Explosions in Copley Square

by Zuri Berry on Apr 15, 2013 at 5:15 PM
Video shot by Steve Silva, Boston.com Producer, at the scene of the first explosion


Two explosions occurred near the Boston Marathon finish line at 2:50 p.m. The race was diverted before being halted as police and fire crews swept the area. Another device was found, which was purposely detonated by Boston Police at Boylston Street. Another incident at JFK Library, which was thought to be a fourth-related incident, is now being considered as a fire-related issue by the Boston Police Department. Two people are dead and 107 are injured. >>> This is a developing story.

UPDATE: Arrest made in Boston of suspect ID’d from CCTV video.. TV talking heads got it wrong, again! Actually, hollering ongoing between police bodies as to whether or not someone’s in custody. Cripes.

UPDATE: Live coverage via Reuters in Watertown, Massachusetts, following overnight shootout.

  1. deowll says:

    The actual explosive material appears to have been something made in a garage or a basement out of rather generic materials. Way to much smoke and not enough dead bodies as any fan of Myth Busters would know.

    The makers failed to throw in a double hand full of nails or pea gravel or things would have been much worse. I’m guessing they used timers that weren’t in absolute sync.

    Whoever did this may not have left a trail on line because there’s no reason that they should though I’m sure a lot of people are going to do a lot of looking and Congress will vote to turn over every electronic communication to the spooks without having to get a warrant or inform anyone. Congress is full of sniveling cowards eager to show the world they lack all vestiges of sound judgement in a crisis.

    I’m not even going to venture a guess at a motive at this point. With little luck that will come out. Some security camera most likely filmed everyone putting trash into those trash cans if the claim that is where the bombs were planted turns out to be correct.

    I don’t think many people were part of the cell that made and deployed the bombs.

    I do expect a staggering amount time and money is going to spent because of this which will in no way enhance the safety of the American people but politicians have to been seen fixing the problem.

    Time will tell how close I’m guessing to reality.

    • moss says:

      Take a look at more videos and stills. The second bomb looks a lot hotter than the first.

    • moss says:

      Ball bearings confirmed.

      • deowll says:

        Maybe you found a better source than I did or not really. Somebody saw something on an X-ray they thought looked like BBs. The first hospital that reported out didn’t find any. Maybe they need to think about it for a while. I’m fairly confident we are getting a lot of brain farts from people that are confabulating what they saw and heard, normal under the circumstances, so being to sure is just another way to be wrong.

    • MikeN says:

      Boston libraries are notorious for not complying with the Patriot Act, not keeping records of who uses the computers, etc.

    • wow says:

      >The makers failed to throw in a double hand full of nails or pea gravel

      How do you know that? How on earth could you possibly have ascertained that based on the videos?

      I will bet $100 you have ZERO professional experience with explosives or bombs. You are talking from your ass.

      Shut up. Please.

      • deowll says:

        They asked the guy running the emergency operation at the nearest hospital if there was any added shrapnel and he no. Just debris from the blast. Since he was in a position to know what came out of their patients and they had treated maybe a third of the people injured I was an am willing to take his word for it that his people didn’t see any.

    • Peace and Love says:

      As Obama’s spiritual leader says, “chickens are coming home to roost”
      I’m sure Obama will find out who did it and why, and give them what they want. Problem sorted.

    • moss says:

      Black powder. Is this still easy to buy in gun shops. Used to be.

      • deowll says:

        Black powder is simple to make and the formula is all over the place. People used to make their own. The hard part would be getting the sulfur though getting things exactly right doesn’t seem to be all that easy based on a failure to get the mix to blow up on the myth busters as well as ammonia nitrate and fuel bombs but there are certainly other options and they can do the tests to be sure.

        My point was less what it was than what it wasn’t.

        • moss says:

          Latest – confirms gunpowder composition to be smokeless powder. Still something to buy off the shelf.

  2. ASSumption says:

    Thanks for making my point.

  3. Concerned says:

    Senseless killings by madmen who are free to roam our crowded cities undetected.

    How do you prevent this? You really can’t.

    Best you can do is rat out suspicious behavior and hope that authorities investigate quickly, with due regard to the rights of innocent, law-biding citizens.

    • ECA says:

      Easy way,
      KNOW your neighbors..

    • deegee says:

      “How do you prevent this?”

      Put up some “Bomb Free Zone” signs.

      It works so well for guns.

      • Al E Babba says:


        But you have to admit, they are doing something (even though it’s not really helping – which seems to be the real libtard mantra)…

        So ya! Let’s put up signs so the “legal” people don’t go sploadin just any old place. (You gotta help them dumb-ass AlQuida types you know.)

  4. Sir-Gavin-of-Black-Ops says:

    It was an old IRA trick and copied to great effect by the Bali Bombers – set a small charge to go off in a crowded area – everyone runs toward a much larger charge that has a greater impact because of the rushing crowds….

    It will eventually lead to the decline of people’s desires to go out to live functions and events.

    As Deowll rightly points out – there will be more Homeland $ecurity dollar$ spent on this…..

    That it happened on Patriots Day is not lost on me – and I’m from Australia!


    • Al E Babba says:

      Isn’t that the very GOAL of something like this obvious?

      Isn’t it the goal of any TERRORIST to make people and their leaders so AFRAID to go out into public or spread suspicion around so rampantly that no one freely moves around any more?!


      WAKE UP!

      Sometimes, there are simply DEFECTIVE HUMAN BEINGS TOO!

  5. George says:

    During all the coverage today, I heard someone say that this incident was going to make the job of keeping us safe tougher.

    It occurs to me that the job “they” have been doing up until now didn’t really keep the people injured and killed safe, because it happened in spite of their precautions.

    Yes, they may have a tougher job now, but it just shows that the “safe” part was never really there.

    Look at the footage of the explosion and you can see at least a dozen cops in the frame within 30 or 40 yards of the first explosion. Seems a heavy police presence didn’t deter this attack. If the cops can’t protect people while an attack is happending, what the hell more can be done?

    • Al E Babba says:

      If you were more into conspiracy, you might think this incident was orchestrated to create an OPPORTUNITY to make another grab at power!!!

      For instance, consider the CISPA bill before Congress (which, like Chucky, Freddy or any of those other horror film freaks, is once again back for your horror indulging delight). Now that someone has set off a couple of bombs at the Boston Marathon there is an excellent chance that this incident will be used as a REASON to pass that horrible CISPA legislation which has already failed once before. A bill which will allow “law enforcement” to violate the privacy of anyone they think is a threat.


  6. Phydeau says:

    There are already people on FB saying they’ll never go to the Boston Marathon again. We Americans are pretty soft; it doesn’t take much to terrorize us. 🙁

    Sir G, I saw the video, the two bombs went off within seconds of each other, two blocks away from each other, so I suspect it wasn’t the old IRA trick.

    I agree, there will be more security theater costing billions, to no effect. Great quote from Dwight Eisenhower: “We will bankrupt ourselves in the vain search for absolute security.”

    Patriots Day says to me homegrown terrorists, Tea Party inspired types. But who knows.

    • Mikey says:

      That’s correct, who knows….especially not you.

      Wow, what a despicable piece of crap you are.

      • bobbo, neutering gun nuts with their own lack of ammunition says:

        Hey Mickey–I was gonna disagree and compliment Phydeau. So I read his comment again.

        Physdeau, you do drop the ball with your last line. I’ve not seen any terrorist tendencies in fact or expressed by TeaParty types.

        I wouldn’t call that despicable….. just premature?

        Ha, ha.

        • Phydeau says:

          Sorry folks, I wasn’t clear. I meant off-balance people inspired by Tea Party anti-government rants. Not Tea Party types themselves. But as we’ve seen, those who preach hatred have nutballs take them seriously and do harm.

          • bobbo, mindless violence is so much worse than blogging says:

            I hate it when that happens. Glad/sad to see I’m not alone.

            “Lately” I’ve seen some good TeaParty work going against the Republican Party’s pro RICH tax positions.

            They aren’t “all” bad. That would be hard to do even with the intent to do so.

            Now…. taken as a whole? Not just the fringe?? Truly…. I think its what catches your attention more than anything else?

          • bobbo, mindless violence is a challenge to society says:

            Reading for the THIRD TIME===you were quite clear. Your error (smile) was being too subtle.

            ….. and yet a gentleman throughout.

            what an example “some people” here could learn from. (?)

          • Phydeau says:

            Thx bobbo, who knows, once the TPers see that they’re being screwed by the rich too, they’ll come around…

          • deowll says:

            You nanny state fans like to say that and when given the option to put up samples you are doing good to get video of some person yelling at their elected officials at a town hall meeting while still taking turns and giving the other side the right to respond.

            It’s easy to find records of OWS fans getting arrested in job lots and very hard to find evidence of the Tea-Party crowd getting arrested as ones. One guy managed recently but he wasn’t threatening to do bodily harm. He was threatening to do political harm.

            I’m forced on the bases of evidence to conclude that the Tea-Party crowd is the non violent group in America. That is the pro-Constitution crowd is also the law and order crowd and the anti-Constitution nanny state, anti gun crowd throw bricks and engages in violent acts. Why isn’t clear, maybe they feel entitled after all they are fight for “justice” or something. Maybe they are modeling themselves after the French Revolutionaries.

            In any event this straying from the topic originally under discussion.

    • ArianeB says:

      As soon as I heard Boston, April 15th, and Patriot Day, I jumped to the same conclusion, and the fact that another device went off at the JFK library pretty much confirmed it.

      This is probably a lone bomber, working by himself, who lives in Boston, inspired by extreme right wing politics.

      It’s not Al Qaida, it would have been better orchestrated, would not have been aimed only at civilians, and they would have already posted something online to take credit.

  7. ECA says:

    I really hate to say this..
    But this looks MORE like an end event GONE WRONG..

    A big Bang for the winner of the event, that DIDNT WORK..
    So they let it go, it didnt work as planned so LET it sit there until later..

    Some IDIOT, designed/setup, and didnt know what they were doing…(grade school intelligence GONE WRONG)

    Gun power in Plastic garbage cans..and OTHERS threw in GARBAGE on top..(its a CAN STUPID)..

    Or 2 flash bangs with smoke..
    I would think with all the security going on around the area(??). that things like this would have been spotted EARLY. So something tells me it was setup LATER..
    I see nothing here to show a CONCERTED Effort to cause Damage.

    • So What? says:

      However, the perpetrator would almost certainly know how to use capitalization and know how to spell.

    • Dallas says:

      Good point. This does appear to be amateur and an event gone wrong. I’m betting they identify the scumbags under two weeks

  8. Sea Lawyer says:

    And just think. The revolutionary “patriots” being being celebrated in Boston today would be called “home-grown” or domestic terrorists by today’s standards.

    • Chris Donahue says:

      They would be considered terrorists if they lost. History is written by the victors.

  9. ECA says:

    Look at the windows around the explosion.
    Nothing happened.
    This was a VERY poor explosive..

    • sargasso_c says:

      There is no good explosive, but your point is well taken.

    • Bob says:

      Real life is not like the movies. Things don’t usually blow up, make a huge fireball and then blow up the next couple of cars near by. Usually an anti-personnel bomb like this only uses the explosion to proper shrapnel in all directions. I.e. you don’t need a huge explosion to hurt allot of people, or a huge compression wave.

      Even anti-tank land mines look more like a guiser of dust and dirt than an explosion as we are use to seeing on the big screen.

  10. bobbo, neutering gun nuts with their own lack of ammunition says:

    Its already been said, but bears repeating—you/we/society cannot secure life from all its threats. Lets not over react or worse use the event to justify something worse. So far, our track record hasn’t been very good on this competent management response.

    If political or terrorist….aren’t those mostly advertised for the credit? So, in a vacuum, just for fun, looks like “crazy” to me.

    Crazy should be responded to by better social services====not cops and jails.

    ……………we’ll see.

    • bobbo, mindless violence is so much worse than blogging says:

      Hah. Reading the Header===Three Bombs were set? Too much work for crazy. Terrorist not yet taking credit is now my guess in a vacuum. I don’t know why “Free Maldavia” comes to mind….old tv show silly plot line?

      So…..review the videotapes, get Sherlock Holmes on the case as a consultant… and catch the bastards. Hang them in public at the location of the bombs. Let their bodies twist and rot in the public square. Anyone who speaks up in their defense–arrest, prosecute, and put them in jail for life.

      A good proportionate response.

      NO MORE MONEY/INVASION OF RIGHTS for security theater.

      • Bob says:

        “NO MORE MONEY/INVASION OF RIGHTS” its ironic you say that in all caps, when just two sentences earlier you say put anyone in jail who speaks up in their defense.

  11. noname says:

    Pointless evil, as all evil is.

    I hope the FBI … can piece together source & design of the bomb. I would like to know what if any group is claiming credit. What intelligence did we have and when did we have it. It’s not like we aren’t been listening and recording everyone’s phone calls, emails, travels, ….

    I hope when Obama vows ‘full weight of justice’ it is not just empty of everything American and becomes another Guantanamo on steroids, excuse for waterboarding bonanza, uber USA PATRIOT Act or more covert missions that never see the light of day. I want good old fashioned American Justice, the kind that stands up in the light of day and speaks truth to power and openly shares the evidence. America needs what Obama promised, honest commitment to creating an unprecedented level of openness in Government

    If American’s don’t have faith that we can’t have a robustly honest and open government then the terrorist have indeed destroyed America!

    After all the trillions wasted, needless American life sacrificed to poor deployment and Laws we passed throwing away our freedoms and rights, we should be able to expect much better than another 9/11 ignorant fumbled response from our government. How much more can American’s give “the government” to do a basic job right and intelligently! I dare not call it “our government” because it protects what it cares for, itself and craps holy shit on the average American by design!

    I would hate to see Boston become another NY with camera everywhere, but that may be inevitable now. The perp is bound to be on some camera in the vicinity, one moment they have a package next moment they don’t.

    I really like Boston; it feels like an open and inviting city. I hope that doesn’t change.

    I guess anything symbolic dealing with America’s founding that attracts crowds will be a target.

  12. Hugo Smedlap says:

    People in Pakistan say “welcome to our world”.

  13. Mextli says:

    As others have said there is no guarantee of safety anywhere nor can we legislate it.

    It does seen there are more random acts of violence. Not only from the ever popular guns but from knives, explosives, etc.

    Threads unraveling from the fabric of society?

    • bobbo, mindless violence is a challenge to society says:

      Not Exactly. Life has its challenges. What does “no society” even mean? Random bear maulings?

      No—random acts of terrorism is simply a fact of life. Society remains intact===DEPENDING====on its response to these incidents.

      I’m just very happy the Second Amendment did not include the right to bear arm and small explosives.

      • noname says:

        2nd Amendment implies gun power (small explosives).

        Given the amount of ammunition people seem to be stockpiling in case of a government break down, invasion, July 4th or New Year’s celebrations, ….; people seem to have plenty of small explosives.

        • bobbo, mindless violence is a challenge to society says:

          It does?

          Just as having a musket implies having automatic weapons? That kind of implication?

          Sad for you, even those men in dresses EXPRESSLY disagree with you.

          You know what Expressly means don’t you???—Its the opposite of implicitly. aka where a provision is made express, all implications to the contrary are negated.

          I know. Words. What ya gonna do?

          • noname says:

            bobbo the mindless, are bullets illegal?

            What causes those bullets to go pop, as in EXPLODE?

            Could it be gunpowder that goes boom?

            Again, 2nd Amendment implies you can indeed have explosives. Page 15 in the PDF link has the federal info.

            Local fire code and such can overrule Fed rules.

            In short for gunpowder::
            25lbs can be transported in private vehicles.

            50lbs in private vehicles in an approved magazine.

            20lbs stored in a residence in original containers

            50lbs in a portable wooden box with walls having a nominal thickness of 1 inch.

            100lbs in a fixed wooden box with walls of 1 inch.

          • bobbo, mindless violence is a challenge to society says:

            Gee nogame==words gain meaning from their context. Let me say that again: CONTEXT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            Do you think the Boston Explosives were bullets set to go off or some other “device?” or as Pedro might say: “devise?”

            Ha, ha. But I dither…..

          • noname says:

            bobbo again why are you so mindless?

            Who said Boston explosion was bullets!

            Bullets contain gun powder. Gun powder is easily obtained from bullets (as many country boys will tell you) or you can just buy your powder direct.

            Without gun powder you have no “musket”. Muskets and gunpowder are protected by 2nd Amendment’s right of the people to keep and bear arms, Duffus!

            Stored Gunpowder is not a so “small explosives!”

            You can claim your meaningless sense of “context” all you want.

            The fact is Stored Gunpowder is not a so “small explosives!” and this is easily obtain legally in multitude of ways.

          • bobbo, mindless violence is a challenge to society says:

            noname = nogame.

          • noname says:

            Oh I am so hurt!

            Is that your best, “noname = nogame”?

            Your such a simple minded child just trying to play!

            Pls sir, can I have another!

            mindless bobbo, never knowing what name your moma is going call you by day to day, sad!

        • deegee says:

          Modern “ammunition” (ie. cartridge-based bullets) use a propellant commonly called “smokeless powder”.
          They do not use “explosives”.

          Smokeless powder, a small pellet shaped solid propellant, when ignited will undergo deflagration (a slow flare-like burn at subsonic speed) and not detonation.

          Very few people who purchase firearms and ammunition also purchase actual “explosives”, unless they happen to be using the explosives in creating an underground bunker in solid rock or something like that…

          • noname says:

            All you idiots out there are going to say a packaged “pound” of this “Smokeless powder” is not a bomb that explodes?

            I wounder “bobbo the ever mindless” + you deegee can hold a M80 while a friend lights it and runs away? After all a M80 only has 80 grains of gunpowder, so it should not explode right?

            You both a convinced yourself of your technicalities, that this will effectively prevent a M80 it from exploding and taking parts of your hand with it!

          • deegee says:

            noname said:

            All you idiots out there are going to say a packaged “pound” of this “Smokeless powder” is not a bomb that explodes?

            Go ahead and try it yourself.
            Wrap some smokeless powder in a paper package and light it.
            You will get flaring but no explosion.
            Maybe you should google what deflagration vs detonation means.

            Your comment about holding an M-80 is also blatantly false with regards to its contents.
            The M-80 large firecracker contains pyrotechnic flash powder, it does not contain firearm ammunition smokeless powder.

            My previous comment was only to clear up the false information regarding firearm “ammunition” powder.

            The bomb most likely used a high explosive, such as nitro-based.
            Again, firearm ammunition powder is NOT a high explosive.

            Please google some facts before posting.
            Just because something goes bang to one degree or another does not mean that it uses the same substance.

          • deegee says:

            noname said earlier:

            Bullets contain gun powder. Gun powder is easily obtained from bullets

            “Bullets” as you call them, do not use “gun powder” (aka black powder).
            They use Cordite, a propellant (aka smokeless powder).

            There is a huge difference between the two.
            Both in chemical composition and in what happens when you ignite them.

            When you purchase ammunition for your modern firearm, be it a handgun or rifle, the cartridge contains cordite, and not black powder.
            Only those very few people who own muskets are using black powder (aka gun powder).

            Please educate yourself on the topic before posting.

          • noname says:

            deegee, are you really that unlearned, ignorant and clueless of what an EXPLOSION is!?!

            Explosions can be nothing more than over pressurizing a container with a high burst pressure that leads to the failure of the container!

            The over pressurization can result from material that undergoes a Large Volume Change Phase Transformations.

            A slow rate of over pressurization can EXPLODE; just as, a fast rate of over pressurization can EXPLODE.

            Over pressurizing a container can be easily done with non-explosives such as water, as seen when a water heater EXPLODES. Much to your ignorant chagrin, it can also be done with Smokeless powder!

            You are really speaking out of your ass when you project your Straw Man augment: “Wrap some smokeless powder in a paper package and light it.
            You will get flaring but no explosion.”

            Your Straw Man is your augment and not mine! You argue from assertions as empty as your head!

            Grow UP and stop being a whinny little child!

  14. MikeN says:

    So the only question is whether Obama allowed the atrocity to happen, or if it was his minions that did the deed.

    • bobbo, mindless violence is a challenge to society says:

      You’ll get the memo soon enough. That Jones guy is already saying its a gubment set up to further take away our liberties.

      You know—-some arguments are lost by the company they keep.

      • Tim says:

        You find Jones unsavory, I’m thinking. Why, exactly? Pointing out democide? Pointing out ulterior motives behind stupid public policies such as calling into question if nazi fluoridation really was an excersize in oral hygenics? Yelling at Prick Morgan is just goshe? Tangy Tangarine?

        I’ve got it! “Now look here, I don’t need to see no evidence. I know for a fact that my government did not do (…, 1993WTC, 1995OKC, 2001WTC, Ted Danson, …)!”, says Bobo.

        Well, Peter King and company is on the top of my short list after having just viewed him beaming with delight explaining the need for increased ‘homeland security’ funding –Because, you know, a bomb sniffing dog every three feet does leave one a wee bit short when it comes to procurement of the bullhorns in which to shout “Do not be alarmed. This is only a drill.”

        You know — everything is lost by a group of minds which will not countenance the suggestion that an agency within government does these things to it’s own people. Indeed, it demands of government that they do so.

  15. Al E Babba says:

    However you look at it, I think most people will agree: Regretfully, terrorism wins another round.

    This incident is surely going to be used as a political platform to pass more legislation designed to keep us all safe while reducing or eliminating more rights and freedom. It’s also going to surely get the spineless politicians to spend more money that will only assist in bankrupting this country that much faster – like adding a couple of more ticks to a dying dog.

    Foreign or Domestic, it really doesn’t matter when terrorism only has one goal. Just taking time time to react to to a terrorist already means he/she/they/it already partly won. Allowing one’s self to become scared and over react is just more thick delicious icing on that horrible cake we recognize as oppression.

    • bobbo, mindless violence is a challenge to society says:

      Only a terrorist would say terrorism has already won.

      Why you say dat?

    • Phydeau says:

      I agree Al… not that they’ve completely won but we’ve done a lot of self-inflicted damage to ourselves with our mindless reaction to terrorist events. Security theater!

      Terrorists can’t destroy a country, they can only scare it into destroying itself.

  16. Hmeyers says:

    Not much info known at this point.

    Gut instinct says this wasn’t foreign Muslim terrorists — most of them don’t know what Boston is, few of them know about marathons.

    Probably less are willing to have a probe jammed up their rear by the TSA for wearing a turban.

    Probably domestic. But without facts, who knows …

  17. orchidcup says:

    Get ready for body scanners on the sidewalks in the city where you live.

    This too will end up being a nut job looking for 5 minutes of fame.

  18. orchidcup says:

    Some news sources are already calling this a “terrorist attack” without any facts to back it up.

    Hysteria reigns.

  19. Chris Mac says:

    my first thought is, what makes a person go to this extreme.
    mental illness is a good catchall, but terrorism is a much more effective catch phrase

    /s War is hell, and this is “terrorism” fighting back.

    Meanwhile, on most of the planet. Nothing is happening. /s

  20. The0ne says:

    I admit it, I farted pretty good there. Enjoy.

  21. Captain Obvious says:

    Quit blaming groups (left/right, foreign/domestic, religious/atheist). That’s just self indulgent ass-holery. It’s the work of insane bastards and death is too good for them.

  22. Sebastién Ferré says:

    Obama ready to blame patriots and veterans.

  23. Captain Obvious says:

    Boston is a great city. The don’t need this shit, but they can handle it.

  24. Mr Diesel says:

    3 dead, more than 140 injured. Limbs lost and limbs amputated due to injury. Yes, ball bearings.

    Saudi “student” is a person of interest not a suspect.

    All the people killed by a Muslim screaming Allahu Akbar at Ft Hood and the White House says it is workplace violence, you know, just like a postal worker. But three people die and suddenly it is terrorism according to Obomba.

    Going to go after them? Oooooh, I feel so much safer now that the idiot in chief has spoken. Where is all the drone footage? Why couldn’t we use a Predator with a Hellfire to take them out as they placed the bomb, you know like all the children Obomba has killed in the last 4 years in Pakistan in the same way.

    I’m pretty sure it was Occupy Wall Streeters trying to clear a spot to rape woman or take a shit in the gutter.

    You cannot protect against one person who is willing to trade their life for a cause. Whether a Nutjob, Progressive, Democrat, Republican, Tea Party or Patriot.

  25. msbpodcast says:

    The property damage was not even that impressive. (A cheap-o action movie blows up more shit and more impressively than those IEDs…)

    A couple of people killed and a few dozens injured, from some explosions that nobody has claimed responsibility for (yet. [You know that most of these soit disant terrorist acts mean nothing without an underlying cause célèbre as justification.])

    And how many people would have died on a normal day on the highways and byways of Boston?


    Overall, it was business as usual.

  26. ECA says:

    For those that dont get it..
    WHAT IF’
    this was instigated..?

    Im sorry, but in the past, certain agencies have instigated things to make things LOOK BAD..

    The school that was attacked, is interesting, as the person only had hand guns, by what I have heard..The only Rifle was in his trunk.

    Then they will out law large magazines for Rifles?

    HE STOLE the gun from his mother..he didnt own one.

    NOW, regulations on WHO can get a gun.

    They have already Raised the prices on Ammo and Rifles AND guns over the last 10 years. Do you think a person in Pakistan pays $1000 US dollars for a gun? How about in other countries? I dont think so.

    IF a Person REALLY wants a gun. Do you think you can stop him?
    Making POOR gun powder, isnt to hard. And the person DIDNT THINK to well in the first place, OR they didnt want to HURT many people.
    This is either a Very stupid person that CANT tell time, or its instigated.
    He could of harmed more people with a few chemicals in his kitchen and setting the time off at the Peak time.. When people couldnt move around so much.

    There are to many things Wrong with all of this.

  27. moss says:

    The last mile of the marathon, this year, was dedicated to the victims in Sandy Hook.

  28. MikeN says:

    Let’s hope they don’t do a repeat of Atlanta and publicly name the guy who saved a lot of lives as the bomber, just to keep the all secure message intact for the upcoming elections.

  29. moss says:

    If you get the chance, check analysis from Richard Falkenrath following this morning’s press conference in Boston. More than ever, he’s now convinced this is domestic terrorism.

  30. iamliving says:

    After Atlanta, after Oklahoma, after two World Trade Centre attacks and will all the apparent resources available to local, state and federal law enforcement… no one thought to check spectators in such a closed off area like the finish line for explosives, say with dogs perhaps.

    If this isn’t domestic terrorism, it’s most likely a red flag incident.

    My heart goes out the families of the dead and injured but everyone should be asking their governments, why after TRILLION$ of dollars spent and so many civil liberties and freedoms have been eroded the “government” still can’t stop a simple garbage can bomb. Because it’s about FEAR not SAFETY!

    • Phydeau says:

      I would rather have the slight chance of bombs being planted than live in the police state that would be necessary to “protect” us from the slight chance of bombs.

      I do not expect the government to stop a simple garbage can bomb. Because in order to do it, they would have to turn America into a police state.

      The cure would be worse than the disease.

      • Guyver says:

        By trying to gradually invalidate the 2nd Amendment our government is well on its way to turning this country into a police state to prevent future crimes ala Minority Report.

        • Phydeau says:

          The government is already well on its way to turning this country into a police state, even with the 2nd Amendment. It got a big boost after 9/11, when people clamored for their rights to be taken away, for “safety”.

          Seriously, you think there’s going to be an uprising? Your Bushmaster semi-auto against the government’s machine guns, tanks, planes, bombs, and nukes?

          Nice fantasy. Might have actually worked back when the citizens had muskets and the government had muskets and a few cannons. But that was a couple centuries ago.

          • Mr Diesel says:

            Think the government would use nukes on our own soil?

            Think you are going to get the entire US military to turn on its own people?

            You do realize that with very little help and captured weaponry the Afghan rebels held the Soviets at bay for ten years and they ended up winning.

            Freedom fighter and guerrilla warfare will keep a superior force from taking and keeping much of anything.

          • Phydeau says:

            Our economic system is so complex and fragile, all they have to do is put some troops around the Walmart distribution centers and the refineries, i.e. stop the distribution of fuel and food to America. We are not subsistence farmers like the Afghans are. They could live off the land. We can’t.

            The Army would not have to attack anyone in America… just open up the gates to the concentration camps and all of us starving citizens would file right in. You folks with guns could fight over the last few cans of beans, but eventually you’ll file right in too.

            But this is all ridiculous speculation anyway.

          • Guyver says:

            Seriously, you think there’s going to be an uprising? Your Bushmaster semi-auto against the government’s machine guns, tanks, planes, bombs, and nukes?

            Therefore taking away everyone’s right to bear arms is unnecessary.

          • Phydeau says:

            Therefore taking away everyone’s right to bear arms is unnecessary.

            Except for all the murders, suicides, and accidents that occur because of guns being so available.

            So it looks like we agree that guns are useless for defense against the government. Glad we got that straightened out. 🙂

          • Guyver says:

            Except for all the murders, suicides, and accidents that occur because of guns being so available.

            Violent crime has been going down in spite of liberal ideologies: http://tinyurl.com/d8kduxf

            You’re also ignoring hunting, home defense, and sport shooting.

            That all said, D.C.’s focus has been on rifles.

            And the number of ALL deaths due to firearms in this country (~30k) is 0.0000955 of a percent against the estimated population of U.S. Citizens (314 million). Or roughly 9.6 deaths for every 10 million people.

            Even smaller when you account for illegal aliens. Translation: Much ado about nothing. Especially when you account for the reality that hammers and clubs kill more people than rifles.

            So it looks like we agree that guns are useless for defense against the government. Glad we got that straightened out.

            What we do agree on is that liberals want to take away the Bill of Rights due to ideologies and not common sense.

            My point is given that gun violence is not the epidemic you seem to imply. Any gun-related death is ridiculously low (i.e. more children die of natural causes than by gun violence) that trying to take or erode everyone’s Constitutional Right is not necessary.

            If you TRULY felt as passionate about the matter as you seem to portray yourself, you’d be questioning why the chief law enforcement officer in the U.S. (aka Obama) refuses to enforce laws already on the books.

            But in true fashion, you’ll just blame something or someone else because liberals don’t take personal responsibility for their own actions so they don’t expect others to do so either.

          • Phydeau says:

            Since the topic seems to have petered out, I’ll indulge this diversion.

            Sorry that liberal killed your dad, Guyver. That must be why you’re such a foam-at-the-mouth wacko about them. 🙂

            Look, we’ve already agreed that the Constitutional reason for the Second Amendment is now irrelevant. Semi-automatic rifles will not suffice today to overthrow the government. It’s like the Third Amendment. Does anyone even think of that one any more?

            No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

            It’s irrelevant now, just like the Second Amendment.

            And just because you’re a fanatic on the subject, doesn’t mean people who disagree with you are fanatics also. You wackos think that a lot. No, I don’t think there’s an epidemic of gun violence. I just think that since the Constitutional reason for the Second Amendment is gone, we shouldn’t be afraid of limiting access to guns in whatever way we see fit.

            You may think that “only” 30,000 deaths per year is a price worth paying, but I say, what are we paying for? Certainly not anything Constitutional. We’re paying that price so gun lovers can have their guns, that’s it. But there are a lot of gun lovers out there, and the NRA is very well financed by the gun manufacturers, so I don’t expect anything to change. We will have our 30K deaths per year so gun lovers can have their guns. Political power is political power, fine. Just spare us the bullsh@t about how noble it is to own guns.

          • Tim says:

            Ten public servants knock on the door and nine leave with guns ‘n’ perps.

            Nine public servants knock on the door and eight leave with guns ‘n’ perps.

            Eight public servants knock on the door and seven leave with guns ‘n’ perps.

            Seven public servants debate the prudence of knocking on the door…

            Seven public servants knock on the door and Six leave with guns ‘n’ perps…

          • Phydeau says:

            OK, looks like this sub-thread has officially petered out too. Thanks Tim, for whatever that was…

          • Guyver says:

            Think the government would use nukes on our own soil?

            Think you are going to get the entire US military to turn on its own people?

            Keep talking like that and the Obama Administration may deem you an imminent threat and decide to drop a bomb on your house with a drone.

          • Phydeau says:

            Aw, still going? You base most of your argument on assuming the 2nd amendment still limits government power. I disagree, so there’s really no point in talking.

            But I saw that cute little lie you put in there.

            When you’re more likely to be killed by a hammer or club instead of a rifle, and you want to make rifles harder to get, then common sense has clearly flown out the window and you’re only motivated by your ideologies.

            We all know it’s handguns, not rifles, that are the problem. Did you learn that cute little lie at NRA school? 🙂

            And sorry you’re having problems with personal responsibility. Man up, grow up, and face your problems, don’t project them on other people.


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