
Police: Walmart Worker Turned Tricks In Store

APRIL 26–A Walmart employee is facing a prostitution charge for allegedly “soliciting sexual encounters” inside the upstate New York store where he works, police report.

Foster Bills, 22, was arrested after Walmart managers contacted state troopers to report that they had received “an anonymous complaint of a male subject performing sexual acts in a secluded location” in the Queensbury store.

The “secluded location” was apparently a Walmart bathroom, and johns were solicited through Craigslist “casual encounters” ads.

In response to the Walmart complaint, cops launched an undercover investigation that resulted in Bills’s arrest Wednesday “after he accepted cash for sex from an undercover State Police Investigator,” according to a press release.

Must’ve been one of their “full service” Supercenters.

  1. Uncle Patso says:

    Just goes to show not all businesses can be outsourced to Asia.

  2. MWD78 says:

    Am I the only one that got a chuckle out the town being named QUEENSbury in a story on male prostitution?

  3. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Beats the “blue light special” at KMart.
    Prices aren’t the only thing dropping at Wal-Mart.
    I’ve only gotten lip service at Wal-Mart too.
    ok, that’s all i got….

    • Tricky Dick says:

      Sounds like they had a “blue light” special there at Walmart too!

      …Or was that more like, “blew on it lightly”?

    • bobbo, how do you know what you know, and how do you change your mind says:

      ….our courteous sales staff will blow you ….. (away?)

  4. orchidcup says:

    So this is not a normal service provided by Wal-Mart?

  5. mojo says:

    Wait – Walmart carries “Happy Endings”?

  6. orchidcup says:

    I was never blown away by customer service at Wally World anyway.

    I hear the employees get screwed by their corporate masters on a regular basis.

  7. Tim, 3rd isle behind the hot water pipes says:

    Schtup smart — Schtup Schtupping Mart.

  8. spsffan says:

    Now that’s what I call a cheap whore.

    Oh, and Arnie, Democrats tend to avoid Walmart. It’s a Republican “Stronghold”. Har!

    And, while I can get someone being silly enough to post the advert on Craigslist, what I find nearly impossible to believe is that anyone took him up on it.

  9. orchidcup says:

    If the sex had been free of charge there would be no law against it, unless it could be seen in public.

  10. Dallas says:

    Makes sense it’s Queensbury, NY. It Googles as a solid Romney demographic that is predominantly married.

    Big deal – So a perverted Teabagger entrepreneur opens a teabagging shack at a Walmart for the underserved market of married white guys. Pffft. At least gays have the decency to open bath houses – which are well known to be about 50% straight guys.

    Why do Teabaggers continue to circumvent paying their fair share of taxes and set up shop at Walmart?

    • spsffan says:

      Uh, if they are men having sex with other men, be it in a bathhouse, street corner, bedroom, or the produce isle, they are NOT straight.

      Even if they regularly also insert their penises into women.

      Bisexual, sure. Gay, probably. Drunk, okay. Republican, if you must. But not straight. Oh, they can call themselves straight as a road from Dallas to Fort Worth, but they aren’t .

      Actual straight men are disgusted by the thought of sex with another man.

      Of course, anyone who would have sex in a Walmart, regardless of gay, straight or bi, is an idiot.

      Of course,

      • orchidcup says:

        Republican Senator Larry Craig is not straight?

        That is a shocker.

    • Mextli says:

      “which are well known to be about 50% straight guys”

      How would one know which were “straight guys” in a bath house?

      Maybe by counting the ones that never went into the water. I assume they get into the water in a bath house but I cannot attest to it personally.

  11. t0llyb0ng says:

    A Wal-Mart men’s room:  Savor the exquisite, romantic bouquet therein.  I feel all sexy now.

  12. mainecat says:

    Wonder if the ad listed golf balls and garden hose. Both available at the Wally World Slurpercenter.

  13. Guyver says:

    Taking the workplace issue out of the equation, the only difference between pr0st1tut10n and consensual s3x is strictly the money.

    In other words, some forms of consensual s3x is illegal.

    • bobbo, Jr Freudian Psychoanalyst where cigars are rarely a good smoke says:

      How would you describe sex for money consent wise if it does take place at work as in this equation?

      • Guyver says:

        I was speaking in general terms.

        The exchange of money for consensual s3x is the reason why you get arrested for what would otherwise simply be consensual s3x.

        If that guy did the same thing but conducted the acts in his home, he’d still get arrested in an undercover bust.

        • bobbo, Jr Freudian Psychoanalyst where cigars are rarely a good smoke says:

          Yes—so the exclusion of the fact of this taking place in the workplace is irrelevant. Many things are irrelevant to the arrest that took place here.

          Perhaps only one step above nogame wanting to teach English to Pedro…..but thats the only opening your always excellent grammar gives me.

          • Guyver says:

            Yes—so the exclusion of the fact of this taking place in the workplace is irrelevant. Many things are irrelevant to the arrest that took place here.

            The fact that it took place in the workplace only obfuscates things.

            He could have still been arrested for lewd public behavior, etc. because it occurred in a public place. But that’s not the point.

            Bottom line is you’re obviously legally allowed to have consensual s3x with another adult in the privacy of your own home / hotel room. But the moment money is exchanged, you’ve committed a crime. The exchange of money is the only distinguishing difference.

            Perhaps only one step above nogame wanting to teach English to Pedro…..but thats the only opening your always excellent grammar gives me.

            I don’t know who nogame is but my opening was clear enough. Don’t try to read between the lines when you could simply read it at face value.

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas, no matter how many red herrings are stranded along the way says:

            Ok Guyver, and I will almost apologize as I inch towards a restatement of the point… what difference to the general plain meaning of this instance being one of consensual sex in exchange for money did you mean to make by excluding the fact it took place at work?

            The act was also between two males, but you didn’t exclude that fact. Does that make that fact more relevant or equally irrelevant?

          • Guyver says:

            what difference to the general plain meaning of this instance being one of consensual sex in exchange for money did you mean to make by excluding the fact it took place at work?

            I was only commenting strictly on the difference between prostitution and consensual s3x in our society and how our society deals with both differently when the only thing different is an exchange of money.

            I was not making a comment in any way as to how this ties in with work. My grammar was fine, but I could have chosen my words better.

            But if you want to me to comment on that angle, the way I see it is we’ve all heard of people having s3x in the office spaces, work areas, etc. Do they get arrested? Not unless they do it publicly or in a public place. Fired, yes. Arrested, not usually.

            Context really matters. Money apparently does too in our society.

            The act was also between two males, but you didn’t exclude that fact.

            Is being a homo illegal in the state of NY? Was the s3x consensual? Are you suggesting if it were between a man and woman it would have been handled differently?

            Does that make that fact more relevant or equally irrelevant?

            I think the matter of orientation is simply noise in this case. My point was to be as universal as I could be in contrasting between pr0stituti0n and consensual s3x within our society.

            Work, orientation, etc. are just extras that don’t add any value to the point being made. If they did, in what way would it change things? I don’t think it does.

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas, no matter how many red herrings are stranded along the way says:

            We agree….but you mentioned one irrelevancy over the others that were present. the fact of the workplace must mean “something” to you or you wouldn’t have brought it up only to dismiss it.

            Maybe I should change my name back to Jr Psychoanalyst? This is my last go–next post, I’ll be more didactic if you don’t pre-empt me.

          • Guyver says:

            the fact of the workplace must mean “something” to you or you wouldn’t have brought it up only to dismiss it.

            No it did not mean anything to me. I brought it up only in case someone wanted to bring up that angle since this took place in a workplace.

            I wouldn’t dwell on it too much.

  14. bobbo, Jr Freudian Psychoanalyst where cigars are rarely a good smoke says:

    spsffan says:
    4/26/2013 at 12:54 pm

    Uh, if they are men having sex with other men, be it in a bathhouse, street corner, bedroom, or the produce isle, they are NOT straight. /// Ok, I can buy that.

    Even if they regularly also insert their penises into women. /// Now, thats definitional falling into the “Bi” category or more rarely the “Pan.”

    Bisexual, sure. Gay, probably. /// I think this reveals your “bias.” A guy is doing women and men –as you say, a bisexual. Now==by whatever standard you use to say “Gay, Probably” how would he not also be “Straight, Probably?” Just a question. A straight by implication must be totally straight with never an exception, while Gays can stray and still be gay? Doesn’t seem fair somehow.

    Drunk, okay. Republican, if you must. /// That is funny.

    But not straight. Oh, they can call themselves straight as a road from Dallas to Fort Worth, but they aren’t .

    Actual straight men are disgusted by the thought of sex with another man. /// I think that more properly describes a homophobe. It is a question of interpretation and emphasis…. but why the “hatred?”

    Of course, anyone who would have sex in a Walmart, regardless of gay, straight or bi, is an idiot. /// Thats very true. Not funny…. but true.

    MY POINT…of course is how do we define words? and therefore ourselves?? Could two guys do the very same thing and one be gay, another bi, and a third (?–I thought of it too late to change what I typed) straight?

    If I haven’t had sex in a very very VERY long time–you know like 3 days, and I’m told I could have a BJ in the next room, but that the lights would be off, and the other person would 99% be a woman but 1% could be a man, and I go into that room and have a good time, what am I?

    Does remind me of boot camp though. A drill was called off because it was raining. I asked the Sarge howcome and he answered: “Because you guys are so horny we are afraid you’d be out there screwing the mud puddles.” //// How gay were we?

    • spsffan says:

      Even if they regularly also insert their penises into women. /// Now, thats definitional falling into the “Bi” category or more rarely the “Pan.”

      Well, sort of. There is an entire generation of gay men, a bit older than I, who got married and had kids when they were younger, but simply “went through the motions” during sex, all because they couldn’t be “out”. But, they haven’t been with a woman since 1975, and wretch at the thought.

      Actual straight men are disgusted by the thought of sex with another man. /// I think that more properly describes a homophobe. It is a question of interpretation and emphasis…. but why the “hatred?”

      You are confusing disgust with hatred and intimidation. A homophobe is intimidated by and dislikes (hates) gays, regardless of whether he has sex with them or even if he is one himself. That’s different from simply being disgusted by the thought of having sex with someone of the same gender. I’m disgusted by Brussels Sprouts*, but it’s okay for others to eat them.

      *They DO look rather like green testicles, now that I think about it.

      “Because you guys are so horny we are afraid you’d be out there screwing the mud puddles.” //// How gay were we?

      That’s not gay…that’s just dirty!

      • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas, no matter how many red herrings are stranded along the way says:

        OK done sp. Not great…. not well…. but OK. You regained your humor, and thats always a good thing….unless the guy in your purview is gay?

        So….much like me badgering The McGuyver..why did you feel it appropriate to include your personal disgust? Why would the issue reach such a level in yourself and not me yet we are both straight? What would the difference between you and me most properly be thought as?

  15. Admfubar says:

    did he accept double coupons for his services??

    so much for walmarts blue light specials… as the are now a red light district

  16. Captain Obvious says:

    There are over 40 million prostitutes in the world, and at least a million within the US. I’m sure Vegas and the Vatican lead the world in per capita numbers.

  17. thinkSmart says:

    “after he accepted cash for sex from an undercover State Police Investigator,”

    So the cop actually had the sex?

  18. Benjamin says:

    Why is it that Walmart is the place where people let their freak flag fly. I’ve see stories on certain sites where people say, “I (insert perversion here) publicly at Walmart.” Is it because Walmart is open twenty-four hours a day, so people feel they can be exhibitionist at 3:00 a.m. at Walmart?

  19. Captain Obvious says:

    Since this blog has been boring for the last two days. Here’s what happened when the Australian Christian Lobby (or ACT) let their domain lapse.

  20. Captain Obvious says:

    68 behind the scenes photos from the Empire Strikes Back.

  21. Captain Obvious says:

    Here’s the 95 year old woman who tasted Hitler’s food for poison.

  22. Captain Obvious says:

    Check out the consistent pitching of Yu Darvish. Is it any wonder he has a 1.65 ERA?

  23. Captain Obvious says:

    And just when you thought your computer was a dinosaur.

    • msbpodcast says:

      Apart from the fact that is has nothing to do with turning tricks at Wal*Mart™©®, I actually worked on a system (a Keronics EDS [a Data General rip-off]) which was being installed as a replacement for an IBM “plug board” 401 computer which was running the actual accounting system for Les Aliments Grissol (a division of Imasco.)

      I wrote a Pascal-like high-level language for it, a recursive decent compiler all of this to implement a payroll system.

      It had 48k words (not Gigs not Megs, K words) of magnetic core memory, a 10 meg disk drive (5 megs fixed, 5 megs removable platter,) and a front panel to toggle in the IPL boot program.

      That was a hoot and a holler.

      • noname says:

        cool beans!

        I worked on the Univac 1219 (militarized version of the Univac 418-II) computer back in the day on board a Navy destroyer. It had 128K words of magnetic core, 2 msec memory cycle time, mylar boot tape, cassette tape data backup, Kleinschmidt Teletype, 18-bits machine and could do double precision math at 36 bits, real-time clock, eight input/output channels, I/O was interrupt driven, power was 115volts, 400hz, at 2000 watts….

        Not that I did the scale of programing the way you did, but I repaired and maintained it.

  24. bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas, no matter how many red herrings are stranded along the way says:

    Captain O–a serious hijacker will choose topics of tangential connection to the OP. Something about Mass Retailers, Working Conditions, Prostitution are all even mostly on topic. Homosexuality is still a tangent.

    I enjoy maximizing my position by playing within whatever the rules are. Others enjoy doing whatever they want to.

    God doesn’t care–just like the prostituting homosexual at WallMart. ……….. So now………. I guess religion is a “fair” tangential subject?

    Was it warm that day?

  25. Captain Obvious says:

    The Urban Dictionary defines bobbo.

    • bobbo, we think with words OR turn to the Urban Dick says:


      #2 (as always) is rather interesting, and not being a sports fan, unknown to me.

    • So What? says:

      Definitely #4

    • noname says:

      Hey Captain, I for one enjoy your tangential connections! Please continue them!

      It’s not like the topics here are technologically based (as some might expect) or particularly relevant in some broader societal meaningful way.

      Your tangential connections bring color to these drab posts, particularly bobbo’s oft disconnected deconstructions!

  26. Rabid Monkey says:

    This is a really lame story. News at eleven.

  27. Glenn E. says:

    Let’s face it. The only reason that prostitution of any kind, anywhere, is illegal. Is because the government can’t figure out how to tax it, without appearing to support or approve of it.

    Just like with alcohol consumption, in the US. It was Ok before Prohibition. And the states and feds taxed its sales. But then a bunch of fanatics got the politicians jobs on the line, from “supporting” a moral degradation (drinking). So one by one, they jumped on the Prohibition bandwagon. Not because they believed any of that nonsense. But because they wanted to get elected, or re-elected. So by 1920, it was deemed immoral and prohibited to drink alcohol, in all 48 States. Until 1933, when they changed their minds, mostly because of the loss of taxable revenue. So it is with prostitution. Can’t tax it, without looking immoral in the voters’ eyes. So it’s an illegal sales transaction. Except in parts of Nevada. Where they don’t care about looking immoral, for allowing it as a legal trade. The state would probably fold up, without its revenue, as part of its tourism.


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