Thirteen female corrections officers essentially handed over control of a Baltimore jail to gang leaders.

The indictment described a jailhouse seemingly out of control. Four corrections officers became pregnant by one inmate. Two of them got tattoos of the inmate’s first name, Tavon — one on her neck, the other on a wrist.

The guards allegedly helped leaders of the Black Guerilla Family run their criminal enterprise in jail by smuggling cellphones, prescription pills and other contraband in their underwear, shoes and hair. One gang leader allegedly used proceeds to buy luxury cars, including a Mercedes-Benz and a BMW, which he allowed some of the officers to drive.

At the center of the investigation was an alleged leader of the Black Guerilla Family, Tavon White, who prosecutors said fathered five children with four of the corrections officers — Jennifer Owens, 31, of Randallstown; Katera Stevenson, 24, of Baltimore; Chania Brooks, 27, of Baltimore; and Tiffany Linder, 27, of Baltimore — since his incarceration on attempted murder charges in 2009.

In one wiretapped cellphone call in January, White, 36, of Baltimore, told an acquaintance: “This is my jail. You understand that? I’m dead serious. I make every final call in this jail.”

“The inmates literally took over ‘the asylum,’ and the detention centers became safe havens for BGF,” said FBI Special Agent in Charge Stephen E. Vogt, using shorthand for the prison gang’s name. The Black Guerilla Family was founded in California in the 1960s but now operates nationwide in prisons and on the streets of major U.S. cities, including Baltimore. It arrived in Maryland’s prison system in the 1990s, according to the Justice Department, and is increasingly involved in narcotics trafficking, robbery, assault and homicides. By 2006, federal authorities say, the BGF had become the dominant gang at the Baltimore City Detention Center. “It’s totally on me. I don’t make any excuses,” said Maynard, who was appointed by Gov. Martin O’Malley in 2007, when the prison system was experiencing a spate of inmate violence and corrections officers’ complaints of staffing shortages.

It comes at a sensitive time for the Democrat, who is weighing a 2016 presidential bid.

Now, guess who will be paying for all those kids? Go on, take a guess.

  1. orchidcup says:

    Now, guess who will be paying for all those kids? Go on, take a guess.

    The same people that are paying for corporate welfare and a failed public education system?

    • Randy Ayn says:

      Someone had to say it! Thanks!

      • noname says:

        That’s what happens when you put Repukes in charge! They literately start f*#king things up!

        • noname says:

          Ever more examples of Repukes working at their finest!

        • The Mick says:

          nobrain….What in the world are you talking about? He was appointed by a Democrat.

          And please try to choose a different term, not that I care, its just gotten old and ineffective. And it makes you sound like a whiny child.

          • noname says:

            What you don’t like using “never too old” terms of endearment like Repuke?

            As GWB showed, if the shoe fits, wear it.

          • noname says:

            I am deeply hurt. Oh the pain is just unbearable!

            PP and Mick, they be picking on me!

            “what me a talk ’bout…. Baby girl, waw waw waw want you back inna me life Like a police sirene come fast stichie cry Waw waw waw want you back inna me life You can hear me a shout it out ten thousend times Waw waw waw want you back inna me life Like a police sirene come fast stichie cry Waw waw waw want you back inna me life You can hear me a shout it out ten thousand times”

        • Benjamin says:

          Governor O’Malley is a Democrat, I believe.

  2. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist but ever the victim of love says:

    Makes me sad whenever there is evidence that women are no better than men, guards are no better than the guarded, feelings are hurt by honest disagreement….and so forth.

    Nothing changes.

    • orchidcup says:

      All disagreements are honest. Ask Adolph Hitler or Genghis Khan.

      “I am the punishment of God … If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.”

      ― Genghis Khan

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist but ever the victim of love says:

        Well I think the gist of the Troll Charge is that some arguments are not honest? So–disliking trolls has some validity…but not the majority of disagreements I see take place on this forum.

        Like this one?

        • orchidcup says:

          “Who can’t stop drinking may get drunken three times a month. If he does it more often, he is guilty. To get drunken twice a month is better; once, still more praiseworthy.

          But not to drink at all – what could be better than this? But where could such a being be found? But if one would find it, it would be worthy of all honor.”

          ― Genghis Khan

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist but ever the victim of love says:

            If I had to fight and die for another man’s fortune, I’m pretty sure I’d be drunk all the time.

            Something like 1 in 15 Chinese are directly descended fro Genghis. He was a real f*cker.

        • dadeo says:

          You were welcome on till you repeatedly blew it with peronal attacks. We cut you slack considering your blog commenter roots, but it soon turned into a 3 strikes you’re out situation when the warnings didn’t take. We hadn’t had to do that in quite some time – [i]never[/i] since the new owner took control, who is very lenient compared the prior admin. So now you are even getting it from blog commenters – besides pedeo and alf, I mean. What to do..?

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist but ever the victim of love says:

            dadeo–that is a most unkind swipe. You still fail to grasp that all such undertakings reveal more about those making a judgment than those upon which that judgment is rendered.

            Yes–your website was a grand selection of rightwingnuts quite content to view disagreement as unworthy of the contributing class. Course, in fine fashion, those in control thought their own vulgarities to be the finest of character assessment.

            Silly People. Course==YOU weren’t that way at least to me directly. You shouldn’t be proud at all to drop any fresh meat in that cesspool to sink or swim without a caution.

            I could go on. Contact me by email if you care to do so. I think you left a lot on that floor, or have forgotten?

            In short–yep. Same people I piss off here, I piss off everywhere and for much the same reasons. I CHAMPION those reasons, all as repeatedly stated here. Do you listen??

            but I dither.

            There as here: I will follow all rules required by management and decide then if the forum is worthy of my presence. Just as we all do.

            Every “style” every personality has its appreciation. People are like Limburger cheese in that way.

            Be direct, be honest. Enjoy the game.

          • dadeo says:

            I would have held my tongue but you are starting to behave as badly as the trolls I mentioned. Your posts here are what keep me coming back..the articles can be found anywhere; same can be said for average trolls. You are above average – don’t back slide.

            We have a balance of right and left free thinkers there and a few wing-zealots, but seem to keep it on an even keel for the most part. You added much but were a chore to keep up with. We’ve been around 13 years and had all could have been great there. I’m still disappointed you didn’t work out. I should have spent more time on you than I did. Sorry to spill this here as you seem a bit upset. Not my intent and I’m a little surprised at that reaction. Trolls and foes call you every nasty name in the book and me outing that were planked on a small web forum is what gets to you. I’m done and you already know my email address.

          • noname says:

            pedro, be the guard and go to dallas!

            You want too, you know it. Be one with the ones you luv!

          • noname says:

            pedro, if you want to play teacher, first you need to show the correction, if you dare!

            pedro, see my comment above; ever the hypocrite you be!

        • McCullough says:

          So, how many blogs have you been booted off of bobbo?


          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist but ever the victim of love says:

            Everyone I have ever joined.

            I can’t figure out why that happens.

            Ha, ha.

          • The Monster's Lawyer says:

            Bo, it must be us.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist but ever the victim of love says:

            HEY!!! ML==you ain’t my lawyer. Jebus, ain’t I got enough problems already?

            “The Judgement Class”–blind to what they say actually means.

            Ha, ha. Although dadeo does have a lot going for himself==((as I constantly say: as we all do))==but being self critical is a skill. Have I said that 20 times before???

            Fantastic Forum: five guys keeping everyone else out.

            Its exclusive don’t ya know?

          • The Pirate says:

            Its not about the troll, its all about the bobbo.

            Kinda like Mariah Carey checking herself in the mirror.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist but ever the victim of love says:

            She has a horrible personality, but no one can say she can’t sing.

            So…. what the frick doe she have to do with me?……………OH I GET IT!!!! I can’t sing either?

            Ha, ha.

            ♫…Nobody knows de troubles I seen…♫

          • The Monster's Lawyer says:

            Bo, I didn’t mean ‘us’ as in you and me, I meant the reason for your expulsion from most blogs must be on account of us, as in everyone but you. You self important piece of…oh, I’m getting off subject again. Oh that’s right, it’s all about you. Pardon me.

          • noname says:

            Lawyers with an intelligent come back, the best kind!

            Hopefully, you can do that on your feet too.

          • bobbo, how do you know what you know, and how do you change your mind says:

            nogame==what ML has done is not a comeback but a clarification.

            Big difference===in that very ability to perform on one’s feet.

            I have ever said we think with words and flower with ideas? You actually have to kinda start with the right words though.

          • noname says:

            Bobbo, usually I won’t bother, but your self-righteous and unjustified priggishness is pegging every dipshit meter in the county.

            A comeback is a response or a retort and so is a clarification! A comeback is a witty clarification.

            Further you confound your simple mind in writing “we think with words”. If that’s how you think, then know your words first!

          • noname says:

            I now soo own you pedro!

            You’re my very own douchebag foreign exchange English Teacher!

            I wonder how loong I can milk and drive poor sad and pathetic pedro?

            We’ll see!

  3. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist but ever the victim of love says:

    “At the center of the investigation was an alleged leader of the Black Guerilla Family, Tavon White, who prosecutors said fathered five children with four of the corrections officers — Jennifer Owens, 31, of Randallstown; Katera Stevenson, 24, of Baltimore; Chania Brooks, 27, of Baltimore; and Tiffany Linder, 27, of Baltimore — since his incarceration on attempted murder charges in 2009.” //// Revealing a whole lot more than mere corruption in the system.

    How about stupidity running rampant from selection to training to oversight to promotion to quality control to management oversight…. etc.

    does kinda smell like Baltimore though.

  4. The Mick says:

    BTW the Chekhov Bros. apparently were also on Gov’t assistance. Apparently Americans love to fund their own self-destruction.

  5. Mextli says:

    It’s not only Baltimore.

    Prison in New Orleans
    Sex and drugs and rock and roll
    Yet another scandal from the Big Easy

  6. Wrigsted the Dane says:

    Yes, U.S. prisons are always such happy places. They should they be, now U.S. has over 1% of the population behind bars. Hey I forgot, you do not give a f .. they are not your color or demographics. Is there not something with the Germans the largest ethnic group in the U.S.?
    I could probably make a grim joke about it, but hey i am a nice guy …

    • orchidcup says:

      I once had a Great Dane as a pet. He shat on the floor one too many times so I shot him. I don’t miss him at all.

      There are Germans all over central Texas. We affectionately refer to them as squareheads. They drink too much beer.

      I am married to a female squarehead. I guess some Germans are friendly enough to marry.

  7. MikeN says:

    They didn’t show that on The Wire, so it can’t be true.

  8. super77 says:

    I love the photo for this post. Looks everyone is waiting to get on a ride at Disneyland.

    • The Monster's Lawyer says:

      All da ho’s lining up to ride the Tavon White Dragon. Pedro’s bought the Express Ticket.

  9. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist but ever the victim of love says:

    dadeo putting some meat on dem bones comes back for a second coat and says:
    4/24/2013 at 11:11 am

    I would have held my tongue but you are starting to behave as badly as the trolls I mentioned. /// Define badly…because like Mariah Carey… no one confuses me with Pedro or Alfie. Three distinct personalities. What equivalency do you see? Further, you shift the responsibility for what you post onto me as if you had no choice? Simply not true. Your criticism rings hollow. Copy and paste what I said that you don’t like. Say why. Show how it could have/should have been said better. All else is BS.

    Your posts here are what keep me coming back..the articles can be found anywhere; same can be said for average trolls. You are above average – don’t back slide. /// Well now dadeo. Think about that. What cake are you trying to eat? Is it the filling or the frosting you like or don’t like? Why do you demand whatever you can’t verbalize instead of simply appreciating the Limburger cheese? I DARE YOU to get specific—-as I so often do. Fisk. Dare you get specific?

    We have a balance of right and left free thinkers there and a few wing-zealots, but seem to keep it on an even keel for the most part. You added much but were a chore to keep up with. /// Define “chore to keep up with.”

    We’ve been around 13 years and had all could have been great there. /// Dadeo–I was GREAT there. Still don’t get it do you? Ha, ha. Maybe I need a bigger pole ax? How much more clearly can I tell you: the judgement says more about YOU than me.

    I’m still disappointed you didn’t work out. I should have spent more time on you than I did. Sorry to spill this here as you seem a bit upset. /// NO!!! Not upset. Just cleaning up the beans. You post as if being banned from Fantastic Forum is some kind of evaluation of me? In context, that too many there found me to be a troll?/or that I am a troll that is tolerated here at DU but not at your website? Now that is analytical from what you have said Here. My memory is that too many of your members and moderators didn’t like being told they were wrong in the various ways I do here. Inflexible at best. You without exception told me I was doing a good job until I got voted off the island. YOU KNOW WHO IS VOTED OFF THE ISLAND FIRST? Thats right. The worst “counsel” I got was from that old fart who said I was an ass. Worse than anything I had said but he was a moderator. After that as I recall I was told I would get more responses if I wasn’t so argumentative (sic==whatever it was). Should anyone stifle themselves over that remark? MAYBE—you know, just maybe==I have no need to discuss issues with a large number of people who can moderate their opinions based on new facts or assumptions. You know–the dull witted?

    Not my intent and I’m a little surprised at that reaction. //Oh Really? What was your intent when calling me out as a troll as someone you removed from your forum because of such conduct? Be truthful now. Is your vacuum, lack of reflection, that perfect??? At least–I’m not whatever self delusional state that reflects. What was your expected response?

    Trolls and foes call you every nasty name in the book and me outing that were planked on a small web forum is what gets to you. /// No–YOU thinking you have established any fact is what I’m contending against….. because I know you can’t argue your point but after months to think about it….you still don’t recognize the truth of what you caused to happen as much if not more than I did. Am I upset? No, silly boy–I contend against all faulty arguments. I get potty mouth because it amuses me… all too often the only real joy I experience as the opposition is simply too weak. Just as I’m showing yours to be now.

    I’m done and you already know my email address. /// Yeah, but I don’t have any beef with you other than as set forth here. No generalities of conclusions only but facts individually presented and argued.

    Man up.

    • bobbo, how do you know what you know, and how do you change your mind says:

      Well, before the sun goes down, for posterity or as long as the electrons flow…. were my position and yours switched dadeo so that I had made negative comments about you, and you responded on point….I would feel the obligation to address at least a few points showing what my position was based on>>>>>or I would apologize. Thats what I consider an honest person would do. Character defect otherwise.

      You see….I am aggressive with myself as I am with others. Doesn’t mean I am right or wrong–but by being in the argument I have the ability to be right or wrong. Not contending with the issues makes one…. what?==irrelevant? stunted?? Hypocritical??? Ineffectual????

      When I departed/was departed from Fantastic Forum I recall telling you you had not Mastered Management 101 basic management principles. And you still haven’t.

      You would really grow as a person if you would take my criticisms to heart. Not to agree with==but to think about.

      Thinking is a good thing.

      You can do it.

  10. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist but ever the victim of love says:

    The Monster’s Lawyer demonstrating his own perversity says:
    4/24/2013 at 11:21 am

    Bo, I didn’t mean ‘us’ as in you and me, I meant the reason for your expulsion from most blogs must be on account of us, as in everyone but you. /// Ha, ha. Right you are. How would you parse that any further? Is the judgement of five always correct over the judgement of one? Does judgement even fit into it? Could it be a fit?? A Procrustean bed of political proportions? If I am a social libertarian with liberal ideas and removed from a right wing authoritarian website, what does that say except just that?

    You self important piece of…oh, I’m getting off subject again. /// No thats right on subject. As the politicians caught screwing their interns: “I’m glad you brought that up.” Ha, ha. OF COURSE–personal criticism is about the person being criticized. How could it be otherwise?

    Oh that’s right, it’s all about you. Pardon me. /// a Repeat of just above. Yes–when you criticize ABC, then ABC is the subject of what its all about. If however, you peruse my response to dadeo, you will see I actually argue just the reverse. That his criticism is NOT about me, but rather about the Fantastic Forum.

    MY GOALS and pleasures are not defined by others. Same for everyone here. If I wanted to play patty cake with the Church Choir, I wouldn’t be posting here. See the difference?

    I can list my pros and my cons. Weigh and evaluate. CHOOSE how I present myself. Different strokes for each occasion…… or at least I would have a list with pros and cons. Bobbo===uncorked. Not trying to get laid, get a promotion, or be a member of a group that doesn’t want me. L’enfant terrible. Its French. Look it up as reading it as english doesn’t cut it. Like many things I say here.

    But I dither.

    • Mr Diesel says:

      Bobbo, I’m sorry but I’m a mod on another site and you would last maybe 5 posts and you would be banned. But consider that a good thing since it is not a site you would have anything to do with in the first place. No, nothing bad just specific interests.

      If JCD banned you here we would have to put up with the endless diatribe of maybe 4 other people and that just wouldn’t be right.

      If someone of lesser character labels you a troll then wear that label with honor.

      (I’m not drinking, yet.)

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Well, Thanks Mr D. Did you ever take that political attitude test? I think my link was a bit off, but truncate the address and you get the quiz. You have said you are conservative, but I wonder if its a whole lot more libertarian?

        I have posted on Epicurius for 10 years now. Its a forum about food and cooking. I have gotten into a few tiffs but nothing major.

        What is the point of DU if we are all supposed to censor ourselves… and for what reason?

        I don’t confront the gals on EpiCurious because I don’t think they are up to it AND its not the purpose of the website. I respect the people I challenge …. or at least I want to. We are each responsible for what we post.

        Why is posting something that is REALLY STUPID but politely said acceptable, but a well crafted response showing how the post is REALLY STUPID is not acceptable? Huh? Yes–everyone wants the sugar rush. Teeth are rotten.

        I also posted for years on Lockergnome and then got banned for 2 weeks of interaction on the Politics forum. filled with rightwingnuts who didn’t like being told they were being foolish and hypocritical. What do YOU think they were in fact being??? But the island votes as the island votes.

        …. and I’ve been posting for years at 2 other sites, but the moderators there are smarter than me and the opportunity/motive to belittle them just doesn’t arise. Sadly, the content is fairly thin at both locations. I’d like more interaction, but I feel I would be taking too much of their time.

        Yeah–I post a lot. I read a lot. I multi-task and go too fast. I spend less time here than many might think.

        Everyone a “precious snowflake” as FARK so often characterizes the tenderness of the kiddies. But are we Men of Science or Devo?? How much of what I say that upsets people is honestly misperceived by them?? Most recently, I told someone: “if you don’t want…(whatever) then don’t act like an asshole.” That person took that statement as me calling them an asshole. Nothing could be further from the truth. Its simple reading comprehension and snowflakeness.

        Yes–I don’t care what “names” people call me. I look for the SUBSTANCE of what is being said. And so I act accordingly myself, but people overly fixate on the potty mouth ((I apply that to me saying someone is silly as well as when I say they are a dipshit. Big range there.)) rather than the substance.

        Shouldn’t “on occasion” a dipshit be called such so they can’t go to the grave thinking no one has ever said that to them before?…… I think so. Tough Love. ((Just changed my nom de flame as that love extension was to a different thread))

        Conflation occurs all the time too. Just disagree with but one name call in 20 and you are called a troll. Its like sucking just one dick in your life. Things just aren’t kept in perspective. Thats why I challenge for the SPECIFICS to be spelled out. More often than not, dear reader cant read. Terrible thing on a blog.

        Whoa—I won’t even proof read. I am motivated to challenge people…. still surprised I am mistaken so often. Iconoclasts never have it easy.

        Know what I mean?

  11. deowll says:

    Well it certainly looks like this reprobate was being adequately punished for his misdeeds: Living on the tab and with his own personal harem with a growing family while running a criminal empire.

    Sounds like the govmunt had this situation under control. Yah know you can trust the govmunt to take care of you and protect you for the bad guys.

    The misspelling was intentional.

  12. bobbo, how do you know what you know, and how do you change your mind says:

    nogame still in water over his head says:
    4/24/2013 at 7:18 pm

    Bobbo, usually I won’t bother, /// I’ve always been thankful for that

    but your self-righteous /// yea verily

    and unjustified /// hmmmm?

    priggishness // priggish? I do have to wonder if that is the right word for whatever you are thinking. I would have thought just the opposite?

    is pegging every dipshit meter in the county. /// Is that good or bad?

    A comeback is a response or a retort and so is a clarification! /// Ahhhh, this will be tricky. Yes, a comeback is a response but only often but not always is a retort. A clarification is almost never a retort but can possibly be. Its obvious your understanding of these terms stops with their common elements and does not appreciate, or probably even consider, their differences. They are all DIFFERENT WORDS for a reason==not synonyms.

    A comeback is a witty clarification. /// It can be but normally is not. Retorts are generally witty, not clarifications. They serve different intended consequences.

    Further you confound your simple mind in writing “we think with words”. If that’s how you think, then know your words first! /// Un huh.

    Silly Hooman. Wants to argue the meaning of words and doesn’t use any standard definition. I could have…. but why bother?

    • noname says:

      No wonder you get the boot after annoying others to the point of distraction.

      With no standing and on the grounds of ignorance you state: “A comeback is a witty clarification. /// It can be but normally is not.”!

      Again, doing the same shit; without standing you state: “priggishness // priggish? I do have to wonder if that is the right word for whatever you are thinking. ”

      You indeed have a desperate and twisted mind when attempting to put “your words in others mouth”!

      • bobbo, how do you know what you know, and how do you change your mind says:

        All I did was do the same thing you did. Then I counseled you to actually use dictionary definitions to tease out the differences in the words that you are clearly not appreciating.

        It is subtle, and I suppose real lexicographer could teach us both a thing or two?

        but since you persist, let me demonstrate:

        clarification: To make clear or easier to understand; elucidate 2. To clear of confusion or uncertainty

        comeback: a sharp or witty reply : retort.

        See the difference? I suppose…. no. A life time of reading will clear that up for you…..if you pay attention and try to gain pleasure from that experience rather than trying to cornhold Pedro’s Donkey.

        Be kind to dumb animals. Thats what we all do here………

        I tire of you. Do better.

        • noname says:

          bobbo, ever the douchebag and now you want to play English Professor and lecture.

          Your a joke!

          • noname says:

            Oh pedro,

            You’re a joke!

            Thanks for the correction.

            Finally, pp gets one right. Just shallow and don’t wet dallas’s pants!

  13. NobodySpecial says:

    Sounds like an opportunity for free market economics.
    How much is the gentlemen prepared to bid for the franchise to operate the jail?

  14. Mr Diesel says:

    I guess the female guards like bad boys and most likely in every orifice.

    My ex-wife was a cop and had to visit a state pen once while she was in the academy. She didn’t like walking down the halls and I get the impression it was like Jody Foster going to see Hannibal Lecter the first time. How women could put up with that crap I’ll never know.

  15. MikeN says:

    Gang leaders in Congress are trying to exempt themselves from the prison they put everyone else in.

    • ± says:


      Yet most people here are share responsibility for this Congress. And they will make sure we have another R/D Congress next election too.

      And then they will show up here and lambaste others who don’t hire their flavor of proxy stooges to destroy the country they live in.

  16. MikeN says:

    I know it’s not a bright idea to have women guards at a prison, but this wasn’t the reason.

  17. deadhonkystorage says:

    Way to much bickering.

  18. jpfitz says:

    What happened to DU? I’m away from the web for a day or two and all hell breaks loose. Hardly anyone is on topic. Oh well, next topic.

    “Are you gonna bark all day, little doggy, or are you gonna bite?”

  19. MikeN says:

    This is because of the sequester cuts.


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