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You got it honey, that was weird. Should I ask to try it next time, fully loaded?
Damn, beat me to it. So to speak.
so many punchlines, but i’ll behave myself.
and just when you thought youth popular
culture couldn’t get any nuttier. i suspect
she will regret this, and why o why would
you shoot video and post it to youtube?
Kids these days. They’re too immature to realize that their stupid videos are going to haunt them FOREVER.
Someone will do this wrong and win First Place in the Darwin Awards.
First thought was as quote from Firesign Theater.
“Well, I don’t want to sanction stupidity as our national sports, still I have
to admire this young man’s dogged nerve and rubber determination.”
i bet your daddy is so proud of you……stupid crosseyed bitch !
So much digital culture out there, I applaud this young lady’s analog fun.
Another posting involving condoms. What’s the fascination with these little rubber objects?
Even Bevis and Butthead are getting bored.
She’s obviously a virgin if she thinks that condom was long.
Boy is she going to be in for a BIG surprise someday (pun intended).
I can’t watch the video right now, recording thru my sound card, so what does she do????
Ha, ha…….. who cares…. and why.
Snorting implies she puts it in her nose, or reverse snorting would be to blow it up?
Ah…a little titillation for the totally repressed. Its afternoon in America.
This blog is so lucky to have the moderating effect of your maturity woven into it’s essence.
Ooh! Thats one is going to leave blood in my stool.
You Know—culture critics are never appreciated in their own time, much less Jr critics.
But that was a good one!
When you do this sort of affirmation first before other responders appear … do you find that it minimizes all of the legitimate ‘me too’ responses? But maybe you don’t know.
Well, P/M==THAT would be “active manipulation” whereas like 99% here, I’m just kneejerking my first response.
If I actually think about it at all, I start writing haiku’s which is why they only rarely appear.
Little Girl, Oh My
Condom up your pretty nose
Three years past too shy?
And we wonder why the corps want the jobs overseas.
Come on, condom snorting was old even when I was a teenager in the last millennium.
I thought the fun things to do were auto-erotic asphyxiation and huffing gasoline or paint thinner.
I must have missed out on all the fun.
Victim of government-run education and the feminist movement. Her parents must be so proud.
I gotta wonder if it wasn’t some sort of minor (as in “under age 18”) sort of thing. But then, isn’t that a good topic? How kids these days are basically becoming sex perverts?!
Where’s Vinnie Barbarino when you need him?
Up your nose with a rubber hose.
Twice as far with a chocolate bar.
Today’s youth have a short memory when it comes to stupidity.
This reminds me of the Chubby Bunny / Fluffy Bunny challenge that so many young kids were doing a few years ago…
Until some kids died from it.