
“We live out in the country in Texas, near Temple,” he told me. “My son and I were on a ten-mile hike so that he could earn his hiking merit badge – it’s the last badge he needs to become an Eagle Scout.” But half way into the hike, Grisham said, “a police officer pulled up.” Initially, he was “cordial” and he “asked what we were doing.” Grisham told him. “Then he looked at my rifle. I carry a rifle any time I walk around because there are feral hogs and cougars and things like that.”
From here, things took a turn for the worse.
“We’re exempt from the law” is not a phrase you want to hear from law enforcement in a constitutional republic.
I suggest that this creates a Catch-22: If you comply, you’re giving up your rights; if you don’t, you’ll be punished. He agrees.
There are Rights and then there is Common Sense.
I’m upset the current Political Environment facilitates these types of encounters, but common sense should have ruled here.
BTW . . . this guy is a known lunatic. Read Yon’s blog on him, March 28th.
LibertyLover where did this guy violate the law or is that not common sense enough for you?
I am not sure what you mean by common sense because you are not demonstrating any.
There is no LibertyLover about you. If there was some “liberty” or common sense, you would care if this guy broke the law.
The fact you avoid the issue is really proof enough you not a LibertyLover but a PoliceBrownNoser!
We don’t work for the police, the police work for us. The police don’t pay us, we pay them!
I am proud to see a Vet stand up for America and stand up for the rule of law.
In Texas, by law, if you hold a CHL and a police officer asks for ID, you are required to supply your ID and your CHL.
If you hold a CHL and a police officer wishes to disarm you, you must comply.
That is the law and it well spelled out.
What is not spelled out is if the cop has the authority to disarm somebody of anything other than a person’s concealed weapon. I suspect so but I’m not a lawyer.
We only have the Sgt’s word as to the events leading up this. It’s the cop’s word vs. his word.
If the Sgt had exercised a bit of common sense, he could probably have been on in way in less time than it took to pull out the video camera.
If the cop had exercised a bit of common sense and asked for ID up front, he wouldn’t be all over the internet now.
The Sgt, btw, is a known lunatic. Did you read Yon’s blog about him?
Because you were. Liberty without responsibility is anarchy.
Of course, you have to HAVE some common sense in order to understand that so I don’t expect you to admit to anything.
Carry on with your mouth breathing, nothing to see here.
@#*%#$&#$% threaded POS.
That was supposed to be demoted one more level.
Who the hell is yon and why should we care about his opinion any more than anyone else? Just asking….
Michael Yon is an embedded reporter with more experience in the Middle East than just about anybody else in America.
His investigative reporting has brought down two Generals and exposed many coverups.
The joker in the video was caught by Yon funneling money from a veteran’s charity into his own pocket while taking credit for defeating, single-handedly, an entire enemy squad with nothing more than a grenade and a pistol. Yon called Bullshit on the story.
If you really don’t give a shit, then that’s fine. But don’t defend the asshat in the video based on his word alone. Do some checking.
I agree wholeheartedly.
Kind of like “white people’s problems” this is a “Loony people’s problem” or better yet, an “Texas people’s problem”
Not much sympathy for anyone involved, except the son.
“…does it matter?” Yea, depending on how this was said I said it pissed the cop off. Once that’s done there’s hell to let loose and he got it.
As a gun-totin’ right-wing Arizona resident myself, I have to agree that although this guy did nothing wrong initially, as he was exercising his right to bear arms, he obviously has a problem with authority. If a policeman comes up to you and asks what you’re doing, you don’t say “nothing” and continue to walk away. You stop and politely answer “I’m taking my son on a ten-mile hike in order to earn his Eagle Scout merit badge, and I’m armed to protect us against wild boar” (which is a problem in many parts of Texas, although I’m not sure how many attack humans).
You comply with the officer’s request to provide identification, you keep your hands away from your guns, and more than likely he’ll tell you about the ‘concerned citizen’ call they received about somebody walking around with a gun, and wish you a good day.
You don’t act like a lunatic and be confrontational, because he’ll just request backup and then you have the blue wall coming down on you hard. Idiot.
He is learning Lèse-majesté is not tolerated in Texas.
What I saw in that video is near total disregard for Constitutional RIGHTS!
I may agree that the guy being detained and subsequently arrested was acting like an idiot and probably a bit too wound up. But he’s still correct in that he has a right to be secure in his person and his possessions (4th Amendment) as well as his right to bear arms (2nd Amendment).
That cop never ONCE gave PROBABLE CAUSE other than some kind of hearsay that some other citizen said he was carrying a gun. And the usual EXCUSE of personal police officer safety is total bullshit UNLESS there was some sort of THREAT! (Of course, we never saw the entire encounter at point of first contact either.)
So now, this whole thing will be settled in court. And guess who wins there? Hint: the “people” who pay taxes to support the police, prosecutor and court don’t.
Have these cops never heard of “innocent until proven guilty”? There’s so many constitutional violations here. Any cop that thinks they are exempt from the law should be put into a maximum security prison for life without possibility of parole. Cops have a DUTY to uphold our constitutional liberties, to follow the law, and to let how a citizen responds to them influence their job in any way, shape, or form.
“there are feral hogs”
Seriously, don’t they have a gym in Texas? And what are they feeding active duty military personnel these days?
Hey! If you don’t want to go for a long walk in the country that’s YOUR right! Although I would recommend at least carrying a cell phone for your own protection so that you can call your local police or wild life official should any dangerous animal (like even another human) try to harm or eat you. I’m sure any dangerous animal you come across will be willing to wait while you’re placed on hold and/or while the authorities travel to your location. (If you believe that then I think I may have some Florida real estate for sale too.)
But to be stopped and frisked (searched) with no probable cause only to be arrested is nothing short of outrageous! That cop rudely interrupted that man’s day so I can easily see an attitude developing too! After all, the police stopped him on the word of some other nut calling in to report some guy out walking around – IN TEXAS! It may be a bit out of the norm but it’s still every American’s right to be able to do it with or without a gun.
The fact that Joe Citizen visibly had a gun simply does NOT fall under the heading of suspicion UNLESS he were pointing it somewhere or using it as a club to beat his kid. Of course, running away or having his hands in his pants while trying to conceal something or even having a conversation with someone who isn’t there could also be considered suspicious and possibly be reason to make contact. Otherwise, the only reasonable suspicion we can see is totally based on a LEGAL right and someone Else’s hearsay.
But really. A more knowledgeable officer might have asked the guy to place the weapon(s) on the ground (with one hand) and step back if there was any sort of police safety issue. But then any sort of “request” like that from a Texas cop probably would have been at the point of another gun.
fuck all jackboots
Fuck all IDIOT jackboots. The rest of them we can keep!
The suspect seemed a little too over the top for my tastes. I just had 5 sheriff’s deputies at my place for a break in a couple of weeks ago and I was carrying open the whole time. I told them I had a permit and one said “I don’t care”. Not a one of them had a problem with me carrying and they have seen me mowing with a gun on. I exercise my rights all the time. Sort of like a freedom of navigation exercise by the Navy.
You mow your lawn with a handgun or assault weapon? Just curious . Settle down
Some people ALSO like wearing pants too!
Thanks for the insight!
Not me. Just the Glock on my hip. But I have given long thought to carrying one of my shotguns or AKs when I mow.
We have feral rabbits and garter snakes.
Ahh, That has some merit.
I’m from the city so people doing yard work in camo, thongs and indian outfits is not unusual but carrying weapons would be.
Great way to test the safety.
First off, video might be a hoax. Staged.
Second— remember OPSEC folks!
Don’t parade around with your guns. The guy seems a little bit “off”. I smell something fishy…..
I’ll say this as an ex-cop.
When you hear a police officer say “We’re exempt from the law”, his status as a peace officer is immediately void. You are justified in the deployment and use of lethal force in an immediate defense of life situation.
With or without cops present, there are still LAWS! And no matter how you feel about that idiot COP, he TOO is a CITIZEN! So if you’re going to use lethal force then you better have a damned good reason for doing it such as if you thought your life was in jeopardy.
Otherwise, I agree! Once a cop says he’s exempt from the law he no longer should be considered a LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICIAL! Now, try and convince the OTHER cops of that! Good luck.
I watched the video and read the linked article. This guy brought on this incident because of his general attitude. When a cop asks you a question, you answer the question. You don’t respond with “…does it matter? Am I breaking any laws?”. As a so-called “soldier” he should have known better, even if the cop was being an ass.
This is a case of a dickhead getting what he deserved.
I disagree. It’s more like Bevis MEETS Butthead.
Two immovable objects collide, and …
… (What’s my name?)
Cops went around confiscating guns after Katrina and that led to this.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
The Louisiana House of Representatives unanimously approved House Bill 760 today. House Bill 760 forbids law enforcement from confiscating firearms from law abiding citizens during times of civil disorder.
How would they determine which are law abiding citizens?
Lots of notes here:
Note the officers’ ignorance of the rules they are there to uphold, the suggestion that the law doesn’t apply in this “day and age,” /// that is a very ignorant thing to say. I think the officers Captain needs a good reeming for that statement and a session in a good re-education camp
and the persistent claim that American citzens are presumed to have their weapons illegally unless otherwise demonstrated. /// Thats overstated but fair simply meaning guns are dangerous and if you want to display one in public and the police have nothing better to be doing, you ought to explain why you are armed and your legal right to do so.
Note the officer’s claim that merely owning a gun makes someone dangerous. /// Possession and display is the actual danger.
Note the conflation of a soldier in a war zone with a citizen in rural Texas. /// I don’t get that. Must be some kind of Texas talk.
Note the presistent refusal to explain what law Grisham has broken. /// Police aren’t required to give any reason–just have a reason which I don’t think was present here.
Particularly chilling is the officer’s telling Grisham that a police officer is “allowed to” carry a weapon, /// thats true, so how can that be chilling?
but that Grisham is not /// that also is basically true–in most locales. Again, overstated….but how can you more easily shift focus from the anti-authoritarian stupidly moronic gun owner protecting himself from feral hogs than to point out the excesses of the hog he actually encoutered?
Let me be clear: COPS ARE DANGEROUS.
Interact at your own peril.
It might be a good idea to call or go to your local police and get their approval BEFORE you take a walk like that too! But if you visit in person you may want to strip down to wearing only a Speedo swim suit so that the cops don’t get overly concerned for their own safety. I might even say get naked but I’m sure there are laws on that one.
Cops are indeed dangerous. And that’s because most of them are products of a public education system that never taught them how to THINK! (And yes, I see the humor of a paramilitary organization accustomed to taking orders and needing to think too. But for cops, they do need to have this ability since the brains of the outfit is often nowhere to be found.)
A few different angles to this.
The situation likely could have been avoided if the gentlemen was a bit more cooperative.
Sure you have rights, but taking a second to politely explain yourself goes a long way.
Being former military, maybe that’s why the LEOs don’t have a problem with me next to a busy highway carrying my guns, courtesy.
Hell, I found a gun next to the road mowing one time. Called the police, did not touch it and sat there on the mower until they arrived all while wearing my gun. Turned out to be a fancy fake.
Do you live in a ghetto or a dangerous area that you choose to carry a pistol? I never understood the either open or concealed carry unless you are a business owner and need to deposit cash at the bank or under your mattress.
I live in the country. Although it isn’t in town it is too close to the asshats doing home invasions, shootings and general badness.
Like I said, we have feral bunnies and garter snakes.
Have you considered capturing, nurturing and then releasing God’s creatures to other area safe from humans?
‘law doesn’t apply in this day and age’
That’s what happens when you have liberals saying the Second Amendment doesn’t apply in this day and age.
It is a natural tendency of a government to want your guns and your money. And also to want to take away your right to speak freely.
Of course, before they can attack the First Amendment they need to attack the Second Amendment.
The second ammendnent is perfectly fine. You should read it. Make note of the part that says ‘… well regulated militia..” and ask a 5th grade civics kid what it means.
What is a militia?
mi·li·tia [mi-lish-uh]
1. a body of citizens enrolled for military service, and called out periodically for drill but serving full time only in emergencies.
2. a body of citizen soldiers as distinguished from professional soldiers.
3. all able-bodied males considered by law eligible for military service.
4. a body of citizens organized in a paramilitary group and typically regarding themselves as defenders of individual rights against the presumed interference of the federal government.
From 1777 (about the time the U.S. Constitution was written)
“system of military discipline,” from L. militia “military service, warfare,” from miles “soldier” (see military). Sense of “citizen army” (as distinct from professional soldiers) is first recorded 1696, perhaps from Fr. milice. In U.S. history, “the whole body of men declared by law amenable to military service, without enlistment, whether armed and drilled or not” (1777).
Some people consider the National Guard to be the militia. The majority of people do not and neither does current U.S. law.
OK, so maybe Dallas has a point, that for women it is only a right to bare arms.
Einstein mentioned those that use verbose responses intended to deflect from the issue …..
anyway, u suggesting the 2nd ammendment gun thing was not intended for hunting ferrel bunnies but rather to the well regulated militia?
Either way, well regulated to me includes the simple philosophy of checking backgrounds.
The bipartisan, senate majority approved and overwhelming citizen support of ‘background checks’ is related.
As someone who doesn’t understand the need to carry guns and who doesn’t trust cops I thought this was hilarious. A fitting end would be them shooting each other.
“Where are you going with that pressure cooker”
:None of your business
“OK then, Sir. Have a nice day!”
Is it me or is there an overweight John C. Dvorak doppelgänger in the Youtube thumbnail?
I live near Temple.
Nobody I know is afraid of feral hogs and cougars to the extent that they would carry an assault weapon to protect themselves.
A .45 caliber sidearm would be more than enough protection against any wildlife in the area.
It seems to me this idiot was trying to provoke a confrontation with the police in order to make a point.
If the idiot had handled the situation differently, the police would have handled the situation differently.
I think the officers responded appropriately.
P.S. It is extremely unlikely that a feral hog or a cougar would attack someone that is hiking through open country.
Feral Hogs and cougars avoid humans if they can.
I could hike ten miles across open country near Temple and not feel threatened enough by the wildlife to consider carrying a sidearm, although I would have the right to do so.
P.P.S. I challenge anyone to find reports of feral hogs or cougars attacking people while they are hiking through the country near Temple or anywhere in Texas.
I have encountered feral hogs in south Texas and elsewhere in the open country and I never felt threatened enough to consider needing a firearm.
The entire video is exaggerated hyperbole intended to convince people that the right to bear arms is under attack by law enforcement and the AntiChrist Obama.
The video is more amusing than an Alex Jones rant.
But there might be atheists and/or liberals around. They are extremely dangerous and are known to carry portable rockets and shoot on sight.
On a more serious note, taking two guns along for a hike with your son does seem a bit excessive. And the master sergeant does seem to be looking for a conflict – at least verbally. Without seing the beginning of the encounter – it is impossible to say.
Liberals aren’t dangerous. The only love violence when someone else does it on their behalf.
Actually, a rogue beaver can tear out a man’s heart.
is “should or shouldn’t” your standard of law now?
It doesn’t really matter WTF he should or shouldn’t have done, or expected, or tried.
What he did was legal, if you don’t like it you can try (again unsuccessfully) to change the law.
Glad you think the black shirts acted appropriately. And since you live there, you can enjoy the tax increase you will have to fork over once a jury explains that if your pet pigs get off their leash, it’s you who gets the bill.
Cup you are a tool.
I am a tool of common sense and rational thinking.
I guess I disappoint you.
The video starts with the officer telling the person that he will be disarmed until he is determined not to be a threat.
Yes, the police officer can disarm someone until he determines the gun is legal.
The time to confront the behavior of the police is in court, not while the police are responding to a call.
He was resisting the police and being belligerent.
I would have felt threatened as a cop until I could determine what was going on.
You continue to DWELL on what everyone here (except the RightwingNuts who are barely conscious about anything) already knows.
YES THE COP IS DANGEROUS–so must be treated with kid gloves==but NOT the apologia you offer.
Not too subtle a point of distinctions.
Maybe this will draw it out of you: was the cop doing the best job you can imagine a cop doing in the circumstances presented? -or- how would you have handled it?
I don’t think I’m imagining too much given this is in hindsight that I would notice a Dad with his Kiddie on a hiking trail?…….and find something better to do with my time?
The cops were responding to call about somebody carrying a gun.
They did not swoop down on this poor hapless person without reason.
The police did not know any facts when they arrived on the scene. They did not know the gun is legal. They did not know the kid is hiking with his father.
They cannot reasonably assume they know anything until they take the necessary steps to establish the facts.
Are you people stupid?
Yes, they may have not handled the situation perfectly, and yes, they may have said something inappropriate, but the time to address those issues is in court, with a complaint, not while the police are responding to a call.
As the self-proclaimed purveyor of common sense, perhaps you can understand the lack of such demonstrated by the gestapo.
This is a classic GunNutJob. Clearly mentally unstable. These are the scary f*@ks that make us all afraid by a society armed to the teeth.
If I saw him walking around my neighborhood, I’d report him too.
Cup read the declaration of independence followed by the bill of rights followed by the constitution. Then see if the position you are taking is still logical.
Trex read the same I said for cup to read. He is a Sargent major in the military all military read these treaties because they swear an oath to uphold them and they expect the same to be done by any other “official”. The word “gun nut” are inventions of the media you consume. And bear no weight in the reality of the place you reside. This logic you stand on is the same logic the people of Germany took with the reign of Hitler. And hittler fully understood to control the state you must control the minds of the people.
1) The cops initially just wanted to see why he was carrying an assault rifle and if it’s legal. The rifleman escalted the incident.
2) You always have to follow instructions from the police, even if you think they are legally wrong. Otherwise you are subject to arrest. Period.
3) If this rifleman was in your living room with your family present. And he is acting like THAT (mad, excited, distrubed)! Would you hand the rifle back to him? If you would you are nuttier than you look.
4) What does being a military man have to do with this incident? Hint: Nothing.
1) The cops initially just wanted to see why he was carrying an assault rifle and if it’s legal. The rifleman escalted the incident.
Correct. They were also responding to a call. They did not swoop down on him and decide to harass him for no reason.
2) You always have to follow instructions from the police, even if you think they are legally wrong. Otherwise you are subject to arrest. Period.
Correct, in most cases. It is best to follow directions from law enforcement even if you think they are wrong about the law. The time to settle a dispute about the law is in court. Most people do not know the law and assume they do.
I cannot reasonably expect to exercise my 2nd Amendment rights by walking down my street with my shotgun strapped to my chest and act surprised because my neighbors called the police wondering why I am walking around with a shotgun.
American citizens are presumed to be acting illegally unless otherwise demonstrated.
What ever happened to ‘innocent before proven guilty”
After all its not as if we are in Mexico with “fast and furious”
Perhaps we got the gun in a cracker jack box or online on Craiglist
Im guessing a lot of you folks don’t live in open carry states or counties, as long as I’m not threatening anyone in my county I could carry an AR-15 into the grocery store, the store can kick me out, but it’s not against the law, and law enforcement doesn’t have any reason to stop and interrogate me, in fact in my county you can see people armed to the teeth, no one cares unless they get threatening. The cop is lucky the trained Vet didn’t kill him when he tried to grab his gun without asking, a simple reflex action and the cop would be dead, you NEVER grab a gun unless it’s a life or death issue, it’s as stupid as pointing a gun at someone.
Well, agreed. The cop was extremely stupid. But, so was the citizen. It clearly was NOT a regular “open carry in an area where it is common” kind of situation.
Of course it wasn’t an “open carry in Times Square” situation either.
Both cop and citizen are good candidates for some medication from what I can see.
Open carry on a hiking trip in the backwoods of Texas, where there are feral pigs that will rush people in some situations. Is not a regular open carry in an area where it is common? I guess you don’t know Texas.
Feral hogs are talented at avoiding humans. Their behavior is proof that they are intelligent.
Feral hogs will only rush a human when they feel cornered or trapped. This is a highly unlikely scenario when somebody is simply out for a hike.
Feral hog hunters will tell you that hogs are always on the move and difficult to find and kill.
The idea that someone feels threatened by the wildlife around Temple Texas is hilarious.
They obviously don’t know Texas.