Anybody else thinking a good approach to talking to someone wearing them is to demand they take them off before starting? Aside from they’re distracted by them, would you want your conversation recorded without permission or knowledge?

Some 10 million smart glasses will ship worldwide between 2012 and 2016 — and Google isn’t the only maker of these social glasses.
The analyst firm estimates smart glass shipments will rise from 434,000 in 2014 to 2.17 million in 2015, and 6.6 million in 2016.
Google isn’t the only maker of these social glasses. Japanese entrepreneur Takahito Iguchi invented and built Telepathy One, showcased in a small booth at the SXSW 2013 Interactive festival last month in Austin, Texas. The device, demonstrated by Midori Takaso, sports a micro camera and a projection display, along with a wireless system that allows wearers to communicate in real time.

  1. orchidcup says:

    Some combo that will be, Noob on bluetooth wearing Google glasses sitting alone at Red Robin at happy hour thinking he’s cool.

    Red Robin? That is soooo not cool.

  2. Captain Obvious says:


  3. deowll says:

    I think eye Doctors are going to say children should not wear these things and that many people with visual defects are going to find that they can’t. A major hunk of the population has eye defects. Studies have already show that trying to focus this close can cause eye problems for people with normal vision and this is a one eye only thing while you most likely have two eyes.

    Just my personal opinion but these things are going to end up causing major eye/visual problems for many users which is likely to result in class action law suits by the shipload. When the money starts to flow out manufacturers are going to jump ship.

    • Rabid Monkey says:

      They said the same about sitting too-close to the TV. Anybody’s parents perpetrated such a myth, but there was no scientific data to support such claims. In other news, video games cause autism.

  4. Rabid Monkey says:

    c’mon…y’all know that you wouldn’t mind if eventually they were a mere $20 extra charge for your contact-lenses to assimilate similar technology. Y’all just think they are still too geeky right now. Ultimately though, if technology is unnoticeable, and cheap enough to incorporate with relative ease into one’s daily-life ( ergo: a commodity), then I say “why not?” What is there to lose aside from everyone’s privacy? Such a concept has been dead ever since the Atari 2600 came out anyways. We all know the VCS was our government’s first semi-successful attempt at infiltrating the psyche of a typical American family from a bottom-up approach (as contrasted with a top-down implementation). HAR 🙂


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