Everyone else is just getting by, hoping the pizza delivery guy gets here before American Idle (sic) starts while answering silly telephone poll questions with silly answers to screw up the results.

While 44% of registered Republican voters indicated that they believed armed rebellion would soon be a reality in the U.S., just 18% of Democrats agreed. As for Independent voters, 27% indicated that guns would soon be used to settle the country’s political problems.

The partisan gap on the question of whether armed revolution will soon play a role in America’s political history mirrors the differences in opinion on gun control. While 50% of those surveyed said that new gun control legislation was necessary to protect the public, just 24% of Republicans said new laws were needed. A whopping 73% of Democrats favored new legislation, the survey found.

  1. bobbo, the reincarnation of Sun Tzu with a double helping of Machiavelli all just a manisfestation of anyone who is pragmatic and existential when the issue of Religion dominating a Culture is raised says:

    I’d love to see the results of the followup question. Not “On a scale of -10 to 3, just how stupid are you.” But rather: and how would a scenario of armed rebellion work out as you see it?

    This poll is on the level of asking people if they believe in fairies and not asking how much per tooth the idiots get.

    • Cap'n Kangaroo says:

      After listening to some of the blurbs that came out of Houston this weekend and having bought into the NRA’s viewpoint when I was in my teens, I came to this realization: it is a Religion.

      You cannot have a rational discussion with the hard-right about access to weapons. And they believe that anyone who disagrees with them are the enemy. They worship at the alter of the gun and believe that the gun will correct all wrongs they perceive.

      Thus, that 40 % of the Republicans polled believe armed rebellion is coming is not that surprising to me.

      P.S. My view on the NRA started changing when I read an editorial in “Guns and Ammo” that heaped enormous amounts of hate on James Garner of “The Rockford Files” and the band Lynyrd Skynyard. Garner because his character Jim Rockford didn’t like guns and Skynyard because of the song “Saturday Night Special”. I began to realize just how disconnected the “True Believers” were from reality. Over thirty years and it has only gotten worse.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Hey Captain. “♫…. Good Morning to you…♫” Yes–the NRA has stopped representing the reasonable goals of a gun responsible public and gone to the dark side in favor of unlimited gun production by Internatial Gun Manufacturers.

        Anyone still a member of the NRA either hasn’t been paying attention, or has drunk the koolaide. Only about 20%.

        The rest of the group demonstrates INERTIA as much of politics and culture does.

        “When was the last time you changed your mind?”

        Ha, ha.

        • MikeN says:

          NRA membership has increased 50% over the last decade or so. Obama’s call to disregard voices that warn you about government tyranny should tell us what he is about.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            NRA membership has increased 50% over the last decade or so. /// So what? Doesn’t affect/change what I posted at all.

            Obama’s call to disregard voices that warn you about government tyranny should tell us what he is about. /// Yes, being sane and rational in a world that also produces Right Wing Gun Nuts.

            In Bunches.

            You are really stupid Mickey.

  2. Sam says:

    IF “armed rebellion would soon be a reality”, it will be because we have a President who refuses to represent all the people.

    That idiot Pelosi started the the great divide by forcing the 2200 page heathcare bill (she didn’t read) down the throats of the American people. Obama, still in campaign mode (has this stopped?) went along for the ride.

    If Obama had said, “let’s stop and read this thing out loud, keep the parts everybody agrees are good, throw away the BS parts that everybody hates, and discuss and compromise on the rest over time, things would be different today.

    He would have gained a lot more respect and a willingness to compromise on many of issues.

    • Uncle Dave says:

      Just out of idle curiosity, when was the last time any president “represented all the people”? I can’t offhand think of any that got 100% of the vote.

    • So What? says:

      Read the New, New Deal. There was never any intent for the republican party to ever compromise even when they were given what they wanted in exchange. The sole intent was to make Obama a one term president.

      • Pmitchell says:

        Uncle Dave when is the last time you saw a president that was
        trying to weaken and destroy our country ?

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          Consciously “trying to?”===None. Thats more a Congressional thing.

          BushtheRetard has done more to destroy this country than any other President I can think of though.

          Can you think of any worse?

          • Hmeyers says:

            Could you provide some examples?

          • Hmeyers says:

            Those don’t sound bad, really. I didn’t know if you had some other angle I wasn’t seeing.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            HMyers–the best chess players play themselves. Always their best game. They do not play their opponent, lazily making mistakes hoping their opponent is too inept to see the board clearly.

            You can and should do better.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Pedro–I DID connect the dots.

            You so stupid. No wonder you don’t/can’t connect the dots yourself. You don’t know what the phrase means. Something idiomatic in the language that doesn’t translate to Donkey? Whats your naive language Pedro. Perhaps I can fill the gap for you?

            I will respond to your stupidity though, just not as often. You bore me—in a stupid incompetent way.

        • Uncle Dave says:

          Well, Bush comes to mind.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Daddy Bush wasn’t that bad….. except for what he brought into the world.

      • msbpodcast says:

        The sole intent was to make Obama a one term president.

        And its a typical Repube success story.

        Enjoy your two party system.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      I see a love connection between Pedro and Sam. Sam is short for Samantha…right?

      Oh never mind. You two make such a cute couple in any case.

      “♫…Blame Obama…. but I’m not a Brain Dead Gun Loving Born Again Southern Red Neck… ♫” ((I just love to strum my Banjo and sing.))

  3. Hmeyers says:

    This “bait the kooks” attempt doesn’t look like it is working …

  4. super77 says:

    Must have polled the people causing the ammo shortage because I never heard about the possible “armed rebellion.”

  5. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Rachel Maddow right now on about those 3-D plastic gun guys. Their goal is to live a libertarian anarchistic utopia==ie, without government. You see, with plastic guns the government will certain fold tent and go away.

    Of note–she mentioned that Ronald Reagun signed a law that guns that cannot be detected in metal detectors are illegal. So RR invaded the Fruit Loops’ constitutional rights? Ha, ha. Even Bonzo doesn’t like being shot….. for real…. as opposed to the fantasy tyrannies imagined by the fevered few.

    Gun nuts. They might be like Muslims===not suitable for civilization. I’d deport them too.

    • ± says:

      Uneducated or intentionally obtuse people purport that existing technology supports functional guns with no metal in them. Which are you?


      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Well….Rachel showed the Plastic Gun Guys video clip showing a fully functional gun with the only metal part being a 1/16th inch nail tip to be used as a firing pin. I have no doubt a special hard plastic could be used instead and/or an embedded stone or diamond or whatever “would not be detected by a metal detector.” Close but not the same thing as not having any metal–a different design standard.

        That kind of educated, or do YOU think technology does not ever advance?

        I perceive that you are educated. I’ll mark you down for “intentionally obtuse.” Mmmmm-kay?

        Silly Hooman.

  6. Anonymous Coward says:

    I find it interesting that about 1/5 of Democrats and 1/4 independents polled said the same thing about 9/20 that Republicans did.

    Assuming 40% of Americans are Repubs, 40% are Dems, and 20% are neither, and assuming that nobody lied for the fun of it (a big assumption), that’s roughly a combined total of 30% of the public that has no faith in Leadership of either party to keep things from going totally foobar. Not a good sign…

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      The other big “undefined so let your imagination roam” is what is an armed rebellion?

      20 guys in Utah?===not so much. That probably happens once a year right now and gets lost in the chatter.

      Organized group of anyone making any serious threat–or even laughable threat, to the might of even the local swat team? What are your % on that? Now scale up on the possible governmental responses. We don’t know, because the survey terms are that vague/undefined/self defined.

      Now, we should all just put the dirty pictures down and wait for sanity to return.

  7. Mextli says:

    Anybody remember the “race riots”? I have photos of armed troops at the entrances to the capitol building in DC. Fires were left to burn unchecked in parts of the district because firemen and policemen would not enter the neighborhood.

    The local police could not handle the Rodney King Riots. They had to call the National Guard and Marines from Camp Pendleton.

    I don’t think you can say it will never happen.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Mextli==good example of possibilities. About the best I can think of before going back to ….. what?….. the Civil War? The Whiskey Rebellion befor that?

      Trouble is==your best example is a total failure. It was not an armed rebellion but an armed riot. The distinction being they were burning and looting and killing THEIR OWN NEIGHBORHOOD.

      Both sides knew where the cross streets were.

      No armed rebellion AT ALL==and yes, if ordered, the local Swat Team with a bit of Guard Backup would have swept the streets clean. But whitey wasn’t upset with the Blacks burning themselves up.

      See the difference? Not every idiot with a gun is a rebel with or without a cause.

  8. sargasso_c says:

    But what I really want to know is, will Chuck Norris save us?

  9. BigBoyBC says:

    I’m just sitting here thinking how many times the U.S. has been involved in aiding so-called rebels in opposition to an allegedly oppressive government somewhere in the world and how our government justified it. I wonder how Obama or any future President would feel, how he/they would react. Having to turn the drones and troops loose on our own people. Interesting how history repeats itself and eventually comes full-circle…

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Whats your point Big Boy? President have used all means available to put the citizenry down and will do so again. Thats how history is made.

  10. MikeN says:

    In Europe all plants not registered with the government are now forbidden.

  11. Grandpa says:

    Remember, the NAZI party in Germany was right wing conservative nationalists. Sound familiar?

  12. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Chuck Norris and Michael Jackson had a “dance-off”.
    The loser had to change color.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      You mean Michael had to go back to being black…. and male?

      I joke with Michael. But a child himself. I wonder what talent, money, fame and no education would do to my genetic inheritance….. and the mix of it all.

      “There but for the grace of god…….”

  13. moss says:

    The DN article doesn’t go deep enough. In my neck of the prairie, the state Republican Party has lost between 14-20% of their membership since Day One of the Bush presidency. I think folks forget that membership began to decline with capture of control by neocon ideologues – followed by the wastefulness, criminal nature of the Iraq War.

    This has been exacerbated by their opportunism, kissing nutball butt to enforce gerrymandered districts – but, that can’t last forever. The 2012 elections showed that – even from one of the least educated electorates in the industrial West.

    I know a number of traditional American conservatives who left that party – but, it didn’t take the obsequious behavior of the last few years to provoke departure. It took lousy political allegiances and backwards bumblers during the Bush years.

    What’s happened since is consequences – not discoveries. FD surveyed those who stayed behind.

  14. MikeN says:

    This is a reasonable conclusion based on the posts at Dvorak.org

    You have posted about (not so) secret FEMA internment camps. The government is arming lots of agents. TSA getting worse and worse. That voting machines are hackable. Corporations are buying the government.

    You are fomenting a revolution.

  15. Trex says:

    People, before you pack a picnic lunch and load the AR-15s, just remember how the stand-off in Waco ended. Went down in flames as I recall. And they had a million rounds of ammo in the compound.

    And reality check, both parties politicians , Repubs and Dems, are corrupt. So don’t get all self-righteous and blame the conservatives or libruls. Their plan is to make the people blame each other, and you are all falling for it.

  16. Dallas says:

    This site still shows as being infested, on Chrome anyway. I think it’s all the Teapublicans in here have reached critical mass to trigger an alert .

  17. Oh no !
    What a life of peace and tranquility.
    There have been panics before – year 2000 – when to avoid it I went on a vacation to Hawaii , there was Obamacare last year.
    And that this.
    What on earth is the world coming to ?
    Perhaps the Mayan calendar world coming to an end was correct after all.
    Its judgement day none the less.

  18. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:


    Lawrence ODonnell’s always over the top biased review of the Gun Poll is mentioned in this righteous take down of the stupidity of Wayne the Pierre, the NRA, and Gun Nuts everywhere.

    Alternate Reality Bubble.

    Silly Hoomans.

  19. Uncle Patso says:

    Anyone who thinks armed uprising with weapons that can be carried by one person, or even afforded by one person, in the age of jet fighters, drones, cruise missiles, “smart” bombs and huge databases, is living in a total fantasy. They’re nuttier than Ayn Rand.

    Kentucky long rifles may have helped with the American Revolution, but they certainly lost the Civil War against the industrial might of the Union.

    I’m sure what they envision is a rapidly spreading revolution, with huge numbers joining in, everyone knowing just who the enemy is and able to vanquish them quickly with a pithy one-liner and a few rounds from their favorite weapon. All I see is widespread chaos, with large helpings of famine, disease, war and death.

    • spsffan says:

      Uncle P : ” All I see is widespread chaos, with large helpings of famine, disease, war and death.”

      So, just like right now, except in the future. I see.

  20. mojo says:

    If anybody is stupid enough to try and confiscate weapons then yes, you would have an armed insurrection on your hands.

    So, y’know – don’t do that.

  21. mojo says:

    PS: for the record, lots of cops (if not most) would be ditching their uniforms and joining the insurrection.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Do you have any source for such a bold statement of fact or did you find this nugget next to your hemorrhoid?

      • mojo says:

        Well, since you asked so nicely: no citation, strictly non-scientific discreet questioning at work. Smoker’s area stuff.

        Believe it or don’t. I don’t control your decision making process.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          Yeah, …… well…… people who just make shit up as you just have are rarely responsive to anything thoughtful.

          So here ya go and take your pick:
          1. On what basis do you form your world view? /// And you answer by saying you pick up these impressions from talking around the water cooler…………. You do know how many different biases and logic faults forming opinions based on such a faulty process introduces to your “world view” don’t you?===I mean, have you ever read anything with more text than pictures?

          BUT–your view is that the on a local armed rebellion most policemen would join the mob huh?

          Seriously. really…. I mean REALLY think about how stupid that sounds. Hold in abeyance your water cooler talk (you might check for hallucinagens) and can you make a guess at what percentage of “armed rebellions” however you might define them have ever taken place with the local police force going over to the rebels side? Use whatever time in history, geography you wish. Do you have enough education to make any such assessment… or do we have to wait until you’ve replenished your water needs?

          Your statement is pure caca. So much so, I do assume its a joke….. but then ….. public forums pull this kind of idiocy from the barely proficient.

          To refocus: you can have your own attitudes and beliefs, your own preferences and druthers===but the real world is subject to greater objective evaluation than the defective minimalist effort you have given it so far.

          It does upset me. Its why I drink.

  22. jbenson2 says:

    “… while answering silly telephone poll questions with silly answers to screw up the results.”

    Sounds strikingly familiar to the web surveys Uncle Dave has posted on this forum.

  23. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    mojo digging his stupid hole even deeper as if to block out the sun says:
    5/7/2013 at 2:41 pm

    You do have a job, right?/// Seriously and thoughtfully how could any answer of mine at all affect anything in how you came to post as you have above? Connect those dots, and I “might” join you in this red herring diversion.

    Is most of your life careening from one irrelevant distraction to another and you call that process “thinking?”

    You know… I was at the drag races this last weekend and everyone I talked to said that people who ask about what job you have are all undercover narcs. Now===unless YOU MOJO are an undercover narc, I have just DEMONSTRATED how nonsensical your orientation to the world is….xxxxxxx…. wait a minute====>I also should ask you what church you go to to get a fuller more accurate position.


    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      I may be gone for awhile so let me say the kind of stupidity you display mojo does not upset me. I have my own life, interests, joys, and challenges that make you and your ilk irrelevant.

      ….. but…. there are enough idiots like you to form a core set of easily manipulated base voters that make up the Republican Party and you/those ASS HATS are ruining this country with your activist Luddite “values driven” paranoid social agenda.

      You have NO FACTUAL BASIS on which to opine that any much less most cops would join a rioting mob. No… you reveal instead only your fantasy life which unrestrained by reality allows you to PROJECT your own fears, desires, fantasies===whatever it might be, but its not reality. And what this fantasy is is people rising up to combat the police, the government, the majority, the peace and well being of the society. You are UNAMERICAN, worse, anti-social, misanthropic.

      A wizened weasel of an excuse for a citizen of any decent society. On par with any other psycho. That accounts for your dry mouth and frequent trips to the water cooler.

      Real men don’t have water coolers.

      Are you in Fashion or sex toys or just what?

    • Gwad his own self says:

      former airline pilot, right?

      • bobbo, Jr Culture/psychiatric/ethnic/social/art critic and general bonvivant says:

        Close. Hard to talk aviation issues and not give off that vibe but I never make an argument based on my Authority.

        Same with my other life experiences.

        Plus, I read.

        But finally—I challenge myself to be reality oriented rather than go with my emotions or even personal experience.

        The truth does have a liberal bias.

  24. MikeN says:

    Better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it.

    • Dallas says:

      If you discount the thousands of innocent people who die of accidental killings , rage and shooting themselves in the ass, I suppose your idea is sound.

  25. Dallas says:

    30% of Republicans (and 20% of Democrats) are lunatics. The scary part is that additional 15% is surprisingly high.

    • Gwad his own self says:

      50% of all americans are of below average intelligence.

      And I can prove it.

  26. MikeN says:

    45% of voters in a Republican leaning district voted for someone whose only qualification was being Stephen Colbert’s sister.

    • So What? says:

      While the rest voted for a known adulterer and thief, ain’t politics grand.

  27. Mr Diesel says:

    This certainly shows gun control freaks are idiots.

    A study released Tuesday by the Bureau of Justice Statistics is bad news for people in the United States seeking to further restrict citizens’ 2nd Amendment rights. It illustrates a sharp drop in the number of American gun homicides since their highest level of occurrence a decade ago.
    The BJS study found that homicides committed with firearms dropped 49 percent, from 18,253 in 1993 to 11,101 in 2011.
    For gun rights advocates, however, the results are unsurprising. They echo similar findings by the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report.
    At the same time the number of gun-related homicides fell, the rate of gun ownership increased. Pew reports in a separate gun-related report: “The number of firearms available for sale to or possessed by U.S. civilians (about 310 million in 2009, according to the Congressional Research Service) has grown in recent years, and the 2009 per capita rate of one person per gun had roughly doubled since 1968.”
    Pew also indicated a drop in gun homicides, citing a more drastic change: from seven gun-related homicides per 100,000 people in 1993 to 3.6 in 2010, a drop of 49 percent.
    In spite of the drop in the number of gun-related homicides as the rate of firearm ownership is on the rise in recent years, vilification of guns and gun owners by reactionary media and political interests has taken its toll. A Pew survey from March indicated that a majority (56 percent) of Americans believe gun-related crimes happen more frequently than they did in past decades.

  28. msbpodcast says:

    Will they be able to handle it when the Tea Baggers revolt against them?

  29. deowll says:

    At one time I’d have said that a serious organized insurrection was unlikely in the US but I’m a little short on rational reasons for the staggering ammo purchases being made by DHS and the purchase of large amounts of military style hardware. If DHS isn’t expecting a major insurrection they’re doing a staggering amount of wasteful spending.

    I’m also kind of perturbed that some liberals seem to want to bring back the draft for both genders and those who are gender confused. What in the name of sanity is this country supposed to do with a domestic security force that size other than intimidate it’s own citizens? Do they see it as a jobs program or what?

    I’m sure the liberals are expecting the Tea-Party crowd to lead any insurrection however if you look back to 60’s and even the time frame just before the last election you have nothing more violent from Tea-Party types than threats to ruin somebody’s reputation or get them out of office.

    The anarchist/OWS/Unions/Marxists/liberals on the other hand have attacked individuals, businesses, government buildings, and law officers. Major liberal cities have been the locations of major clashes between liberal rioters bent on creating incidents with local law enforcement working for liberal local governments. Members of the Weathermen who committed murder are now doing well in liberal society especially among the educated elite.

    Since they have the proven track record for violence when things don’t go their way and, I foresee a time when the government won’t be able to give them what they think they are entitled to, I expect the violence to come from them.

    These people are also ardent fans of gun control but then when they start arming they aren’t thinking self defense. They are more likely to be blowing up draft boards, police stations, or robbing banks to raise funds or at least these are things they have done in the past.

  30. bobbo, Jr Culture/psychiatric/ethnic/social/art critic and general bonvivant says:

    do-ill being extra douche says:
    5/8/2013 at 10:21 am

    At one time I’d have said that a serious organized insurrection was unlikely in the US but I’m a little short on rational reasons for the staggering ammo purchases being made by DHS and the purchase of large amounts of military style hardware. /// How about: They aren’t. Its a lie sold to idiots like you. The various claimed dollar amounts can only be found on Right WingNut Blogs–no where else.

    If DHS isn’t expecting a major insurrection they’re doing a staggering amount of wasteful spending. /// Yes they are, but not on bullets and hardware.

    I’m also kind of perturbed that some liberals seem to want to bring back the draft for both genders and those who are gender confused. /// Yep, as always, pros and cons to that. The most common liberal explanation is that a draft will make unilateral undeclared fraud based military action less undertaken. Can you see that connection???

    What in the name of sanity is this country supposed to do with a domestic security force that size other than intimidate it’s own citizens? /// How the manning of the force is accomplished has nothing to do with its size. Hmmm—I infer you are implying that there is a proposed draft of people into DHS as opposed to into the Military? That is especially unhinged.

    Do they see it as a jobs program or what? /// DHS or Military? Draft or Volunteer? But I agree that government spending should not be a jobs program UNLESS clearly labeled as such. I hate conflation.

    I’m sure the liberals are expecting the Tea-Party crowd to lead any insurrection however if you look back to 60’s and even the time frame just before the last election you have nothing more violent from Tea-Party types than threats to ruin somebody’s reputation or get them out of office. /// No body expects anything except shit from the TeaParty crowd. Shit and talk. BS talk.

    The anarchist/OWS/Unions/Marxists/liberals on the other hand have attacked individuals, businesses, government buildings, and law officers. /// Case by case. Yes–major draft/war resistence movements in the 60-70’s==just as there should have been which is why the Pukes want a “volunteer”/mercenary military force. More isolated from the population under their heels.

    Major liberal cities have been the locations of major clashes between liberal rioters bent on creating incidents with local law enforcement working for liberal local governments. /// I only ever have seen Police Riots. You fascists pigs are like that.

    Members of the Weathermen who committed murder are now doing well in liberal society especially among the educated elite. /// Yep, they did their time, now they are on faculty. I don’t agree with it either. Once you are a criminal, your life should be over. NO REHAB. NO DISSENT. NO DISAGREEMENTS.

    Since they have the proven track record for violence when things don’t go their way and, I foresee a time when the government won’t be able to give them what they think they are entitled to, I expect the violence to come from them. /// Of course you do because you are an UNAMERICAN idiot who sees gun violence as the only response to not getting your way so you project that onto others.

    What a dope.

    These people are also ardent fans of gun control but then when they start arming they aren’t thinking self defense. They are more likely to be blowing up draft boards, police stations, or robbing banks to raise funds or at least these are things they have done in the past.

    • Mr Diesel says:

      If you want the truth about the myth of 1.8 billion rounds for DHS.


      More accurate that bloviating about it.

      Oh yeah, it is clear that if you look at the difference between a Tea Party rally and an Occupy Wall Street you see which one isn’t violent (or needs a bath or rapes people in their tents or shits on the streets). By the way, it isn’t the progressive assholes.

      • bobbo, Jr Culture/psychiatric/ethnic/social/art critic and general bonvivant says:

        Ha, ha. Yeah, the ammo BS is so BS that even RightWing NutBall websites call it a lie….. but do-ill still pushes it…… whats worse than total BS???

        Yes, any 6 hour rally will be very different than a month long occupation. Whats your point?


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