Europeans in general spend a bit less time kneeling with respect in the direction of the Pope than, say, the typical American TV Talking Head.

  1. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    I love watching my tv. All the airheads talking about the new Poop as if they knew anything at all about him.

    My favorite so far: “He really personally believes in Jesus.”


    We’re doomed……sadly, that will only fill the ranks of the Catholic Church.

    Silly Hoomans.

    • Gildersleeve says:

      Bobbo, please…. just leave.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Now, now Gildedseive—did you pop your splooge after reading just my post?>>>or are you ignoring/not capable of reading the rest of this thread where I have point out your pointed heads hardly ever argue with FACT/examples/quotes/links/arguments: “Just like little girls.”

        Why don’t you provide specifics?

        Silly Hooman.

    • The0ne says:

      haha, seriously though. I know him and believe him to be the best pope ever. He is that close with God! I know. Mr Higgs agrees with me. In fact, he said that mass can’t happen without him being there. That’s how dedicated he is to the new pope! FACT people.

  2. Dum Dum says:

    I KNEW IT! Before I even clicked on the story I saw ONE COMMENT! Guess who?!

    It’s the “anti theist” who would prefer for is all to BELIEVE his line of crap INSTEAD!

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      dum dum so eponymous and succintly goes to personality responses just like a little girl complains that I posted first. Talk about wearing your emotions on your petticoat!

      Yes, I’m in the inner circle of cognoscenti who are sent an email with all the posts to be made during the next month and what time they will be posted.

      This allows me to research everything and provide the forum with the very best analysis possible.

      How else do you think it happens?

      • Tim, Whom is taking the hobbits to Isengard says:

        Gotta back you up on this one, bobbo. I’d tried to post earlier about how this particular dude is known as ‘The Cardinal of Death’ in Argentina — posted a ‘*iki*’ link about ‘The Dirty war’ but, I have surmized that one is not supposed to post ‘*inks’ here.

        I hate that Intrade is shut down, because all you got to do is have a bitcoin and bet on the largest, most diseased turd any authoritative institution can float {see: John Brennan} — that is the card-countin’ formula.

        P.S. 9-11 was an inside job and there is a difference between cognoscenti and castrati. I wish people could smoke pot instead of binural beats of nyan cat.

        • Tim, Whom is taking the hobbits to Isengard says:

          First; Oh, wait…

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          I’ve never seen any editor make any negative comment about links other than to use tiny url type services so they don’t run beyond the margin.

          I say, the more links the better. None of us can be trusted to read an article with any accuracy at all. When you post a link, just copy paste in then delete the www. prefix. I use more links than most and have never had one blocked.

          Are you saying its not coincidental that the cognoscenti all have very deep voices, while the castrati are very high pitched and hysterical while chanting their mindless dogma, while biscotti goes good with cappuccino?

          Well…… we agree.

      • Dum Dum says:

        As usual, you assume too MUCH!

        I’m not complaining about you having the first comment – I EXPECTED IT! In fact, I find your comments somewhat humorous whenever the subject of religion comes up.

        You are like the pot calling the kettle black. You seem to want people to BELIEVE that your leftists values are somehow better. And the fact that you NEVER offer any real facts to back up your arguments makes you just as bad as any of those mind controlled religions you rail against. And yet, you call yourself some kind of anti-theist. It’s hilarious just how clueless you really are!!!

        And as far as going towards any personality traits, that does seem to be the only kind of “argument” you ever offer. Even now! I see NO FACTS you care to point out. Just the usual leftist bullshit you seem to BELIEVE are facts.

  3. getintouch says:

    really, like this guy, or any of the popes before him, had anything to do with Jesus and his concepts? Bullcrap, Jesus would be drummed out of the church, shot by a “true Believer”, or thrown in jail if he appeared today…

    • Dum Dum says:

      Have you checked with the INS or ICE?! “HE” may have already been deported! 😉

    • jpfitz says:

      Most likely shot by a schizophrenic patient proclaiming the real second coming as one of satans minions.

  4. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Dum Dum in an unfiltered pastiche of conflicting emotions says:
    3/14/2013 at 3:39 pm

    As usual, you assume too MUCH! /// Not necessarily a bad thing, but always open to correction.

    I’m not complaining about you having the first comment – I EXPECTED IT! /// Well, as a student of Rhetoric, you aren’t agile enough in liming the difference between a compliment and a complaint. For your education then, using CAPS when not for simple emPHAsis is most often taken as YELLING. Yelling in an impolite way. How many compliments are given in an impolite way? …. by how much did I assume over the mark?

    In fact, I find your comments somewhat humorous whenever the subject of religion comes up. //// Well then, if you wanted to be clearly understood you could have said: “Bravo bobbo, always happy to read your funny/sarcastic/always insightful comments on the topic of religion. Always an excellent way to start a thread. Are you on some kind of insiders cognoscenti mailing list?” ====see how its done? I could even be more effusive, but I toned it down, not wanting to assume too much.

    You are like the pot calling the kettle black. /// Now is that a compliment too? Harder to tell as you didn’t CAP the negative words.

    You seem to want people to BELIEVE that your leftists values are somehow better. /// The are better for the great majority of people including EVERYONE I have seen post here. Can you be more specific or do you wish to flounder in ambiguity?

    And the fact that you NEVER offer any real facts to back up your arguments /// I make more fact/linked based arguments than anyone else here. Note the first post in this thread. I didn’t just opine that the Poop was a calcified old fart and that the media were lap dogs, I provided a quote to demonstrate/support my position. Are you confusing me with all the right wing nut jobs who factlessly can only bay at those who have not been replaced by Pods?

    makes you just as bad as any of those mind controlled religions you rail against. And yet, you call yourself some kind of anti-theist. It’s hilarious just how clueless you really are!!! /// blah, blah. Be specific or be irrelevant.

    And as far as going towards any personality traits, that does seem to be the only kind of “argument” you ever offer. Even now! I see NO FACTS you care to point out. Just the usual leftist bullshit you seem to BELIEVE are facts. /// Well Dumsum, I encourage you to stretch your wings. Challenge me on the facts I so often use, or on the argument I set forth. I enjoy being corrected….it only makes my next argument that much better. You see, unlike the right wing nutbags here, when correct, I change my argument/position/whatever is warranted.

    Its like a chess match rather than playing with myself in public.

    Yea, verily. Now……I tire of talking about “myself.” Can we return to cogently premised and argued issues?==or just Yawn, say is Obama’s Fault, or that we need to cut taxes?

  5. The new pope should release his birth certificate and seminary transcripts. What is he hiding and why? Is he afraid we’ll discover that he’s secretly a Muslim?

    I refuse to set foot inside a Catholic church until this is cleared up.

  6. jpfitz says:

    Thanks Eidard for the funny. Laughter much needed lately.

  7. These are the codes they teach in Auto Shop class at the seminary…

    Black smoke means “No Pope”
    White smoke means “New Pope”
    Blue smoke means the Vatican needs to be overhauled.

    There’s been a lot of blue smoke in the news headlines lately.

  8. deowll says:

    The number of Europeans that bow in the direction of Mecca is going way up. Once Shari law is in a lot of things are going to change in Europe. If you doubt me do your own demographic research. The trends are clear and it’s to late to do anything about it.

  9. righteous indignation says:

    I was thinking pope soap on a rope would be popular around catholic churches.

  10. Uncle Patso says:

    David Letterman did a bit about the “gaucho pope.” My thought was “that’s better than a Groucho pope.” Then I changed my mind — I think a Groucho pope would be just what’s needed!


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