Which would you choose? Big Brother security and safety, or freedom from cameras, background checks, drones overhead, etc., but increased potential dangers? Or is it all like the airport scanners — security theater — since the billions already spent didn’t stop the bombers, school shooters, etc. Or does that imply we need more?

Americans hate Big Brother — until moments like this.

Police state paranoia has long stoked angst and outrage, until an incident like the Boston Marathon bombings takes place and the nation heaves a sigh of relief that security cameras gazed unblinkingly upon Beantown’s streets and sidewalks. Eyes in the sky — cameras that keep tabs on possible red-light runners, peer out at ATM users and stand sentry for commercial businesses — provided investigators key intelligence that led to identifying suspects in the attack. A department store camera held the much-viewed footage released by the FBI.

The developments have once again pitted personal rights against public safety. Politicians at every level — from the sheriff in Tampa to members of Congress — are urging the deployment of more surveillance and law enforcement access to captured material. Civil libertarians and privacy advocates, just as predictably, are preaching restraint.

“There is going to be more of a push to have more cameras on the streets, and it will be difficult to resist that push,” said Neil Richards, a privacy advocate and law professor at Washington University in St. Louis. He authored a Harvard Law Review paper last month titled “The Dangers of Surveillance,” where he wrote that the amount of observation these days “should give us pause.”

“The difficult balance is to have them [cameras] there for extraordinary efforts such as what we’ve seen this week but not for us to live in an emergency situation all the time,” he said.

  1. Randy Romer says:

    Those who would sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither


  2. David says:

    There is no security. No one gets out alive.

  3. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    Here’s the basic false dilema pushed by the Media and unenlightened Alarmist everywhere: “The developments have once again pitted personal rights against public safety.” /// Nope.

    Public Safety is a rhetorical device to set up this false tension. Closer to reality is what Public Safety really is: all the various INDIVIDUAL LIBERTIES/SAFETY added up.

    There is no Government vs Rights issue presented here except by lazy thinking. What we have is the PERSONAL RIGHT to be secure in one’s person, place, and papers from criminals who would violate the law and take those from us. The excesses and crimes even of the Government in its overstepping/overreaching/tax dollar wasting/feathernesting ways will still have its correction at the ballot box.

    Its a BALANCING of all the personal rights against one another rather than the individual rights vs government that is at play here.

    Don’t be (continuously) fooled by the Gun Lobby and other shape shifting forms of BIG RICH.

    Word for the Day: FEAR MONGERING. Ignore those who counsel to be afraid, or in this case that your rights are being pitted against some other interests like security. These are the Sirens of False Dilema and are out to pick your pocket of the liberty contained therein.

    FREEEEEEEEEEDOM is protected, not with guns, BUT by seeing thru the bullshit.

    You can do it!

    • Reply Guy says:

      …What we have is the PERSONAL RIGHT to be secure in one’s person, place, and papers from criminals who would violate the law and take those from us.

      Sometimes those very “criminals” are the very same officials (often acting as police) who ALSO violate 4th Amendment RIGHTS. That’s pretty much what this story is about. (More on that in another thread.)

      The excesses and crimes even of the Government in its overstepping/overreaching/tax dollar wasting/feathernesting ways will still have its correction at the ballot box.

      Think AGAIN! You, yourself have said that public offices can and often are BOUGHT! So if there’s any sort of balancing at the ballot box then the powers that be need to stop changing the rules and counting (“one for you, two for me”).

      Don’t be (continuously) fooled by the Gun Lobby and other shape shifting forms of BIG RICH.

      True! Don’t be fooled. But maybe YOU might want to take another look! Because it’s NOT the gun lobby doing this perversion of RIGHTS and NOT exactly “big rich” either. Don’t confuse your justified hatred of the Wall Street criminals or even the power lusting government goons here. You clearly fail to realize the NUMBERS of people in the “gun lobby” with organizations like the NRA – SECOND only to the AARP! Rather it’s the gun lobby and groups like the NRA trying to PRESERVE RIGHTS!!!

      Most anyone can understand YOUR CHOICE to not have a gun and most of us would even say GOOD BOY! Some might even humorously say, “I hope your cell phone at least has a stun setting while your calling the authorities” too. But to take away a fundamental RIGHT for other people for whatever reason is still a very bad idea. Just look at the issue of slavery when the conventional attitude and popular culture said that blacks weren’t even human and thus were subject to ownership. Most people can now see the clear injustices and how those ideas were clearly BIASED and BIGOTED. Yet, those ideas and values still exist!

      So if you successfully kill or limit ANY Constitutional amendment then what’s next? Will your First Amendment rights be next? How about your FIFTH?! Do be too quick to answer. I already know you will try and justify your misguided reasoning on the 4th.

      Point is, you may not like the idea of a well armed militia (a.k.a. “citizens”) and you may even FEAR the weapons some people CHOOSE to have/display too. There may even be no justifiable reason to have a gun in the hands of certain citizen’s too. But that’s still NO REASON to strike down or limit Constitutional RIGHTS for OTHER PEOPLE! Clearly, the very fear mongering you claim causes problems has YOU convinced that exercising second amendment rights is somehow wrong or in your words, idiotic.

      As you’ve continuously pointed out, there’s no reason to have a gun in places like a movie theater. And on those points I might even agree! I too think it’s in bad taste. But then it IS a matter of TASTE to also wear your underwear on the outside of your clothes or even wear camouflage pants. I also might agree that it does seem pretty stupid to strap a AK-47 to your back and take a hike on Manhattan Island right down Broadway. But it’s STILL a right to do it! It’s also a RIGHT to exercise freedom of speech and say things like “Obama is an idiot” too!

      Quite simply, there is NO REASON you can give/offer/argue that justifies limiting or taking away RIGHTS – ANY RIGHTS! There is NO REASON to ban or even limit a Constitutional RIGHT keep or bear arms. NO REASON AT ALL!!! Because – and this is key – when you limit or remove ANY Constitutional right it’s a very slippery slope to take away or limit OTHER rights too! Just look at the erosion of 4th Amendment rights which I’ve noticed even you tend to rail against.

      Now, if you are still outraged by people being IRRESPONSIBLE and killing each other then that’s something I can get behind and try to fix. But to say any GROUP of people are idiots or nuts or whatever based on their CULTURE or LIFESTYLE or something is nothing short of out and out BIGOTRY! That sort of argument offers no reasoning is NOT even “hooman”!

      Of course, we can argue left versus right political philosophy all day and probably never come to any agreement. But it’s a very different thing when EITHER of us actually DO dangerous things like limit or remove Constitutional RIGHTS! You seem to want to blindly cross that line and not even realize the consequences of your ACTIONS should you happen to succeed. But then, that does seem to be a big problem with most liberals too – they NEVER seem to want to acknowledge RESPONSIBILITY! (Now, do you see how a bigoted statement can piss you off? Even when it’s “right”?!)

  4. Amerikagulag says:

    It’s NOT security v. freedon.

    Don’t be so naive. It isn’t, and has NEVER BEEN about security.
    Israel did 911. OKC was an inside job ad was the first WTC bombing.
    And Bush signed over all control of Homeland security issues to israeli companies in case you weren’t aware.

    This is about the NEW BOLSHEVIKS entrenching themselves in the US government, most of whom hold dual national Israeli citizenship.

  5. sho off says:

    Note, your level of freedom is determined by your account balance. If you are paying interest to a bank in anyway, you are not free.

    Only the richest and the poorest are truely free. But more importantly free from what? Everyone pretty much needs food and sleep everyday. This consumes half of each day. Add an animal and some kids, now 14 hours a day are used up. If your paying interest you gotta work 4-8 hours most days.

    You waste 2 hours per day trolling on this board. So, how much free time is left to be Free?

    Have your freedom, I need to mow the lawn.

    • The Pirate says:

      It ain’t about free time you dolt. Its about freedom to express and be yourself in a socially responsible manner without fear of reprisal.

      Reprisal can have many forms, it aint about you and your free time. Think about that while you cit the grass.

      • sho off says:

        So much reprisal from the government. I wish they would ban lawns. Our nationwide productivity would increase because no one would have to cut the grass.

        Think about that.

        Government is good. So are your friends and family that work for the government. Get over it.

        • The Pirate says:

          … government of the people, by the people, for the people.

          Get some.

          • sho off says:

            The baseball umpire at your kid’s little league game. Goverment employee, likely a city employee. Nazi in disguise looking to take your gun.

        • Reply Guy says:

          Government is good. So are your friends and family that work for the government. Get over it.

          I can’t help be be reminded of a classic altruism which says, “The best of intentions often lead straight to hell.”

          So sure. The Government may INTEND to be good. And I’m sure everyone I know is good too. But I think most people today may tend to say otherwise and say that the government is evil and only interested in it’s own survival. So the underlying question may really be, why is that?

          One other thing I’m reminded of is that bad government is rarely an obstacle that one can get over, around or through. Certainly not without a little conflict. So keep bullshitting yourself that it’s something to “get over.” I won’t.

          • sho off says:

            So where did you learn to construct English sentences? Public school? Who’s your favorite sports team? Alabama? Ohio State? Government institutions.

            Really, all your firemen friends or your buddy’s wife who is a teacher they are in a conspiracy to get you. Better get another gun and shoot them.

          • Reply Guy says:

            What the hell have you been smoking there, sho off?

            Oh! That’s right. It’s 4-20 weekend! Never mind. I’m sure you don’t.

          • The Pirate says:

            sho is just attacking people and trying to change the argument since his first one failed. A common tactic of sheep is to change pastures.

            I’m not worried about the fireman.
            I’m not worried about the local police.
            I’m not worried about the little league umpire.

            I’m worried about idiots who vote without understanding the responsibility of freedom and the privilege that liberty is.

  6. Mr Diesel says:

    You are not free from observation when you are away from your home. There is no right to privacy in the public. Private v. Public. Get it?

    Now what pisses me off is that Boston was a bad thing and I feel for them but there was a much bigger tragedy in West, TX. MSM is virtually ignoring because it is all about that Progressive bastion of freedom, Boston. Well guess what kiddies, the sun don’t rise and set on their asses.

    First time I have ever heard someone say it looks like a war zone and I agree with them.

    • NobodySpecial says:

      Best headline: “relief that Texas blast wasn’t terrorism”

      So instead of it being a very rare and unlikely terrorist attack on a chemical plant it’s just ordinary everyday lax safety standards. That’s a big relief if you live next to a chemical plant, oil refinery, gas pipeline etc.

      Lets cut OSHA a bit more and give the money to DHS – then we can be even safer.

      • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

        Excellent catch.

        80 people died Today in america from mindless gun violence. Thats 20 Boston Bomb Attacks or 5 Plant Explosions per day.

        …….. and when you’re dead……. you’re dead. The “why” of it all still kinda matter though when we jump thru our assholes over 3 or 14 killed and don’t even report the 80.

        Silly Hoomans.

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    Wow people, seriously?

    Only true idiots think gun control or increased surveillance will help.

    Look at this as a trial run. What we learned is don’t expect to get out of these crimes alive.

    What we need is to seriously talk about violence control.

    Otherwise, suicide vests.

    Get ready to become the Middle East.

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      Oh_NO!==what are you using for a door stop these days? Kinda edging your brain out of the way???

      Gun Control–by Defintion controls guns. If “its” not controlling guns, then its not gun control.

      Surveillance–as demonstrated here==catches the bad guys before they can set off the other BOMBS they had in their possession.

      Gee Oh_NO!==we all have observed your downward slide over the past year, but please tell us this is rock bottom for whatever merit badge you are going for?

      Puts silly on a different scale.

      • patrioticveteran says:

        Cops or crooks, when your looking down the barrel of a gun, what difference does it make?

  8. Mextli says:

    “Which would you choose?”

    The question is moot. If you are not under some form of surveillance now you soon will be.

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      moot: 1. (law) of no legal significance (as having been previously decided)

      2. Open to argument or debate

      Hmmm….by my way of thinking, 1 and 2 are almost opposites of each other?

      But in either case, “which would you choose” is not moot whether or not any other condition is imposed or not.

      Your choice is not mooted by one outcome being imposed by circumstances/action of the government. “Which would you choose?”

      We had a traffic light at the nearest corner. We chose to ask city counsel to take it down. They did.

      • Mextli says:

        open to discussion or debate; debatable; doubtful: a moot point.

        of little or no practical value or meaning; purely academic.

        Chiefly Law. not actual; theoretical; hypothetical.

        • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

          Your reply strikes me as #2.

          thats not unusual.

          Word for Today: Coprophagia

  9. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    What “freedom” or “rights” are given up by being under surveillance while in public? The answer is NONE.

    Word for Today: anonymity. (Relevance: not the same as Privacy.)


    Words will set you free.

    FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOM—telling shit from shinola.

    Silly Hoomans.

    • Mextli says:

      Your anonymity may be put in jeopardy by surveillance leading to a loss of privacy.

      • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

        Nextlie===pulease buy and read a dictionary.

        Anonymity is directly destroyed by surveillance. Thats the whole point of it. When surveillance properly leads to a further erosion of privacy ((as I can imagine happening in the void of your representation)) THAT outcome is also the entire point of the program—AS IT SHOULD BE.

        You want to do crime? Impossible to do “in private.” Crime necessarily takes place outside of the protection of privacy.

        You don’t even know what these terms mean to yourself, society, sober thinking.

        Word for Today: concordance.

        • Mextli says:

          “Anonymity is directly destroyed by surveillance.”

          No shit! Read the sentence above.

          My point is I value my privacy, inside outside, all around the town. Surveillance is a threat to privacy so I oppose it.

          Quit trying to make a grandiose, convoluted, display with your posts and THINK a little.

          You will be a better person for it.

          • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

            Basic word skills: when you are in public you have no privacy. YOU are talking about the desire to be anonymous, invisible.

            If you want that, stay home.


            The Word for Today: Dictionary.

    • Reply Guy says:

      WOW! Just when I was convinced you had no brain cells to rub together you actually make SENSE!

      It’s TRUE! Anonymity and freedom are NOT the same thing.

      You know what else is not the same thing? Try liberals and freedom!!!

  10. ECA says:

    The main difficulty is WHO/WHEN can you be recorded.

    We try to think of cops as SUPER people..
    they AINT.

    HOw many Cops does it take to PROTECT(?) us from ourselves?
    1 cop in 1000 people?
    10 CSI in every science, to look at evidence?
    1 Judge?
    100 support people to clean up and do other things..
    ALL getting about $40,000+ per year?

    i love tv..And every cop program shows that Every crime is solved in 60 minutes..really its about 1week-6 months..but Dedicated 2 people solving 1 crime.
    THAT isnt how cops work.

    the Questions go like this..
    1. how much do you want the police to see, to HELP them solve crimes.
    2. WHERE can they do this?
    3. Corps have you monitored as soon as you come in the door. Do they have RIGHTS ALSO..
    4. Private vs PUBLIC location..

    I do not mind PUBLIC cameras. But only for Major crimes.. I dont need a ticket from a Camera, because a J’ Walk.
    I ALSO want the RIGHT to contest video/pics of WHO/WHAT is going on..NOT traffic cams, you cant..

    The difficulty in useing cameras..is HOW to ID’ a person..
    AS in TV..its NOT a reality. You have to have some really GOOD cameras to enlarge something past about 4 times and get ANY DETAIL..

  11. ectoendomezo says:

    Well..I’ve said it for years and now I’ll say it here;

    IF there were the “2 Lines” system at Airports..and everywhere else..ONE line for PRIVACY and AUTONOMY and the Other what we now have..the “NO RIGHTS” line but of course one received no “insurance” etc for the “FREEDOM LINE”..I will absolutely and constantly and without a SINGLE moments hesitation TAKE the “FREEDOM LINE”.

    Whats happening in this country is so sickening..so vicious..and such absolute Hypocrisy and Denial based..that it is for me no “decision” at all..I CHOOSE freedom over “Control” quite “Automatically”.

    This is also why..on a smaller scale..for travel abroad I have FIRST driven to Mexico and THEN flown out of that nation.

    For basic “Commerce” I have relinquished ALL credit cards and now use “Gift Cards” when I “have to” use a credit card..they are still almost completely anonymous and are purchased with cash.

    I use TOR for everything I can..but its uses are still limited sadly.

    I use CASH everywhere.

    I will NEVER allow an “RFID” in my vehicle nor will I allow “Smart Meters” on my home.

    I (5th amendment proviso: may or may not have..who knows? the “Chip”) DISABLED the “Chip” in my passport.

    I (may or may not have) DISABLED the magnetic strip on my drivers license.

    I have given up “Cable” because the data mining (and of course in reality the lie of “choice” is in fact the reality and lack of choice the truth of the matter regarding the “product” that is television..where is the “Directors cut extended version letter box” channel? but even if that were offered..data mining PROHIBITS my use of said ‘product’) and the same goes for ALL “Social Networks” which are simply “Self Surveillance” (as well as utterly pointless insanity).

    I do not possess a cell phone for the simple reason that they are LITERALLY 24/7/365 Surveillance. And that one’s too bad..because it would be nice to utilize the cell phone technology..but NOT at the literally “TOTAL” cost of my TOTAL privacy.

    Oddly..this has all been pretty easy.

    I use emails I never..EVER…actually “Use” (aka “send/receive” emails)..for things like this..and instead have turned to ‘privacy box’ a Germany based email client that is encrypted.

    I have encrypted this hard drive as well as every other ‘plug in’ et al I can find..from “Better Privacy” for the “LSO’s” to “HTTPS everywhere” etc…

    I do NOT allow cookies at all ever excepting my own “5 cookies long” white list for again 5 sites I trust.

    No! For me..this is now a kind of “Hobby”..protecting my privacy and thus my autonomy.

    And its amusing to receive one or two pieces (a year) of “Targeted Advertising” that is so obviously incorrect in its assumptions regarding “who I am”..well..thats when it all becomes worthwhile..to see how little they actually know.

    The sad parts..however..are Health Care and other necessities.

    For “Mass Surveillance And Control And Coercion Via The Necessities Of Life” is the Agenda.

    RFID “Requirements” for bridges and toll lanes..smart meters for Utilities..and the END of privacy and HIPPA rules in health care under the guise of “Information Sharing As A Cost Cutting Measure”.

    So this is where it gets “hard” (although not really..again..its a hobby)..I now LIE..yup..LIE..to various “Doctors” during any visits to HC facilities..I also “Transpose” (dyslexia is not a crime..”is that a One or a Seven?”) my “numbers” from time to time..mixing up my social and phone numbers. I create mild “Symptoms” and make up complaints..then “Disappear” them at the next visit (if the same doctor is even there or even reads the file).

    Because the fact is that the “mandate” is the most massive destruction of the 5th amendment in U.S. history..and Obamacare is the Weaponization of the Doctor Patient Relationship..yeah..it is! Transforming the “Consultation” into an “Interrogation”..with ALL medical records now “Open” to basically anyone who wants them..including the IRS and DHS and “Corporate Partners Of The Patients Insurance Provider”.

    With “Lifestyle” about to be “Mandated” (yup this is happening ask any Union Nurse) well basically all ER’s, Clinics or Health Care offices SHOULD have a sign posted in the waiting room AND Exam Rooms:

    “WARNING: Anything you say to ANY Health Care Worker In These Offices CAN and WILL Be Used Against You By Federal, State and Local LAW ENFORCEMENT OR Your Insurance Provider OR Their Corporate Partner 3rd Party ‘Stake Holders’!”

    Look..I expect to be attacked for this..America is now an almost “Pure”…”Confrontation Culture”..and along with Fear..Hypocrisy..Denial..Deceit..Greed..and savage staggering arrogance..it is Confrontation that has become the single most sought after “Experience” of the actual “99%”…so go for it..but Privacy and freedom are GONE.

    Mass Surveillance for Profit is the game.

    But some of us are taking what step we can.

    Sadly..most “Americans” (in name only) are absolutely 100% “ANTI-PRIVACY”. America has never been more “Ready” for Fascism. Its here. Its just “Friendly Fascism” right now..the “Checkpoints” are “only” weekly and not “at every intersection every day/night”…yet. And now the first “Regional Lock-Down” has occurred…but “Gall..its just the one time and it was for a good reason..gall…”.

    Yeah..because fear is always a great excuse..sure is.


    Not THIS American!

  12. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    Reply Guy demonstrating that prolixity risks obfuscating a finely discerned point of interest says:
    4/21/2013 at 1:45 pm

    …What we have is the PERSONAL RIGHT to be secure in one’s person, place, and papers from criminals who would violate the law and take those from us.

    Sometimes those very “criminals” are the very same officials (often acting as police) who ALSO violate 4th Amendment RIGHTS. That’s pretty much what this story is about. (More on that in another thread.) /// Sometimes? Government personnel violating criminal statutes as well as the Constitution?….OK… but you are slow to warm to your subject.

    The excesses and crimes even of the Government in its overstepping/overreaching/tax dollar wasting/feathernesting ways will still have its correction at the ballot box.

    Think AGAIN! You, yourself have said that public offices can and often are BOUGHT! So if there’s any sort of balancing at the ballot box then the powers that be need to stop changing the rules and counting (“one for you, two for me”). /// Your point if there is one is lost to ambiguity. Yes==public officials are too often BOUGHT and that results in over stepping/reaching/wasting. Not a crime because the law has been perverted. This has nothing to do without a lot more dots being noted with changing the rules and counting. Be CLEAR, DIRECT, SIMPLE. More Hemmingway, less Joyce.

    Don’t be (continuously) fooled by the Gun Lobby and other shape shifting forms of BIG RICH.

    True! Don’t be fooled. But maybe YOU might want to take another look! Because it’s NOT the gun lobby doing this perversion of RIGHTS /// of course it is. FBI could not track the source of the powder used in the Boston Pressure Cooker Explosives because of the NRA sponsored ban on using chemical signatures. How out of touch are you?

    and NOT exactly “big rich” either. /// NRA is all about BIG RICH gun manufacturers and NOT AT ALL about their idiots in the dark nominal membership.

    Don’t confuse your justified hatred of the Wall Street criminals or even the power lusting government goons here. // I don’t see any issue of power lusting government goons raised by this thread, so no confusion (On my Part!) is possible.

    You clearly fail to realize the NUMBERS of people in the “gun lobby” with organizations like the NRA – SECOND only to the AARP! Rather it’s the gun lobby and groups like the NRA trying to PRESERVE RIGHTS!!! //// You are choking on one of the most foul turds ever launched into the community punch bowl. 90% of Americans 75% of NRA Membership want “Universal Background Checks” yet the MONSTROUSLY ODIOUS NRA “Leadership” (but paid jackboots of International Arms Dealers) are denying this right to life, liberty, security, and the general welfare. Words have meaning. So does which end of the stick is dirty. YOU have the wrong end of the stick and of the argument.

    Most anyone can understand YOUR CHOICE to not have a gun /// I take it you recall my story of being burgled and my Informed most rational CHOICE to respond with camera survellance and door locks rather than illusory by buying a gun? I am honored. You need to post more……. well……. maybe not?

    and most of us would even say GOOD BOY! Some might even humorously say, “I hope your cell phone at least has a stun setting //// yes, I used white out to add that setting, but it doesn’t work. At least, not on my dog. He just smiles at me.

    while your calling the authorities” too. But to take away a fundamental RIGHT for other people for whatever reason is still a very bad idea. //// Well, THAT is the key issue. You might have given more than a conclusionary short sentence to it? More Joyce and less bumpersticker?

    Just look at the issue of slavery when the conventional attitude and popular culture said that blacks weren’t even human and thus were subject to ownership. Most people can now see the clear injustices and how those ideas were clearly BIASED and BIGOTED. Yet, those ideas and values still exist! /// I challenge you to connect this idea (helpfully?) to this gun issue? surveillance issue? 4th Amendment Issue?===WHAT issue is it you have failed to focus on??? (ha, ha!)

    So if you successfully kill or limit ANY Constitutional amendment then what’s next? Will your First Amendment rights be next? How about your FIFTH?! Do be too quick to answer. I already know you will try and justify your misguided reasoning on the 4th. /// Boy, you done leap frogged right off the Peace Train licketedy split! I could “try” to help you out. This thread is nominally about the 4th Amend and I have made no proposals (per se). Let me make one now: what the Boston folks did was OVER REACH==not by taking and collecting photos but MAYBE by shutting several cities down for several days. That I suppose right now is still a judgment call as in how/when did they fear the Duo had more bombs to set off? In a vacuum, I see this as an “issue” but I would support a similar shutdown in similar circumstances with an eye to the downsides though. I wouldn’t go off my Keester like you have done though. ……. not even a fine line.

    Point is, you may not like the idea of a well armed militia (a.k.a. “citizens”) //// the MAJORITY of American DON’T.

    and you may even FEAR the weapons some people CHOOSE to have/display too. /// I fear the people. Guns are just tools. Tools used exclusively to kill people. You can put the emPHAsis where you will for whatever FALSE mental comfort that gives you.

    There may even be no justifiable reason to have a gun in the hands of certain citizen’s too. /// No one but a fool, or a dolt lost in his own fever, would think otherwise.

    But that’s still NO REASON to strike down or limit Constitutional RIGHTS for OTHER PEOPLE! /// Of course it is. Its called cause and effect. Its called 15000 people murdered in the USA every year compared to 1/30–1/40 that rate in other rational countries. Lives make a difference. Its even a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT that in my view TRUMPS all others. You have no rights if you aren’t alive.

    Clearly, the very fear mongering you claim causes problems has YOU convinced that exercising second amendment rights is somehow wrong or in your words, idiotic. /// The Fear Mongering “on point” is about 4th Amendment Public Survellance. But its not “somehow” wrong BUT RATHER very pointedly wrong in that its misperception results in 15,000 deaths every year. I call that idiotic. You call it “living” free. Something the dead by definition and pulse do not do.

    As you’ve continuously pointed out, there’s no reason to have a gun in places like a movie theater. And on those points I might even agree! //// Quibbling pointlessly is the sign of a weak mind. More Hemingway and less artless Rhetoric.

    I too think it’s in bad taste. /// Whaaa? Carrying a gun in a theater is “bad taste?” Its more than gastronomy. More slow glycemic carbs and less Sugar!

    But then it IS a matter of TASTE to also wear your underwear on the outside of your clothes or even wear camouflage pants. I also might agree that it does seem pretty stupid to strap a AK-47 to your back and take a hike on Manhattan Island right down Broadway. But it’s STILL a right to do it! /// You are most likely wrong about that. Reasonably time/place/who restrictions VARY greatly from place to place.

    It’s also a RIGHT to exercise freedom of speech and say things like “Obama is an idiot” too!

    Quite simply, there is NO REASON you can give/offer/argue that justifies limiting or taking away RIGHTS – ANY RIGHTS! /// The balance against other worthy contesting rights is EXACTLY what is called for here. “Your right to swing your arm ends at my nose.” “Your free speech ends at falsely yelling fire in a crowded theather.” “Your right to bear arms ends when a well regulated militia has been subplanted by a standing army AND when the available technology becomes techniques of MASS MURDER and not self protection.”

    There is NO REASON to ban or even limit a Constitutional RIGHT keep or bear arms. NO REASON AT ALL!!! /// Bought the fifth time you have repeated that. See above.

    Because – and this is key – when you limit or remove ANY Constitutional right it’s a very slippery slope to take away or limit OTHER rights too! //// Silly boy–when you limit or remove any ONE right, you MOST OFTEN are automatically increasing the application of other rights and legitimate interests. Removing large capacity magazines and semi automatic weapons secured without background check increases everyone’s right to life, security, and general welfare.

    Just look at the erosion of 4th Amendment rights which I’ve noticed even you tend to rail against. /// No….. I usually am viewed as supporting such intrusions. I make the distinction between the emotional desire to be anonymous and irresponsible in society with the distributed benefit of its opposite.

    Now, if you are still outraged by people being IRRESPONSIBLE and killing each other then that’s something I can get behind and try to fix. //// What would you do other than give general lip service? Be specific…………………….

    But to say any GROUP of people are idiots or nuts or whatever based on their CULTURE or LIFESTYLE or something is nothing short of out and out BIGOTRY! That sort of argument offers no reasoning is NOT even “hooman”! /// Any culture and lifestyle based on killing an innocent person in order to prove your manhood is insane and should be stamped out. Different sized boots depending on how close to cleaning and oiling your weapons on Sunday Night you get.

    Of course, we can argue left versus right political philosophy all day and probably never come to any agreement. But it’s a very different thing when EITHER of us actually DO dangerous things like limit or remove Constitutional RIGHTS! You seem to want to blindly cross that line and not even realize the consequences of your ACTIONS should you happen to succeed. But then, that does seem to be a big problem with most liberals too – they NEVER seem to want to acknowledge RESPONSIBILITY! (Now, do you see how a bigoted statement can piss you off? Even when it’s “right”?!) /// See above. You are too repetitious. I know such repetition gave you your dogma, but it doesn’t present well to those who haven’t taken the cool ade.

    Word for Today is: succinct.

    • sho off says:

      Better yet concise. Too effing long.

    • Reply Guy says:

      You’re an IDIOT there BOOB!


      The FIRST TEN AMENDMENTS to the Constitution are known as the BILL OF RIGHTS! (Go ahead and Google it!) So when you hear me talking about RIGHTS it’s about ALL RIGHTS and not just the 2nd, 4th or 5th. ALL TEN Amendments in that “living document” plus the additional ones from the 11th to the 27th excepting possibly the 18th (which dealt with prohibition) and where the 21st had to be written striking the 18th down. In fact, you seem to want to relive that whole prohibition thing when you go fucking with fundamental RIGHTS than what certain idiot groups like the Christian Women’s Temperance movement did when they successfully passed the 18th.

      But really, you seem more interested in miring down in nonsense minutia and spewing more of your favorite liberal lies around. Almost every other sentence from you involves some kind of name calling while also saying other crazy crap like how you think the Second Amendment is outdated or something. But again! You may not agree with certain RIGHTS but that’s still NO REASON to eliminate or restrict them.

      Quite simply, RIGHTS are NOT PRIVILEGES such as the privilege to be licensed and drive an automobile. You and a lot of other fools seem to confuse the logic here. Because if we were to limit or eliminate certain RIGHTS then there’s not much in the way to stop other RIGHTS from eroding too. Rights like the 4th Amendment to be secure in one’s home and not be subject to warrant less searches – a right which has already seen some serious erosion. Rights like the 5th Amendment to not be forced to incriminate one’s self in a court of law – again, a right under assault. And then there are rights not even named such as Miranda “rights” which come to us though adjudication and case law involving abuse of other rights.

      But when we get to the Second Amendment which is a FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT to keep and bear arms, for whatever reason(s) you let your emotions and bigotry take over saying how you think/believe that it’s all a bad idea and that it needs modifying or eliminating. And just us never mind that this right applies to law abiding citizens! Also never mind the fact that CRIMINALS have a complete and total disregard for rights too!

      The FACTS are simple. You either can not or will not acknowledge RIGHTS or responsibilities! You will talk around them and maybe even poke at them on occasion with some bad reasoning. But you will NOT acknowledge the historical fact that once a governing cornerstone such as an American RIGHT is gone that it’s gone forever, or at least gone until the government no longer exists. You refuse to even consider the possibility that once you give the government the ability to limit a RIGHT that you’re on that path towards RIGHTS elimination. (Did the “W” years teach you NOTHING?!)

      You might also note the screams of the alarmists here too, who say they want more security – YOUR SCREAMS! But here’s something you really need to remember which was once said by Benjamin Franklin, “He who would give up freedom in exchange for security deserves neither!” And yet you and many other fools want to argue rock solid logic like that.

      Of course, you also bring up some poll which claims how most Americans want this 2nd Amendment change. Problem is, that argument/desire is also nothing but pure BULLSHIT! I won’t even go into how even you have acknowledged how polls can be created/conducted so that the outcome is known before it’s performed. In fact, I previously brought up the topic of slavery which is a practice that has now been outlawed by the 13th Amendment – an Amendment that’s NOT even in the Bill of Rights! I did that to partly show how popular opinion/belief is NOT always correct. We now know better as far as slavery is concerned and it took a Civil War to rectify that bigoted belief/opinion too.

      So then you and a bunch of other fools come along with your toxic bigoted beliefs/opinions, compounded with decades of irresponsible governance saying how the Second Amendment is now wrong and needs eliminating or modifying. Problem is, and I’m sure you don’t see it, is that your views here are even more wrong that those who championed prohibition or slavery! In fact, you claim that PROTECTIONIST groups like that NRA are what’s wrong with America and that they’re somehow evil “big money” for essentially trying to PRESERVE RIGHTS! Quite frankly, that all sounds like more fear mongering. You simply fail to realize that it’s NOT “them.” What’s worse is that you don’t even realize your own bigoted hatred since you clearly have surrendered all common sense to your current religious leader – BARACK OBAMA!

      Now, would you care to look up the word “hypocrite”? Don’t be shocked if your picture is there.

  13. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    ANYONE that stays a member of the NRA is a fool:

    “Adolphus Busch IV, heir to the Busch family brewing fortune, resigned his lifetime membership in the National Rifle Association on Thursday, writing in a letter to NRA President David Keene, “I fail to see how the NRA can disregard the overwhelming will of its members who see background checks as reasonable.”


    Word for Today: Useful Idiot.

    • Reply Guy says:

      ANYONE “that” stays a member of the Democrat party is a fool!

      Bush (not that one) is a fool too when he resigns over background checks. Maybe he’s been drinking a bit too much of his own swill -er- beer!

      BACKGROUND CHECKS ON FUNDAMENTAL CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS ARE NOT REASONABLE! No matter how you look at it, background checks are STUPID and a gateway to the erosion of more CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS! Not that it hasn’t already happened either.

      And if you crazily think CRIMINALS will obey they law then you’re nothing but a reactionary fear mongering idiot! (In fact, you may be an illegal alien or just a stupid radical lib-tard if you think that.)

      The fact that the NRA is trying to PROTECT FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS from bigoted frothing at the mouth cum-bah-ya stuck in the 60’s liberal idiots is what we may want to look at!

      If background checks were reasonable then BY THE SAME LOGIC we should also impose other restrictions on other rights too. Just for starters, how about the very right to be a CITIZEN?! Shouldn’t we institute a national identity card and then prosecute anyone who doesn’t have one? Sound anything like NAZI GERMANY?!!! Sound anything like an “improvement” to SOCIAL SECURITY?!!! And yet, there’s a very real push to do it all because there’s some sort of national invasion from Mexico.

      It’s all too clear. You’ve simply allowed your FEAR and your BIGOTRY to influence you. And if you say you’re not a bigot then you’re clearly a HYPOCRITE too!

  14. Reply Guy says:

    First, let me say that I’m all for public surveillance and the use of cameras in public areas, but only passively!

    In other words, I don’t feel that surveillance technology should be used ACTIVELY when there are no real victims to any real crime. Of course, surveillance technology could and probably should be used to prevent problems. It could be used to notify authorities that they may want to go to a particular area or even as support evidence when a real crime occurs. I just don’t feel that surveillance technology should be allowed as an active witness when there are no real victims.

    Cameras are not human and simply can not account for all possible conditions that a human being might be able to account for. Cameras and other technologies are not subject to a police officers commission too. Therefore, any surveillance footage from a surveillance machine should NOT be used as an active revenue gathering mechanism in non-harmful breaches of the law such as when someone speeds through a red light without incident (key words here are, “without incident”). Now, if someone still wants to ignore the law and still speed through that red light, if those actions result in mass casualties or even in minor property damage then and only then should any available surveillance footage be used to assist in finding and prosecuting the offender(s). Otherwise, about the strongest thing any authority should have the power to do is remind the non-offensive law breaker that had a uniformed officer been there to witness the crime that he/she probably would have received a ticket or even been arrested.

    Of course the cops might like to keep records of non-offensive incidents so that when an offender does break the law again that it shows habit or other poor judgement (sort of how it is now). This record could also be shared with insurance companies too. However, there simply should be no possibility of jail, fines or other punishment when there is no specific victim. (And don’t even try and bullshit anyone by saying crap like “the people were victimized” unless you can show real damages to those so called “people”!)

  15. Liberace says:

    Hegelian dialectic = thesis, antithesis, synthesis.

    The government creates a problem (terrorism, probably via false flag), awaits the public’s reaction (fear, “save me”), and then proposes the solution it wanted in the first place: creation of a police state to provide “security” for all the poor schmucks it wants to control.

  16. flatwombat says:

    Guys, we’re talking about the cameras aimed at public areas, right? Not about guns, not about whatever else this has drifted into.

    There is nothing illegal or even wrong about having cameras monitoring street views or ATM’s or public walkways. In case of robbery or worse, there’s some possibility that criminals can be caught. Otherwise, you’re a batch of uninteresting people walking along a street or …running a red light…

    The crazy thing here is that no sane person would run up and smash a camera from a person who’s taking a street view and catches your image, and you’ve probably been photographed hundreds of times in some peoples’ cell phones without your knowledge. So what that mounted cameras capture images. In the case of this mess in Boston, thank God that they did!!!

    As to guns, have fun boys, but you don’t need an AK-47 to bag a deer, or if you do, you’re not much of a shot.

    • Reply Guy says:

      You’re right! NO ONE “needs” an AK-47 for ANYTHING! I doubt anyone “needs” a television or many other things too!

      Of course, there is a little thing called the CONSTITUTION which guarantees all American CITIZENS certain RIGHTS!

      Just because YOU don’t understand someone else and his/her desire to own a AK-47 doesn’t mean YOU have some sort of duty to control or eliminate THEIR RIGHT. Of course, that goes two ways where anyone who owns a AK-47 has NO RIGHT to threaten you with it!

      Same goes with cameras too. (Do you think no one has ever been blackmailed over a picture?!)

      • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

        Like a flushed toilet, you are circling towards the truth. You have written the words, but fail to grasp what you say:

        The difference between a desire and a right. Just reread your own post and understand it better.

        Word for Today: Conflation.

      • flatwombat says:

        The second amendment does not give you the right to own unrestricted military hardware. Just because an armament is made for warfare does not mean Joe Public has the right to own it in private. Now, if you want one, then why not fill in the appropriate paperwork for something that’s designed for warfare? Same as you’d fill in for a bazooka, flame thrower or a tank.

        And, before you go all NRA on me, where’s the protest for the irrational increase in the prices of guns and shells? Try to buy a box of .22’s these days and see who’s getting raped! Anyone care that the ammo and gun manufacturers are raking in obscene profits? HELL NO! They’re on OUR side, right? Yeah, the side of the almighty buck.

  17. deowll says:

    Okay so how much good did all the spending and extra surveillance after 9/11 do us in this case?

    The older brother should have been on the radar at least to the degree his mother claimed but the FBI says _he wasn’t_. It wasn’t like they didn’t find plenty of evidence that he was worth keeping an eye on once they started looking. They were asleep at the switch.

    Despite all the high tech toys these guys did what they wanted and what got them caught was they committed a car jacking and murdered a security person and the cops got on their tail for that.

    The last perp was located by a private citizen outside the zone the cops had swept. The cops then shot up his boat by which point in time the perp may have been pretty much out of it due to previous injuries. I thought the idea was take him alive? How bad do these cops bleep as marksmen? Should they be trusted with paintball guns?

    At the location Tamerlan went down the Boston Mayor said 600 spent shells were found. Tamerlan went down and later died but it may well have been from flack or getting run over by the car. His was said to have a tremendous number of injuries but what killed him wasn’t clear. His brother was hit but he got away. Dude you’ve got to be spraying ammo like mad without aiming to get a result like that. One solid hit with a hollow point will kill you.

    Please understand I’m not questioning anyone’s bravery but the calls made by those who decide pretty much missed the mark in this case with amazing consistency. The cops seem to practice spray and pray which means I for one don’t want to be anywhere near these guys when they draw a gun even though I’m on their side.

    I would truly like to think that the Patriot Act was worth a crap and that the billions we have spent on enhanced security had bought us _something_ but the cold hard fact is that I’m not at all sure that our law enforcement establishment of ten years ago couldn’t have done as well, or poorly depending on your point of view, as our vastly enhanced system did in dealing with this case.

    Please feel free to disagree all you want. I’m just expressing my views based on the information available to me.

    • Reply Guy says:

      I agree! All the spending by the government has pretty much been a waste. And now, since misery loves company, get ready for Obama care! (We’re still 3 years away from FULL implementation!)

  18. patrioticveteran says:

    Cops or crooks, when your looking down the barrel of his gun, whats the difference? I will keep mine.

  19. rabid monkey says:

    There is good and evil afoot with any technology. Technology can be used for good or it may be used for evil. We live in a unique time in history. Technology in this day and age is both powerful and liberating. It is sacrosanct in it’s ability to be both liberating and oppressive. The succinct among us may observe that the word ‘technology’ may be replaced with the word ‘knowledge’. Both are resources. Both may be utilized freely in that they are terms innately dissociated from subjective confluences of disparate thought amalgamations. In other words: “be Zen.” Thank you.

    • rabid monkey says:

      I repeal my ending statement of “Thank you.” It was an inappropriate maneuver in my ultimate goal of getting my point across. My point being of course was that one should strive to utilize critical-thinking skills in every moment of one’s own life.

      • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

        I for one imagine I understand the various meanings of and motives behind signing off “Thank You” and I have used the same flare a few times. It is as you recognize mostly BS.

        I’ve read the following several times though and cannot even make up a way for it to make sense:

        “…they are terms innately dissociated from subjective confluences of disparate thought amalgamations…”

        Word for Today: Author

        • rabid monkey says:

          I am drunk…and was when I wrote that…nuff said. I expected people to not understand it because I was being silly. Now… the crux of my argument was actually what I had said in the latter. You might have missed it on-account of your penchant for self-importance, but here it is again: “My point being of course was that one should strive to utilize critical-thinking skills in every moment of one’s own life.”

          • rabid monkey says:

            I sincerely apologize for having stressed the ability of your brain to parse complex facets of perceptual reality into a simple, recognizable microcosm that fits neatly within your own construct of reality. Perhaps expanding your own sense of ‘self’ would be an exercise worthy of an infomercial.

          • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

            I am drunk… //// So what? /// Who Isn’t //// And that justifies… what? ///

            Drunk or Sober—it should be sobering that with each of us, no one else can tell. Except you remain uncommunicating with a Santorum of Hostility.

            but I dither.

            Word for the Day: Santorum.

          • rabid monkey says:

            I am drunk… //// So what? /// Who Isn’t //// And that justifies… what? ///

            Drunk or Sober—it should be sobering that with each of us, no one else can tell. Except you remain uncommunicating with a Santorum of Hostility.

            but I dither.

            Word for the Day: Santorum.

            –words well spoken. Indeed I should not hide behind words to speak my mind. However, being an “author” (as-it-were) I beg of you in your rebuttal to replace the word “uncommunicating” with non-communicative. It flows a bit better. I am an author after all, by his regency himself, the great “Bobbo” himself, no less.

          • rabid monkey says:

            I cut-out a redundant word in my following soliloquy–> words well spoken. Indeed I should not hide behind words to speak my mind. However, being an “author” (as-it-were) I beg of you in your rebuttal to replace the word “uncommunicating” with non-communicative. It flows a bit better. I am an author after all, by his regency, the great “Bobbo” himself, no less.

          • rabid monkey says:

            even better worded–> words well spoken. Indeed I shall not hide behind words to speak my mind. However, being an “author” (as-it-were) I beg of you in your rebuttal to replace the word “uncommunicating” with non-communicative. It flows a bit better. I am an author after all, by virtue of his regency himself, the great “Bobbo”. Expect nothing less. ..and you call me an author. Why, I couldn’t even write my own science-fiction novel to explain how I managed to wrangle my own spleen out of a paper-bag. I was able to reconstitute said-spleen back into my body however. The task required much trial-and-tribulation. In case you haven’t noticed, I am still drunk, but even in my delusional state of mind, I still request a duel of ‘wordsmanship’ between men. I fancy myself a worthy adversary. I thus present myself as your duly, humble opponent. Your move.

          • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

            Tommorrow may reveal more color in the shadows but I think non-communicative slightly more emphasizes not talking/writing at all whereas uncommunicative has a secondary less standard usage for talking but making no sense.

            I noted the word choice could be more clear but didn’t want to restrict my juices. That causes puddles.

            Word for Today: Discernment.

          • rabid monkey says:

            I shall reply only to these specific words: “I think non-communicative slightly more emphasizes not talking/writing at all whereas uncommunicative has a secondary less standard usage for talking but making no sense.”
            I beg to differ in your definition. Uncommunicative requires the point of view of the beholder at the behest of the beholden. Whom is the decision-maker as to the efficacy of the communication? The word uncommunicative could (for all intents and purposes) mean that you yourself are the one whom fails to manifest the reciprocal of mutual understanding as it pertains to the ‘hooman’ condition.

          • rabid monkey says:

            I have noticed that you tend to dither, when a mere dather might have sufficed instead.

      • msbpodcast says:

        What was wrong with ending with a civil salutation?


        You can exercise your faculties without being a rude asshole about it.

        • rabid monkey says:

          We are making sport of it. ‘Tis merely a game. I myself am utilizing the opportunity to hone my debating skills. Do not worry. It is all in good fun. We are all adults in this forum after all. I welcome such fine adversaries. They keep me on my toes. Peace-out! Love to all.

  20. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    pedro disassociating as usual says:
    4/22/2013 at 2:08 am

    They should be able to capture this kind of imbeciles with or without that much surveillance. /// In the context of the Universe being your oyster—how, for instance?

    Otherwise, “cameras are not enough” will be the excuse to put even more limitations to freedom. //// Cameras of course are not enough. Security is best served by “all of the above” rather than imposing imbecilic limitations on achieving the best outcome possible.

    Word for Today: Balance.

  21. ECA says:

    I find it strange..
    CRIME is CRIME..
    but if you look back in Short and long history FEW of the rich/powerful/corrupt end up in jails.

    a person that robs($100+) a 7/11-market ends up in jail for Many years. The person who Robs from the payroll or retirement fund ($1000000+) ends up in Haiti..or some other nice country..or at the most a min security prison.

    Can I mention all the people that DIED, during our wars(yes WARS) in the middle east (MOSTLY bystanders)..compared to the ones killed in the USA.. is 100/1 good trade off?

    there were OTHER deaths in this country.
    There are OTHER problems happening.

  22. Andy K says:

    Here in the UK, CCTV by the state is the norm. We probably have the same amount of privately owned CCTV as in many US states but we’ve found it’s just not enough. Last i heard the figure was something like, in London on an average day you will be seen 2000 times by CCTV cameras. For us it’s normal and not intrusive because you are in public – it’s the same premise as everything you do online is being watched, whether it’s your ISP, Facebook or otherwise you are being watched.

    Anyway my point is, if you’ve nothing to hide don’t be scared of these CCTV cameras saving your Liberty somewhat

    • rabid monkey says:

      saving freedom one minute, microcosm at-a-time. The more your slice it, the more it is diced. Apologies for requiring freedom does not freedom make my friend. The “you’ve nothing to hide” argument is both childish and ignorant. You have already broken 13 tax laws merely by responding to this forum. If they want to get you, they can, and they will. The CIA is a rogue operation. Anyways, mind your P’s and Q’s and you’ll ‘git-along ‘jest fine. HAAR!

      • rabid monkey says:

        okay, the way I said all the prior stuff bequeaths the drunken-state I am in. AUUGH. I seem dumber that a pile of rocks right now. SIGH! I hate lava. It makes me sneeze. HAR!

      • msbpodcast says:

        broken 13 tax laws

        And these are?

        The problem for the pi…, uh, authorities, is that when they behave badly, its also being caught on camera.

        The truth of a camera is that it can exonerate as well as condemn.

  23. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    The more your slice it, the more it is diced. /// Thats not true. You have to rotate the subject 90 Degrees to dice.

    You make a common error—thinking everyone is as rotated as you are.

    Silly Hooman.

    The Word for Today is: Taste Synesthesia

  24. rabid monkey says:

    Word for the day: “Bobbo” – a meandering neanderthal who pretends to be non-human for the sole purpose of understanding what it really means to be sic [hooman].

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      Word for the Day: Nutshell.

      • rabid monkey says:

        word for the day: “discombobulation.” –for no other reason than it is simply fun to say. 🙂

  25. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    rabid monkey demonstrating how to use a brain as a doorstop, or as we in the trade call it: “A Pedro:” says:
    4/22/2013 at 5:35 am

    I shall reply only to these specific words: “I think non-communicative slightly more emphasizes not talking/writing at all whereas uncommunicative has a secondary less standard usage for talking but making no sense.”
    I beg to differ in your definition. /// Its not “my” definition but those immediately found by the simplest of google searches. Dictionaries–simple cheap tools helping us all to “get out of ourselves.” Liberating, you should try it.

    Uncommunicative requires the point of view of the beholder at the behest of the beholden. /// Link to any definition that teases that idea out? While it might even be a good idea in a vacuum, absent a source, you are just making this BS up–hoping others will be as lazy as you to rope them in.

    Whom is the decision-maker as to the efficacy of the communication? /// That would be “Who” but I dather.

    The word uncommunicative could (for all intents and purposes) mean that you yourself are the one whom fails to manifest the reciprocal of mutual understanding as it pertains to the ‘hooman’ condition. /// Not when I say that it is YOU who is being uncommunicative. See how some words modify other words? And how I refused to rotate 90 Degrees to your myopia?

    Sadly rabid, I will assume a first name casualness, you as too many otherwise intelligent people do use your intellect to isolate yourself rather than EXPAND your appreciation of life. Just one of the many reasons you are silly. Getting drunk and referring to it is another. But I dather once again.


    1. Unwilling to talk or impart information.
    2. (of something such as writing or art) Not conveying much or any meaning or sense.


    Word for the Day: Fantacist.

    • rabid monkey says:

      My appreciation of life is innate. I may express it differently than others might appreciate or acknowledge, but it is genuine nonetheless. Zen equals zEN.

      • rabid monkey says:

        The mirror shines brightest when one’s self is out of the way. Thank you for showing me what an absolute “ass” I am capable of being. Zen-mind, Zen-thought, Zen action.

        • rabid monkey says:

          I thus shall be silent for the rest of my life. I must deeply consider your viewpoint. In-time it may not matter a single iota to me at all. The sun rises, the birds chirp. A single thought passing matters no more than a crisp, welcoming, refreshing wind upon one’s face. It is nice while it there, but then it is gone like a faint whisper. Have a wonderful day. I am glad to have exchanged thoughts with you.

  26. MikeN says:

    This website long ago chose the path of security and Big Brother when it didn’t object to the naked RapeaScan machines in the testing phase, instead just saying ‘prudes can choose a same-sex screener’, and before that celebrating when someone was found via satellite surveillance.

  27. bobbo, putting the extacy in Existential says:

    pedro says:
    4/22/2013 at 6:56 am

    So freedom is illusory but safety is not. Care to spin that one again? /// Read my first post….. yeah, on page one: I posit that what is illusory and DAMAGING TO THE PSYCHE of America is that freedom and safety stand in opposition to one another.

    Silly sheeple. You’ve still got grass on your chin.

    FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOM–REMOVING the shackles of false equivalents. I can’t even image the size of the bowl movement you would have if you knocked this kind of shit out of your thinking.

    Silly Hoomans.

  28. Uncle Patso says:

    I like that some of the best video of “the suspects” was from a department store camera, rather than one owned by government or police.

    This offers a good balance between security and privacy — let private institutions have all the cameras they want, but require law enforcement to get a court order to look at the recordings.

    • bobbo, putting the extacy in Existential says:

      Silly dichotomy you propose.

      What is it you are trying to protect and in what context?

      Cartoon images and ideas for four color print process.

      Explorer the Rainbow!!!!!

      PS–no body gives a shit what you do in public. You just aren’t that interesting.

      • bobbo, putting the extacy in Existential says:

        …. and by you I do mean all of us. ♫ As you are me, and I am you, and we are all together.

        I assume YOU know that….. but too ambiguous none the less.

  29. Mextli says:

    Surveillance state no answer to terror

  30. deowll says:

    Personally I’m not sure I’d feel safer being videoed while being blow up than just being blow up without the video.

    Each to their own I guess.


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