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No audio on my link. I assume the tape is to cover your weblinked camera? But I’d think “the fact” of me watching porn is of more concern than pictures of me watching porn===unless you mean more than watching porn?
Yeah, that does introduce a whole other level of concern. More likely: me drinking beer.
But I jest……
Turn your speakers up.
I apologize. First time ever, the house circuit the speakers are on has tripped. Funny, reset the CB and the circuit still won’t come back on. Could a wire have burned out?
I need a major boost to my wiring anyway. Every circuit in the house is maxed out and I already make sure not to turn identified high amp units on with any other high amp unit.
With slightly better insulation, I wouldn’t have to heat my house in winter at all. Just turn all my monitors are and bask in the electromagnetic glow.
Again–I should have tried playing an mp3 first.
It was just as assumption.
Unplug all devices and turn off all lights on the circuit breaker in question. Then, move the breaker from the “stand-by” center position, to the “off” position. Next, throw the breaker all the way to the “on” position. If the breaker still trips, then the problem is with the electrical wiring or the breaker itself not with any plugged-in device.
So smart tvs and wireless cause privacy problems. Most of us already had a clue about that but it is easy to forget.
So what?
Do they want to join in a geographically unbound circle jerk?
Don’t do anything you’re ashamed of has a corollary: Don’t be ashamed of anything you do.
The reply to black-mail attempts is: Its called Saturday Night, jack-ass.
Once I noticed that the settings for the Flash player included one for “Allow [whatever web site hosts the video] to access your camera and microphone?” I disconnected my webcam/mic from its USB port and only connect it while I’m using it.
Does the Kinect have an accessible camera? Microphone?
Make sure that you disable Flash from accessing the camera and microphone. There might be an attack – possibly phishing-installed software – that will access the devices when they are reconnected.
I thought that images of what the Kinect sees are used for marketing purposes (in the first generation model, at least).
As more Kinects are networked without an Xbox, as in Kinect for Windows; a Linux computer; etc., the Kinects will become more vulnerable to hacking.
Web cams can certainly be used for casing a structure. For instance,
Oh hell that little window on your cable box has had a camera behind it for years. You thought that was just for the remote control?
You should be more worried about your cable box spying on you.
I forsee a market for phony anatomically correct hands that can be placed on the keyboard for those times when the real hands are otherwise occupied.
I would love to find an iPhone case that has a cover for the cameras.
iOS allows any app to access the camera without any notification or warning to the user whatsoever.
It’s up to the app to notify the user if the developer feels like,
Not to mention that if you write something about it in the App Store app review, the comment never shows up.
Sure you can disable them from the Settings menu but it’s a pain to do that, I would prefer more granular settings or … a case with a shutter. No sticky tape.
They must be happy. I watch all the best porn.