
Executive Producers: Sir Greg and Dame Kathy Simunich, Earl Melancon, Parker Snyder
Associate Executive Producers: Stephen Agarhutty, Daniel Serbus, Sir Jan Persiel
Art By: Bomb-o-Bot

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  1. ECA says:

    To WHOM is may concern..

    Please look at the NAME of the download..
    is this SUNDAY’s Version, or just the WRONG NAME..

  2. noname says:

    “Gestapo”, ain’t that the mother f*$cking truth!

    “Don’t be evil”, the whimsical informal corporate motto of Google, is such a farce!

    “Shareholders, human rights groups, press freedom watchdogs and lawmakers have turned on the heat on Yahoo, Google and other U.S.-based Internet companies for what they consider questionable policies abroad.”

    • msbpodcast says:

      Das rait. Doan be eeeval my ass.

      We doan need no serch engin indexin’ da wurl’s nolege.

      Ah’s pig ignurn and Ah likes it that way.

      Ah comes bi it natchurl like.

      Ma pappy was pig ignurnt too.

      He married his sistah so he wudden have to date nobody.

      He figgurd if it was good ‘nuf for HIS pappy, it was good ‘nuf for him.

  3. B. Dog says:

    The direct link to the mp3 file has Sunday’s show now.

    That was pretty funny how Eric Schmidt went to North Korea to map it — what a guy.

    C-Span 3 really showed Eric Holder to be an idiot, which is no longer breaking news.

  4. mojo says:

    Carney Barker is pushing the “Benghazi? What Benghazi?” line hard. That’s what they don’t want out. They’ll even take some damage to control it.

  5. ivan says:

    Gestapo’s mission statement would be like Google’s logo:
    Catching all the colors of the rainbow.

  6. Kent says:

    Awesome show man.

  7. mudpup says:

    Great show!

  8. deowll says:

    This go round I think your statements about the Tea Party and the Republicans suggest you are denser than than granite. Major contributors to Romney got hit. One guy ended up spending ~80,000 fighting the auditors. Billy Graham got hit for endorsing Romney. You think the Republicans want their contributors too be afraid to make contributions?

    Crap a lot of the Democrats have enough brains they don’t want the IRS beating the crap out of potential contributors for the party in power.

    What are you going to do if your contributors get hit?

    Have fun anyway. At least you guys are vaguely aware of the what is going on.


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