not a fact.

  7. mojo says:

    That’s like some trick the Penguin would pull, to get Batman off his tail…


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