Explosions in Copley Square

by Zuri Berry on Apr 15, 2013 at 5:15 PM
Video shot by Steve Silva, Boston.com Producer, at the scene of the first explosion


Two explosions occurred near the Boston Marathon finish line at 2:50 p.m. The race was diverted before being halted as police and fire crews swept the area. Another device was found, which was purposely detonated by Boston Police at Boylston Street. Another incident at JFK Library, which was thought to be a fourth-related incident, is now being considered as a fire-related issue by the Boston Police Department. Two people are dead and 107 are injured. >>> This is a developing story.

UPDATE: Arrest made in Boston of suspect ID’d from CCTV video.. TV talking heads got it wrong, again! Actually, hollering ongoing between police bodies as to whether or not someone’s in custody. Cripes.

UPDATE: Live coverage via Reuters in Watertown, Massachusetts, following overnight shootout.

  1. mojo says:

    Boston – Austin? Hmmmm…

    Any anthrax rumors yet? I know the usual suspects are all hot to blame the tea party, but c’mon.

  2. Tommy says:

    Obama approval ratings are going up! Coincidence?

    See how that works, blaming this on the Tea Party is every bit as juvenile as blaming it on a false flag so Obama’s ratings will go up.

    Stop the armchair analysis.

    • Phydeau says:

      See how that works, blaming this on the Tea Party is every bit as juvenile as blaming it on a false flag so Obama’s ratings will go up.

      Stop the armchair analysis.

      Stop the armchair analysts from telling everyone else to stop the armchair analysis. 😀

  3. orchidcup says:

    Now a talking head on TV says the Taliban uses pressure cookers to make IEDs in Afghanistan. Then he says this kind of bomb-making info is available on the intertubes and fairly easy to do.

    So what was his point? Somebody is making this event look like a Taliban attack in order to cover their tracks? The Taliban did it?

    This kind of silly speculation with no available facts is a complete waste of production time and viewing time.

    Somebody did this for attention, and we will all know who did it sooner than later.

    • Hmeyers says:

      I notice you didn’t use the word “news” in your post.


      Obviously, you knew you weren’t watching actual news.

      Someday, someone should sue the news channels for false advertising.

      For example, CNN can just be known as “Cee En En”, where the letters don’t stand for anything in particular — like TNN isn’t the Tenessee News Network any more.

      [I did misspell Tennessee above, but the people in Tennessee won’t notice since they can’t spell it either].

  4. Mr Diesel says:

    They just cleared the Saudi student as a suspect.

  5. mjf says:

    I’m just going to say my thoughts are with the people who were affected by this horrible event and not waste my breath responding to some of the very sick people posting and making light of 3 people including an 8 yr old being killed. I hope you sleep well at night but I’m sure you do.

  6. bobbo, mindless violence is a challenge to society says:

    mif–the targeted audience for terrorist acts says ” some of the very sick people posting and making light of 3 people including an 8 yr old being killed.” //// Which is better, noting that 3 dead is almost a nullity, -OR- what I’ve seen quoted on Tv that “The Boston Marathon has been forever tarnished and after 180 (sic?) years will never be the same.”

    I think NOTHING BETTER can be done than to keep all “incidents” in perspective.

    You Know???

    911 caused the loss of 3000 people and about a Billion in Building Losses. Our response? 100K’s killed, I’ve lost track 1-2-3 Trillion spent just to fight the wars, the taking of many civil liberties even with the most armed population on earth, and of course, justification for reducing the capital gains tax because only the RICH with GUNS can protect us from manufactured unnameable fears.

    Sadly, only STATISTICS can put this all into perspective.

    Statistics. You know statistics. Its what science uses to lie to everyone instead of appeals to emotions or as mif does to revile those who aren’t jacked up on emotions.

    Emotions. True, they make life worthwhile and enjoyable. But not without BALANCE. You all Know what BALANCE is right?

    Silly Hoomans.

    • mjf says:

      I’m referring to fart jokes and talking about the way people scream. Not referring to the political talk which I am not really reading in any depth.

      • bobbo, mindless violence is a challenge to society and cooking clubs across America says:

        So your comments are no more accurate than a pressure cooker bomb eh?

        My error, I thought you were addressing more than the obvious. Kinda stepping on the Captains toes there.

        Quite disrespectful.

    • Hmeyers says:

      I think the Boston Marathon will be ok.

      If it weren’t for the bombing, I wouldn’t have actually known it was happening.

      Only people in Ethiopia watch that. And maybe the other “Feed The Children” countries.

  7. deowll says:

    Okay so we have a bit more, hopefully, solid information. The bombs where inside pressure cookers. They most likely ran on timers and used home made explosives or something equally low yield as I first surmised but the tests to identify what it was have yet to be done. It is now assumed that at least some BBs and nails and maybe ball-barrings where inside the cookers.

    I seriously doubt that the Saudi had jack to do with it or he’d have made a point of being further away but rest assured they will run him through the ringer until he hates Americans.

    While the cops think the cookers are clues it occurs to me that everything in these devices could have been picked up at garage sales and yard sells or whatever they are called where you live. The design could have been picked up from so many sources as to be pretty much meaningless. No doubt bombs like this were used during WW II.

    As the Gifford case made clear trying to ascribe a motive until you actually have some sort of clue who did it and why is simply asking to look like a malicious fool. I’m not going there.

    I’m also not going to criticize the law enforcement in Boston. The Nashville Marathon is coming up. I’m confident that they will do absolutely everything in their power to make sure this event is safe. Anybody feel like running?

    How easy is it to make a powerful bomb? Get a really large truck tire and fill it with pure oxygen and just for kicks add some hydrogen then cause a spark or hot wire with a timer and a battery. You will be amazed at how muck kick one of those can have when the tire carcase let’s go. The people that discovered that method for making a bomb did it accidentally. The spark came off the end of a device being used to patch a leak. The guy was killed.

    • bobbo, mindless violence is a challenge to society and cooking clubs across America says:

      I heard it reported that pressure cooker bomb containers is popular in the Middle East?

      Who cares.

      I think we should outlaw Pressure Cookers. The benefits of not having to soak your beans over night is not worth the lives of 3 innocent people!!!!

      That would be sarcasm….. yes it is. For “reality” all you have to do is add some math.

      I currently have 7 working pressure cookers myself. I’ll be expecting the FBI…. oops…. I mean “Obama’s FBI” to be knocking on my door any minute.

    • bobbo, mindless violence is a challenge to society and cooking clubs across America says:

      “As the Gifford case made clear trying to ascribe a motive until you actually have some sort of clue who did it and why is simply asking to look like a malicious fool. I’m not going there.” /// Down right ….. sublime.

  8. Hmeyers says:

    How many fingers am I holding up?

    • bobbo, Jr Culture/psychiatric/ethnic/social/art critic and general bonvivant says:

      HEY!!!! Thats not your finger.

      But you do have to hold it up!

      ((I kid. I know its a prosthetic.))

      • Hmeyers says:

        I was replying to a spammer. After his marketing crap got removed, it does make my reply look rather out of context.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          We’re talkin bout WHAT you are flashing, not WHO you are flashing to.

          Who be zooming whom?

  9. MikeN says:

    Have they looked into the Harvard guy who committed suicide after he was caught trying to download and leak articles from a science journal?

    I notice that Sen Roger Wicker who was targeted with a ricin attack, has as one of the first links

    S.649 Center to Advance, Monitor, and Preserve University Security Safety Act of 2013

  10. GVS says:

    “This is a drill, this is only a drill. Do not be alarmed. Do not attempt to run away if you have just obtained a missing leg…”

  11. moss says:

    Press conference at 5PM EDT, today, will probably offer a photo of suspect placing one of the bombs on the sidewalk near Lord & Taylor’s.

    Y’all can protest the use of CCTV over at Ron Paul’s website.

    • MikeN says:

      Hey, I complained on this site when they used satellite technology to find a lost friend of one of the editors.

    • Tim says:

      Funny {in a ha, ha kind of way not funny queer…} how that didn’t happen after Jones posted the 4chan pics. They were all ready to roll out lone 20 something hoodie with backwards cap dude… where did he go? Pfft…aaannd, it’s gone.

      Trust those establishment-run CCTV’s on every intersection much, do we???

    • Tim says:

      I’m so dreadfully embarrased, moss — I thought you meant 5PM yesterday; I’m such a derp– of course, you meant today as it’s coming up now at 5PM.

      Tornadoes headed our way… Film at 11:00.

  12. King-4 News says:

    It’s un-american and I condemn you for it…


  13. MikeN says:

    Whoever did this bombing, perhaps in a few decades they will be hired by an Ivy League University, as Columbia hired Kathy Boudin, or perhaps they will have a movie glorify them made by Matt Damon, as Redford made The Company You Keep.
    Perhaps watching that movie inspired the bomber in the first place.

  14. Dallas says:

    Thank you two-term Pres Obama for quickly identifying and pursuing those responsible .


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