Charles Ramsey interview, rescuer of Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight in Cleveland
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I laughed when I saw this interview. I knew a white guy who talked and acted EXACTLY like this guy. Both a product of hard times and not getting to finsih high school if not grammar school. Easy to dismiss but if you appreciate their humanity, good will, and to the heart honesty if you talk to these people long enough you will perceive a clever intelligence gained from years of learning what it takes to get along.
Is the guy a hero?===no. More than anything else, he was just curious and responding to stimuli. Does he deserve to become an internet meme or stand for any kind of stereotype our society has about blacks?===no.
Just a guy, a nice guy, doing what most guys would do.
Bobbo, you only talked about or implied this gentleman was African-American about 50 times in your post.
And I’m not faulting you for this.
What fault there be is not mine. I did not imply he is black, I clearly recognize he is black AND that and his personality was the subject of 2-3 panels on MSNBC. The black panelists were embarassed about the guy and didn’t want the black race to be seen as “that guy.” Hence my totally relevant statement “Does he deserve to become an internet meme or stand for any kind of stereotype our society has about blacks?===no.
Its usually racist to paint any group with a broad brush. Its always just plain stupid to paint any group with the brush of just one representative. Its naive not to recognize race issues in a racially diverse and not yet homogenized society.
Your white guilt is showing. It was just an interesting interview with an animated character, leave it at that.
Yes, I know that any white guy can be charge with that on practically any statement at all.
….. but my intent was to demonstrate JUST THE OPPOSITE.
I tried, and one of us failed to recognize, my comments were not directed at race but rather at education.
See if you can spot the dots….. and the connections. Just don’t ask Pedo for help. His advise will misconstrue you.
I’m afraid so. Two way street.
Everyone here criticizes. I AM THE ONLY ONE HERE, that ever takes the effort to show how an incorrect statement can be made better.
Thats how over time, one becomes better.
Know what I mean?
I invite anyone to modify what I said to remove the white guilt component of the statement while not losing the emphasis that it was not a racial issue. See the tension?
I was hoping they finally nailed the parents of the little girl from the 1990s. Maybe they did and I never paid attention.
Benet Ramsey? Yeah–I didn’t follow that case too closely because such cases/issues are totally fact dependent and we don’t know what the true facts are.
So you think they did it huh? Most likely===but not beyond a reasonable doubt???
Or do you disagree?
///////////// Beyond that, I’m just an asshole. I think if parents want to kill their kiddies, they almost (“almost”) should have the right to do it.
I am a neanderthal that way. This leaves me mostly not caring about such cases.
Bill Cosby ~ “I brought you into this world. I can take you take you out.”
Yes, I’ve always admired that advocacy to law breaking. I do see it as a two way street though—if you raise kiddies who kill you, you probably deserve it.
Like Cosby though, its more of a poetical appreciation that a legal one.
Although–parents killed by their kiddies probably do deserve it to a higher liklihood than the law recognizes while kiddies killed by their parents are mostly innocent victims. Innocent—but still the property of as in I also don’t see any difference between early term, late term, and post term abortions. Or being drafted.
Its all a continuum thing.
if you talk to Bobbo long enough you will not perceive a clever intelligence gained from years of learning what it takes to get along.
Ha, ha. Good One Micky. Glad to see you coming out of your shell.
One of the Duck Sayings was (paraphrased because all those ducks look the same to me) “If you have to say something unkind …….. make sure you back it up with facts and logic.”
I did want to add those guys with lack of education are also “guileless.” Thats nice too, not that I have guile guilt.
The guy looked kind of nervous when the police siren went off. I wonder if he thought they are coming for me.
Let’s say he was, perhaps some part of that is social commentary as this gentleman looks to be about 50, maybe old enough to remember when all the cops were white and being black meant “guilty until proven innocent”.
Things solve themselves slowly, but in the long run they will solve themselves.
Have you heard the 911 call with Mr. Charles Ramsey and the dispatcher? He is a freaking hero, Mr. Charles Ramsey. Talk about keeping it real. All hail Mr. Charles Ramsey
Yep—EXACTLY like my old friend except he called everyone “boss” instead of “bro.” Said “f**k” every other word too and was totally in love with his repulsive obese wife. SHE wasn’t fun to talk to at all.
It takes a village.
I like Charles Ramsey. He responded in a reasonable manner to a surprising situation. A lot of people don’t do that any more.
As for the old child kidnapping case, there is solid evidence that the house was not secure. There are many instances of children being taken when homes are not secure… I don’t know what happened.
What percentage of people would not help a young girl in a residential neighborhood screaming for help with her hand sticking out of a hole in a door?
My over/under bet will be 1%. Is 99% not most in your book?
Deowll is probably right, had it been the wrong person, they might have thought this girl was crazy especially since her captor was well known throughout the neighborhood.
I’ll list you under the 1%.
You know—those smart enough to be able to turn on a computer, but not smart enough to realize people don’t think about who owns the house when a person is screaming for help.
What is super about you 77? “The Wrong Person” ALWAYS DOES THE WRONG THING.
Thats not super good thinking.
Know what I mean?
Maybe you would have done something and I would have too. Yet I’d like to think that Charles Ramsey has earned a little respect and the title of hero in this instance. There have been more than a few news stories that have mentioned bystanders ignoring someone in need of help. Your 99% comment really cuts down a good samaritan. This story post was supposed to be a positive one and you’ve found a way to bring it down.
Super—why the need for “Hero Worship?”
What you and do-ill want to assume is that the majority of people would not do the decent thing.
I disagree.
It just happened recently where a little child fell from a car and was run over. Only one person came to help in neighborhood and a crowd stood by to watch.
Whats your point Mr D?
Do you want the crowd to fight each other over who gets to held the kiddie or was one person all that was needed?
Know what I mean?
Charles Ramsey, the ex-con Mac Eating Hero of the moment, was just one person.
I’d add you to the 1%, but you recently earned an atta-boy for something you said. Forget what. Probably just stood out as not as totally warped as do-ill?===>that gives a whole lot of running room.
And this now too.
Thats actually strangely very well done.
The house/prison owners should declare themselves Communist, and liberals will deliver the women back to them.
You know right up until you commented you could have been thought of as an intelligent person.
His 911 call is better.
Especially his responses to the operators dignified questions
So is the media going to edit his call to make him sound racist, like they did with George Zimmerman?
oh his other interviews are even better… i was watching this live… he interview with another stations was hysterical … the reporter asked him to tell his story and he kinda shouted lightly annoyed, “What again!”…
i almost fell outta my seat laughing
NOW the guy says to give the reward money for the return of the kidnap victims TO the girls.
I can say I would be tempted to give half …… maybe. I’ve always been pretty good at resisting temptation though.
Yer rite! SOLID GOLD!