My favorite comic strip of all time.

  1. RR1 says:

    My prayers have been answered.

  2. Tim says:

    P-Bear looks pretty rode hard and laid out wet at the end there.

  3. msbpodcast says:

    My favorite comic strip of all time.

    Mine too. I’ve already subscribed. 🙂

    I still remember one last Calvin & Hobbes cartoon.

    Its not that I mind having my gruel tied up in the basement. Its just that the rats have a numerical advantage.

  4. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

    As a sitcom, seems to me Wilfred (the American Version) has done a better job. I don’t buy the total costume. Give me some Face.

    • McCullough says:

      Its a spoof. But yeah, Wilfred is pretty good.

      • bobbo, the junior culture critic and flim flam buff says:

        The whole genre of “imaginary friend” is better than most. More reflective, soul searching. Ghost movies often part of that category.

        Harvey being one of the best. Moving along, I see “Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid” is on tv. I hesitate to watch it as my memory of it is so good. I’d hate to see my youth over estimating its worth.

    • MWD78 says:

      Wilfred was the first thing i thought of while watching that trailer too. Glad i wasn’t the only one.

  5. noname says:

    What’s the point of DU anymore?

    There was a time that DU covered weighty issues and hence the courage to proclaim “Uncensored”. Now, it seems DU has bowed to the authorities who have asked DU to lay down, lame out and don’t upset the authorities!

    Can we get back to have some courage to tackle meaty issues like:
    :ACLU catches Ohio jailing those too poor to pay fines
    :Marine detained for Facebook posts: ‘It made me scared for my country’
    :Photographers labeled potential terrorists
    :Pay to learn the First Amendment or go to jail

    • bobbo, the junior culture critic and flim flam buff says:

      You don’t think the biting social satire of Calvin and Hobbes can only be dissected under a No Censorship Sponsorship????

      Obviously, you have not tried to post on the run of the mill forum.

      Touchy feelings everywhere.

      Ha, ha.

    • McCullough says:

      I noticed that you had nothing to say on the New Orleans prison post where the inmates can score drugs, guns, and alcohol with impunity.

      Not “weighty” enough for you?

      Whatever. If you have an idea, submit it to one of the editors. Maybe it will be posted.

      • bobbo, the junior culture critic and flim flam buff says:

        You mean that was FOR REAL?

        In my haste, it walked, looked, sounded, and skimmed like a movie of the week about a poor innocent East Coast Ivy League Honor Student trapped in some South American prison system.

        I guess thats what makes New Orleans so special?

      • noname says:

        I understand the “maybe” aspect more then the how of “submit it to one of the editors”. Really, as if I have an email address or some other means.

        Maybe if DU could find the time and will to improve the blog with a “working idea submission” button, I would submit ideas.

        • bobbo, the junior culture critic and flim flam buff says:

          Second. Ah done said dat bout 4 times now.

          Given it would make the Ed’s work easier, I don’t know why they refuse to do it.

          Must be some kind of “insiders culture” we just aren’t privy to.

  6. The0ne says:

    Buy the book collections, well worth it 🙂 Can never get tire of reading through the strips 😀

  7. Mike Carlson says:

    Everyone’s surely excited for the film.

  8. deowll says:

    Somebody from sin city will feel the need to make it pg 13 to increase ratings.


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