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The cameraman’s obnoxious sniggering sort of detracts from the humor.
Scheiße, ist das Wasser eingefroren!
pretty sure this has been posted here before
Note to self… never do ANYTHING risky when a video camera is on, it always ends badly.
“He-man jumping into freezing water” It should read idiot jumping onto frozen water.
Geez! He even LOOKS like the “Jack Ass” (Steve O).
So are they now cloning these idiots? Or are the Euro-Trash (or other formerly Soviet blocked countries) just that good at COPYING 10-year-old crap?!
This is why they almost conquered the world twice in the 20th century.
So what ever happen to sticking one’s toe in the water, first? You, to check the temperature. The camera man had to have known it was frozen, and conned the “diver” to trust it was warm enough. Lesson? Always test that the water isn’t frozen, or made into Jello.
for this to be posted twice.. this idiot is obviously on team dvorak
he might wanna put some ice on that sore ass of his…
I don’t find this particularly funny. His tailbone may be broken. I almost broke my neck diving into a pool off a diving board that shouldn’t have been installed. Since then I’ve lived in constant pain. And no I didn’t sue, family don’t sue family, but now if I could I would because of all the suffering I’ve been through. I do know my asshole brother inlaw wouldn’t have hesitated if the tables were turned. It don’t pay to be a good person nowadays. Pun not intended.
Oh yea, this vid is old, must have seen it on Tosh last year.
family does sue insurance home owners policy though. Nothing personal there….. assuming they had one?
I had an ingrown toenail once. Drove me crazy for 6 months before I got into a podiatrist. I felt stupid–like a battle lost because of the nail in a horseshoe==ie–such a little thing, yet it occupies your entire mind while it is an issue.
Chronic “real” pain such as you relate is ……. a terrible thing. Find a good drug?
Been stuck with needles in my neck at c4, c5 numerous times. No meds seem to kill the pain, can’t take steroids orally, they don’t agree with me. I used to drink, alcohol did kill the pain but caused health and psych problems.
Besides neck spasms on Rt side, I’ve been dealing with frozen shoulders, one then the other. Had surgery on one shoulder so far. Now the docs have diagnosed me with Fibromyalgia.
I’m considering trying eastern medicine. I am at my ropes end. Waking up in the morning and just walking to the bathroom is very painful. I’m not overweight at 6’3″ 214 lbs I just have no energy to live a fruitful life. The neurologist told me it’s a quality of life issue that I have to deal with. I do have some good days especially when the humidity is low. Ah, now I’m just kvetching.
It may be as simple as having and keeping the vertabrae stretched out. I have had back issues resolved by hanging upside down from from a teeter machine.
I’d like to try the inversion table but cost is high for a device that may or may not help. I really should look into getting one, maybe used off of craigs list. Thanks for the advise.
I saw one at my thrift store for $25. I “almost” got it but as everything works on me I am afraid to stretch my spine out as I don’t want to hurt, bruise, injure, separate anything. I’ve had a few chiropractic adjustments in my life and I am amazed they don’t paralyze more people than the few they do. the idea behind inversion makes sense…. for both good and ill.
I don’t see how low humidity could affect you one way or the other…but who knows? If true==I’d get a dehumidifier==for one room to start with and if it worked at all, then the whole house? It cleans the air too.
Bobbo I’ll take a look at a the local thrift store and recruit my Mom and brother who love to browse there.
As far as the humidity factor, I believe the barometric pressure is relevent, even though the pressure drops the pain increases because of the expansion of discs onto nerves along with joints expanding causing pain. Thank you for your thrifty advise.
Sorry to hear you are in such shape. Have you tried marijuana ? I have a friend with fibromyalgia and it does seem to help him some.
Thanks for showing care, and yes I do smoke for pain relief. It’s not legal in my state but not criminal for personal use. My wife and I vacationed in Palm Springs last April. The desert and the California weed was a joy, almost pain free for two weeks. The God damn drug companies and the MD’s want me to take their drugs, I refuse to take a synthetic poison whose side effect is heart disease, ect., ect.
2012 called. They want their video back.
Good attempt for the Darwin Awards
With some luck he is no longer able to procreate.
PS. Next attempt is with an empty pool. No need for a video of that.
Oh! I disagree!!!
Bad taste, for sure. But the ratings and the MONEY would be through the roof if there were a video of some moron like that splattering his brains on the bottom of an empty pool. You can be sure it would be the first thing all the little over paid sports commentator pin-heads would talk about too.
After all, if a cartoon character can do it…
um, too much iron in the water?
Fractured pelvis or vertebrae can take a day or two to show up. Burning sensation, numbness, then one morning he can’t walk.