1. spsffan says:

    Just what I needed. Another reason to dislike motorcycles.

    Sarc on

    Oh, and the “Should Obama be impeached” ad pop up was a nice touch.

    Sacr off.

    • LibertyLover says:

      I was thinking it was another reason to hate bicycles on main thoroughfares; you come around a blind curve headed uphill, you might as well be walking in the middle of the street for all the speed you can attain on a bike.

      If you are going to do something that asinine, put out some warning signs or something.

      • bent at the waste says:

        As a rider of all three I have to agree.

      • Bikers Rule! says:

        +2 Same here!


        For crying out loud! Even horse and buggy crap are required to use those orange triangles. Not that anyone really has a hard time seeing a HORSE! But a skinny ass hunched over cyclist with a bike half way up his ass is not real easy to spot, particularly when the asshole is wearing white or any other stealth-like color arrangement!

        If anyone gets a ticket it should be those idiot cyclists for BLOCKING TRAFFIC!

        • tj the former Catholic says:

          How would an orange triangle have helped?

          Watch the video again. The motorcycle drifts from near the center line to across the white line where he hits the cyclists. If he had held is line through the curve he wouldn’t have hit anybody. He F*cked up.

        • tj the former Catholic says:

          kiwini has it right (Target Fixation).

          It’s not that he didn’t see them. It’s that he did and panicked. If he hadn’t seen them, he would have stayed between the lines and gone by them without incident.

          Instead his hands followed his eyes and he steered right into them.

        • Sam says:

          Wow, the arrogance of the motorized public needs a reality check. If you rearend someone like that you’re automatically at fault. If you can’t stop in the distance you can see in front of you, you’re going too fast. The motorcyclist was lucky it was just a soft target, the outcome would likely be death if it was the back of a semi trailer or a motorhome that was stopped.

          • LibertyLover says:

            I remember something my driving instructor said, oh so many years ago. “You may not be at fault but that doesn’t mean you didn’t cause the accident.”

          • tj the former Catholic says:

            The motorized public are often under the mistaken impression that the roads are for them alone.

            Roads existed long before the automobile and in general cyclists have a legal right to use them.

            Sorry if having to pay attention and know what you’re doing is too much of an inconvenience. You might have even have to slow down once in awhile causing you to get to your destination 2 seconds later.

            I ride almost daily to work. Most drivers are very courteous and I am courteous in return. I’ll make room for them to pass if I can do so without jeopardizing my safety.

            One memorable time I was on a narrow road heading home with traffic coming the other way. The speed limit was 25. It’s meant as a scenic drive but many people take it home from work as a way to avoid a bunch of stoplights.

            I’m only on that road for a mile or two before heading off onto a trail and typically my speed never drops below 22 unless there’s a nasty headwind. Often times it’s between 25 and 27. In spite of that, there are a subset of drivers who get annoyed with being behind me.

            Anyway, one afternoon, after sitting right on my ass and honking his horn, a guy pulls out to pass during a break in oncoming traffic. He makes a great show of pulling right in front of me and flipping me the bird.

            200 yards later he comes to a stop at an intersection behind about 10 other cars. It will take him at least 5 minutes to get through that intersection. The thing is that he’s in the exact same spot he would have been had I not been on that road at all. In fact, he’s one spot ahead of where he would have been had I been in my car instead.

    • bobbo, having two derailleurs but only 3 gears says:


  2. scandihoovian says:

    Nice crack.

  3. super77 says:

    The guy that posted this has many more crashes on the same turn. Must be a problem corner on Mulholland drive that everyone takes too fast. He must sit there every weekend hoping to capture more carnage. Weirdo!

    • Bikers Rule! says:

      That’s only part of why the weirdo’s sit there. Another big reason is to spot Hollywood celebrities driving/riding by. (About all I can say is at least it’s not a “nobody” trying to win a million bucks singing some horrible song or gain fame being a dick or something.)

      It didn’t take me long to find a video with Jay Leno driving by on nearly that same stretch of road…


      (You see him about 0:58 into the video)

  4. GregAllen says:

    Has this site devolved into crash porn?

    • sargasso_c says:

      It’s spelled, “pron”.

      • Bikers Rule! says:

        Isn’t “pron” those little tiny shrimp?


        • Gonster Macher says:

          I thought pr0n were those really big shrimps that put the moron in oxymoron. Like really huge dicks that have really tiny penises that make them really huge dicks…

  5. bobbo, SENIOR two wheel crash Expert says:

    You know, speaking of Crash Porn and Video Analysis….. its obvious to me the Motorcycle Guy is a paid assassin. Even in real time he clearly is hugging the center line in the curve and then as the road STRAIGHTENS OUT so that he can see ahead, he THEN spots the Bi-Cyclists and aggressively steers to the right just so he can viciously mow them down.

    Its OBVIOUS!!!

    Just look.

    • kiwini says:

      It’s called Target Fixation, and had you a clue about riding, you’d already know that.

      Ol’ Rickey Racer on the SV wasn’t even going that fast….

  6. denacron says:

    Is that a bicyclist in your lap or are you just glad to see me?

  7. dingoh says:

    Have a look at the line the (motor) bike rider was on.
    He is drifting wide big time. Was probably headed for an off into that rock cutting – the bicycles possibly saved him!

  8. Tim says:

    Loud baseball card clicky-spokes saves lives.

  9. deowll says:

    Looks deliberate to me. The motor cycle went from near the center line to the outside edge just in time to smack them.

  10. mojo says:

    Needs a cow-catcher…

  11. CrankyGeeksFan says:

    The motorcycle moved from the yellow double center lines to the outer white line when going around the curve; in a similar way to motorcycle racing when a racer goes from a curve to a straightaway. The motorcycle was coming out of a lean and opening up the throttle. The motorcycle lets off the throttle less than two lengths from the trailing cyclist.

    • tj the former Catholic says:

      You don’t even have to watch the video. Just look at the frame shown before you start the movie.

      If this had been a racetrack the motorcycle may have ended up hitting a wall. At the point of impact the motorcycle is either on the white line or just outside of it. He’s headed off the road.

      This was not a standard turn. He either positioned himself poorly for the turn and was going too fast (doesn’t look like it) or just freaked out (seems most plausible). Maybe he was zoned out.

  12. Jim says:

    One thing for sure, helmets save lives!

  13. John says:

    As already mentioned:
    The first thing you learn in advanced motorcycling, where you look you will go.
    Speed only plays a small rol in such incidents. If he would have focused on the end point of the corner he would have made it very easy. Instead he focused on the biker and went straight int it. I’ve seen this lots of times.
    By the way this applies in grater or smaller extend to all vehicles and even joggers and runners.
    And yes, helmets save lifes.

  14. Joe Jonash says:

    What a disaster! It’s good that they both have helmets.


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