
Now that Jodie Arias has been convicted of first degree murder should she get life in prison or the death penalty?

I’m generally against the death penalty except for the most evil crimes like mass murder or terrorism. My opinion, if I were on the jury, that crimes of passion get life in jail.

However …

Jodie Arias says she would prefer death to life in prison. So – if I were on the jury and wanted to give her a break and actually believed her, which would be somewhat insane in itself, I might go with the death penalty because she literally asked for it. I’m wondering what an appeal would look like to overturn a death penalty conviction based on the jury deciding to give the defendant what she asked for?


  1. Grandpa says:

    Fry the bitch !

  2. mojo says:

    Who? And why should I care?

  3. Spike says:

    I don’t want to pay for this cretin to live out it’s life.

    • Dallas says:

      A death penalty is often more expensive due to appeals but I agree she is young and prob cheaper to fry her.

      • Mr Diesel says:

        Put her in a cell with a big diesel dyke for the rest of her life. (Yes D, your reference to my nom de plume)

        Unless they put her in a supermax prison it is cheaper to house her until natural death than it is to execute her.

        • Dallas says:

          Whatever is cheaper is my solution. This includes a free DIY end of life kit.

  4. Mextli says:

    I’m just waiting to the networks to build a coliseum for trials like this. Then the dumb shits outside cheering will feel right at home. Maybe they will even hold the execution there.

  5. deowll says:

    This was pretty egregious. There is no likely hood that she didn’t do it. She owes blood debt. I say save the money on warehousing her and collect blood debt. This person is going to be a threat to others as long as she has the physical ability to do so.

  6. bobbo, Jr Culture/psychiatric/ethnic/social/art critic and general bonvivant says:

    I AGREE with you Perkel= = = = = AND LIKE EVERYONE ELSE HERE = = = =

    my opinion doesn’t change just because someone else disagrees regardless of the support they give their position.

    Hmmm….. maybe the DEATH PENALTY should not even be possible for single event crimes of passion with no economic incentive and no prior history. You know===remove the LOTTERY aspect of law.

    MAYBE==== everyone in PRISON should be able to CHOOSE a FINAL SOLUTION at any time and simply file the PAPERWORK. NO PSYCHE EVAL required. Just be in prison and request DEATH.

    EasY PeaseY.

    ((I felt like doing the ECA for a change of pace. Didn’t like it. ITS ALL YOURS ECA))

  7. bobbo, Jr Culture/psychiatric/ethnic/social/art critic and general bonvivant says:

    Here’s a better question though also demonstrating how every gal benefits from a little blush

    I’d go with Casey Anthony for a number of reasons.

  8. MikeN says:


  9. super77 says:


    And the media should pool the money they made covering this story to fund the prison and execution costs for this stalker.

  10. ThadCo says:

    Note that it will probably cost more to kill her than to jail her for sixty years.

    • Dallas says:

      Agreed. She’s young however. I’d just give her a shoelace and a step ladder

  11. spsffan says:

    Personally, I’d like to see her fry. But, our system of justice is far too flawed to have a death penalty.

    • spsffan says:

      Oh, I’d be fine with giving her a cyanide tablet for her own use. In fact, I encourage it!

  12. B. Dog says:

    Kill her.

    P.S. Death panel HR Depts. take note. This one goes on my resume.

  13. dave m brewer says:

    Let her sit on death row for 20 years… and then fry her! Oh, put a lezbo in the small cell with her.

  14. Dallas says:

    If she agrees not to appeal a death sentence , she should be put to death immediately. This goes for Pedro as well.

  15. Trex says:

    If she was a bug, she’d be a praying mantis.

    “Female praying mantis consumes the head (and sometimes the rest) of her mate during copulation. ”

    A strong bug spray should suffice.

  16. msbpodcast says:

    No! I’m against capital punishment.

    Let her live out the rest of her life, year after year after year, operating a phone for a call center for pennies a day or endlessly filling and emptying some industrial laundry somewhere where she’s at the mercies of other people just like her.

    I think that its far crueler to do it this way than to just end it all.

    Knowing that she’ll look at the same walls, the same food trays, the same uniforms, the slowly aging faces around her, until they take her out feet first and face down, to a ditch round the back of the prison and dump her in.

    That’s torture.

    • MikeN says:

      So you’re ok with torture but against capital punishment?

      And when are you going to identify America’s 12000 billionaires?

      • msbpodcast says:

        Would you take Bloomber’s list or Forbes’ list of the of billionaires? (The Forbes list contains 1342 names of individuals, but no $1B+ corporations and no CEOs, CFOs who control over $1B of assets.)

        Neither list includes the familial relationships, some royals and other individuals who are worth $1B+ but not in convertible/liquid assets.

        I know its not the complete list, but you can get a list from the IRS itself, specially if you can claim a “right to know” like a press-pass, a FoIA request, or you’re any kind of a cop.

      • msbpodcast says:

        I don’t want anybody’s blood on my hands and my torture is the existential kind.

  17. What? The moth is always drawn to the flame? says:

    After they kill the killer, they must kill the killer’s killer for killing. After which they must kill the killer’s killer’s killer, for he/she killed when killing the killer’s killer, because it was ordained that the killer must be killed. And repeat.

    When this recursive loop reaches me, I will abstain from killing the killer’s^N killer, but I will verbally dress down that person for killing, because we say it is wrong.

  18. CommonSense says:

    I think all prisoners should be put in jail and if they want to eat the people who really care for them will make sure they get food and water, otherwise the cell will be available in less than a month.

  19. jpfitz says:

    Nancy Grace and the rest of the HLN media team needs to be burned. Let that crazy bitch Jodi rot in jail.

  20. Ken says:

    Give her the means to off herself. Anyone should have that right.

  21. sargasso_c says:

    I for one think that the death penalty is a barbarity forced on a civilised society by the religious right. That said, the religious right sometimes get it right and in this case so.

    • Glenn E. says:

      I’d agree with you, up to a point. Although you’re partly right about the “religious right” forcing this sentence choice. I believe they are little more than a tool, being used to achieve this. It’s the militant branch of the government, that wants death penalties. Not to punish killers. Because once they’re death, how are they to benefit from the lesson? The death penalty is about keeping the citizens in line. And not the potential law breakers. Because obviously, those that commit murder, aren’t thinking about the consequences. The threat of execution is to scare the other 99.9% of the population into not daring to step out of line. Because even some minor offense or disobedience, could blow up into a murder trial. If it results in loss of life, accidentally or deliberately.

      So don’t get any cute ideas, slaves. The government has the power to end your life, legally, for stepping out of line. It’s not like there have never been any wrongful prosecutions for death, in the US. They could take any unsolved murder case, and “develop” some cold case evidence to point to whomever they want to.

      The life in prison sentence should actually be the tougher punishment. As long as it’s life without parole. More than likely she’ll either off herself, or some other inmate will. Having to stare at the same walls, year after year. Without internet, Tv, music, etc. Would be far harsher than a quick death. And I don’t believe that the so-called “religious” right. Wants the death penalty out of compassion. They’ve been manipulated into “an eye for an eye” mindset. Which really doesn’t have a place in most mainstream religions. Just their politically corrupted versions, that are being used to back things like capital punishment and wars of revenge.

  22. bobbo, Jr Culture/psychiatric/ethnic/social/art critic and general bonvivant says:

    sargasso==talking out of both sides of your mouth. You owe it to yourself to be honest with yourself. Otherwise…. in a few more years of this lazy thinking, you’ll start voting Republican.

    Glenn==laws aren’t forced by the Religious Right and the death penalty is in great decline here in the USA for the variety of reasons we all know. Its very rare these days and getting rarer.

    There are pros and con’s, morally and practically, to every decision. saying it wrong but its right at the same time shows an avoidance of the weighing, comparing and contrasting, and actually taking a position.

    Some people really don’t deserve to live. That would include this guy—even without the murders he committed, although that would be the worst non-capital case if such facts were presented.

    Proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt===for real, in Death Cases.

    A choice in all the others.

  23. bob dobbs says:

    I’ll take the third option.
    I couldn’t give a rats ass about the whole trial. Let the judge and jury do their jobs, and don’t act like this is a story that affects the rest of us in anyway.

    It’s just the media’s Pretty White Girl Syndrome.
    If it was an ethnic woman in the story we wouldn’t have heard of:
    Jodie Arias
    Amanda Knox
    Casey Anthony
    Natalee Holloway
    Ect, ect….

    Bad things happen to people every day, but the media only grabs onto the story for weeks when pretty white girls are involved.

  24. LBalsam says:

    Make the death penalty voluntary. It would save the taxpayers money and no one innocent would be executed.

    • orchidcup says:

      The death penalty is already voluntary. Thousands of people voluntarily kill themselves every year.

  25. For a terrible crime like this the best punishment is a long life under a tough warden – make the meanest person her boss.
    Perhaps she should be in charge of movie night , or the library .
    I am sure Jodie will have a real sense of humor.
    “The horror of it all”
    She should have a prison warden Boss even meaner than herself.

  26. scandihoovian says:

    It’s a bit ironic she’s on a 24 hour suicide watch while the world decides whether it’s a good idea to inject her with lethal poison.

  27. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Its fun to consider law, justice, legal system, crime, punishment, jails, rehab, capital punishment, social justice, poetic justice===>the whole warp and weave of society. How each thread is made, how the cloth will unravel or what shape it will take.

    As per my nom de flame, religion and morality play little into my evaluation of same. What is pragmatic? What works.

    Seems to me the law is about getting people to conform their behavior to selected norms or isolating them for their failure to do so. USA is the most jailed nation on earth. Is that the best model? Can we afford the best? You can’t tell by just looking at the USA. You have to look around the world and see what others are doing. NOT to copy them, but to find out what the alternatives are. Make choices.

    Seems to me the biggest issue with Prison in USA is … it doesn’t work. People go into prison and come out worse just to commit more crime and go back in. Doesn’t work. When something doesnt work, you try something else.

    I think there should be very little prison. INTENSIVE REHAB should be given an experiment. Lots of intervention. Lots of alternative programs. Creates better people and lots of jobs. Everybody wins.

    Fail this intervention for whatever reasons and you go to Prison. Short stay. Fail again… longer stay. Do crimes in rehab or in prison==death penalty. You fail to meet society half way you are killed. Not for punishment but so that the limited resources that exist can be spent on those with a chance to benefit from them.

    This is all a fantasy suggestion given the status quo. Every solution that could actually work is. Its the nature of changing a society. Lots of vested interests. The turn towards for profit jailing is the wrong direction. Horrible. Pukes in Action.

    Should the RICH go to jail??? No. I said Rehab.

    Fine kettle of fish.

  28. Rich says:

    It’s Jodi, not Jodie.

  29. orchidcup says:

    If this woman really prefers a death sentence to life in prison she would have already killed herself.

    Anyone that truly wants to die will find the means.

    If she tries to suicide and fails, she may become brain dead and an expensive ward of the state.

    Lethal injection by the state is less likely to be messy.

  30. Get even with 2 says:

    Lock her up with Casey Anthony….FOREVER!!


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