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I thank the Korean Democratic Republic every day for my small piece of cake.
From you neighbors up north, please, whatever you do, don’t eat the yellow snow.
And that is the power of media.
Can you make up a lie so bald and laughable that I want to show this to all my friends as we chug down libations and have a good time laughing?
Wow. This is a real find.
Some of the footage is from disaster zones (like Sandy.)
The dead friends in blue body bags nearly made me wet myself because I was laughing so hard.
I also noticed that some of the footage was taken in France. (The little cars whizzing around the Gare du Nord is a real tip-off. [They’re taking advantage of the fact that none of their people can read our glyphs. Then again we can’t read theirs.])
Some of the footage is from Eastern Europe (the phones were there, and big bulky unit with rounded sets, whereas most of them in NYC have been removed because everybody uses cell phones.)
What’s with there not being any birds? There are a bazillion pigeons (hawks and others) in downtown NYC.
And what’s with the snow everywhere? There’s no persistent snow in the North West. There is no snow in the south. There is no snow around here either (but I’m in Noo Joyzee, not in the plains.)
I think the scale of this country would serve to show them how small and insignificant their country is. (120,408 km2 vs. 9,161,966 km2 and 23m people vs. 306m people.)
If you think North Korea is going to even TRY to present anything like facts then you may be a little too close to the Bobo world of reality. (Quite frankly, I’m not sure Bobo isn’t really North Korea’s new best friend, Dennis Rodman!)
What we saw (here) was really a contorted view of what someone wanted the viewing public to BELIEVE! It’s funny to us since it’s supposed to be about us. So obviously it’s nothing but pure political bullshit. Yet some people may still believe it! Some people are also bigots and tend to believe other crap like how all rich people are evil right wing ass holes or how all black people are lazy. Pure crap! But then, cognitive reason was never a “believers” strong point. Just look at Bobo!
Now hes Dennis Rodman?
I’m in a library for eternity, but my glasses are broken!!
Yes! I can see it. Dennis Rodman the ex-basketball player or possibly even one of those Harlem Globetrotters who recently went to North Korea and came back with a message for Obama to call North Korea’s dictator, Kim Jong-Un.
And if you happen to see the almost surreal interview Rodman did with George Stephanopoulos on ABC’s “This Week” you probably won’t believe what you see is real. Although you might understand why Rodman was kicked out of the NBA – he’s an idiot!
(You probably don’t remember, but George Stephanopoulos was also once one of Bill Clinton’s high ranking boot lickers too. So if there’s any political leaning then it’s likely to your leftist advantage!)
Try to keep up.
Actually, everyone uses cell phones because the pay phones were removed.
It seems you missed the point COMPLETELY!
LOL, Its the SAME footage we use about N. Korea.
This would be funny if it were not so sad. Obomba didn’t give me my blue tarp and I have to sit and look at my dead friends with their cold dead eyes looking back at me and my cup of hot snow coffee while I eat my yummy NK cake.
The future of the USA is now and with Obomba Care doubling the cost of medical care the death panel will have to purchase more tarps.
I think you have a future as a North Korean documentary maker.
Are you sure that’s coffee and not KOOL AID?!
“The cold, the lonely, the homosexual.” How accurate can they get! This is the true Amerika. I for one am thankful for the North Korean cake and coffee hand outs.
Every day, I thank the North Koreans for their delicious and nutritious coffee and their wonderful, light and fluffy cake, or I would if these things existed.
There is no such thing as a North Korean missionary abroad. (Nor is there a North Korean missionary position. The military police prefers the people on their knees, facing them, head bent and showing the proper respect. [Defiant ones face the other way and get a single shot to the nape.])
I’m still trying to figure out which country in Europe my part of America is disguised as……
Answer: GERMANY (1943)!
Sadly, it seems it’s all just a hoax and that’s not the actual translation…
SO, you’ll have to go out and find another video to compare “Obama’s America” with. I hear the Soviets made some awesome ones in the late 70’s.
Ha, ha. I won’t even check your link.
All the best stuff is a lie.
Zombies we gotta lotta zombies-in D.C.
Can’t wait for the war!
Quoting myself: “Dumb, blind, stupid prejudice is so easy to see in other people…………”
and a fair response intially is “Why don’t you look in the mirror….”
////// and I did. I reviewed what I posted. What were my facts. Where did the facts go and so forth. Of course I could quibble here and there creating the same kind of frothy foam that my own reference to Santorum was meant to represent.
Its like saying my post attracts like flies to shit. All analogies break at some point and you have to weights the pros and cons as to whether to use it or not. On balance, I would have used it too for its standard application.
Do Big Brother and Pedro even have a shred of recognition of how negative my post was about North Korea or did that go over their heads completely because I made the analogy to the Santorum wing of the psycho repressed repubed party?
And just how accurate was the tangent to the Pubic Party???? Not wholly undeserved. 47%, undeserving poor, blaming the increase of food stamp usage on the poor requiring it as being out of a job. How shit bag North Korea can you get?
THINK……if even for a short time.
Care to tell us how YOU came to that 47-percent “fact”? Care to explain how your comments on someone like Paul Ryan or Rick Santorum is in any way some kind of a POSITIVE one or how those comments are even facts about North Korea?!
You say, “Dumb, blind, stupid prejudice is so easy to see in other people…………” and yet can’t seem to find that MIRROR anywhere. So could it be that you already know what you’re going to see?!
This is a Teapublican infomercial translated into Korean.
…and what is this hot snow they speak of?
“Ex-Republican candidate from Oregon” was the tip-off. Real funny none-the-less.
It’s interesting how so many people see either right or left extreme similarities/values in a video like this. Maybe that’s because so many of the comments I read seem to come from people who don’t know how to (also) look up or down!
Quite simply, there’s “correct” and then there’s “wrong”. I think we can all agree this video is NOT correct.
(I won’t even try using homonym words like “right” since that seems to trigger some sort of bigoted response from people who seem to prefer being “wrong” over being “right” at any cost.)
Some stupid copyright troll took town the video ^Anyone participating in an argument in a comment section is a complete tool.
Looks like somebody in America doesn’t want us to see this.
It was a hoax.
And a funny one, too.