Atlantic Wire – In a bizarre television and spatial anomaly on CNN this morning, the blanket coverage of two true-crime stories led two news anchors to conduct an odd “satellite” interview from the very same parking lot, background traffic and all.

The two suspects are Ashleigh Banfield of CNN and Nancy Grace of Headline News, who were updating viewers on the latest from the ongoing and increasingly ugly Cleveland kidnapping story. (Grace being TV’s leading expert on deviant crime.) At first it seems like a normal TV “remote,” as Banfield interviews Grace from another location. Then the channel’s graphics alert viewers: both anchors are in Phoenix. That’s odd. Also: They’re both outdoors, sitting in what looks to be a parking lot. And is that same building behind them?

Dinosaur media faces extinction…film at 11.

  1. The Pirate says:

    Two thumbs up, Nancy Grace is the best asshole and presenting her in a douchbag-way only enhances her asshole persona to the finest extent.

  2. Mextli says:

    I think satellite feeds from Afghanistan are great for both of them.

  3. Aki Kazeta says:

    Typical garbage “journalism” from Bullshit Mountain.

    • Aki Kazeta says:

      I’m stoopid. This was CNN, not Fox (i.e. Bullshit Mountain).

      • The Pirate says:

        Yes, Bullshit Mountain and Mount Bullshit are different.

        The actual bullshit however, remains the same.

  4. bobbo, Jr Culture/psychiatric/ethnic/social/art critic and general bonvivant says:

    Nothing fake or dinosaur about this at all. Each talking Head with their own team reporting at the same time.

    OF COURSE this is going to happen. Its a function of density.

    Its cute.

    And like most things cute…. meaningless. If the subject wasn’t so serious (sic) they could have laughed and waved at each other.

    • Guyver says:

      Nothing fake or dinosaur about this at all. Each talking Head with their own team reporting at the same time.

      OF COURSE this is going to happen. Its a function of density.

      Other news agencies usually have those individuals standing / sitting side-by-side with one camera crew.

      But since CNN is a probably a personal favorite of yours, you’re trying to rationalize things away. No surprise there.

      If the subject wasn’t so serious (sic) they could have laughed and waved at each other.

      Intellectually dishonest as usual. A liberal trait. 😀

  5. deowll says:


  6. ThadCo says:


  7. B. Dog says:

    I hope they learned their acting skills by faking orgasms.

  8. Dallas says:

    Ariel Castro should be sentenced to a week long screaming shrill from Nancy Grace.

  9. bobbo, Jr Culture/psychiatric/ethnic/social/art critic and general bonvivant says:

    The McGuyver playing Pedro to My Dallas says:
    5/9/2013 at 4:46 pm

    Nothing fake or dinosaur about this at all. Each talking Head with their own team reporting at the same time.

    OF COURSE this is going to happen. Its a function of density.

    Other news agencies usually have those individuals standing / sitting side-by-side with one camera crew. //// They each had their own camera crew with them as they were working for different branches/operations/cost centers of CNN. Why should they disrupt their Star/Crew/Ownership/Copyright arrangements only to cause more confusion rather than SOP? McGuyver==you show NO flexibility of mind whatsoever even when the elements are point out to you. So very Pedro.

    But since CNN is a probably a personal favorite of yours, you’re trying to rationalize things away. No surprise there. /// No. I watch mostly MSNBC, a little Faux until the naseau pill wears off, and as much NPR as maintains my interest.

    If the subject wasn’t so serious (sic) they could have laughed and waved at each other.

    Intellectually dishonest as usual. A liberal trait. 😀 //// I don’t understand your jibe here. What am I being dishonest about?

    And like Dallas, I won’t hold my breath waiting for any intelligent response.

    • Guyver says:

      Why should they disrupt their Star/Crew/Ownership/Copyright arrangements only to cause more confusion rather than SOP?

      Another attempt at rationalizing illusions presented to the public?

      McGuyver==you show NO flexibility of mind whatsoever even when the elements are point out to you. So very Pedro.

      Just calling a spade a spade. 🙂

      I don’t understand your jibe here. What am I being dishonest about?

      Riiiiiiiiiight. I’m more than certain you would have walked a mile in the shoes of Fox News by making the same exact kind of rationalization had they done the same. 😉 ROFLMAO.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Total idiot/evasive/non response to each element.

        Good Faux news ditto head.

        My respect for your intelligence and honesty has the same slope as that for Rush’s Audience.

        I’m not trolling you. Just the truth. If you really think you are offering any analysis as opposed to BS–give your best argument, and I will as well.

        Pedro to my dull ass. Quite accurate.

        • Guyver says:

          Total idiot/evasive/non response to each element.

          Oh yeah! I’m soooo evasive.

          Good Faux news ditto head.

          I don’t have cable / satellite. I got fed up with tiered channel packages. Your memory that bad? I vote with my wallet. Wait a minute… What am I saying?!?!? Of course your memory is that bad. You keep implying in past posts that I’m religious even though I’m agnostic. Why would your memory be any better in this regard? 🙂

          I’m not trolling you. Just the truth.

          A truthful intellectually dishonest person? Strange. I didn’t see that one coming. 😀

  10. The Pirate says:

    When will someone ask ole’ Nancy what its like to exploit dead children for profit?

  11. twotothehead says:

    looks like green screen to me. neither of them is anywhere but in the frickin studio.

  12. WmDE says:

    This isn’t that big of a deal.

    The satellite links are not because they are far away from each other, the links are because they are far away from Atlanta.

    CNN is switched in Atlanta. Sending two feeds to Atlanta was the easiest way handle the situation.

  13. Cap'n Kangaroo says:

    I think CNN has a new president and he is making a bunch of changes. To my eye, they are going much more for the remote location shots, instead of talking heads in a studio. their entire coverage of the final hunt for the Boston Marathon bombers seemed to be putting a crew on every street corner and just doing a rotation among them. My God, they even had Wolf Blitzer outside instead of the set of “The Situation Room”.

    And did any other news happen Wednesday that DID NOT have to do with Cleveland? I tried listening to CNN on satellite radio and every minute seemed to be another reporter blathering about the latest tidbit they heard concerning the women or the three brothers.

    North Korea’s Li’l Kim could have nuked Seoul but I doubt CNN could be bothered to interrupt their live Cleveland feeds. And CNN’s sister network HLN, otherwise known as the Jodi Aries Trial Network, wasn’t much better.

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