
Executive Producers: David Dolson
Associate Executive Producers: Sir Kent O’Rourke, Kevin Matz
Art By: Nick the Rat

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  1. Kent says:

    What happened to last Thursday’s awesome show?

    • Kent says:

      This show is awesome too, though Adam needs to learn that the Arctic belongs to Canada.

  2. n5yck says:

    hay guys need to read the uss tuner home page and find out what mermensk in tits the rusk naves home port for the no ice world home of ther nucks

  3. n5yck says:

    and fix the typing ears

  4. deowll says:

    I live in S TN and I expect to get up tomorrow and find my garden has been badly damaged by frost. Briton seems to be heading for cool, cloudy, rainy summer. Ag business or much of it is getting off to a really rocky start.

    CO2 good. It makes the plants grow faster and they need less water.

    Climate is mainly mainly caused by various solar cycles which may be caused by gravitational drag caused by the planets.

    Germany is moving to coal power.

    Cap and trade is how you make yourself and your best buds rich, rich, rich at the expense of the gullible believers. Anybody who thinks Al Gore gives a fart about anything besides making money and living the good life has serious issues.

    Global warming unlike anything seen since the 1930s.

    Does anybody in the middle east including Turkey like us?

  5. mojo says:

    Ah, you guys stumbled over Neal Rauhauser but didn’t know who he was.


  6. Glenn E. says:

    Mentioning that the IRS might have been used as a tool of retribution. Just check out the JFK years. I thought it started with Nixon. But clearly it started even before that. Maybe Hoover even sicced the IRS on people he didn’t like. And I mean J. Edgar Hoover. Not the President Hoover.

    As we’ve heard more recently. The IRS didn’t just go after Tea Party support groups. They were told to look into any organization that had the words “patriot”, “Constitution”, “Bill of Rights”, in their reading material. So apparently, these are the new terrorism buzzwords. You can be sure the IRS is looking at DU and NA really close, then. And isn’t interesting how the GOP and Democratic Party manages to avoid these IRS check ups?


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