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Dang, three tours in Afghanistan and this is my reward. Can I volunteer for a fourth?
I thought this was Jay Carney’s job.
No, Jay is rimming him from behind right now.
Two people in costumes; both costumes are designed to elicit trust. The guy on the right would chew off his own arm to honor a promise while the guy on the right hasn’t kept a promise in his life.
I’m sure you mean the guy on the left would want someone else to chew off their arm but then deny he wanted anything and certainly wouldn’t take responsibility for any of it anyway.
Oooops! Two rights – but you got the idea 😉
Two rights don’t make a left, but three does.
This is outstanding
“I’m talkin’ about coverage!”
“…. and when Ryan stood back I saw that Santorum’s was this wide…”
[Congress hasn’t authorized a roof yet]
The umbrella of sequestration.
It’s a jolly holiday with Barry . Marry Poppins (©1964 Walt Disney, ©2013 Some Werido)
This is just waving the red cape in front of the wingnut idiots. Too easy, McCullough 🙂
Yeah, but it’s still fun 🙂
Temporary shelter from the sh1tstorm
Q: ‘Can you assure the American people that nobody in the White House knew about the agency’s actions before your counsel’s office found out on April 22?’
A: ‘I can assure you that I certainly did not know anything about the (inspector general) report…’
The one branch of the US armed forces not allowed to carry umbrellas is………………..
I dunno. I remember thinking that was really stupid when our DI told us that in the Air Force. Was he just a Marine wannabe?
“Can I get a Supercalifragalisticexpialidocius?
“Although the shiit has hit the fan, and it’s raining on my parade, I’m still going to pump sunlight up your skirt.”
THIS IS EASY WITH ALL THE HOT AIR.. coming from him.
A Marine and a Turkey Sandwich.
I’d like to see how long anyone here can hold the shown stress position before fatiguing!
Why can’t Obama stand under the portico and not torture this Marine!
Having a Marine hold out an umbrella, is both stupid and doesn’t project America’s once common practical sensibilities!
Instead, Obama looks like he is trying to portray himself more as royalty, then as a sensible and democratically elected President of the people for the people!
Why are there two turkey flags?
The Turkish PM is a guest of honor, hence the Turkish flags. Guest…..honor. Something adults with diplomatic skills do.
two branches of the gubberment not smart enough to get outta the rain!
“Singing in the rain..I’m singing in the rain…no it’s when it rains it rains penny’s from heaven…. or is it the good ship matter I’m covered by all this by Travelers insurance umbrella held by the Marine with a belly ache”
&@$” ..It’s rain’in men, hallelujah it’s rain’n men …
…and I joined the Marines to see the world ?
Marine surrounded by symbols of “Turkey”, two of which are flags.
The Marine’s new slogan:
“The Few, the Proud, the Umbrella Stands.”
Someone left the fake out in the rain..
“We represent the lollipop guild!”
“Here! Sit on THIS and let me open it, SIR!”
“The Few. The Proud… And Corporal Marry Poppins!”
“Obama explains to the Turkish President why they can’t go inside the White House: ‘Because the Republican’s opposed funding’ …to provide another Marine bell hop to open the door.”
“Ah! Washington D.C. Can’t you just smell the bullshit?”
“Well, it was a rainy day much like today. Michele and I were down by the Potomac River bank not far from here fishing for a meal. I reeled it in but it got away just as I was about to net it. I can honestly tell you it was this big!”
Right turn Clyde
man, he has aged! All of these guys, except Reagan, seems to have aged considerably in office…
“Well, I got this medal for whitest gloves, and I got this medal for shiniest shoes!”
When I was in boot camp, I was on one of those rifle drill teams, at the end I was asked if I wanted to serve in the Presidential Honor Guard.
I should’ve taken that pie gig.
“Well its better than washing M60 tanks in Afghanistan…”
I had a roomie once who volunteered for the Honor Guard “because” he really enjoyed seeing how bright he could get the shine on his shoes and belt buckle. How crisp the crease in his uniform.
He really enjoyed “looking sharp.”
Weird thing was—he was totally normal in all other respects. Weird.