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I say it again before responding, why do Americans hate Canada so much? I’m Asian so I don’t quite get it. A white thing? 😛
Anyhow, this must be just as important as the Rush L. and kid who declared his local library gave him the info that Global Warming was a terrorist plot to destroy humanity.
When winter begins to freeze parts of Canada great numbers of Canadians get into their cars with large quantities of Canadian quarters. They then drive down I-95 to Florida. Along the way they use the quarters to disable as many vending machines as possible.
The Canadian quarter is designed to be same size as the US quarter. This seemingly innocent fact hides a surreptitious evil. Canadian quarters are magnetic! US vending machines consider them slugs. Several Canadian quarters will be trapped by a magnet in the vending machine blocking further deposits of real money.
I further believe that somehow Canadians had some influence on the design of the vending machines to make sure this causes the greatest annoyance.
And I always thought it was because for most of the past thirty to forty years, the U. S. Dollar was stronger than the Canadian Dollar.
Also, the Canadian nickel was also about the same size as the U.S. quarter. The Canadian nickel and the penny are no longer minted.
The penny is no longer minted, but the nickel still is. Though, it is only about 2% actual nickel…
You are ruining my stereotype of Asians being smart.
Who Cares?
Only if you’re a racist. 😀
Could be worse. You could be praising a victim of government-run education as an independent critical thinker.
Who cares? hmm…obviously it doesn’t matter to you as long as you have your say. LMAO. But then again, I expected as much from you, Boobo, Pedro and others 🙂 And to top it off you shifted from a smartass to a pompous smartass with the last paragraph. Nice!
Sarcasm was lost somewhere, along with all sense of humor. It’s only Wednesday so I wonder why…hmm, some people must be dickless I guess.
Sorry got sidetracked wondering why some people are dicks. Why are you in this thread to begin with? Use big, long, complex smart sounding words and sentences if you must. Adda boy.
Your ethnicity adds value to your comment sarcastic or otherwise in what way? I would rather not know your ethnicity so I can judge you on the quality of your thoughts (or lack thereof).
Are you using it as a shield of sorts? Or are you just trying to emulate liberal homos3xuals you admire by declaring your government-recognized demographic because you falsely believe that your thoughts somehow matter more because others would acknowledge your ethnicity even though it has nothing to do with the topic of the thread?
Are you afraid that unless you advertise your ethnicity that your thoughts will likely not stand on its own two feet? Or are you just upset that the girl just happened to be white?
I say these things not to be inflammatory, but am curious why you chose to advertise your ethnicity about this matter. Help me to walk a mile in your shoes.
It’s painful to acknowledge the poor state of education in America. Children are lied to and told that everyone’s a winner and there are no losers in life. Children aren’t really taught critical thinking skills and are brainwashed into embracing flowery things like their gender, orientation, or ethnicity when none of that will prepare them for life.
Watching this girl talk was quite refreshing.
Sounds like I pushed your buttons.
I was bored. If you want big, long, complex smart sounding words then you should talk to Bobo. He’s a master of mental ma5turbati0n. 🙂
McCullough==thats one of the most thoughtful responses “ever” on this forum and your very best. Hmm…off the subject of guns, you are quite eloquent.
Yes…I too was momentarily lead off track. “As a white boy” I am curious about other ethnic and cultural experiences and my wits sharpen when that avenue is openned up as IchiBon did. but it was a cul de sac.
Your comment of “who cares” was instructive to IchiBon but he turned down the opportunity. Ha, ha. Like you, he prefers his long held beliefs to an open and honest opportunity to reevaluate and grow as a person. People are like that.
We all throw our pearls of wisdom out like rice before swine as we turn ourselves to eat the pearls from others. People and pigs are like that with pearls and rice.
but I dither. So—I can’t even recall why Canada is in the slop chute of History. I’ve been sidetracked!!!!!!
I hate it when that happens.
PS….TheONe==you really should think about why you went racial in your comment. Not a big point/issue, just one of curiousity for yourself. For the first few months/years?–I was pristine in keeping any personal information about myself OUT of my postings. Its what Men of Ideas do. Overtime though, only being hooman, the personal details leak out a bit. Emotionally attached. Warm feelings on their utterance. But personal details are NOT ideas.
Not that purity is an ideal or even worthwhile goal, but it does keep one from being sidetracked.
“If you look into your own heart, and you find nothing wrong there, what is there to worry about? What is there to fear?” /// I think Confuscious Boy got that one wrong. BobboSays: “If you look into your own heart, and you find nothing wrong there….take the blinders off and look again/deeper.” But then, did I mention I was a white dude?
Good Point there Pedro. I got that doubly wrong. Imagine that? Well, I’m a white guy so …..
Funny how the comment applies to McGuyver as well??? but I laugh because I’m a white guy.
“Actually” I don’t know how white I am though as my Mom was adopted and we never have had the straight skinny on who GrandPaw was. You know, that kind of insecurity runs in “adoptees” down thru the ages. Doesn’t really matter I went to College and have had a life of my own. No… its all family transmitted…. so much so that we can live in the country of our birth and yet still be more a part of the country of our parents birth.
Its just like a pearl in that aspect. You take the irritation of being born human and then accrete layers and layers of learned bullshit on it until a hard layer of ossified cultural claptrap is deep enough to think you are different from any other pearl. But, we are all the same, except as how we are different.
Ha, ha. I love it when I dither, I crack myself up so.
Oh…… Pedro……. ok, its also like a taco as well.
When was the last time you saw…
Not many in the last 100 years.
Those that re Smart enough to be politicians, DONT want the job. so we end up with OTHERS that do the job for their OWN ends/means..
Let me add this:
MANY people left Europe/England for the same reasons. LEFT, not shipped over to rape this country. the Problem came AFTER we got here, and settled things out. THEY’ came over and started this. the SAME problems that were HAD in Europe, followed us.
WE should have done, the SAME as the Indians SHOULD have done..Shoot them on the beaches.
What would really ruin Canada is if they started letting Canadian doctors practice in the US. Go Bobby Jindal!
Welcome to the corporatocracy, kid.
Its not just the evil bankers stealing from us, it’s our own leaders. So the rich get richer, the middle class bend over and take it for the team and the poor eat shit and die.
This isn’t just happening in Canada. It’s happening anywhere there is a central bank.
Yeah, I thought she was describing the US perfectly.
Probably JCD’s point in a roundabout way.
The only difference between what she said about Canada and whas’t also true about the US banking system is that our debts are 10-100 times their amounts.
She could definitely run (or stand) for election anywhere on this planet.
Why are all of the economies on the planet, (Europe, North, Central and South America, Australia, [Japan is a special case, as are most third world economies,]) suffering from the current collapse?
Wall Street (and all of the other iconic Big Business locales,) are logging record profits while people are losing their jobs left and right.
Where are the supposed profits coming from?
Do the world’s economies no longer need to produce anything, nor for it to be consumed by anyone?
We’re being fed a line of bullshit paired with a diarrhea chaser…
Bruce Cockburn sang it out best: “…the trouble with normal is it always gets worse…”
good girl
I stopped watching after 90 secs. Has about the same appeal as the girl snorting a condom.
Its a “demonstration” rather than anything thoughtful.
Revealing how many of you are attracted to snorting disgusting things.
Silly hoomans.
Actually, you are wrong.
I was about to click “close” too, but listened maybe an extra 20 seconds.
She described government debt as a collusion between the government and the banks to enslave the people.
Because the $60 billion in interest each year goes to the banks.
The late 1800’s “company town” ensnarement.
I do think the mega-corps and banks think like this.
Astonishing, truly out of the mouths of babes!
It’s amazing a child can understand economic reality (banking system) better then most Adults!
If only Adults could act on and to do the right thing instead of acting out of fear of pissing off the hand that feeds you!
Most adults become a cog in the machine.
And lose their independence and the “give a shit”.
And settle on watching some sitcoms and posting some pics on Facebook as their so-called “life”.
Maybe this is the best we can do … it might be true.
This girl is an idiot. She doesn’t understand economics and how debt actually grows an economy.
An economy is NOT a zero-sum game. When someone else has a dollar, it does not mean someone else is now a dollar poorer. When someone borrows a dollar, and pays it back over time, the money supply increases. This makes everyone a little wealthier. Debt, over time, increases G1, the money supply.
And yes, it takes a central bank to get all of this kick started.
Seriously. It is idiot thinking like this that allowed communist to convince the poor that they need to take from the rich. They convinced they that they are poor because the rich have “their” money. So the idiots vote in the commies, who take the money, and now everyone is poor.
Actually, considered how governments work it is very believable.
Lobbyists explain to government officials “Hey, spend all you want and us bankers can take care of you. We make a huge sum off the interest payments.”
Then the government has to raise taxes to service the debt, with the profits going to the banks.
I think she sounds like a little girl indoctrinated. No one can tell me that it is something she figured by itself. You are all blind to it because she says I am what i want to hear. Sheep!
It could be worse. We are still voting for people that allow themselves to engage in insider trading and of course we borrow money to lend to banks near enough to free as not to matter. We are a joke.
I think when she refers to the 1970s, she is referring to the end of the Breton Woods system around 1971. This is where the U.S. dollar is no longer backed by gold. Over the next twenty or so years, some currencies strengthen a lot against the U.S. dollar. It appears that Canada starts having a “national debt” problem of its own. (The U. S. starts seeing its public debt outstanding grow as it borrows to make up for annual budget deficits.)
Bobbo made a comment within the last week that I found insightful where he mentioned “You don’t need to know history, just gravity”.
The natural order of things is “feudalism” — where the few prey on the many and effectively have them as servants.
Democracy presents a problem to them.
So they use national debt as an attack vector.
Corrupting easily swayed government representatives who have disproportionate trust invested in them.
Look at Greece, Portugal or Spain. Iceland told “them” to fuck off, by the way.
I think the true sovereignty of governments everywhere is under attack by the megacorps/bankers with some really shitty schemes to back-door hijack us.
This is the price of governments not doing their jobs of regulating companies and instead “being their friends”.
“This is the price of governments not doing their jobs of regulating companies and instead “being their friends”.
Great quote.
Thanks HM—especially given how much I rag on you. Was I THAT blunt about it? You do actually have to know enough history to apply the fact that gravity is always at work? As I did retort… its just an analogy, fun to play with.
I don’t think I or you was doing anything other than reframing Marx?–there will always be tension/competion/(gravity?) between labor and capital. Feudalism and Corporatism being very close cousins…..or just 32 ft/sec2?
Just an analogy.
I think government being “friendly” to business is very misleading. Is it gravity or another unavoidable trait in man==this GREED AND CORRUPTION you have your finger on?
In a real sense, I don’t blame the corps and the politicians for merely responding to the gravity of the situation. What I truly don’t get is why/how so many of those subject to falling objects hoist these miscreants so far over their heads.
Doesn’t make any sense–no matter how much you hate negroes, gays, and catholics.
Under Obama’s budget, interest paid on national debt increases by 600 billion dollars, from this year to 2024. An extra six hundred billion dollars to be paid in ten years, just to service the new debt being called for by the President.
Something about the girl’s delivery is bothersome. She comes across as a shill. Just not sure what she’s shilling yet. Possibly being exploited for someone’s political agenda.
We already know you are a Monsanto shill, trying to fit in with the “someone else is a shill deception” to post your propaganda at a later date.
Nice try…
I’ve got corn growing in my back yard as we speak.
Canadians are good at that.
We are all sharecroppers working our leased land until we die.
The situation has not changed in 100,000 years.
My friend who played hockey in the early 40’s in the US has often stated that “Canadians are among the stupidest people in the world”.
Canadians stand in line to pay taxes – they love it
They put up with a cancer of civil servants and all their entitlements
Canadians are very passive
Only one day when they wake up and tell their leaders enough is enough – go away – will things get better
If not for the US buying Alberta oil , one can not imagine.
And now the US has Obama and no Keystone pipeline.
Watch out.
Watch what you say aboot our Canadian neighbours. The’ll send some hockey goons down to kick some ass.
Poor brainwashed kid.
HMeyers said, in part:
“Because the $60 billion in interest each year goes to the banks.”
Actually, the interest goes to whoever holds the bonds. Own any government bonds? Millions of people do, not just banks or bankers. Lots of banks do as well, because they are considered a good, safe investment for their depositors’ money.
What’s next, rants about “fractional reserve banking”?
Americans hate Canada?! Since when. During Vietnam they offered refuge to those who needed it due to political persecution. I just don’t get where you think that.
Guess we need to vote in some 12 year olds. I’m ready.
Fuck the IMF. Debt is only progress when there is capitol to back up the debt created. Banks should be limited to loaning out to the public a percentage of what solvent monies are available. And, banks should be banks, nothing more.
Next we’ll have casinos and malls inside of banks, they seem to be popping up on almost every main street corner lot where a mom and pop business was and failed during the last ten years.
All your money is ours!
Borrowing does not enslave people. Borrowing to make stupid purchases without the ability to repay that debt however does enslave. Whether you call it borrowing, leverage, buying on margin, or buying on credit, it’s all the same thing. It’s a double edged sword. If wisely and judiciously done, it can be a good thing. If not, it is a recipe for disaster. Bankers, consumers and countries pay a heavy price for stupid and aggressive borrowing.
Do politicians pay any price for that?