Click pic to find out

  1. Kyusoath says:

    This is a new low.

  2. Cliff says:

    I’ll go out on a limb and say Documents.

  3. Rob says:

    Broken cookies or Marijuana.

  4. MikeN says:

    The only surprise is that they say right on the label what’s inside.

  5. SeanB says:

    At least it is not HP packaging……….

    then you would have needed mechanical handling equipment to handle the massive pallet that they would send.

  6. bobbo, a newbie in a constantly changing world says:

    So…is the chip broken or what? Top right corner broken off? If broken and the packaging is intact, doesn’t that mean a defective product was shipped rather than mishandling?

    Whats the shit?
    Whats the shinola?

    • JA says:


      Couldn’t you let the other IDIOTS keep on guessing? It was just getting amusing seeing the replies from all the dummies who couldn’t READ the caption which says, “click on pic to find out.”

  7. Animal Mother says:

    Since I am the expert in large packages, why don’t you aske me?

    • bobbo, all your passionate analysis are belong to us says:

      You sir are a poser.

      If you were an expert in large packaging, then your name would be “Animal Mother, the Expert in all Things Large and Packaged”…. but perhaps you injure your Claim to Flame in favor of being parsimonious with the good word?

      The picture as Op’d raises the issue of secrets being unnecessarily kept, but the link from the comments imply that the chip is broken which is a totally different functional issue.

      What am I missing? Or can you tell from the Packaging?

      • JA says:

        It would seem that you have no idea what a “package” might ALSO be!

        Try this video for a hint:

        • bobbo, all your passionate analysis are belong to us says:

          My delicate nature prevents me from clicking on your link, as I can guess. I do assume Pedo will expend much of his precious bodily fluids on what is probably there. If he doesn’t post here for the next 2 hours, that will be confirmation.

          You do know the link shows what is in the Package and Animal Mother would not post off topic?

    • Captain Obvious says:

      Animal Mother FTW

  8. Trex says:

    Is that white powder coming out of the side? Did you piss off McCullough?

  9. super77 says:

    Someone has OCD in shipping & receiving.

  10. ECA says:

    And what is the minimum packaging size to ship.

    Let see..
    Put it in a flat envelope and watch i9t SLIDE threw machines and get crushed?? NOT a good idea.

    • bobbo, Jr package expert wannabe says:

      Good point ECA. I like the way my hard drives are shipped. Surrounded by a crush zone.

      The chip is in essence “bare” mostly packed so as to not get lost just as you say. Larger crush zone or a hard shell is required.

      Different stress put on mail at different handling centers?

      There must be “standards” for different items?

      I’d bet.

    • JA says:

      Talk about Homeland Security regulatory crap!

      With the somewhat recent attempts to send Congress some more Anthrax powder, you just know these new postal regulations were beefed up again in order to “protect everyone.”

      Never mind what State secrets that may be on that micro device. We can all rest at night knowing our Congress won’t be attacked by any more “micro technology” – or by envelope!

      (“Knee jerk” doesn’t begin to describe the absurdity here.)

      • ECA says:

        as a representative of this nation…A politician…

        WHICH would you rather open..
        A letter or a BOX..
        you have to choose 1..

        GIVE me the letter anytime..the box could have a bomb in it and take 1/2 the building..

  11. Glenn E. says:

    The sender probably needed to justify the high cost of shipping a dime sized product. By boxing it up inside plastic air pillows and a bubble sleeve. When a simple bubble wrap lined 5″x7″ envelope, would have done. And maybe cost all of $2.50 for shipping. But boxed up the way it was, probably tripled that cost. And maybe they charged even more. So does the sender company have like some kind of stated “minimum shipping” package size?

    When I use to get a subscription of Starlog magazine, decades ago. Some issues would arrive, looking like somebody had read them first, while on the toilet. As the cheapo distributor refused to protect them inside any form of paper sleeve or envelope. So I asked myself, why am I paying for well worn copies thru the mail, when I can buy them in near perfect condition at the bookstore? And I might add, get them sooner in the stores, than thru the mail. Which was often a week or two later.

    The magazine subscription game is a racket! True, you pay a little less per issue. But you get the dregs of the batch, and late! While the news stands get the cream of the crop, and on time. I no longer buy any magazines. And I’d wish PCH would leave me alone. My father died four years ago, and they still say he’ll win a huge prize any day now. He hasn’t sent them any reply in +5 years!

  12. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Next up: “Navel lint. What does it all mean?

  13. Dallas says:

    I had one more Obama outrage slot open so I filled it with this. I’m disgusted.

  14. HUGSaLOT says:

    Even the retail packaging for those SD cards is less than this.. but why is it not in it’s retail packaging anyway?


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